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Approved Lore The Shadow Empire (Eternal Empire)

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Organization Name: The Shadow Empire
  • Classification: Secret Organization | Secret Empire
  • Affiliation: The Shadow Empire | Eternal Empire (sub-faction)
  • Organization Symbol: Symbol.
  • Description: The organization was established a long time ago, many, many thousands of years ago and has survived to this day. During the Old Republic, when Vitiate as Valkorion ruled the throne of the first Eternal Empire. Members of the Shadow Empire included Jedi, Siths, Zakuul Knights, as well as non-Force Users. They always worked in the shadows, thanks to which they remained unnoticed and could stay up.

    They have been on the brink of extinction and disappearance several times, but so far they have been able to keep changing with the Galaxy, and that has been the key to their survival to date. All of this had worked completely unnoticed so far, but Darth Tacitus and his aspirations during his reign, especially that of the Wardens of the Shroud, forced the Shadow Empire and its leaders to step out of the darkness into the shadows. It was the extermination of Bakura in particular that infuriated the leadership of the Shadow Empire because so many of their people died on that planet.

    Their contribution was due, among other things, to the establishment and destruction of the Eternal Truth, the disappearance and then the death (?) Of Tacitus and Vyra, as well as the coup attempt, and subsequently countless other atrocities in the Eternal Empire. Their goals are not yet known, so much is certain that they are related to different dimensions and the Force, because they want to prevent the destruction of the Force, because they also have their own goals and aspirations in that direction.

  • Headquarters: Zakuul (Formerly: Bakura)
  • Domain: They have countless buildings and factories throughout the Unknown Region. Since there are a lot of sleeping agents among their members (even in the highest possible circles), they probably have a lot of buildings and movables. They don’t mingle with the population at all, they have no idea that members of the Shadow Empire are there. Externally, the members of the organization are all as if they were just average local citizens. Because the organization is secret, so it is very important that everyone blends perfectly where they live. It is for this reason that the organization and its members behave towards the public as the laws and customs of the planet / empire / state where they live.
  • Notable Assets: It is important to note that they openly do not have any assets. Everything they have is secret and the real data is not known (In the course of the narrative you will get a more accurate number and description later).
    • Buildings: They have countless buildings throughout the Unknown Region. There are probably several cities, or even planets, that are completely under their control.
    • Facilities: This is also true of factories and such facilities, and among their members there may be many company owners whose factories make products for them as well.
    • Army: Their independent army is quite small, which would really be part of the military of the Shadow Empire. Most of the military serve in the armies of the planets / states concerned and can be deployed if needed. They are mainly involved in sabotage or slowing down the plans of the state / planet concerned.
    • Fleet: The same is true for the fleet as it is for the army. Ships (quite a few) which are commanded by a member of the Shadow Empire may be included here. There the crew serving the entire ship is also a member of the secret group.
    • Other things: Shadow Empire has a lot of sleeping agents, these are people / droids who have no idea that they are members of the organization. Thanks to brainwashing and a command hidden in their mind / program, these agents can be activated. In this case, they will have to execute the command they received, but they will not remember it later. The affected period is filled with false memories or short amnesia occurs.

  • Hierarchy: As it is an Empire operating in secrets, mostly based on cultists and the military, the structure of the Shadow Empire reflects this. The Empire makes no distinction between Force User and Non-Force User. They believed that their ruler, the governor of Skulenus in the Realspace, was chosen. And Skulenus is the central figure in the Shadow Empire religion.
    • Shadow Emperor / Empress: This person is the leader of Shadow Empire, has full power. There is always only one ruler who leads the Empire. The throne is not necessarily inherited to the child of the ruler, it is always the Shadow Emperor or Empress who designates his successor who he thinks is most suitable for this title. All this during their lifetime. If this does not happen, the head of the Shadow Council will be the new ruler. Because of their position, the rulers are also the leaders of the religion of Skulenus.
    • Shadow Council: It is a council of six people who have essentially full power. They belong only to the ruler in obedience and, in essence, they also control the Empire. The positions are essentially the same as those in the Eternal Empire; it is a strange grimace of the fate. The positions:
      • Councilor of of the Armed Forces : This Councilor is the official tasked with leading, organizing and outfitting the Shadow Army and Fleet.
      • Councilor of the Office of Finances: This Councilor is responsible for managing the economy and finances of the Shadow Empire.
      • Councilor of the Supreme Court: This Councilor is tasked with organizing and leading the judicial branch of the Shadow Empire, appointing and dismissing judges and making decisions concerning the judiciary.
      • Councilor of the Committee for Public Works: This Councilor handles education and healthcare within the Empire, along with infrastructure and development, ensuring that these departments operate smoothly and efficiently.
      • Councilor of the Intelligence Committee: This Councilor is responsible for handling tasks which require discretion. The Councilor of the Intelligence Committee is in charge of the Empire's espionage, assassination and propaganda departments.
      • Councilor of the Scientific Development: This Councilor is the responsibility of the person in this position to oversee all government scientific developments, to decide which priority to give, and how much to allocate. All scientific developments belong here, not just the military industry.
    • High Command: They control military operations. Typically, they are all in the Moff title, meaning they have power over a planet. Like everything, it happens in secret. In many cases, they are also high-ranking people in their other lives, but they may also have a completely average job. There aren't too many, most of them are still members of the Eternal Empire's army anyway, and many are likely to hold the title of Baron / Baroness in addition to their rank as General / Admiral. These ranks are the same in the Shadow Empire, only here the old custom of Moff is used instead of Baron / Baroness. They are aware of the existence of the Shadow Empire without exception.
    • Nobility: Since not a single dynasty has ruled over time, and there is a good chance that the ruling will always come from another family, members of the former monarchies are considered nobility. They are usually noble houses in real life as well, not just within the Shadow Empire. The leader of these noble houses always knows about the Shadow Empire and it is up to him how much he initiates the rest of his family into these things. But it also includes company executives and other influential people who work directly for the Empire.
    • Military: Members of the military, from high-ranking officers to the ordinary private. Their numbers are probably quite large; some of them actually work in a secret army or secret fleet. However, whoever doesn’t has been brainwashed and doesn’t know who he’s actually working for. Scientists also belong to this caste, even if they are civilians. Their work is appreciated. Only a small percentage of scientists know who their employer is.
    • Cultists: Cultists include Force Users and Non-Force Users. What they have in common is that they wear a black cloak and cover their faces, their bodies. They deify a being named Skulenus. Who / which is a rather strange and perhaps controversial creature / person. They are mostly considered a religious sect, a kind of priest. They do not necessarily know about the Empire, they are more followers of religion.
    • Agents:
      • Operative: Agents, spies and assassins; they almost always work behind enemy lines. In most cases, they get their jobs from unknown clients (High Command and / or Shadow Council) and they don’t know who they work for, just that they are well paid. There are many, by the way, who are directly in the service of some senior, senior officer and know about the Shadow Empire.
      • Sleeping Agents: They are most of the Empire, sleeping agents created by brainwashing. They are the ones who have secret commands in their mind that can be activated with code and then the agent will be willing to execute any command, but they will not remember it later. Until they are given an order to access these memories as well. The affected period is filled with false memories or short amnesia occurs. They keep sending reports, but they don’t know it either. There were many who volunteered for this task, others were not so lucky.
    • Civilians: Persons under the rule of the Shadow Empire. They have no idea that they are, in fact, under whose dominion they live.
  • Membership: Shadow Empire probably has millions or billions of members in total across the Unknown Region. There are several ways to join them. Actually, all of them are quite easy and not too complicated. It is enough to be born into one of the families who are part of the Shadow Empire, and then the child will surely receive such an upbringing. It is enough that their views are the same, sooner or later they will find them and contact them. Through work, it can be scientific, military, business management, etc. In addition, if one follows religion, one can also get in touch with the Shadow Empire through it. But there is an easier solution than these; it is enough if they find someone talented, kidnap them and perform a brainwashing on them. It is because of this that a significant proportion of those in the service of the Empire have no idea that they are serving the Empire.
  • Climate: Shadow Empire is not a friendly organization. A hotbed of shadow games and intrigue. Everyone keeps it a secret and keeps their own interests and those of the Empire in mind. In this place, one is mostly devoured with words. Who cannot keep up is cruelly crushed, but if one is worthy, one can gain very great power. Most cultists are crazy and addicted to the dark side, so it doesn’t help much either. Assassinations are commonplace despite strict rules.
  • Reputation: They don’t have much of a reputation yet, as it’s a secret organization. However, so far the outside world has seen that cults sacrifice people, their members carry out an assassination attempt on nobles and the House of Lords of the Eternal Empire, not to mention that more atrocities can be attached to them (anyway, not knowing their existence), causing fear in many, and their judgment is decidedly negative and hostile.
  • Curios: The only thing in common is that those who are not civilians all have a “brainwashing” to protect the Empire. This is to ensure that no one can talk about the Empire without authority, only to the ones who have also received such conditioning. This is achieved with a kind of poison made with Sith alchemy, it is also a kind of initiation. In addition, many wear jewelry with the symbol of the Empire, which is also a symbol of their religion. Those who know each other as members of the Empire often greet each other with the words, “Hail Shadow!”
  • Rules: Their most important rule is that they can’t talk about the organization or their goals. There are appropriate measures in place to do this. They have rather strict rules, laws, The second most important thing is that they have to help the goals of the Empire in every way possible, because the Empire comes first and everything else comes only after that. The laws severely punish betrayal, probably for understandable reasons. Their laws are otherwise similar to the laws of very strict military empires.
  • Goals: Shadow Empire has two goals at once. One is completely secular, the other much more related to the Force and religion.
    • First Goal: Their worldly goals are simple and not complicated. World ruling goals; to regain full power over the entire Unknown Region. Of course, they do not want to do all this openly, but in the shadows, to then move the whole region like a puppet according to their own will. First the Unknown Region, then probably the Galaxy.
    • Second Goal: This is already much more complicated, due to which religion is also important in the Empire, their other goal is to bring Skulenus back to the Realspace. To do this, they sacrifice a lot of people, collect ancient Sith relics and try to open rifts into the Netherworld and other dimensions to find their god. Previously, they were the ones who excluded Darth Tacitus’ ship into the other dimension. The explosion of the ship almost engulfed the area, Ingrid L’lerim had to close the rift. Now, however, cultists and members of the religion believe that if they fail to summon Skulenus, they will sink the entire Unknown Region into the dimension of their god, through various open rifts and portals.

  • Skulenus: They are the central figure of religion, presumably a powerful Force Entity. Its position and condition are unknown.
  • Shadow Emperor / Empress: N/A | They identity are unknown.
  • Shadow Council:
    • Councilor of of the Armed Forces : N/A | They identity are unknown.
    • Councilor of the Office of Finances: N/A | They identity are unknown.
    • Councilor of the Supreme Court: N/A | They identity are unknown.
    • Councilor of the Committee for Public Works: N/A | They identity are unknown.
    • Councilor of the Intelligence Committee: N/A | They identity are unknown.
    • Councilor of the Scientific Development: N/A | They identity are unknown.
  • High Command: N/A | No known person.
  • Nobility: N/A | No known person.
  • Military: N/A | No known person.
  • Cultists: N/A | No known person.
  • Agents:
    • Operative:
      • Torrik Janessi – dead; he was the one who tried to assassinate Tacitus, and it was because of him that the ship exploded in the other dimension; the ship was transferred to another dimension because of his work.
    • Sleeping Agents:

The Shadow Empire was created millennia earlier, even at the time Vitiate, as Valkorion, created the first Eternal Empire. Many did not consider the Eternal Alliance to be a suitable group, so a group of soldiers, the Sith, Jedi, and Knights of Zakuul, created the Shadow Empire modelled on the Star Cabal, only learning from their mistakes, they were nowhere near power-hungry and ambitious. Legend has it that Skulenus was the one who contributed to the foundation.

At first they tried to act only from the background, from the shadows, then after defeating Valkorion and the Eternal Empire and the disintegration of the Eternal Alliance, they survived. All they wanted was for the Unknown Region to be at peace away from the constant war between the Sith and the Republic so that they could develop and flourish again. It was at this time that Skulenus performed a Sith ritual in which something went wrong and he disappeared. It is not known whether he died or not, but all he could know was that he was excluded from the Realspace.

Many years later, Skulenus returned once more; it has changed; before left for the other dimension again. That is why so many people began to treat it as a god. Its religion was established and from then on it was referred to as a genderless, neutral being, so it is not known whether it was the man or woman of that presumed Sith Lord. The Shadow Empire continued to operate in secret, although things about the Force have been neglected for the time being so as not to draw attention to themselves. The internal structure of the Empire began to take shape pretty slowly, how did the Shadow Empire grow and expand.

Over the centuries and millennia, the hierarchy, society, culture and customs that are still known today have developed. Two things have not changed, their goals and their methods. Perhaps the methods have become more refined over the millennia, but the goals are the same. Over the past millennia, the Shadow Empire has been on the verge of extinction several times, for one reason or another. There were times when they realized their existence and tried to exterminate them, or for some other reason their number dropped and it almost happened. The point is that they were able to adapt to the Galaxy and the things around them, thanks to which they survived everything.

Their existence was indeed obscured, but their time came when the First Order collapsed. But not much of their plans at that time came to fruition because, under the leadership of Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe , the new Eternal Empire arrived. And the Shadow Empire faced an old / new enemy. They did not really show interest until Tacitus called himself heir to Valkorion and began to expand.

Some of their agents successfully got into the inner circles of the Wardens of the Shroud and some near Tacitus. This is how they become aware of the Emperor's plans to destroy the Force. The retrieval of Skulenus had been on hold until this moment. Time urged them after that. The organization was headquartered in Bakura, which was destroyed by Tacitus. A lot of people died then. Countless High Command members, two Shadow Council members, not to mention the Emperor. Understandably, from then on, they wanted the destruction of the Eternal Empire.

Following their intervention, Eclipse Rebellion was able to obtain the table that included Tacitus' plans. They hoped the Rebels would be able to translate it and attack with even greater force. They were also responsible for launching the Melding Plague. They tried to instil distrust in the Emperor's ear about L'lerim, but they failed. Because of some Force vision, they knew how much the woman would mourn Adrian Vandiir in the future, so they managed to get Lanteeb to join the Empire voluntarily and keep the ball where the couple met each other, just to start their relationship later, and the mourning of the woman shall be for their good.

It was among their plans, and they were sowing the seeds of rebellion within the Eternal Army and the Wardens of the Shroud. With their help, the Eternal Truth was created. Eventually the moment came when the emperor and the empress went on their fatal journey. Torrik Janessi was already on the ship and the team man began his ritual. The emperor's ship deviated from its path because of the strange energy signal. When I got there, it turned out that a fissure in space was trapped, but Torrik was also stuck on the ship.

The Shadow Empire was unsuccessful in that the Eternal Empire did not turn against the Empress Regent, they did not believe it had anything to do with the disappearance. Their many months of annual work may have followed. Eternal Truth has begun the coup attempt, Night of the Truth. they failed, but for the next nearly two years they still caused a great deal of trouble to the Eternal Empire. The Shadow Empire supported them with soldiers and other supplies. However, when the Eternal Truth was already uncomfortable for them, they were persuaded to attack Panatha.

In the meantime, for some reason, Tacitus' ship appeared, but everyone was still stuck in the dimension. Led there under the leadership of the Empress Regent, Torrik Janessi was able to successfully complete the assassination here, the ship exploded in the Realspace and the other dimension as well; to the best of the Eternal Empire, everyone died on it. Ingrid L’lerim became an empress. Meanwhile, of course, instead of the people who died on Bakura, he became a new ruler within the Shadow Empire, the Shadow Council got two new members, and new people also joined the High Command, their headquarters moved to Zakuul.

They continued their plans, not affected by the occupation of Zakuul by the Eternal Empire. However, they could not wait with Skulenus' plans either. The clues first led to Batuu, where not long before the Brotherhood of the Maw destroyed the headquarters of the Smugglers Alliance. Here the cultists tried to obtain a relic, unsuccessfully. Traces from here led to Kalzeron, where their sleeping agents tried to kill those there, and a few weeks later also attacked the Anthan Prime. They also tried to kill the Eternal Empress for the second time in a few weeks.

These attacks were mainly diversions so that they could go better with their plans. They kidnapped, killed, and sacrificed people from countless planets while also manipulating the leaders of all groups and small factions. They also struck down on Bakura when the Eternal Empire would have handed over the planet to the inhabitants to repopulate it. Bakura was still a very sensitive topic to them.

They are still there everywhere, moving in the direction of both of their goals, even if that the entire Unknown Region must be placed in an unknown dimension in order to regain their god and rule this region.

How are they afraid of falling? No; quoting one of their favourite motto, "If one head is cut off, two grow instead."
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