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Approved NPC The Shadow Furiae

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Clone Source: [x]



  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Unique.[/SIZE]
  • Deployment: Limited.
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: ​[/SIZE]
  1. Closed Network: Operating under the TunnelNet VPN with an accompanying Aegis Sh13LD the Furies are equipped to communicate with those who need to be reached and NO ONE else. Slicers and external watchers beware.
  2. Trained Operatives: The Furies are specially trained for special operations, not for consistent combat. Infiltration, slicing and assassination are their forte.
  3. Oriented Armament: Heavily armed, the Furies are a force to be reckoned with, but not capable of extended periods like war or stand-off.
  4. EMP Friendly: Most of the equipment of the Furies is vulnerable to EMP and Ion technology. While that is the case their skin suits do not concern themselves with this particular problem.
  5. Only Six: There are only six Furies, they are specially selected from a line of clones and there are never more of them. This is due to a difficult selection process of clones and expectations on the part of Katria Vekarr and Darth Metus.
  • Description: One thing was certain: Katria needed operatives. Upon her promotion to the position as a head of the special ops division of the Dark Acolytes, as well as a operative in regards to the centre of intel collection, the young agent knew she required more hands than her own. Acting quickly, and with a precision she could only attain under the watchful eye of Darth Metus, the woman went to work recruiting and training specially selected clones for a The Shadow Furies. Their job: Go where others can't and get out alive.


Well-Known Member
[member="Katria Vekarr"]

Katria Vekarr said:
Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Katria Vekarr and Darth Metus.
  • Link the faction please.
What has me somewhat confused are the Ash orbs – wouldn't they, you know, eat the Furae's equipment and armor if they carried them with? What's the purpose of having them along in the first place?
The owner of the Ash orbs told me that if they were properly contained in a specialized bag they would not be a problem for the carrier. As for their purpose, would be to destroy any consoles they extract data from or other metallic/silica substances that need disposing of during their exploits. However if it seems like an unnecessary outfitting I can simply remove it.

Link to faction added!



Well-Known Member
[member="Katria Vekarr"]

The Ash orbs submission notes they are not particularly fast-acting; it'd take hours to destroy a console this way. I don't imagine that would be useful to an operative in the field, but if you'd like to keep them I don't see a problem.

Let me know what you decide, and we'll move forward with this.
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