Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Siege of Tion | SO Invasion of EOTL Held Tion



Immediate Goals -
1: Repel the Sith from the Stronghold
2: Try not to die.

FRIEND(s) - Teckla Tane Teckla Tane & Imperial Forces

FOE(s) - Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean || @Geward Lecher || Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil || Sith Forces


Deep beneath the waters of Tion, any prospect of mirth had long since drowned. The Lasat had been on Felucia and contributed to the Imperial's victory in some small way... but now her and her Vanquo's drakeling shrunk beneath the swirling storm and the deeper darkness that came from beyond the skies.

She had never even conceived that such darkness could exist in the Galaxy, let alone that it would dare to set foot on the planet. Kebii'kara Solus had few allies, the sole ally was someone who she uselessly stood guard for back near Ruisto, and as the ocean shook, and her leal drakeling companion continued to coil around her beskarweave mantle, she sent a silent prayer to her ancestors in the Manda for guidance, and Duality if she should not make it out of here alive...

There were so many screams from across the system. the Lasat thought to herself, her visor hiding the sickened grimace that was on her face as the Alor of the Dar'Jetti and the Hated Destroyer both hovered around the system like twin whirlpools, she gripped her fire-staff before the inevitable clash began.


House Mecetti Stormcrow Squadron
24 Tie Scout Craft
Tie Shuttle w Aftermarket Hyperdrive

"I'll strive to bring them back safely," Maldor declared over the comms in response to Dupercelen.

Bella's ship came ahead to protect the Command Shuttle, something Maldor was grateful for. The thick ion storm cloud which surrounded the enemy was disruptive to sensors, but the shuttle was coordinating the movements of a multitude of squadrons, giving it a huge electromagnetic signature. Having a protector nearby was very good for his calm.

The squadrons of the Empire of the Lost were soon deep in the soup.

Lightning flashed in the dark.

Static crackled on the radio, interrupted only when Yol Kan gave updated orders to the squadrons or when new data came from Rasnuhl's sensor net.

Their forces could not advance too quickly, Otherwise, they might miss a sign, or crash into an unseen obstacle.

One thing which troubled Maldor was the possibility that the enemy had mined this cloud. There could be proximity warheads littered about, waiting to explode as the Empire of the Lost's fighters advanced. He didn't think that was the case. The enemy surely wanted the option to operate their own fighters here... but it still gnawed at him.

Apparently, he needn't have worried.

Yol Kan's voice called out over the radio, "Contact. Contact. Contact. Tangos, two-seven-zero, Mark 12. Fighters, move to intercept. Bombers, maintain formation. Scouts, engage point-defense batteries.

Trust your comrades, stay the course. This is a good sign. We'll be in visual range of the enemy capital ships, soon."

Maldor braced himself against his shuttle's bulkhead as he peered through the passenger pod window. He could see the enemy fighters materialize through the dark billows. Green bolts began to fill the stormy expanse.

Somewhere nearby, an explosion briefly illuminated the particle clouds.

First blood had been drawn, but whose?

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Bella Bella Bella Bella Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen
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Horsey Imperial Crusader Captain


Objective: Back in White
Location: TIE Fighter Factory, Capital City - Third Moon of Tion
Equipment: Tags: Oola Ven Oola Ven | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius


Zoltidas could sense the squire’s agreement with his assessment. It was unneeded in the grand scheme of things, but he was encouraged that his teachings had not fallen on deaf ears. After all there was more to being a good Crusader than merely knowing how to pull upon the Force and swing a lightsaber. They were the largest hammer that the Empire had in combating its rivals. A good Crusader needed to be able to see the field and choose the greatest enemy to confront. Not get bogged down by the gnats that the clones or other pedestrian Imperial forces could handle.

The simple looters and rioters could be handled by security, or the purge protocols initiated by the NISB’s Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Even the average Sith cultist with their simple blasters were below the Crusaders. But they needed to get into the bulk of the Sith sympathizers to find the real threats.

Oola’s nimbleness and exuberance had her out in front of Zoltidas’ charge as the decision to move against the Sith was made. That didn’t last long however. Tiny stature made it quite easy for the lumbering Chironian to make up ground in no time at all. As he came up alongside the Twi’lek squire he reached down with a powerful arm and scooped her up. It took a second for Zoltidas to maneuver Oola into a good upright position, but in a few galloping strides she would find herself seated securely on his back. ”The eagerness is good, squire, I will get us there faster. Have your blade on the ready.”

As the duo reached the frontline of Sith cultists a strong presence screamed out for Zoltidas’ attention. ”Don’t waste too much time on the riff-raff, Squire Ven. The others will clean up the mess. There is a strong presence that requires our attention.” With a strong charge, heavy vibroaxe and Oola’s talents the Crusaders pushed through the throng of cultists towards the loud presence pulling Zoltidas in. A masked Sith came into view and Zoltidas gave a snort. ”Our target Squire Ven. Be vicious and take no prisoners. I have your back. The Empire will be victorious when this man falls.”


The Dark Lord of the Kainate watched impassively as all the pieces moved in concordance with the symphony woven by the Dark Side, the ebb and flow of Light and Dark that simultaneously reached a feverous pitch and a warbling, almost incoherent dirge. He could see all the threads woven into the tapestry, their singular strands His to pluck and unravel as He pleased. Tug on one, and so many others were loosened. Such were the lives who had pledged themselves to His will and those who had pledged to never again see His power ascendant.

He could feel their hate, emanating across the stars, from all corners of the galaxy. Even those that ostensibly fought alongside His own could do little to hide their enmity from His prying gaze, but they were allowed; they were tolerated. Because their hate fed into Him, and made Him stronger. The longer and more passionate they hated Him, the stronger His power would wax and the Light itself would wane. There could be no victory against the Sith, for their triumph was writ into the stars themselves.

The voices at His back were distant and ephemeral, He almost didn't pay them any mind. But He did listen, He was always listening. He could hear the adoration in the Dark Valkyrie's voice, the stern commandments of the Mortarch, and the confused, but joyous, exclamations of the Nether-child. Without turning, the Dark Lord opened a comm channel to the surface commanders and naval officers of the Kainate vanguard, the tip of the spear being pressed into Tion's heart.

"Begin saturation bombardment."

Several Eschaton-class Star Destroyers had been strategically maneuvered close to Tion's moons as the offensive began. The Kainate forces had been using their intimate knowledge of the Tion system to their advantage, they had once been the rulers of this entire cluster and beyond. Many officers in the Kainate Shadow Armada were of Tionese origin, and for generations had owned manses and estates across the system. They passed that knowledge to their children, who had matured only knowing the glory of the Kainate and considered their ancestral homes a long, almost forgotten memory.

It was these same officers who looked upon their ancestral home with cold, callous eyes. They felt nothing as they gave the order to load the IH-COC-8 munitions, thought very little as the warheads were primed, and looked on with cold indifference as dozens and dozens of missiles sped out from their launch tubes in an eruption of expelled flame and wispy condensation. Kainate troops had been prepped on the proper protocol during their training, and had taken preventative measures to protect themselves from the bio-weapons horrific matter conversion.

They would come after the bombardment had ceased, phantoms from the toxic fogs.

To reap the harvest.

Darth Carnifex turned away from the console, allowing His orders to be carried out without His oversight. "A large warship of Mandalorian design with Mandalorian transponders is approaching the outer perimeter. Undoubtedly, they will offload some manner of boarding party." He loomed to Domina, "I want you to oversee their expulsion, Domina. You may do with them as you wish, so long as they are removed from the board. When that is completed, you will join us below." Several battalions would be ready and waiting to engage the enemy, as was standard war-time protocol.

"Lord Prazutis will strike the enemy at it's center, he will be the hammer blow. Lady Pellax will assault them from the air with the Dark Valkyries, I want you to move swiftly to disrupt enemy cohesion. I will seek our their 'Emperor', I can sense him. I will gauge the mettle of this man, and destroy him if need be." He gave them leave to depart, "Now go, and bring the eclipse to all."

Several of the Eschaton-classes shadowing the Malsheem moved in a coordinated maneuver to put themselves between the approaching battlecruiser and the station. Through their shared Tsudakyr network, all suitable weapon systems pivoted to lock on and fire upon the encroaching vessel. Turbolaser fire and ion cannon blasts fired in coordinated volleys, which squadrons of fighters converged to harry their every step. Reaver-class boarding pods launched from each destroyer, hurtling through the void to try and latch upon the cruiser's surface. Within each was a mixture of organic soldiers and Mowhef battle droids, ready to burst forth and fight to the very end.

Darth Carnifex remained on the observation deck for awhile after the others had departed to carry out their roles. He looked out into the infinite void, seemingly fixated on one single point in space. Then, suddenly and without warning, He disappeared entirely.

Only to reappear in the middle of a hangar bay.

Right on Emperor Kilran's super star destroyer.

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Silence continued to grip the air about him as he strode through the halls of the ship, each officer or cultist he passed either affixing their gaze or staring with empty eyes. A lack of errant interaction from any and all who were aboard made his journey to the docking bays far easier than most might have been accustomed to. The crew had their orders, their charge, and the others persisted merely as an extension of his own presence by their own virulent design. His disinterest did not hinder them, ever apparent as he made it to be, and thus they served their purpose as nothing more than a collective of tools at his disposal.

Tools that would presently serve as a security whilst he made his departure to the moon below. A moon that was already engulfed in turmoil and chaos but one deserving of his attention none the less; for as he lingered in his investment in relishing in the surge of pain, fear and death that flowed like a plied well from the moon others of some import were already on it's surface.


Boarding and riding the shuttle to the surface of the third moon proved to be a triviality. Though the shuttle lacked any traditional forms of cloaking or imperial frequency interjection, he had accommodated for those complications by issuing a trio of decoys to proceed in a calculated but erratic pattern towards his destination. Though perhaps one, or even two, feasibly could be shot down he enacted his own form of deflection through the Force as the acolyte cultists aboard each shuttle manipulated their respective pilots into Force guided patterns. Crude in it's form but effective in it's execution.

Enough so that as he stepped forth from his own shuttle onto the surface of the moon, his hollow gaze scanning his surroundings lazily, he found himself free to approach the source of the growing chaos with a lack of obstacle. A notion he might have found amusing, perhaps morbidly so, had he any concern to invest himself in such a pointless investment in the lives that still remained upon Tion's third moon. He would not waste his time on anything other than why he had come; no more, no less. Everything else was meaningless.

Before he could act upon that notion, however, his gaze was drawn to an approach by several of the Malsheem's accompanying destroyers. What followed, his motion hindered by a welcome surge of dread through the Force, was a flurry of destruction as each of them unloaded bombardment upon the moons. A tactical maneuver with a purpose that even he understood as he stood and watched as the devastation cascaded across the already devastated scene before him as his eyes turned again to the view he had scanned just moments ago. What essence he could feel before shuddered and he fixated upon what remained.

In a moment that would have been one to breathe and collect himself, he stood in deathly, breathless silence as the Force began to gather and swell around him. Feeling it's ebb and flow, a shallow pull as the void within began to gnaw at his consciousness with its whispers, he began to walk. Each step bringing him closer to the epicenter of the chaos and each step quietly sounding the escalation of a surge of death that he began to exude from his form. Life still remained on the moon, both the moon itself and its inhabitants, and he would see to consuming any that stood between the Sith, himself and their collective goals.

Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective 1: Lost to Static
Location: Imperial Stronghold of IM-346, Tion
Outfit: Black Field Armor w/Breathe Mask
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Solo for the moment, Quarren and clone troops in reserve
Engaging: Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
Allies: Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus
Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan | Darth Vindictus Darth Vindictus


Teckla monitored station communication. She was doing a lot of pacing as she tried to sift through the list of threats and prioritize. The traffic of communication was maddening, even for a general used to having her thumb on the entire battlefield. But Teckla had never been on this side of a Sith invasion before. That added to the chaos within the Imperial troops and made it harder for her to get a read on the situation while not looking directly at it.

The Moff General decided to abandon the communication network and reached out through the Force directly to the sensor officers within the core of the station. A large ship was approaching through the water. Teckla reached for her comm to give orders, but the Quarren commander and Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan had already started the machinations of a response from station security. Teckla had a bad feeling and started moving towards one of the underwater hangars within the station.

When she arrived her suspicions were confirmed. Four bogies had broken away from the large ship and were on a new intercept course with the station. One submersible and three biologics. Teckla didn’t know what to think about the new threat. But something pushed her to confront it before it reached the station. ”Sergeant Kyrtan. I am leaving the station. You have full command of our troops.” The only thing that came through the comm was an affirmative beep. Skyria knew better than to give more than that.

Teckla rushed to the hangar bay. She sealed the airlock doors behind her and made sure the breathmask mask was securely fastened over her mouth and nose before she punched the button to open the outer hangar door. Water rushed into the hangar and Teckla made her way out into the ocean in an intercept course with the new threats. Propelled by muscles and the Force she cut through the water with great efficiency as if she were born to do so. Before long the enemy was in her sights and she stopped her forward momentum hovering in the water as she activated her lightsaber in her right hand and leveled her blaster in her left. Taking a shot at the submersible that she assumed would only succeed in gaining the pilot’s attention. The fight was on now. Teckla wouldn’t second guess her action. But she hoped she hadn’t left her troops too far behind.
Allies: The Sith Order
Enemies: The Empire, Cerria Desyk
Objective: Fan the flames, Ambush IFV Colum
Unit: Mercenaries mostly equipped like herself with various generic weapons.

Waiting was the worst part, Kivah and her platoon of mercenaries could hear sporadic fighting around them, always just out of sight in the distance. Still, while other locations offered a far better fight, places like the starfighter factories wouldn't let you fill your pockets, and the dead can't spend credits. Carefully she'd made her way around the different positions her people had taken up, pointing out things to watch out for, pulling people deeper into cover or ordering a heavy weapon into a better position. She was with the last squad, talking with them about being ready to move fast once the trap was sprung when comm chatter began coming in over the command net. Gas, coming up from the ground? She looked around again and could see an almost brackish yellow-brown mist beginning to creep from some of the buildings not totally collapsed, the buildings like her people were using for positions right now.

"Gas! Gas! Gas!" She called out over the local net, using the exhalation of air to force anything out of her lungs before pulling up the synthmesh covered rebreather of her armor's face-covering hood over her face. All around her she could see the others scrambling through similar actions as each pulled on their own protection or checked the seals of their helmets. An unlucky few, either those too cheap or not imaginative enough to buy gas protection, scrambled for higher ground in the hopes that the low gas wouldn't carry up to them. The sounds of a scrabbling fight reached her ears and Kivah turned to find one being trying to pull the mask off his squadmate, the drive to survive overriding his reason. Kivah calmly drew her HG-88 and shot him through the back of his head. "Squad leaders maintain control," She admonished over the platoon's encrypted comm link as she holstered the large pistol. "We still have work to do."

She'd just taken up her original position with First Squad at what would hopefully be the blocking force of the ambush when her ears picked out the whine of repulsor engines drawing closer. Not willing to risk a close comm interception, she instead let out a sharp "Yip!" from under her breathing protection, getting her team focused on the incoming. Settling belly-down in the rubble, Kivah carefully fed the end of her missile launcher between fallen rubble and began sighting in down the street. Over their heads and across the horizon, they could see the white contrails of falling Deathmist missiles as they raced to add their own deadly payload to that being pumped through the sewers across Imperial lines. This was why they'd been ordered her and no further, to protect their landing zones but not press into the deadly gas clouds.
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As Darth Vindictus watched Teckla rush towards the hangar bay, a smirk played on his lips. He admired her courage, but it was a futile effort. He turned to his Vanguard, his red eyes glowing with anticipation.

"Vanguard, prepare for battle," he commanded, his voice echoing through the chaos. His double-bladed lightsaber ignited with a snap-hiss, casting a red glow on the faces of his loyal warriors.

With a swift, practiced motion, he launched himself into the fray. His lightsaber danced in his hands, deflecting blasterfire and cutting down anyone foolish enough to get in his way. His Vanguard followed suit, their advanced combat armor and weapons making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

"Teckla," he called out, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "Your courage is admirable, but misguided. You cannot hope to defeat the power of the Sith."

With that, he charged forward, his Vanguard at his side. The battle was far from over, and Darth Vindictus was ready to claim victory.

Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane


Location: Tie Fighter Factory, Capital City - Third Moon of Tion

As the stormtrooper went on ahead to clear the way, the whole planet seemed to shake.

Although Brec had never stood on the surface of a world undergoing an orbital bombardment, he couldn't imagine what else it could be. First the planet had been gassed. Now it was being shelled from orbit. Would there be anything left when all was said and done?

"Move quickly," the NISB officer ordered.

"What's the point of this," Brec asked, "if they're conducting bombardment, this factory will be hit any minute. Any work I do here is pointless!"

"They may avoid hitting the factory so they can capture it intact. Or they may be willing to rebuild it with surviving components to get it online faster. My understanding is that your code enters command chips' upgradeable operations code layer?" The NISB officer urged him forward as they talked.

"You're well informed," Brec allowed as they turned a corner.

"Once your code is uploaded into the administrative computer, it will be copied into every such chip in the whole facility," the NISB officer went on. He must have had some real training in computer operations. "If they salvage even a single component for use, anywhere in this factory, the code will propagate through all of their equipment. It's what you were going to do to us. The only difference is, now we'll be doing it to them."

As they came to the administrative office, blaster fire filled the corridor. The stormtrooper ducked and returned fire, but was soon struck in the chest and clattered to the floor. The blaster which had struck him was a powerful one. It burned straight through the armor and deep into the flesh beneath.

The NISB officer hit the floor, a blaster pistol in his hand.

Brec got low, flattening himself along one wall. His holdout blaster was also at the ready.

He glanced at the NISB officer. He could shoot the man easily. Then he'd be free.

But a new burst of blaster-fire from their unknown assailant dissuaded him from that notion.

Brec opened fire in response, trying to make his body as small as possible.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ~ Darth Aion Darth Aion ~ Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro ~ Oola Ven Oola Ven ~ Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr ~ Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch ~ Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax ~ Kivah Kivah ~ Ivixa Nera'kas ~ Zoltidas Zoltidas ~ Brec Abrak Brec Abrak Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Abroad the Mors Mon
Allies: Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Enemies: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Objective: Moralize and Demoralize, Eyes and Ears
Rules were indeed meant to be broken, twisted, bent until the meaning of the words were strained to their limit. She had borrowed the Emperor's own meditation sphere abroad his flagship as he led the assault upon the false Imperials of the Empire of the Lost, settling in as they arrived... until she felt that familiar touch. Heard the whisper against her ear, the memory of the touch.

Old traditions... and she couldn't help the smile. There would be an equal response. The dream-like running of fingers, the soft eyes and feelings, Fiolette's name on her lips. It would have to do for now. She felt a tug on old spells, and with a dismissive gesture of power, she would send a burst through their connection to shake off the breaking attempt.

Amethyst eyes opened and she projected an image of herself to the bridge, to where Admiral Hightower was giving his orders and Fiolette had just messaged her arrival.

"Admiral, we are ready to begin when you are ready."

Within the meditation chamber of the Mors Mon, suffused in dark side energies perfect for a Sith meditation, twelve other Adepts would be in a circle with their Mistress at their head. At the center of the circle was a small translucent crystal, containing a single drop of liquid that was constantly shifting between gold and black as though flexing with the eddies of the Force. The storm generators of the Super Star Destroyer were a perfect tool for a new spell, for something... grand.

The art of Battle Meditation was an old one. The art of mass Sith illusions was also an old sorcery. Combining them was simple in some ways, and ritually anchored with a Sith meditation chamber both could achieve immense effects against an unprepared enemy. But what if it could become more than that? The question that always plagued the Lady of Secrets. How could something change? Evolve?

Today they would test that.

She felt the touch of Kaine as he arrived, his goal far off within the storm. While his genetic heritage meant no telepathy, a digital message would be sent to him: 'Have a good hunt.'

"Speak my name when you want something more... directed," she continued before the image disappeared and was replace by a black raven that fluttered up to the Admiral's shoulder. Within the chamber, amethyst eyes would become amber as the dark side came to her command, her body settling back into a meditation. Strings of black and blue energies twined between her fingers as she began weaving her spell as the chanting began:

"Asimi iw ri jin', rirmi tu'iyia ardira. Asimi iw ri jin', tutki tu'iyia kanasaza an tiwi. Asimi iw ri jin', nisosuti midwan an tu'iyia miyisosutras!" she intoned, the energy streaking from hands to the central crystal.

"Asimi iw ri jin', rirmi tu'iyia ardira. Asimi iw ri jin', tutki tu'iyia kanasaza an tiwi. Asimi iw ri jin', nisosuti midwan an tu'iyia miyisosutras!" the voices of the Sith Adepts with her rose in chorus, dark side energy streaming from their hands to the crystal as it pulsed once more and the drop of liquid within turned pitch black.

"Asimi iw ri jin', rirmi tu'iyia ardira. Asimi iw ri jin', tutki tu'iyia kanasaza an tiwi. Asimi iw ri jin', nisosuti midwan an tu'iyia miyisosutras!" the storm created around the Sith fleet would start to intensify, discharges of lightning replaced with bolts of Sith lightning and destructive dark side energies.

"Asimi iw ri jin', rirmi tu'iyia ardira. Asimi iw ri jin', tutki tu'iyia kanasaza an tiwi. Asimi iw ri jin', nisosuti midwan an tu'iyia miyisosutras!" vague shapes would appear within the clouds, nothing fully formed yet, but something was moving within... something unnatural.

"Asimi iw ri jin', rirmi tu'iyia ardira. Asimi iw ri jin', tutki tu'iyia kanasaza an tiwi. Asimi iw ri jin', nisosuti midwan an tu'iyia miyisosutras!" the touch of the Lady of Secrets would move from mind to mind, to all within the storm, elevating the morale of the Sith forces... and her unnerving attention upon the enemy fighters and starships. Daring them, birthing doubt within their minds that they could succeed.

They would all perish and feed her beloved.
Wearing: Channeler's Skin

Armed With: Elaine Tear's Lightsaber (Corrupted)

With: House Io Mercenary (4000)

Cultist Gladiatrix (1)

Objective 2


Having been deposited on the moon by House Io Stealth Warships as soon as they could arrive, The Battalion's forces were quite busy trying to quell the riots, and The Battalion herself was quite busy murdering anything in the street that looked at her funny with her red blade.

It was in chaos that the Cult thrived in. The bloodshed in the streets invigorated her spirit as she committed to the slaughter on the factory worlds, House Io determined to aid the EOTL at all costs, marching their Droid warriors into combat. Their modified B1 units were as smart as Fett Clones, and they showed it in their ruthless squad tactics, flanking mobs of angry supporters and gunning them down with practiced shots. She had given the Mercenary Droids free reign to kill and pillage everyone fighting EOTL forces. The Mercenary Droids were shooting even when the criminals tried to surrender out of desperation. And they were scalping any of the Remnant Forces they caught. They had started slow at first but now they were massing in across the moon quite heavily by this point, and the one Gladiatrix present, a fierce beauty that resembled a green skinned female Twi'lek threw herself into the thickest crowds with her sword, sending copius amounts of horror film grade gore everywhere as she cut into them with even more abandon than the Battalion herself did, egged on by the other homicidal personas within her as much as she herself wanted to kill as many as possible. Some of the Droids would drag away choice corpses in the wake of her slaughter. Where there was a Brain Demon Cultist, there was inevitably going to be some sort of evil ritual following...corpses were being arranged in very specific, detestable patterns.

But this was only the start of what House Io had planned for this moon for a similar ritual was being prepped in orbit, as Laertia's navy assisted that of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran .

Her red blade moved in a constant hum, a spinning disk of crimson that traveled through flesh and weaponry as The Battalion rampaged into the ranks of those who sought to destabilize the factory world, her flesh shuddering violently as it metabolized the suffering around her.

"Mistress, EOTL forces are reporting being under severe assault at a weapons factory about a block from here!" One of the Mercenary Droids exclaimed in their Fett Clone like voice.

The Battalion was given pause as she violently drained one of the rioters of life Force to the point she mummified.

"How long?" she asked, face bubbling and warping as the Dark Side of the moon waxed through her corrupted cells.

"Fifteen minutes. The rioters aren't letting up either. As fast as we can kill them, more take their place. We've already lost two hundred in this sector alone.'

"Call in an airstrike on the largest concentrations and use the Napalm. The sweet smell of the stuff as it cooks flesh pleases me to no end." She instructed, grabbing one of these ancient Whiteguards as he rushed her with a spear and brutally crushed his trachea, tossing him aside like trash as their Droid bombers suddenly screamed over the battlefield, unleashing plasma bombs on crowds of Cultists and Nationalists dug deep in their trenches, allowing a large group of her own Droid troops to flood them, turning everything at knife fight ranges.

The Battalion, in the meantime began to cut and slash her way to the weapons factory, almost drunk with bloodshed as she slashed violently at everything that dared to be in the way.

Soon she would reach that factory, even as platoons of her Merc Droids covered her steps as she butchered happily.

Nothing could be allowed to delay the ritual she wished to enact. It would be the type of one that would help every EOTL soldier be at the same time if it worked.

IF it worked.

Her blade swiped through five at once, then three, going through their weapons first. The familiarity and ease of the slaughter brought her back unexpectedly to a much older slaughter, and a small part of her recalled Nathan Bloodscrawl and his family with a moment of intense sorrow she wasn't used to, causing her defense to dip, and she cried out as a bolt hit her in the Side. Hatred filled her, and she opened her mouth unnaturally wide, breathing intense purple flames generated solely by the Dark Side, watching as her killer cooked.

The Battalion wiped the blood away from her side, thirst for battle only deepening as she now ran in the direction of the weapons factory...
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Battleship Journeyman
Resolute-Class, 5000m)


The huge and imposing sphere of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's Malsheem grew in the bridge viewport of Journeyman as the Mandalorian battleship pushed at its best speed toward its target. The sensor officer reported intensive scans from the massive world craft as their ship came into approaching weapons range. A few Eschaton-class ships moved to put themselves between his battleship and its goal. To the assembled might of the Sith fleet, his one ship was no threat.

Enemy fighters bore in toward the Journeyman, and turbolaser and ion cannon fire came at the Mandalorian vessel in sheets of blue and green fire that lit up the space between the capital ships. Enemy breaching pods had been detected launching toward his ship from the enemy destroyers, yet Captain Arhul Rodarch held firm to his mission.

All too soon, the deck officer reported that the ship had reached optimum firing range. "All weapons fire on the symbol of Sith hubris!" He ordered, thinking it a fitting way to begin his attack. This was his part of the plan now, to create an opening for the landing force. Journeyman's weapons arrays, primed to full military power, unleashed energy and projectile volleys concentrated on a relatively focused area of the Malsheem's outer hull. Military grade weapons against even the most massive civilian grade shields and armour had to do some damage, the plan had assumed.

He could not yet order the launch of the strike force. The plan was to do a good deal of destruction with the battleship's weapons, as much as possible before they were destroyed, or the damage was deemed sufficient to raise the likelihood of a successful breach of the station. Journeyman, neglecting its own protection, focused all of its fire on the Sith world craft, ignoring the incoming destroyers, fighters, and breaching pods which were intent on destroying the ship.

"Sir, our shields are down to sixty percent. We won't last long against firepower of this magnitude!" Called the deck officer. The Captain acknowledged the report with a wave of his Bithy hand, but did not countermand his orders.

In the bays of the warship the entire boarding force was already embarked, ready to launch. Even inside their ships, they felt and heard the hums and thumps of the ship's weapon arrays letting go their destructive song. They knew that the ship was even now engaging the Malsheem, and that all too soon it would be their task to board the station and begin their all to likely doomed mission. In the lead dropship, Arla of House Rodarch stood among the warriors she would soon fight alongside. Her neck was on the line along with all of them. Death or capture were two of the most likely possibilities. But what Arla and only a few select fighters knew, was that it was entirely possible that despite the loss of their entire force, the Mandalorians, and the rest of the galaxy, might still win a great victory against the Kainate.

If they got the job done. It was a long shot, but sometimes those came good.

As the mandalorians' ship rocked again and again with enemy hits, the order came down from the Captain to launch. Four swift-class dropships emerged from the Journeyman and shot towards the intended breach site, narrowly riding the stripe of Journeyman's firing arcs as they followed the same path from origination to destination. One dropship took the lead, with three following in a tight knit formation behind them. The three trailing dropships contained Arla's strike force, while the foremost vessel had been stripped down and packed with explosives from bow to stern, turning it into a gigantic torpedo.

Ahead of the assault force, the battleship Journeyman volleyed a burst of heavy torpedoes fused for delayed detonation, fitted with the most massive destructive warheads would be rained down on shield breaches that the energy and kinetic batteries punched into the Malsheem's vast, but reportedly thin protective envelope. The rigged dropship would follow the heavy torpedoes in as a final exclamation point, and hopefully blow a large section of the Malsheem open to the void of space.

"And now it begins." Arla said, clinging to a handhold inside one of the dropships, shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the attacking force. She was not going to ask anyone to take on a mission that she herself would not. Her life and liberty was on the line here too.

Committed to their mission now, Arla and her troops held on for dear life as the three dropships bored in toward the Malsheem at maximum thrust. They would go in right into the wake of the explosion of the explosive-laden dropship, and then it would be their turn to enact their part of the plan. Odds of survival were low, but their chances of mission success didn't ride on their survival...

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Aion Darth Aion Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Oola Ven Oola Ven Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Domina Prime Domina Prime



Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean + [OPEN]
Location: Tion [Lost to Static] - Beside Darth Empyrean, Within Imperial Stronghold of IM-346
Equipment: Robes | Saber | Ring

There were many threads to pull.

Alone and bound in the quietest of places, she acquired a metaphorical loom, and began creating a warp that would be the foundation to all that her husband required. The meeting between all the Sith that made the machine that was the Order keep grinding forward had been an experience. It wasn't the unmitigated disaster that Srina had expected, but the level of grandstanding had left a less than desirable impression. Their people were united in heir disunity. Blinded by invisible strength and towering edifices of their greatness that were…All too commonly—Made of glass.

So easy to shatter. So very, very easy to break.

And so, it fell to the Empress they rarely respected or acknowledged to move the needle. To do what needed to be done behind the scenes to ensure that their war goals were met. In all her varied experiences the silvery woman had never considered herself a weaver. Her hands were meant for battle, swords, and malignant violence so perfect, so divine, that it made her enemy ache for the end. But in this…She was the seamstress. The weaver. The needlewoman. Carefully tailoring all that Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean required without sending all the great Houses into madness.

Srina made sure that the threads were exactly even. That there was just enough tension to the string to make sure that when she pressed down for the desired result—It snapped back. Then, came the design. She made her anchors and the process was fluid. Going over and under. Avoiding the most disastrous of tactics whole fostering only those that might bring the desired result: Annihilation of a Lost Empire.

The invasion had already begun when the area around Darth Empyrean began to form a layer of permafrost. Regardless, how the Imperial facility had been breached the temperature shouldn't have dropped that quickly. And yet…A final figure emerged from the nothing as bloody red lights from dozens of Sith weapons filled the corridors. Her coming was not through ship nor submersible but through an art that was so old and tumultuous…Most considered it impossible.

She walked out of the shadow that her husband created as if it were a malevolent doorway.

A gateway.

The ring that was ever on her finger hummed while it resonated with the frequency of the dark energy Empyrean emitted. Her dynamic heart beat to his forsaken emptiness. It pulled her. Called to her. The shadows held to her form while she moved to stand beside the Emperor. Clinging to her as if it had shape, form, or perhaps a murky desire to swallow her. To leave her lost in the void…

But she would never be lost. Not—When Empyrean was on the other side.

"I am no man…Shall I fall behind you?"

Her sudden words would scare the hell out of the Praetorian and Sith that accompanied her husband on this venture. They were well trained and none physically let on that the appearance of the white-haired warrior unsettled them but it was of little consequence. There was fear. The moniker of the Dread Queen had not been bestowed upon her simply because she inspired terror when her wrath came to fruition but because she could use the horror that others so freely delivered to her altar. There was an entire planet turning inside out from a war none seemed to have been able anticipate. They screamed that it would be another Mirial, Mandalore, and perhaps even likened to the damage done to the many times sacked Coruscant. They were wrong, of course.

This would be much worse.

"My work is done, beloved. I shall aid you now in your…Chores."

Her blood-covered hand rose and settled over his to empower his most treasured possession. Kala'anda. There were times when she was tempted to "lose" it somewhere in the galaxy simply to gain the attention of the father of her children…But he would only find amusement in her silent outcry. She offered the Emperor, the Corpse King, that which he lacked. Grace. Singular focus and unparalleled strength to draw from that didn't require reliance on anything but themselves.

They needed nothing else.

"If I didn't know any better…", the Echani trailed off softly, almost sweetly, amongst the carnage. Eyes of burnished gold flickered this way and that. Taking in their surroundings with something of a frown. "I would say that the Lost have already given up hope on saving this installation…The smart thing now would be to initiate a self-destruct. Do not all structures such as this have a final fail-safe?"

Blowing the underwater station to kingdom come was the only thing that made sense. Cut their losses. Perhaps, take a little Sith Order hide with them for their trouble.

But there was no sign of that. Only, screaming.

As the saturation bombardment began in the world above…So would the terror continue below. Until, everything ended and silence reigned. The pallid woman waited for that moment. For when Tion finally broke beneath the pressure and got out of their way. Contrary to popular belief, in truth, she held no animosity toward the Lost Children of the fallen. There was nothing they hadn't done that countless Imperial Blocks hadn't done in the past. There was no slight, no crime so bold, nothing to provide context, or to give explanation about the unproportional response. There was nothing that would allow any intelligent mind to come up with a reason for an incursion so prolific.

The Sith Order did not come for their resources nor even Tion itself. It was merely the necessary path forward. The Empire of the Lost were just that. Lost. To make it plain for discerning minds…

They were just in the way.
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Factory Judge

"I know who you are Lady Pellax. Nothing escapes my notice here." The Dark Lord said once more pausing to take in new information before speaking... ..."I have observed your teachings with great interest, my nephew has told me of your successes, there is little we do not share Lady Pellax, Domina, today we enlighten the Sith Order. Destroy everything. Show everyone the cost of doing war with the Kainate."

"I am not surprised," she replied with an amused smile as her head turned to the Xeno introducing herself. Quickly that innocent demeanor turned to something like frustration as the woman lost her flame. Teresa could not help but chuckle at her while she listened to Prazuitis speak. Admittedly Teresa was a little suppressed that someone besides Kaine took interest in her training and wondered which stories He'd shared with his Uncle. "Longs as my task is fun, I'll always go full out. Given I have been indisposed for the last few months, I think I may challenge myself today. Just don't know how yet."

Personally she wanted to stand out down there. With the world only light by flame and artificial light, the woman began to formulate the start of something fun in her head. Not just that but she had troops that was at her disposal. Given the so few contacts in her com, it took the woman no time to open up the frequency for a certain company within the Black Valkyrie Regiment. "Captain Va'rath, divert some squads of your company to taking down power structures. Make use of any assets available to you."

Naturally, the Vorpal Valkyrie company would be deploying alongside her. That left units to be deployed and to act on the situation. There was no real need to lead them, and as Carnifex had told her, there was someone who oversaw that part for her: General Torin Renar. Given that she was in her third trimester of pregnancy and the regiment was newly formed for her, Teresa admitted that beyond watching them from a balcony and the one raid on Lothal, she did not know much about them beyond what was in the file on her personal terminal.


"Aw sugarsnaps. Dima was sure she was doing magic, it was there a second ago." She pouted at Teresa, frowning deeply from behind her mask. "Well…at least Dima can still kill Godlings~" She tried to cheer herself up, only for her many eyes to dilate in a sudden realization.

"Wait a second……………………………… DIMA a godling now too?" She asked, the poor girls brain nearly fracturing in the moment as she became aware that she was now the very thing she had been hunting and devouring since she was young. A conflicting feeling arising in her mind as she glared between her uncle and the stranger with bird wings.

SUDDENLY! All FOUR of her arms hoisted upward and pushed OUTWARD towards both Praz & Teresa as if attempting to force push them both!

The dramatic stance however was followed by....nothing. Nothing happened, making Dima stare at her claws baffled.

"Hm, nothing still? Being a Godling is really hard~" She mused in disappointment as she lifted her hands towards her ears and rattled them about as if her hands were broken. "Maybe Dimas magic is just broken or something..." She convinced herself, uncertain why her efforts were not working considering how many times she had witnessed force users doing the exact same thing. "You! Do the thing!"

Teresa's attention shifted from her thoughts to Dima, who was pouting before her, but she quickly resumed her humorous banter. It took a moment to register that when the woman mentioned "godlings," she was referring to those with the force.
"Perhaps, I couldn't tell you," the Valkyrie said casually, observing Dima's amusingly exaggerated attempts to produce a flame.

Watching Dima's antics, Teresa couldn't help but liken her to a child in her behavior. Then again, she couldn't criticize much, considering her own occasional childishness. It usually surfaced around those she felt connected to, where she felt comfortable enough to let her guard down. At the sound of excited requests, the Blackened Valkyrie smirked and rolled her eyes.

Silver liquid metal with a red tint slipped from under the gauntlets, first taking the shape of a ball. In a soft, flowing shimmer, it transformed to resemble Domina Prime's head with the mask on. A long, pointed mouth began to form and open. While one hand effortlessly maintained the shape, her other hand moved as each finger flicked along her thumb in quick succession. A small roaring jet of flame shot from the mouth. With a small piece of metal touching the flame, it turned to a deep magenta colour.

"Is this what you wanted to see?"
When Carnifex began to give his orders, Teresa would give Him her unyielding attention. The flame stopped and the metal returned under the gauntlets.
"Lord Prazutis will strike the enemy at it's center, he will be the hammer blow. Lady Pellax will assault them from the air with the Dark Valkyries, I want you to move swiftly to disrupt enemy cohesion. I will seek our their 'Emperor', I can sense him. I will gauge the mettle of this man, and destroy him if need be." He gave them leave to depart, "Now go, and bring the eclipse to all."
"It will be done, my love," the woman purred, excitement fully lighting up her expression. "I desire nothing but to see destruction and war as the only flickers of light. Everything not useful to us will burn, keeping me warm as I slaughter toy soldiers and the like from the skies." Before turning to leave, she waited to move with the others. With Dima tasked to get rid of a gnat, it left one for travel downward.

Transports for the Vorpal Valkyries were already on standby on The Malsheem, awaiting Teresa's arrival. "I'll give you a ride, I plan for an air drop, given the wings and all. I can glide you in for a precise location of your choosing," she said, extending the offer as it was quite literally on the way. Also, it didn't matter much where Teresa went; this moon was today's playground.

As if like a switch, the woman's expression turned sadistic as she felt the slightest tremor through the circulated air hit her feathers. This was followed by hearing someone over the comms reporting a breach. "That is going to be a problem," Teresa said as her tone turned cold. With little waste in movement, she latched the auxiliary of Sekitangara to her left side next to one of the Svikin hjörtu's auxiliaries.

"I wonder if the vermin are along the way?" The Valkyrie mused out loud. "If I come across one, I suppose I will assist in getting rid of them. It would be a first to claim a trophies before even getting to the battlefield."


"This is why the Sith should not be allowed to build ships, when they create what will only be in my way," criticized Fiolette of the storm of course the bloody corpse would think this was a grand idea. "There are certainly far easier ways to mask a fleet than to hide in a storm that will strike your own just as soon as the enemy." The admiral exhaled and felt a pull in the Force. Taeli. She recognized the threads almost immediately and to the naked eye nothing could be seen. Yet, for Fiolette as she shut her eyes, summoned what she could of the Force. It had a strange way of bending to the Netherworld's will. The Galidraani's eyes opened and the ember storm that Taeli had once seen had been evoked once more. There was a way through the storm and a way through the blindness.

"I am assuming control," her voice dripped into the unnatural, ethereal growl of the Netherworld as the ember in her eyes consumed them completely. The Warspite's tethers latched onto her, "re calibrating sensors, reconfiguring probes, connecting with the fleet in the storm, fleet repositioning. Going into the storm." Her ship led the Hell Fleet into the storm itself, short range sensors were modified for sound navigation and ranging. Deep within the cloud lurked the other half of her fleet made of weather corvettes who on the Admiral's orders began to disperse probes to aid in a rather rudimentary and basic way of figuring out where things were. Each order that was spoken was execued seemlessly by the ship's crew, the dead that were confined to their automatonic bodies, droids.

"Corvettes, re calibrate sensors, reconfigure probes, adjust for vibrations and sound. Focus only on the sounds of the fight. Creating a map," she remarked noting the plans that were in place. "Yvarro to Hightower," she contacted him on encrypted channels, "check your flank. It is too easy in this mess for someone to get you where you're not looking. Adjust your sensors for sound navigation and ranging, drop probes. If necessary I'll dispatch seismic charges." That would be a double edge sword, but a necessary action should the probes fail. The twelve ships who seemingly swam through the upper half of the storm began to deploy their reconfigured probes. Lurking between them the Hama or Hammer ships waiting to strike any enemy that wandered to close. Behind them, two Resurgents, a reminder of where Fiolette had come from.

"Admiral to dispatched fighters, recalibrate local sensors, sound navigation and ranging, you'll find it easier to pick off your enemies this way. Together you can disperse the fog of war." Albeit temporarily so long as they remained in close range of each other. By pinging off enemy chatter and their own weapons, the Hell Fleet and its fighters could narrow in on their kill. With the quiet of the cloud in her mind, Fiolette listened as small pings were generated from the Warspite and several of its escorts. Of course, if this didn't work, she could lean on Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf to create a firing corridor. Which was a last resort, Taeli had enough going on and that rather soft uplifting feeling of morale was the effect.

Every single death in the storm would go directly toward the Warspite, each soul would be consumed so that Fiolette was ever closer to achieving a full corporeal form. Fiolette sitting in the command chair of her ship continued its course to link with the rest of her fleet and if the enemy should be between them. Then what a rather unfortunate set of circumstances for these lost souls. Whilst the orders were carried out, the Admiral reflected on the last time she and Taeli had seen each other. It had been a rather awkward dinner, they were seated next to each other. Whilst they engaged in a sordid exchange, it did not change the fact that the result of what they had become stemmed from a failure to communicate. Forty years of failures, of silence, and of pain...

Warspite x1 2292m
= 4 Fighter Squadrons, 2 in pursuit
= 1 Support Squadron
Kimbrell x3 6000m
= 54 Fighter Squadrons, 27 in pursuit
= 6 Support Squadrons
Mukhtiar x 12 2160m
= 0 Fighter Squadrons
= 0 Support Squadrons
Seawolf x3 1200m
9 Fighter Squadrons, 4 in pursuit
= 0 Support Squadrons

Fortan x3 600m
= 3 Fighter Squadrons, 1 in pursuit
= 0 Support Squadrons
Bolt x36 2160m

= 0 Fighter Squadrons
= 0 Support Squadrons

Dagger x9 2322m
= 0 Fighter Squadrons
= 0 Support Squadrons

Vindicator x3 2250m
= 21 Fighter Squadrons, 11 in pursuit
= 0 Support Squadrons
Bercey x12 2160m
= 0 Fighter Squadrons
= 0 Support Squadrons
Hammers x4 1984m

= 0 Fighter Squadrons
= 0 Support Squadrons

Resurgent x2 6000m
= 24 Fighter Squadrons
= 8 Support Squadrons

After Action Report:
  • Fiolette assumes control of the Warspite, her fleet moves into the cloud from the bottom portion.
  • The second half of her fleet composed of Berceys, Hammers and Resurgents push in from the top half of the storm.
  • Entire fleet reconfigures short range sensors and their probes for sound navigating and ranging to locate enemy and friendly vessels through pings.
  • Fiolette has started the process of mapping the battlefield
  • A total of 540 fighters/interceptors/bombers are now either in pursuit of or engaging Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti and other EOTL fighters.
Last edited:


Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr // Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway // Open!
Gear: Armor, Lightsaber
Objective: Do her part to restore order

Revna was a silent, grim specter as she moved through the desolate streets of just one of the industrial zones on the moon she had arrived on with the Sith Order’s forces. War raged across the system, as the Sith Emperor Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean had decreed that Tion would fall into their hands, and its moons would thus come under Sith control, wrestled away from the Empire of the Lost. Smoke and ash drifted through the street she walked down as fires raged nearby, set by rioters and criminals and cultists alike as they sought to stir up chaos and defy the Sith Empire. Revna had been selected to join her cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr as he and his Tsis’Kaar forces sought to restore order to the moon they tread upon. Normally, she would have been right beside her own Master - but this time it would be Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil aiding the Lord Inquisitor. Though young Revna was somewhat disappointed to be pulled away from Strosius, she set her attachment aside to focus on the task at hand.

It was the first time that Revna of House Marr had been brought into one of the Sith Emperor’s invasions; yes, she’d been a part of military campaigns on behalf of the Sith - but that had been for and alongside her Master, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . This was something different, however. She was here on orders to do her part for the Sith Order, and the Sith Empire that she technically owed her allegiance to.

There was much to be done, and she would do her part.

On this particular outing, she was fully wrapped up in her Squire’s robes, every part of her body protected, and an airtight mask on her face that aided in providing her fresh air to breathe. She was thankful for it, otherwise without it she would no doubt be choking on fumes and ash and soot and whatever else was lurking in the air.

The Sith apprentice considered herself more of a lone wolf, a huntress to stalk the shadows, seeking out her prey - than one who worked in a group setting. So while Darth Malum had set about bringing order in his own way via executions, she had slipped into the shadows to go on her own hunt, even parting ways with the company of Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway to do her duty. Leaving the safety of the group was a purposeful tactic on her part.

She knew that those who defied the Sith and sought to sew chaos would be drawn to a lone, small woman wandering the streets. She used herself as a lure, as bait, to bring her prey to her location. And it worked.

Revna sensed a presence nearby, lurking…then two, then three. She kept at her normal pace, pretending that she was unaware of their presence, though she discreetly slipped one of her new sabers into her hand, concealed from view. She didn’t need to see with her physical eyes to know that someone was approaching her and fast with less than welcome intentions. In a flash, a brilliant burnt orange hued saber blade ignited as she swung to cut down the individual who had charged her. The other two popped up to fire shots at her with blaster weapons, which she deftly blocked and returned to their senders, one of which connected, while the remaining survivor managed to avoid his returning bolt.

Anyone who attacked a member of the Sith Empire, the Sith Order, was just signing their own death warrant. With an almost cruel sense of coldness and detachment, Revna reached out with her free hand and grabbed the remaining offender through the Force, lifting him up as he clawed at his throat and kicked and sputtered. She could feel his fear bleeding into the Force, and it brought a smile to her hidden face as she fed from it. She let him dangle, choking desperately…given just enough air to breathe, while still inducing some panic and dread.

You should have known what would befall you when you sought to strike down a Sith. There will be no mercy.” came her whispery voice, soft and almost gentle - before she tightened her grip slowly, watching his face turn purple. She could feel others moving through the streets and the shadows nearby, but she did not concern herself with them just yet. They would all die in due time.

The man’s life ended with a sickening crunch, and his body went limp as she dropped him unceremoniously to the ground, to lay with the others who had fallen. Without a touch of remorse or regret, Revna continued onward - seeking and destroying to bring order, and to punish those who would defy the Sith and their rightful dominion of the galaxy.

Her efforts would be hindered, however, as she sensed a tremor of danger through the Force…just before sickly gas would start to billow from various buildings and vents in the street. She scoffed at the efforts the enemies of the Sith made, seeking to use chemical warfare in order to destroy the Sith who had arrived to claim what was rightfully theirs. Still, she knew she couldn’t be exposed to the gas for too long…and it frustrated her that her hunt would be cut shorter than she had anticipated. Revna began her return to Malum and his forces for further orders and direction given the new circumstances - even as the moon was carpet bombed by the Kainites from above, releasing their own potent chemical attacks to neutralize anyone who wasn’t properly protected.

The agonized death screams of those caught in the cocktail of lethal gasses rippled across physical space and through the Force, before silence began to fall. Though many had died in such a short span of time, she knew that there were many others that had yet to fall, yet to pay for their treachery, their blatant defiance of the Sith. This was only the beginning of the siege; the Sith War Machine would continue to turn and grind all its foes into dust, until submission came - or there was nothing left to destroy.



Location: Gunner seat of Thranta Spawn with Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
Interacting Allies: Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
Interacting Enemies: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane (and possibly) Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus

So this was real war. He could hear it, no no. Not with those limited human ears. Through the force. The rumbling of preparatory anger, the panic high pitched whine of fear, the warning but muted scream that was deaths that would occur. He'd been violent before, seen the darkness of Haruun Kal. But that was before he could hear it all, before he could truly listen to the way the Pelekotan roared. The way it answered the call to survival, and to bloodshed. Back then, when he lived there, and killed there, he was almost deaf to it. Knowing it, but not truly feeling it.

Tac. Tac. Tac.

He clicked his finger at each seconds interval as he stood by Falentra just staring straight ahead. His mother was there too, or, a hologram of her. That...frozen in time memory of her. Identical to the images of so long ago. Though, he supposed, he fit that description to were he to see his family again. That time was path, now, it was Falentra. And now it was the sith. And the Marr House.

Tac. Tac. Tac.

"I'm coming with you." He insisted chasing after her quickly the insistence audible in both his words and in the force. He heard Mariah attempt a protest but he wasn't bothering. He had little desire to be left alone, nor to be left out of a battle where he could actually be useful. He wasn't a pilot either though. But he was a plenty fine shot. He hopped into the gunners sit without any further waiting for being given permission. He wasn't really sure where he was supposed to stand authority wise, but he hadn't followed orders back home. It was unlikely he was going to do so easily now.

Tac. Tac. Tac.
He wasn't afraid, he wasn't angry, he was driven. Excitement was close to the word. But it wasn't perfect either. This was what he knew how to do, kill and survive. But until that fighting began, his attention had a second focus, "I guess you get to see me actually fight now." he said in Falentra's direction.

Tac. Tac. Tac.
Mariah's end: Taking care of the ship.
The 85 year old sighed, young looking as ever. But she'd spent very little of that time in real combat situations like this. It was part of why she didn't come in person. Instead she went to monitoring the Thranta Mothership and all its ships. Making sure everything was primed for combat, evasion, or extraction. She didn't have much to do, not yet. It was a shame though, she'd probably have enjoyed taking the Atargatis skin for a proper joy ride again.


I am posting this first portion with Mariah as Koto just because there isn't much to do yet but may switch to Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr for further stuff involving the Thranta Mothership.

Thranta Mothership link
Thranta Spawn link
Allies: The Sith Order
Enemies: The Empire
Objective: Fan the flames, Ambush IFV Colum
Unit: Mercenaries mostly equipped like herself with various generic weapons.

Sure enough, the 'False Empires' angular troop carriers zipped down the road on repulsors. Easily passing over the scattered and fallen facades of the nearby buildings and blast craters. Kivah sighted in, letting the lead vehicle advance further. Her people would hopefully wait for her to signal the ambush, She was sure that every one of them was just as anxious about the attack and as eager to get out of the poison gasses creeping over their positions as her.

First in line was a scout, out a few hundred meters past the others, Kivah let it glide past, sighting in instead on the second. It lead the pack and waiting for it would put the most IFV's in the kill box. The armored vehicle was heading right towards her position down the street and she let it hover just beside the crosshairs as she squeezed down on the trigger. With a roaring fwoosh, the missile shot forward into the path of the armored vehicle, unguided in case the driver had a lock-warning system. The warhead hit just off of center and penetrated in, sending its explosion bursting through the seams of the vehicle as it crashed to the road below. Seconds later as the other IFV's began to skew about, the other squads began their attack as well, sending more missiles and laser fire down on them.

"Cherek, come around and close the door on them!" She shouted to the last squad over the comms as she lined up another vehicle. This time she went active and when the tone sounded sent a guided missile into another of the fighting vehicles. Below they were trying to scatter in the confines of the road, blocked by the fiery remains of their comrades, or fighting back with mounted repeaters. The Empire troops knew their machines, but probably had lost their commander in the opening few shots, without cohesion, her people were steadily making kills. One of the transports tried to unload its soldiers and she saw a rocket chase laser fire into the troop compartment, bursting it about in a spectacular fashion. Content that her squad leaders had their people in hand, Kivah pulled back, sliding down the pile she'd been laying on and circling around. It'd only been a few seconds from when she'd fired the first missile from her Astraeus and heavy laser fire thudded into the building around where she'd been. "Don't forget to shoot and scoot," she reminded her gunners before taking up a new position in a ground floor window that'd had the glasteel knocked out. She fired twice more, before moving on but by the time she took up a new position, there were no more explosions, just the ripping chatter of blasters and repeaters as they cleared out the kill zone.

Slinging her launcher, Kivah advanced out with the heavy repeater at the ready, waving a few of the others to move with her. Cautiously they swept the area, looking for survivors. In accordance with their orders, they found none. "Right, squad leaders. Count casualties and police packs. I want us moving in ten." While they worked, she checked her map. Cherek would be the best off having come in behind the IFV's after the ambush had been sprung and she resolved to put them on point. It was high time they got out of this gas and hopefully redeployed somewhere without the spicy air, or the undead that would soon be rising.

Empyrean did not cease his march, even as his Queen departed from his shadow. He knew she would come, there thoughts too intertwined in these moments to be ignorant of such. He considered momentarily on her subtle dislike of his staff, likely because just as she walked from his shadow, so too did it. He was rarely seen outside the Black Citadel without either Srina Talon Srina Talon , or his staff - but the jealousy was more jest than anything else. It amused him, even as Kala'anda sheared walls and cut men from their mortal toil.​
"You are the Sword of the Emperor, you may fall wherever you please.", he mused as they marched. A few of the men had missed a step at her sudden arrival, but their professionalism allowed a quick recovery in their wake.​
"Do not all structures such as this have a final fail-safe?", she asked him.​
"They do - and it will be destroyed soon. First, I've a judgement to enact. This facility is directly connected to all Imperial communications in the system - they should learn who it is they fight for, and how in the end they are all victims to Sith machinations, by my hand or their own."​
They'd made good ground, with no resistance. The Emperor turned a corner and lifted his fingers, shuffling them ever so slightly to force an airlock and its frame to bend outwards in a rush of squealing metal. The sharp cry of pained structure silenced, leaving only the skeleton crew managing what was left of their systems. Without this array, their war efforts would begin to fall apart.​
A second movement of his fingers, and the four Imperials who had looked back in shock to see him, were lifted from their seats and executed by broken necks. He tossed their corpses away as he stepped forward, pulling a small data puck from the folds of his raiments. Resting it into the data slot, the immediate hologram of Typhojem came to life, the AI of the Mors Mon.​
"Greetings, my Lord.", it said in its gruff tones.​
"No time for pleasantries. Begin domination protocals, shut down all communications and ensure this facility is ours. When you are done, send the prerecorded message to all available uplinks for Imperial forces.", he said quickly.​
Typhojem offered nothing in return, but a quick nod, then flashed into nothing. Empyrean turned to look at Srina Talon Srina Talon , his customary dead expression showing little more than apathy by force.​
"When we are done here - would you care to help me hunt down those who yet remain?"​

Location: Tion System
Objective: Storming In
Call Sign: Miracle
Allies: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen
Enemies: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

The deeper they traversed into the storm, the harder it became to communicate. Within moments, Bella’s comms were almost completely static. Her only saving grace was her starfighter’s AI, which instantaneously processed and transcribed the garbled voices into words that were projected on Bella’s HUD. Without it, the Togruta would have been unable to decipher Yol Kan’s next transmission, alerting her to the presence of enemy contacts.

“All call signs, if you are receiving this, be advised that missiles and targeting computers will also suffer reduced range in the storm. Repeat, missiles and targeting computers will be ineffective at longer ranges. Use targeting lasers if you have them. But you risk wasting ordinance if you attempt BVR attacks. Miracle out.” Bella directed over comms, before quickly switching to a channel with Stormcrow One as new contacts appeared on her sensors. Given the sensor-distorting conditions, the fact that they had appeared at all meant that this particular squadron of bandits were almost within knife-fighting range.

“Stormcrow One, this is Miracle. I’m going to bait the contacts approaching from four-eight-nine, Mark 7, towards the charge nodes.” Bella transmitted via comm laser as she broke off and vectored her starfighter towards the incoming group of bandits. If her plan worked, the storm itself would strike down some of the enemy fighters for her, while hopefully them away from Stormcrow One in the process.

“Merging!” Bella called out as six continuous particle beams surged out from her starfighter’s forward cannons, before drilling through the eyeball-like canopies of three incoming TIEs, which Togruta instantly recognized as First Order models. Nevertheless, Bella didn’t hesitate as she banked hard to port, before swiftly rolling her craft’s wings to evade an incoming laser salvo.

Then, without warning, Bella dove her starfighter straight into the depths of the synthetic storm, with nine TIEs still in hot pursuit.

Moments later, Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti would receive a transmission from the Imperial Baroness, intended to warn him about the elevated activity readings from her helmet’s Force mask and thus, the possibility of a hostile mentalist influence active in the field. However, with the interference generated by the storm, her voice arrived in the Moff’s ears as little more than a distorted, garbled mess.

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