Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Siege of Tion | SO Invasion of EOTL Held Tion

The Empire of the Lost claims this page!

Location: TIE Fighter Factory, Capital City - Third Moon of Tion
Objective: Back in White - Restore Order
Tag: Zoltidas Zoltidas Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

As soon as she was right side up, Oola found herself seated perfectly on Zoltidas’ back, her legs positioned “sidesaddle” in such a fashion it might have seemed as if she might slip off at any moment. Nevertheless, the Squire kept her balance on her superior’s strong back as he charged through the doors and into the fray, vibroaxe brandished as a warning. Moments later, Oola leapt off of the Chironian’s back as soon as he brought her within a few meters of their primary target. Flipping through the air, the Twi’lek hurled her lightsaber towards a group of six nearby Sith troopers, the white-hued blade spinning through the air in the manner of a boomerang as it flew towards its wielder's targets, intended to decapitate each of the soldiers in a single arcing throw.

Clearing the chaff, before picking out the wheat.

Regardless of whether her attack was successful, Oola called her blade back into her grasp as soon as she landed. Then, taking heed of her superior’s advice, Oola shifted her attention towards the Sith before her, eyes narrowing with lethal intent as she did.

”Our target Squire Ven. Be vicious and take no prisoners. I have your back. The Empire will be victorious when this man falls.”

“Long live the Empire.” Oola answered in turn, before settling into a defensive stance, with her lightsaber floating in front of her. “And in the name of the Emperor…”

On cue, Oola’s lightsaber lanced out towards the masked Sith via a telekinetically-impelled throw from 15 meters away, delivered with all the speed and bloodlust of a predatory bird set in a dive. In that regard, the blade lightsaber flew straight and direct, positioned in such a way as to potentially stake the Sith through his heart.

“Death to the Sith!”

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House Mecetti Stormcrow Squadron
24 Tie Scout Craft
Tie Shuttle w Aftermarket Hyperdrive

The starscape became a cluster of intense firefights which could only be glimpsed in the shadowy billows of this sinister storm.

Maldor heard Bella transmit an audacious plan under her call sign of 'Miracle.' She was a sharp tack, that was for sure.

Yol Kan's voice came over the radio, "Copy, Miracle. Fighter Units, I am transmitting the coordinates of energetic nodes that seem poised to discharge. Follow Miracle's example. Your navcomputers should be receiving estimated timetables for discharge at each location. Juke and burn just before the nodes go critical, and you might also cook our enemies in their own trap."

Maldor nodded to himself. Yol Kan was not only talented in riding this storm, but also in recognizing good ideas among those he directed. If they both survived this, the man might be worth hiring again for some future endeavor.

A short burst of laser fire surprised the Moff, given that it emanated from the Command Shuttle itself. An enemy fighter which Maldor had barely seen burst into pieces in front of the shuttle, its remnant pieces impacting harmlessly against the shuttle's shields.

The shields on these things were a worthy addition.

A red flash illuminated the miasma in the distance, and a garbled transmission came from Miracle. Unfortunately, it was indecipherable.

Another red flash. Then two more.

The intercom crackled to life, "Lord Moff, these are energetic discharges, but not from the storm. They are precisely targeting fighters. Each flash has corresponded with a direct hit. None of this follows the pattern of the storm so far. Some new intelligence is at work directing them."

Maldor spent much of his time closed off from the Force. He only widened his horizons when he was engaging in a duel. The ignition of his foil was often the first moment that the iris opened, and he perceived the hidden, ever-present world of the Force.

But he did so now, without a duel at hand.

Or perhaps there was a duel, but with someone who was wielding a more potent weapon than a saber.

Another red flash illuminated the storm, then dozens more, but this time Maldor saw something through the lens of the Dark Side.

A face. A face of the unknown adversary at the heart of this new danger. He winced as he saw it, as though it was a ghost in the clouds.

It was not possible to unleash such potency without also becoming a beacon to those who could see.

He glanced at a screen which displayed a coordinate grid of local space.

Then he touched the communications controls, boosting the gain on his transmission to maximum.

"This is Stormcrow Actual. All Bombers, converge on local coordinate grid twenty by forty-two by nine. There is a vessel there directing a Force weapon.

Destroy it at all costs."

At the words, numerous squadrons turned upon the designated coordinates, priming proton torpedoes for launch. At least his transmission managed to reach that far.

He switched channels, and diverted power momentarily from the weapon system to the communications antenna.

"This is Stormcrow Actual. All Capital Ships, if you can read me, be advised. I need a long-range bombardment on coordinate grid twenty by forty-two by nine. Every weapon that can reach it. There is a vessel within which is impeding our operation. If you cannot reach it from your current remove, an advance into the storm may be warranted. Destroying that vessel may save the engagement."

He could only hope that the signal could reach his allies, and that a grid section bombardment might find their new, most dangerous foe.

1 - The fighters assigned to follow Stormcrow Squadron are told to follow Bella's lead, using sensor data about high energy nodes in the storm as a means to lure enemy fighters into a trap where they are likely targets for the storm's lightning.
2 - Maldor senses what he believes to be the source of a new onslaught of red lightning, caused by a Force weapon.
3 - Maldor orders all bombers and capital ships to fire on the coordinates believed to be associated with that weapon.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Bella Bella
Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
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Location: Tie Fighter Factory, Capital City - Third Moon of Tion

It was the NISB officer who shot their mutual assailant.

Blaster bolts exchanged places down the corridor. Both men were hit. The NISB officer, in the thigh. Their opponent, in the head.

One was decisively more deadly than the other.

Grimacing, the officer stood uncertainly, then withdrew another ampule from his pocket. This time, it was clearly not the antidote to any poison. The man twisted a nozzle on the end of the ampule and sprayed its contents onto his thigh. Bacta. Or Kolto. Perhaps with some painkillers for good measure.

Either way, if Brec was hoping the man was out for the count, his hopes would clearly be disappointed.

"This way," the officer ordered, ushering Brec further up the hall.

Holstering his holdout blaster, Brec pried himself off of the wall he'd been shrinking against and followed.

Presently, they came to the administration office. The room trembled. The bombardment from orbit was getting nearer.

"Get to work," the NISB officer ordered gruffly.

"Your wish is my command," Brec answered dryly. But he did move to the computer station. This was why he'd come, after all. Quite frankly, he wanted to see if he could overcome whatever security protocols were protecting this facility.

As his fingers worked on the terminal, he glanced to the officer who'd freed him from the detainment facility and brought him here in the midst of the city's tumult. "It occurs to me, I don't even know your name. You know who I am. Seems unfair."

The NISB officer grimaced, shaking his head, "I have no intention of gaining acquaintance with a criminal. Just do what we're here for."

The room trembled again. The officer lifted his gaze towards the ceiling, as though looking past the material substance of the building to see the orbiting ships that were raining hell upon the planet. As he did so, another sound filled the room. The sound of a blaster shot.

"I'm not much of a soldier," Brec admitted, setting his warm holdout blaster upon the terminal, "but I do try to pick my moments."

The NISB officer gurgled as he slid down to the floor. A limp hand pressed weakly to his neck, smoke rising from between his fingers.

"I don't think Bacta will fix that," Brec said, inserting a data spike into the terminal's I/O port.

The terminal bleeped in the same moment that the officer hissed out his last exhalation.

Pocketing the spike, Brec picked up his pistol and stood, looking down at the dead man.

"You'd have done it to me," he said, "I make it a point to always shoot first, when possible."

Electronic sounds filled the building as the code was relayed down to every component of the factory.

"Since you're dead," Brec said softly, bending down to take the NISB officer's code cylinder, identification, and blaster pistol, "I'll tell you a secret."

He smiled, "Before I joined the Shadownet, I used to call myself Weaver. Your bosses have been looking for me.

You've missed out on a raise."

Another explosion, quite near, rocked the building.

"Time to go," Brec declared, and scurried back up the corridor that had brought him here, unknowingly avoiding other people with interests in the facility. The leaving was much swifter than the arriving, for he ignorantly proceeded with much less worry about an adversary poised around every corner.

But as Brec reached the outside, he realized he should have worried more.

The entire street was filled with droids, unloading fire on clusters of resisting... somebodies. The planet had clearly fallen into the sphere of a major conflict. Between who, though?

Proximity made its own suggestions. The Empire of the Lost must be fighting... Who?

Not Mandalorians. The gunman within the factory had not been dressed in Beskar. Neither were any of the people he could see on the street.

The Sith?

So who was operating the droids? The Sith, or the Empire?

Brec made his pick. Raising his hands, he shouted at the encroaching droids, "Don't shoot! I'm with the Empire! NISB!"

In one of his raised hands, he held the dead officer's identification badge.


The Battalion The Battalion Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Aion Darth Aion Kivah Kivah
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The Battalion

Another Brick in Syd's Wall
The Droids that were busy outside slaughtering Sith and Sith Aligned Nationalists the way Hank Hill sells Propane and Propane Accessories.

It was some real Doomslayer Chit going on outside, one of the Mercenary B1 units fighting organics at close range with pilfered knives. The B1 Droids massed in organized infantry lines, some digging trenches to better resist on rushing attackers, some in the far, far, distance even persisting in fighting until the last moment where even they had to run from the bombardment. And Nationalists were dying in droves. The Droids exhibited a practiced cruelty no normal B1 could have produced.

As soon as they spotted Brec Abrak Brec Abrak , dozens of carbines with laser sights fixed on him.

Many were painted that Khaki tan color so common to that type of Droid. This was for the purpose of Confusion: Most of the assailants initially had died thinking they were just bog standard B1's.

A few others however, displayed the black and blue colors of the House, others had dents and scratches, ribbons on their chassis, scraps of colorful fabrics wrapping arms. Tally Marks everywhere in some cases, like a certain C-List DC Villain.

It was these Units, Droid Veterans of House Io, that approached.

"Keep those arms up..." One of them instructed in a Fett Clone Voice as a Squad Surrounded him.

One of them reached out to pluck the encrypted NISB ID from his hand. No photo. Lucky Brec.

"What you think, Sargeant?" asked a Desert Camo colored one.

"I think there's no way to be certain if he's telling the truth..." The Droid Sergeant trailed, demonstrating human like reasonings. "You could be anybody."

"If it is real, how good are the odds he either stole it or shot someone for it? Or both?" another mused openly as it pointed it's rifle at his head.

"Pretty darn good. Chaos of War, and all that..." The Sergeant noted. "But if we kill him and we're wrong, it lands our boss in hot water. Detain him. Let the Gladiatrix check him out..."

In the distance, the Gladiatrix , an elite fragment of The Cult of The Brain Demon , shaped to resemble, a tall, muscular, and curvy female Twi'lek with green skin, wielding a long, double edge silver sword, clad in shimmering white, hoplite like armor with gold inlay, was busy savagely butchering even those who surrendered, especially those who surrendered. Her flesh warped horrifyingly all over her body on occasion, as she fed on the agony she inflicted with her blade, hacking away at times long after the target was dead when she received the summons from the Droids under her command.

She withdrew, bounding over the battlefield, cutting savagely into enemies with unrestrained bloodlust, white, revealing armor splashed with blood and gore like the rest of her exposed skin as she got behind friendly lines to reach the squad that had detained Brec.

"And who is this one?" The Fragment asked, flesh on her face rippling unnaturally for a moment as she at last reached them.

"Claims to be NISB, Mistress." The Droid said.

"Does he now, and tell me, Mister NISB, what was your mission in this factory?" She asked pleasantly with a smile, though her physiology ruined the effect as it metabolized the Darkness of the World, flesh pulling away from her head on one side for a split second to reveal the slick looking, pearly white skull beneath before it snapped back into place.

"And I do hope you have a really good answer..."


The Battalion's blade was the first thing the Nationalist Remnants assaulting the weapons factory saw as she appeared on the scene.

The red blade swayed in her hand as she strutted to them, smirking as all of them aimed their weapons at her.

Among these squads she noticed enemy Sith in the distance, using their lightsabers to try and cut through the doors.

The Battalion opened her mouth and purple flames erupted from her throat, becoming a wide swath that engulfed the first wave of shooters, causing them to collapse and writhe as the flames did not burn, but destroyed morale and sanity, her blade swatting aside more distant shooters as she used Force Flight to corkscrew through the air, blade spinning in her hands even faster than she did, making it a propeller as she dived through the ranks of the second wave of shooters, a lawnmower for people instead of grass, the Knowledge she had stolen from the skull of Syd Celsius hers to warp and twist to her will to kill as many as possible.

She landed in the middle of a hastily set up gun nest, her blade ripping into the ones manning it, then got on the machine gun herself, momentarily narrowing knowledge from one of her other forms to imperfectly wield it and gun down half a dozen before she was forced to fly upward to avoid the rocket attack that destroyed it soon after.

She dive bombed them again skewering two against her blade as she reached the surface, using them as a battering ram against the others, and then ripped them open once they had served their murderous purpose.

Soon, all ordinary resistance was dead or incapacitated, and The Battalion was free to focus on the two Sith about to cut through the door to the factory itself. They had taken full advantage of the Nationalist's distracting her, working to the last possible second before turning their attention to her.

She approached confidently in the Makashi Style, feeling the hatred well up again as she prepared to slake her bloodthirst on the only two Targets of any note as they themselves went into guard, feeling the rotting miasma she was in the Force...


Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean + [OPEN]
Location: Tion [Lost to Static] - Beside Darth Empyrean, Within Imperial Stronghold of IM-346
Equipment: Robes | Saber | Ring
"Is that what I am?"

Her eyes, like twin suns of burnished gold, flickered with the briefest amusement. Few could walk through cold corridors that would soon be blood-slicked and devoid of life with such casual grace. The death knells ringing all around them should have created a state of pandemonium but the silvery woman found it to have the structure of a symphony. She listened to the Praetorian's report with a calm detachment, her mind already weaving the next steps. Her husband's commands were precise, his will an iron wave that propelled their forces forward. The echoes of all that he was thrummed in the air, a dark and relentless tide that washed over all who stood in their way.

A mighty storm breaking against an unprepared shore.

Her gaze remained cold. Calculating. The threads she had pulled, the subtle manipulations and machinations, had been worth any delay. It had all helped bring Srina to this moment where the tide began to turn and a domino effect set in. The Empire of the Lost would very likely begin to crumble when this installation was reduced to ruin. She felt a momentary pang of satisfaction, a fleeting sense of accomplishment, but it was quickly subsumed by the pressing need to ensure complete and utter dominion. Wounding their infrastructure wasn't nearly enough.

Her thoughts returned to the task at hand while tactical movements played in her minds' eye over and over. She silently determined the of odds of success while factoring in the defenses the Order had noted from the Lost. Her question about the facility's fail-safes was a necessary precaution, a consideration of all possible outcomes. She knew her Empyrean's mind, knew that he would not leave such details to chance…But still. It was part of the equation. "Do you truly believe that the revelation that a leader serving multiple masters will cause such unrest?"

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was for all intent and purposes…Masterful, with deceit. A spy. It was commendable by Srina's standards, fascinating, because the diminutive Echani was incredibly blunt. Subterfuge was not her strong suit. With such foundations placed…It would be easy enough for the Lost to believe that the Sith were telling tall tales to shake their confidence.

To break them where they might not otherwise be broken.

"They may not open their eyes—Even as truth is given, in light of hopelessness."

As they continued their march, Srina watched with a detached interest as her beloved used his abilities to tear open the airlock, the shriek of rending metal a testament to his might. The skeleton crew within barely had time to react before they were lifted and executed, their deaths as swift and merciless as the Sith who commanded them. She loved him, then.

He never hesitated to do what needed to be done.

The activation of the domination protocols was a foregone conclusion. As the facility's systems were taken over, Srina felt a cold pleasure settle over her. Their enemies' communications were crippled, their efforts doomed to fail. That was the main point—Wasn't it?


To lead to the inevitable.

The white-haired Dread Queen could feel Empyrean looking at her with an empty expression that she had come to hold close to her frozen heart. "This is not the evening out I requested…"

Her words were light but full of sharpness…Edged with something indecipherable. Was it humor?

Or anger?

"But…I can never deny you."

The blood-covered hand that had left a grotesque mark on his dead flesh reached up to touch a length of crimson hair that had once been as ivory as her own. Briefly, she recalled the last time they'd been on a full-blown battlefield together. Not just commanding. But…In the thick of it. Covered in sweat, tears, dirt, and armed only with a will to survive. "Lead me into the dark my love…"

sword will follow."

Oh…He wouldn't live that down. Srina, uncharacteristically…smirked.
Koto Demascón of House Marr Koto Demascón of House Marr was insistent to tag along, jumping into the gunners. Falentra could use someone who was a good shot, and it was her first mission she was leading, it felt right having someone familiar with her. "Glad to have you here beside me. Careful not to hit the creatures." She told him.

"Keep a lookout for threats, I will try to establish a connection from within." Her head implant would send out signal towards the base. While she was still very much conscious, it was hard to multitask sending out codes and commands to force an entry into the system while operating a ship. It was not as smooth as it usually was, the device in her head detecting some pushback and bad gateways. The systems likely been meddled with by those that arrived earlier.

> Message to Mariah HM: Some assistance with remote decryption required. The system might have been compromised by other forces.
> CTOii Privilege Access Granted.
> Sector II Hangar door open

The tech savvy Mariah did her magic. The device quickly establishing a connection within the IM-346, the data and run down of codes filling her headspace in an almost vision-like manner and even access to the survelliance systems within. The eternalists... the emperor... blood and bodies within the facility.

>[multicast] Message Relayed: Tsis Kaar to IM-346. Eternalists within stronghold detected. Caution on mission advised.

Then the spawn's radar alerted her to a figure propelled from the large base their way, it neared. What she thought was a defensive projectile was but a person. A heat signature detected.

<<!!!Incoming fire!!!>> Falentra pulled the steering up, swerving away. However, while the ship remained unscathed, the same could not be said for the creatures. She could feel the cries of pain of her spawn, two of them had blocked the line of fire, taking fatal shots. Falentra simmered, seeing her own creatures fall behind as their blood trailed clouded the water.

> Message to Mariah HM: Take control of the ship. I am connecting to nqspn41 remotely.

"Koto, make sure we get to the stronghold, don't stray from the mission." She instructed as her body stilled. Disconnected from her own consciousness and into head of the remaining sea monster trailing the ship. She now saw from its eyes and turned towards the instigator. A woman, red haired and masked. As much as she hated having to use this fragile life of a beast, she only needed to distract, for the ship to infiltrate into the stronghold.

The Nouqaispawn bared its teeth, swimming straight for the imperial, Teckla Tane Teckla Tane , a tendril would attempt to latch around a limb.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective 1: Lost to Static
Location: Waters surrounding Imperial Stronghold of IM-346, Tion
Outfit: Black Field Armor w/Breath Mask
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Solo for the moment, Quarren and clone troops in reserve
Engaging: Lady Falentra Lady Falentra | Koto Demascón of House Marr Koto Demascón of House Marr


The Moff’s initial shots were intercepted by the creatures that surrounded the vessel. Teckla wondered silently whether that was a boon or if the protection provided for the being or beings inside the ship was going to come back to bite her. There wasn’t much that the General could do about avoiding the protection of the pets, if that was indeed what had happened.

Whether the result of Teckla’s bolts were the best that could be expected was immaterial now. The scream of pain and the shockwave of said pain through the Force was a jolt to Teckla’s system. Whatever was to come next she would be ready. And she knew that there was more on the way. Several more bolts were sent flying before Teckla felt the intention of one of the sea creatures. Teckla gritted her teeth as the ship continued through the water towards the station, but the creature headed straight for her. More focused and determined than the other creatures. An alpha? Or something else? It didn’t much matter.

The creature moved fast. And Teckla was not nearly as effective in the water as she would have been on land. Her opponent was too close once the Moff had turned her direction to face the creature for an attempted shot with her blaster. Instead the redhead general took a wide and wild swing with her lightsaber that was also a bit slow. Too slow as it would happen. While the blade tasted nothing but steaming water in its pass, her leg was grasped by the tendril of the creature and Teckla could feel the grip tightening.

Teckla pushed at the maw of the beast to avoid being bitten, while she righted herself and took a second, more controlled swing targeting the tendril that had taken hold of her leg. Teckla muttered a curse into her breath mask as she watched the ship getting closer and closer to the station and further and further from herself. She had allowed herself to be distracted. And that failure in tactics made the Moff quite angry. She began slashing wildly again. This time the much faster aided by the power of the Force multiplied by her anger. Once she had dispatched the creature she started after the ship, still cursing herself as she would have to continue this hunt in the station she was supposed to be protecting.

"You are what you wish to be, my love. Nothing more and nothing less.", he said, without turning - watching as numbers flew across a numbers of screens - lightning fast nods towards the various systems being breached at his behest. In only a few minutes, this facility would be his, and soon the entire Imperial Communications network. He would sow chaos in a single moment, before hunting down every single being that threatened to stop his advance.​
"I believe that when I send the message to them, show them the recording of her presence in the Sith meeting, and the trace logs proved by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , they will have no choice but to consider it. Then, I will collapse their network, and usher in a communication blockade on the entire system. The two front assault of possible betrayal, met with nothing but the isolation to stew on their thoughts, will break them - or at least sow chaos.", he mused as Typhojem worked. He offered Srina Talon Srina Talon a small turn of his head in her direction.​
"When that has been done, the Mors Mon and its attachment will begin firing on any military targets nearby, found by pings off their communications array. Three moons and this planet will be shot in unison with a surgical strike - furthering the chaos. When that happens, we will go hunting for high command - I know Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's face, she was foolish to flaunt it. I can find her anywhere in the system now."​
"Does this plan suffice, my love?", he asked in his flat, usual tone.​
Before she could answer, Typhojem came to life once more. His voice was lower than the others, crackled and over-played, giving the sensation that the AI was truly a dark god foreboding in the digitized world. Empyrean turned back to give the synthetic his full attention.​
"The communications have been done - the ping has been tripled verified, and all data has been sent back to the Mors Mon. As we speak, the battlecruisers will be departing the storm cloud and beginning surgical bombardments on the locations we have found most densely occupied. Your message is ready to be sent."​
"Good. Do so. When you are done, initiate this facilities flooding and destruction, and begin jamming all secondary and auxillary systems in the region."​
Typhojem nodded, and disappeared, as all screens began to play his message;​
The voice of Typhojem would play out, speaking to every Imperial unit in the system. Every bridge of a battle ship, every starfighter, every holonet reciever, and every soldier in the field. They would hear the Artificial God's message, deep and gutteral as the recording played video evidence and numerous trace logs proving his claims.​
"You have been led to your death by a betrayer in your own midst, brought ruination by the Dark Empire and its puppet Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . She has give shown her face to the Sith, to mock and goad them into this assault - goaded these riots at our approach, let this facility fall abandoned so that chaos could be strewn through your worlds. You are led like a lamb to slaughter, and will have nothing to show for it.", it boomed to all ears that would listen.​
"We come to rectify this - to break the hold these false sewers of chaos have brought to your Empire. We seek to free you of this corruption, so that you may come to the table without these dark influences, and peace may be discussed. Let not this false leader bring your ruin, destroy her and her agents, and let us be at peace again. Break these chains, Imperial Citizens, Imperial Military, Imperial Security. Break these chains and commit yourself to saving your Empire from what she will do it."​
Following it, data was sent showing all evidence of her identity, her betrayal, her locations during these events, and all the information Empyrean had gathered from his sources. She would be ousted to the hoi polloi, and soon the Mors Mon would transmit this very message to the galaxy at large. For now, however, this would suffice.​
In the next moment, the system and its long range communications would go dark as the Mors Mon began to run interference within the cloud. Static began to take hold of all communications on the various bands and connections it could muster - and as the most advanced starship in the galaxy, it covered many very well. The system of Tion had gone into isolation, subjected to a state of technology millenia past. Soon, the ships of the Sith fleet would be in position to strike anywhere that had received the signal in mass.​
Battle cruisers began to depart from the storm, marching towards their new orbits as their weapons began to charge.​
Empyrean didn't bother to raise a hand, but he sent a message to his compatriot - Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner . No words, but the implications of something dark. This facility would soon collapse under the weight of the ocean around it, and there would be nothing left. This was all the warning the Dread Wolf would recieve.​
"Come, my beloved. I believe we should find someone to hunt.", he said as he turned with the forces in tow.​



Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway
Location: Capital City - Third Moon of Tion
Objective: Back in White Black
Robes | - | Red Lightsaber | - | Cool Whip |


Quote of the Moment:
"...Well...You need the villain. If you don't have one...The good guy can just stay home."

Sophia Marr's crimson eyes narrowed as she strode through the chaotic streets of Tion, her energized razor whip crackling with lethal potential at her side. Her battle robes, though scorched and tattered from previous skirmishes, still served their purpose well enough for the time being. She had faced countless enemies this far in the name of the Order and by will of the Emperor that they all served at the pleasure of. Each clash drained her reserves, more and more, but it strengthened her resolve.

The city's capital was a slowly growing maelstrom of conflict and even the littlest Marr caught herself in its unwavering eye. "Take eastern sector by any means necessary…I will secure the north.", her orders were heard by several Acolytes on her small strike team and obeyed. It wasn't because she was more tenured, or, that she was any more skilled. It was her focus. Precision—The way she held herself and carried command as if her very heart had grown teeth.

"Yes—Lady Marr."

Her Darth name had never been decided, much, to her disappointment. It was a difficult position to be in when she was both a warrior and a noblewoman. There was such a thing as too many titles and Sophia had no real say in either aspect. It would come. In time.

As the raven-haired Sith advanced, she felt a sharp sting in her side—a reminder of a wound earned in a previous encounter. She gritted her teeth, refusing to show weakness. A mockery of Imperial forces were everywhere, their presence a blight that the Scion of House Marr was determined to eradicate. She had to do her best to prove herself. No matter the cost. Every step she took was a defiance, a refusal to bend to the mistaken sovereignty of her enemy, nor, the pain that blistered through her.

There was supposed to be another asset by the name of Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway somewhere in the area but she hadn't seen him yet. These streets were still crawling with lost Imperials.

Suddenly, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.

In an instant, her instincts flared. Sophia dodged back and she felt the air move from the swing of a gauntlet. Conversely, she noticed something else. It was not with her eyes. She couldn't see someone in the shadows currently aiming at the whelp that was supposed to be securing this zone…But the Force whispered to her. Exposed secret, hidden things.

Most importantly it whispered that an enemy combatant getting ready to—

With a swift, almost imperceptible motion, she lashed out with her whip, and the energized filaments wrapped around the neck of a nearby enemy soldier. She yanked hard, pulling the much taller man into what her extra senses told her would be the bolt's path. The body jerked violently from her whip, until the shot hit home, life snuffed out in a split second. The second bolt would hit the same meat shield which would hopefully give Conway time to move.

Sophia didn't pause to appreciate her success. The whip retracted, its energy crackling as she leaned into her comm to speak with the rest of her squad. There was a commotion coming. "Stay alert," she barked across the encrypted channel, her voice commanding despite her fatigue. "The fight is far from over."

Even as she spoke, another wave of imperial soldiers surged forward from every crevice and alleyway of the city. Sophia's eyes glinted with a dangerous light. Drawing upon the Force, she felt its dark power flow through her, mingling with her anger, pride, and pain. She raised a hand, and a crimson aura surrounded her, reminiscent of a Dathomirian witch that held wild magic. With a fierce gesture, she unleashed a torrent of energy, sending the front line of soldiers sprawling.

Pain flared in her side again, but Sophia welcomed it. Pain meant she was still alive, still fighting. Her whip cracked through the air once more, an extension of her will and fury. She would not stop. She would not yield. Red electricity crackled in the air and she knew the scent of ozone would fill the area were it not for her half-mask. The forces belonging to the Empire of the Lost all seemed to pause for a moment.

Clearly, hearing a transmission.

"You have been led to your death by a betrayer in your own midst, brought ruination by the Dark Empire and its puppet Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . She has give shown her face to the Sith, to mock and goad them into this assault - goaded these riots at our approach, let this facility fall abandoned so that chaos could be strewn through your worlds. You are led like a lamb to slaughter, and will have nothing to show for it.", it boomed to all ears that would listen.

While her enemies were distracted she scanned the shadows...

Where had the shooter ( Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas ) gone?

If I have anything incorrect I apologize...Just trying to go with the flow of the story and join in with the kind Ivixa.
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Location: Tion System
Objective: Storming In
Call Sign: Miracle
Allies: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen
Enemies: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Michael Hightower Michael Hightower Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Bella received Stormcrow One’s reply and the accompanying navigation data just as she dropped into the synthetic storm with the nine TIEs hot on her tail. By overcharging her reflex implant, the Baroness reacted to their salvos in an instant, by rolling her wings, jinking, yawing, skidding, and changing her speed at will. One such maneuver caused two of the TIEs to overshoot, putting them directly in front of her cannons for only a split-second.

With her enhanced reflexes, that was more than enough time.

Bella reacted instantly, unleashing a lancing salvo of six continuous particle beams that drilled into their ion engines, causing the two craft to explode in unceremonious fashion. Then, flying straight through the explosions, Bella pulled back on the control column and whipped her machine around in a tight chandelle—using the heat and light from the detonations as concealment, allowing her to maneuver behind two more TIEs undetetected in the process.

Breath suspended within her lungs, Bella lined up her crosshairs and fired immediately, inflicting further destruction as six particle beams drilled through the hulls of the two enemy TIEs, ripping them apart. However, even with the four TIEs she had shot down in the last few moments, six more had joined the pursuit, bringing the total up to 11.

All the while, with the synthetic storm continuing to rage around her as more enemy TIEs joined the fray, Bella found herself wondering at the possibility that she might die here. If she were to eject, it was quite possible that she would simply starve to death, as the communications’ disruption from the storm would prevent anyone from receiving her distress call. Alternatively, she could choose not to hit the button and thereby surrender to an instantaneous, guaranteed death.

The same death she had inflicted on potentially hundreds of hapless pilots, gunners, and crewmen before now.

Nevertheless, Bella willed the thought to the back of her mind passed just as quickly as it had manifested. Narrowing her gaze in focus, Bella committed more power to the engines, accelerating her starfighter towards the storm node marked in her navigation computer. Registering that it was set to go critical in moments, narrowed clenched her teeth and brought her machine into a sharp roll. She had every intention of taking advantage of the node's forthcoming detonation.

The pursuing TIEs took more shots at her, but the storm itself was a potent distraction, causing most of them to sail wide or graze off of her shields. Simultaneously, the crackling storm node came into view—resembling a strange, synthetic eye that crackled much like a grouping of lighting rods. Bella whipped her starfighter around it, her focus honed in on her sensor readout, her navcomputer display, and her canopy as she did.

The 11 TIEs on her tail were only seconds behind.

Bella baited them closer with a series of maneuvers, compelling the TIEs to give chase. Seconds later, the timer on her navcomputer ticked down to zero, at which point Bella pointed her starfighter’s nose back towards her previous heading.

Then, she hit the SLAM.

Just as she did, the node went critical. Suddenly, lightning flared and lashed out towards her starfighter, swiftly overloading her ion shields in the process. However, the enemy TIEs left in her wake were far less fortunate. Synthetic storm bolts lashed out one after another, reducing the craft to little more than slagged debris and space dust in an effective instant. For her part, Bella had gained just enough distance to evade their galvanic wrath, the realization drawing a relieved breath from her lips as she vectored back towards her original course.

  • Bella leads multiple enemy TIEs (deployed by Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro ) into the storm, shooting down four in the process.
  • Six more TIEs join the pursuit.
  • Bella arrives at the storm node and circles around it, before activating her starfighter’s SLAM drive as soon as the node goes critical.
  • The remaining 11 TIEs are struck by the lightning, while Bella narrowly escapes, albeit with overloaded shields and limited damage to armor.
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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
ALLIES: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Srina Talon Srina Talon
ENEMIES: Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan


Comms came to life as Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and Srina Talon Srina Talon proved to be successful in their objective. Everyone within range of the communications relay would receive the message as it was set to broadcast on every available signal. Gerwald could only hope the woman that seemed to think he was some kind of bounty prize got the message as well.

“Turns out your employer got tricked. That likely means I am not the biggest prize anymore, and that a bounty with a much more significant payout is about to be placed on the head of @Alicia Dray.”

It made sense logically. The mercenary was likely already getting paid by the Empire of the Lost to protect the facility. Well that had failed. Gerwald had been a distraction at the very least, and by engaging on multiple fronts the Sith did what they had intended. The security forces of the facility had been spread thin enough for the Emperor to do what he had come to do.

If the Empire was smart they would put down their weapons and surrender. Something told the wolf that would not be the case. They were bolstered by their victory on Felucia, and they would falsely assume they had the strength and might to stand against the Sith here. This was not Felucia, and there was much more at stake than a force sensitive species. No, whoever this Alicia Dray was, her intentions were far reaching. Gerwald did not know what they were by any means, but those that operated from the shadows and seemingly alone, willing to play every side… they manipulated everything for themselves only.

The Dread Wolf had known too many like her.

A different message came to Gerwald. This time it was the dark and familiar presence of his sovereign. Empyrean had done more than simply send out a communications relay. He was going to make a bigger statement. The warning had not come in words, but rather a sickening sensation. Dark tendrils formed a picture in his mind of a foreseen outcome, death and destruction. Even as the image became clear in the Wrath’s mind, a subtle shift in the facility could be felt.

It had begun.

Gerwald knew he was boxed in. The mercenary army which this woman had with her had seen to it. Even though his forces had dealt with the initial wave of imperial troops, they were still caught in a fire fight with this new enemy. Retreat was not an option for all of them, and it was certainly a difficult task for the wolf under the current circumstances.

Still, Gerwald gave the order for those who could.

<<< “Our Emperor has determined to use this facility as a demonstration of just how powerful he is to our enemy. Fall back and evacuate.” >>>

<<< “Yes, my Lord…” >>>

The answers came in on his comms from each squad leader. Not all of them would make it, but most would. Those that did not would not be forgotten. Their deaths would serve to ensure the wolf’s forces remained strong. All of it was in vain, however, if Gerwald could not escape himself. He needed a faster exit plan than the options currently available to him.

<< “I need a new escape route.” >>

His thoughts traveled through the bond he shared with Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath . She would see what he saw. Nothing was hidden from her, especially when they were in battle together. Theirs was a unique form of battle meditation. They moved as one, each knowing what step to take next.

She would ensure he had a clear path.



Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean + Lady Falentra Lady Falentra [OPEN]
Location: Tion [Lost to Static] - Beside Darth Empyrean, Within Imperial Stronghold of IM-346
Equipment: Robes | Saber | Ring
"I am yours, then."

If Srina could be whatever she wanted to be? That would suffice. Srina would follow Empyrean anywhere he wished, evidenced, by her place beside him on his wicked throne. This crown of burden and thorns was something she had never wanted. Truly, hadn't earned. But…If her beloved required an Empress, his own, personal Lady Pandemonium?

So be it.

Her unnerving gaze remained fixed on her husband as he detailed his intricate plan, the cold efficiency of his strategy reflecting unyielding will. She nodded at the precision of his machinations, each step calculated to sow chaos and break their enemies' spirit. The corners of her lips curved into a faint, ghost of a smile as she listened, her mind already anticipating the coming hunt…But not before she recalculated chances of success. His query was met with an honest answer.

"It may suffice."

Not all creatures in the galaxy were so easily cowed. More than that…He gave them too much credit. Whether or not he presented the Lost with the truth was entirely irrelevant. People were often fickle things who chose to believe whatever truth suited their needs in the moment. That or the first lie that was told…And Alicia Drey Alicia Drey had most definitely arrived first to lay any necessary groundwork. Yet…There was an unusual circumstance that benefited their cause.

For perhaps the first time in Sith history—Truth was on their side. None of the data that Empyrean was soon to release was fabricated or tampered with in any way. It would place the decidedly brilliant Lady Drey is a rather difficult position. At least, for a little while.

The sudden appearance of Typhojem, with its dark, foreboding presence, momentarily drew her attention. The AI's report, delivered in its ominous tones, sent a shiver through the room, the weight of impending doom settling over the facility. As the message played out across every Imperial channel, Srina let her hand fall from Empyrean. It was done. The seeds of betrayal had been sown, and now it was time to reap the harvest of their enemies' despair.

She was about to respond to her husband's query when her keen senses detected a shift in the presence of those who were still living on the installation. Not many, so it was simple to weed through those she knew and those she did not. The flavor of the individual was subtle yet distinct while it brushed against the edge of her awareness. Hawkish eyes narrowed.

"As you wish, meldanya…", Srina responded to her husband while her head inclined in agreement. She moved gracefully alongside him, her steps silent and measured, while she flickered in and out of his shadow to strike when it was most convenient. His wife was an apex predator in an exceedingly target rich environment. They never saw her coming. As they progressed through the facility, the air grew even colder, the darkness thickening around them.

She knew that Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner was also within the facility but he sought to prove himself on his own terms to her husband. Thusly—She gave him a lot of lead on his leash. The sense of closure that rolled around in her mind like a drum told her that this installation was not long for this world.

"I sense that we are not alone. ( Lady Falentra Lady Falentra )", she whispered while pulling a man from his hiding space near a row of lockers. Srina did not kill for no reason, but she did believe in this. Salting and scorching the earth of their Imperial foes would ensure they had less to retaliate with. Bringing an enemy nation to their knees was rarely a sweeping blow unless they were already on their knees. It was often a war of attrition that required repeated blows until the enemy stopped getting back up…

Would this be more of the same? Even, while Empyrean called for the Lost to open their eyes?

"I wonder if they hear the ticking of the clock."

The blood that was smeared up and down the corridor seemed to vibrate and bubble before it exploded outward in a series of thin spines that impaled the Imperial that had yet to flee. Hidden, but armed. That was sin enough. It was a slow death to observe. Briefly… She watched while a thousand sharp needles made of crystalized blood bending pierced his skin. Through and through. Draining him of all that was required to live before consuming his essence. His fear—Such a refined treat.

Tick tock, went the clock. It wouldn't be long before the installation was crushed from water pressure. Until enemy communications in this sector had very little hope of restoration.

Srina pulled away from the impaled man and returned to Empyrean.

Her bloody hand wrapped around his dead one.

"Let us find another."

And another...And another...
Location: Capital City - Third Moon of Tion
Objective: Back in White
Tag: Sophia of House Marr Sophia of House Marr

"You have been led to your death by a betrayer in your own midst, brought ruination by the Dark Empire and its puppet Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . She has give shown her face to the Sith, to mock and goad them into this assault - goaded these riots at our approach, let this facility fall abandoned so that chaos could be strewn through your worlds. You are led like a lamb to slaughter, and will have nothing to show for it.", it boomed to all ears that would listen.

It was hard to believe what the words processed through her helmet’s earpiece, spoken by a deep, booming voice that almost seemed to compel her to listen. After all, Ivixa was an Agent of the New Imperial Security Bureau. Thus, if what the voice said was true, she and the entire Imperial intelligence agency had been inadvertently leveraged as tools of the Dark Empire.

However, Ivixa’s thought was left unfinished as she was suddenly compelled to duck down by a torrent of energy, her contemplation interrupted by the all too real possibility that the second Sith’s energy discharge would strike at her next. By doing so, it meant that the first Sith she had seen would likely escape, a realization which coaxed a frustrated groan from her lips. It only added to the trouble the Asa’nyx was already beset by, considering the fact that she had accidentally slain an ally only moments prior, even if it was caused not through her own shortcoming, but rather, the doing of a Sith possessing improbable skill with a whip.

While the dark-robed Sith Ivixa had shot at was now less of a threat than the raven-haired Sorceress who had just fried a squad of soldiers inside their armor, the tiny assassin still kept abreast of his location through her armor’s sensor readout. All the while, the smell of ozone and charred flesh was thick in the air, even through her helmet’s filters—a reminder of her own mortality and the destructive potential of the Sith’s unholy powers.

And yet, in spite of the otherworldly potency of the Sorceress’s powers, Ivixa silently resolved to herself that she would not be next.

For her part, Ivixa held one advantage that she had no intention of giving up—the high ground. The rooftop she was on was an obstacle that might force the Sorceress to expose herself in order to ascend it, potentially exposing her in the process. It was also a source of cover, preventing the enemy from drawing a bead on her.

In that regard, Ivixa had more than enough training from her time with the Wild Hunt, Blackwatch and presently, the New Imperial Imperial Security Bureau to know that it would be much harder for a Force-sensitive to directly influence her with the Force if they could neither see nor sense her. For now, she had both potential avenues relatively covered.

However, said training also told the short-statured assassin that she still needed to keep the Sorceress under pressure, if she was to survive.

And so, Ivixa ducked out from cover and rotated her right arm, exposing the emitter of the repulsor weapon attached to her right gauntlet. Steadying her stance for the anticipated recoil, the tiny Asa’nyx willed it to fire, at which point a sharp crack sounded out as a supersonic wave of overpressure exploded out from the emitter, 15 meters away from its intended target. Aimed to strike the whip-wielding Sorceress in the crown of her (potentially) unprotected head, Ivixa sought to concuss her with the attack, potentially disorienting and knocking back her foe in preparation for what she intended to level against her next.



Location: Tie Fighter Factory, Capital City - Third Moon of Tion​

Brec kept his hands up as the droids and their handler debated on what to do with him. The handler... she was a piece of work. What was the deal with her face?

He'd never been in a situation quite as bad as this one, before.

"You know I can't comment on current or past NISB operations," he said, trying to sound exasperated, "so you can either believe me, or you can take me in. I don't much care which, but considering the city is under orbital bombardment, I suggest we don't stick around here.

I have a ship parked at the local security station, but one of your dropships will do just as well. Continuing to fight over this territory is pointless given that it's about to become rubble."

He let his captors chew that over, but then a broadband transmission erupted from every communications device within range:

"You have been led to your death by a betrayer in your own midst, brought ruination by the Dark Empire and its puppet Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . She has shown her face to the Sith, to mock and goad them into this assault - goaded these riots at our approach, let this facility fall abandoned so that chaos could be strewn through your worlds. You are led like a lamb to slaughter, and will have nothing to show for it.", it boomed to all ears that would listen.

"We come to rectify this - to break the hold these false sewers of chaos have brought to your Empire. We seek to free you of this corruption, so that you may come to the table without these dark influences, and peace may be discussed. Let not this false leader bring your ruin, destroy her and her agents, and let us be at peace again. Break these chains, Imperial Citizens, Imperial Military, Imperial Security. Break these chains and commit yourself to saving your Empire from what she will do it."

Brec lifted his gaze towards the dark sky. He was pretty sure Alicia Drey was the director of the NISB. It seemed the entire universe was conspiring against him.

"That's, ah... fake news," he suggested.

The Battalion The Battalion Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Aion Darth Aion Kivah Kivah


ENGAGING: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner (better look sharp)




Was this guy bomb-proof?

Clearly the explosions of the particle bolts against his saber didn't phase him in the slightest. Would she really have to go blade to blade with this old fart then? It would definitely complicate some things.

"Pops… I'm not that old… especially for my species."

Tamna snorted as she kept the rifle trained on him.
"You're still by my standards, my dude." she deadpanned. This bullet-proof tank wasn't exceptionally bright, was he. She needed a new plan. But before she could come up with anything, she felt the Force tug against the blaster in her hand. She gripped onto it just long enough to flick its setting from particle to sonic and pulling the trigger before letting it fly.

He'll get the blaster as well a full and loud shot of sonic fire.

Then, she summoned her saber from her back and into her hand, igniting the argent blade just in case he managed to dodge that sonic shot.
"Either way, I have no intention on letting you get away Pops. See, not only am I getting paid to protect this facility, but this puck got your name and a whole host of credits riding on it. I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold, it don't matter to the one paying. Choice is yours." she said flatly, all business.

But before things could advance any further, the situation drastically changed.

The message came clear across their comms. Tamna's dark eyes narrowed behind her visor as she still looked at the old fart in front of her. He definitely had something to do with it.
<Fox, let's go! We ain't dying for some space wizard!> came Shaddix's order through the comms. It was clear the Hellions inside were now systematically disengaging from the firefight, now only defending themselves and not giving a shit any more about the place they were contracted to defend.

The Korvan scion had a split second to make a decision - stick with her unit or abandon them and pursue this bounty.
<Gimme a minute.> she simply replied.
"Turns out your employer got tricked. That likely means I am not the biggest prize anymore, and that a bounty with a much more significant payout is about to be placed on the head of @Alicia Dray."
Tamna couldn't help but laugh at him.
"Sorry Pops, but the prize on your head is from someone not in this sorry excuse of an empire so I don't give a shit right now about the future price on a space wizard. Try again."

With that she had made up her mind. In a Force-induced blur, she launched at him, purified blade swinging in a hard Vaapad slash toward his legs before moving past him and aiming another Vornskr strike at his back. Following that up, she added a blast of Force toward him as well.

"Guess your scorned sugar mommy is receiving you cold."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
ALLIES: Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Srina Talon Srina Talon
ENEMIES: Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan


The impact from the explosion of the particle bolts had been absorbed by the shield system in his armor, and pauldrons on his shoulders. The volley which had followed was another matter. They were not the kind to explode on impact. Gerwald had deflected those with ease, but what he did not account for was the fact the mercenary across from was a force user. There had been many in the facility, close to each other. There were signatures the Wrath had not recognized, but hers was raw. It was a shame he was going to have to kill her, or at the very least leave her to die.

His mind searched for where he knew his mate to be. Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath had been dispatched with the other half of his forces to ensure the rest of the security forces had been spread thin. They were to meet up at the security command post. All of that changed the moment Darth Empyrean let out his broadcast.

Another rumble, this time metal whined and creaked under the weight of the water pressure as it began to squeeze the durasteel structure. The mercenaries that valued living were quick to disengage from the fight, and as they began to fall back to where their vehicles were, it opened up a path for the wolf to make his way to Naedira.

"Guess your scorned sugar mommy is receiving you cold."

“This is about… that… No one has heard from her in so long… that puck is as worthless as bantha poodoo in a museum.”

Gerwald laughed so hard he almost missed the fact the woman had launched herself at him with her speed aided by the force. It was a basic maneuver, one which Gerwald instinctively matched. Time seemed to slow. His mastery of the force almost evident in how still his attacker seemed to be. His legs leaped over the blade just in time to keep from being swept out from under him.

Her next strike was at his back which his red blade deflected. It left him open for the force push she added, however, and since his pauldrons had not recharged from the energy they absorbed in the blast of the particle bolts, Gerwald was knocked back.

The wolf was back on his feet, and quickly. He could attack, or… as he looked around it seemed the push had launched him down a corridor that would lead him to his partner. Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath was no doubt dealing with her opposition, but in this case they would be able to help each other out.

He took off running.

Once more his mind reached out to hers. The necklace which he had given not only allowed her to feel his presence when he was great distances away. It allowed the wolf to know where she was when they were close. It amplified her location. Their bond made communication easy. The battle meld let him see through her eyes briefly.

The mercenaries she was dealing with were also beginning to pull back, but there were a stubborn few attempting to pin them down. If he ran, and kept running, Gerwald could intercept them, while hopefully Naedira could cut the path of his would-be captor short. This one did not seem like she was going to give up.

<< “I am headed your way… I’ll be on you in about a minute. Be ready… I’m being tailed.” >>

Once more the force fed his movements. Two mercenaries that had attempted to step in his way found themselves run through by his lightsaber, while the other had their chest caved in by his hammer. It seemed as though he intended to run right past Naedira, and at first he did. A line of troopers were letting off a round of bolts, all aimed at her direction. It was not that the woman could not defend herself, but rather it was more about how they worked together.

When Gerwald was present he was the shield, the immovable wall, and she was shadow, striking from wherever she saw fit.

His blade twirled about, redirecting the bots to their source. One by one each trooper fell to their own fire. Where there had not been a path before them, now there was.

Gerwald’s hand found the waist of his mate briefly as he turned to face her for the stolen second they had. The wolf slowed time once more as it appeared he might kiss her in the middle of all the chaos around them. Instead his eyes gave Naedira the path of the force empowered bounty hunter which was determined to collect her fee. He let the face of the woman pass from his mind to hers, hoping it would not rouse the she-wolf too much. They needed to escape, not deal with a beast trying to break free from her bonds within the woman she felt trapped inside.

“We must fight our way out and return to the ship.”

His eyes looked at the path ahead which would lead them back to the airlock.

“Empyrean is determined to see this facility destroyed by the ocean that engulfs it.”

ooc: edited to correct grammar mistakes
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Location: Mon Mors | Tion System

Allies: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Enemies: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen

The shots seemed to come out of nowhere, shots boiling out from the storm clouds that seemed to settle on the battlefield like a heavy cloak. It was like a fog that had seemed to settle in space, obscuring the starlight of space behind shapes and shadows. Every species had stepped out of the caves and looked to the heavens, had seen the stars twinkling in the depth of space and reached out a hand to grasp those diamonds.

It was what made space home, the vast emptiness, the company of the stars, there was a bewitching beauty there that rapidly became the companion of any spacer, became a part of their blood. Once you had tasted it, become one of the star children it was hard to let go. It was why old spacers would congregate around spaceports, telling stories about their adventures, tall tales that only they would believe. It was hard to let it go.

It was why this felt so wrong, the clouds the vessel had spawned blocked out the stars of space, isolated you from those ever present companions.

It was tangible on the bridge, like a taste on your tongue, a sensation that caused the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. The chatter held a slightly brittle air to it, a tenseness that normally wasn't present, a nervous energy that drew more than one pair of eyes to stare out of the window.

As much as he would like to say his will reigned supreme over his emotion, over his sense of superstition Michael couldn't. He could feel the same sense of dread, of wrongness running it's icy cold claws down his back. Dark eyes settled on the viewscreen as he watched the lightning crackle and strike, the bright flare that mean an impact somewhere out there in the haze. He was used to immediate information, sensors that covered the battlefield and could parse out any details he needed. A luxury that had been lose in the fog of war.

"Ok, I guess we do this the old fashioned way then."

It was a short sentence, barely a drop in the background noise of the bridge, but the confidence of a commander was infectious, travelling out from him in a ripple through those crew near him and then on and on. A change in the pitch of conversation, a shoring up of what was brittle before.

Now, if only his worries were so easily managed.

He could only watch as another round of shots blurred out of the darkness, splashing against the shield of the ships, a show of lights and fireworks that lit up space around them. He could hear the murmurs on the bridge shift as the tactical department started to move, calling in information and planning. It was hard to describe it, but a ship became almost a living organism, with it's own beats and mannerisms, and if you listened just right you could almost hear what was about to happen before anyone knew.

"Thank you Lady Raff, please begin whenever you're ready."

The man's eyes flicked over to the tactical station even before the commander leading the team opened his mouth to speak.

"Legate we"

"No Commander."

"But Sir we've traced the source of the incoming fire. We can retaliate now if we."

"Not yet."

A raised hand forestalled any further discussion as the legate turned his head to nod at the commander.

"I like the initiative, but no, not yet. We only get one chance at this, we need to make it count. They're firing blind but I don't want to."

A moment's pause before he nodded at Alexi at the comms station.

"Contact Admiral Yvarro and acknowledge her last transmission. Let her know that I'd like to tie our long range weapons into her firing systems so she can use the incoming data to focus our attacks on a few ships to maximise their effect. In the meantime, orders to the fleet to fall back into a defensive formation, battlecruisers to fall further back to cover our flanks. Have some of the destroyers fall in to support them."

The fleet began to respond to his will, the bridge crew responding like the well honed weapon they were. The Legate could see the emperor's order when it came in, the timbre of the bridge changing again as the Mon Mors deployed it's powerful communication abilities to jam the frequencies around, isolating the system.

It was like the final breath in a fight before battle was joined, the forming of dark shapes in the clouds that first punch thrown as the Imperial bombers became visible in the fog, the defensive screen of fighters rising to tear into them.

The battle had finally been joined.

Flagship (10km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Mons Mors

1st Battle Cruiser Division (10km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Nether's Voice Monger Class Sith Star Cruiser
[ 100 | 100 ] Archlight Monger Class Sith Star Cruiser

1st Heavy Destroyer Division (10km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Svalinn Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Stormbringer Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Gladiator SD-9s "Khan" Sith Star Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Raider SD-9s "Khan" Sith Star Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Unbroken SD-584 "Leviathan" Class Star Destroyer

1st Artillery Division (3km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Void's Grace Arjuna Artillery Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Adder Arjuna Artillery Destroyer

1st Carrier Division (3km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Thunderbird Us-hrok Izai (Gesture of Promise)
[ 100 | 100 ] Pathfinder Us-hrok Izai (Gesture of Promise)

1st Heavy Cruiser Division (3560km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Saberblade SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser
[ 100 | 100 ] Insurgent SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser
[ 100 | 100 ] Javelin SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser
[ 100 | 100 ] Triumph SC-07 "Lussk" Class Assault Cruiser

1) Weapons tied into Fiolette Yvarro's fire control
2) Jamming activated per Darth Empyrean's post
3) Fighters moving to intercept bombers


Location: Gunner seat of Thranta Spawn with Lady Falentra Lady Falentra
Interacting Allies: Lady Falentra Lady Falentra
Interacting Enemies: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane
"Very well." Was his only response, don't hit the creatures. That was reasonable enough. He tested the feeling of the laser cannon turrets, that was going to provide some power for sure, and on a ship this small they could be moved fairly quickly. Course, so did the ship. He felt it, when the creatures died, but it was just another death in the force. Screams among screams present and past. Still, he almost instantly turned his turrets in the direction of the attack. Falentra gave him a different order instead, get to the base. And then there was a less familiar noise in the force as her mind took command over the creature, and used it for attack. He realized it wasn't completely unfamiliar, because sometimes, he sung a similar tune. Just one less commanding. Less precise.

There was no more tapping with every second. He heard it, counted them in his head. But his body was in motion, he was in combat. He turned his turrets on Teckla Tane Teckla Tane firing some energy blasts back to intercept hers. He was not a master of lightsabers, but he was plenty good when it came to things like blasters and slugs. However once the creature was on route, anything further would just get it killed...and maybe Falentra? He didn't know how her ability worked exactly. He doubted it.

That's hesitation. He thought and immediately switched to commanding the waterborn starfighter jerking it fast in the direction of the stronghold. But he could hear her behind him, hear the motion of the water through the force, the trails of blood seeping from wounds. But not that strange womans apparently. He sent a surge in the force mentally, something that even a non force sensitive could perceive. This was not a mind trick, exactly. He attempted to show her a false 'vision' of her charging the ship, only for the ship to spin around and set all it's cannons on her rather than continuing onto the objective.

Whether she percieved it as an actual vision or as a threat he didn't care. In truth he'd rather she keep coming, he wanted to see if he could outplay her, or just blast her down. For now, while trying to keep the ship on track. He stuck to simply attempting to fire the blaster turrets behind the ship back at her. Far less accurate than he'd like, but he was mostly devoted to trying to get the ship towards the stronghold. And piloting was not his strong suit, he still barely knew the controls at all and was mostly hoping he didn't accidentally vent the ship to the outside.

I am posting this first portion with Mariah as Koto just because there isn't much to do yet but may switch to Mariah of House Marr for further stuff involving the Thranta Mothership.

Thranta Mothership link
Thranta Spawn link


Enter the storm.

Clan Rodarch bravely crossed the vastness of space, through the chaos of conflict and weaving through the dagger fleets of the Sith. It was a brave, noble effort to brave the Heart of Darkness that is Malsheem, the immense worldcraft emerging from hyperspace to eclipse. They were wholly unprepared for the storm their presence would unleash around this living nightmare. The station reacted swiftly to the oncoming intruson, its bleeding edge systems were peerless manned by highly trained technicians and the malevolent AI that was AQUILA. The entire surface of the worldcraft seemed to glow bright and for a few moments in space? It looked like a great, newborn sun. Thousands upon thousands of defense turrets opened fire at the oncoming assault, so many it was impossible to count them all and pinpoint where one wave ended, and the other began.

When the two waves met the results were devastating. The assault tore through the oncoming assault, the barrage of oncoming missiles like wheat during harvest season. It wasn't enough to stop the assault, waves of laser fire tore into strike ships in an effort to annihlate them, nearby ships moved in an effort to prioritize assaulting the defenders. Those that did make it through were knocked wildly off course if they even did have a sense of direction at all, in identifying where they wanted to land on the immense worldcraft. While the damage against the station was minimal, there were breaching plumes where these ships could disgorge their compliments of dedicated, vengeful fighters onboard the station. But little did they know...

They were entering hell itself.

Everything exploded the very moment the ship doors opened. There was no respite, no time to mentally prepare before taking the very first steps aboard the Kainate's bastion of power. All that came was fire, unrelenting, neverending, endless torrents of burning fire great enough to shake the foundations of the ships they landed on. The noise ringing out was a cacophony of alarm klaxons, sirens, warhorns, and chants deep enough to resonate through the steel decks beneath their beskar clad feet. Their enemy were well prepared, well equipped and driven by a religious fervor that would give even the greatest warrior pause. The forces of the Kainate were layered between the strand cast armies, Blackblade Guard's elite legionaries, endless hordes of war droids, and a new crimson clad force of security.

But all would feel his presence as the Mortarch arrived.

The Dark Lord of the Kainate arrived out of the very darkness itself, stepping through shadow and flame to grace the loyal defenders with his presence. In his presence their hunger for violence grew, it emboldened these legions to fight ever harder under his watchful gaze, as the presence of his living storm of darkness swept the entire level with malice. Out before them strode the Destroyer of Mandalore, the living giant who orchestrated the worst genocide in modern galactic history. It was by his hand that Mandalore burned into the husk that was Moridinae, it was by his will that the Blackblade Guard on behalf of the Sith Empire endeavored to destroy an entire culture and erase them from living memory. It wasn't enough for this giant to simply kill them all, he needed to break them. He stood before them and from this giant came death itself.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

The Malsheem

Thrust upon the blade of the Sith by their own momentum, Arla's strike force had little control over where they ended up after the dropships penetrated the outer shell of the massive world craft Malsheem.

She had planned the expedition with care, despite the brute force manner of their ingress. Arla had taken only volunteers, and been very selective about those chosen to go on the mission. She had selected only the old, with no children not grown to adulthood, those with sickness, and those willing to die for the cause. Her force, necessarily divided into three groups, would separate and act independently, rather than attempting to rendezvous after landing. This plan was justified with the haphazard way the transports just barely made it aboard, scattered and dispersed widely, without being destroyed.

You couldn't use regular troops for a mission like this, not even special forces. Arla's force was ersatz and irregular, though many of them had gratefully accepted the standardized equipment offered for free, they were more an unofficial militia than a military or even a paramilitary unit. All of them had left signature weapons and family heirlooms back home to their own successors and descendants, utilizing the equipment Arla had provided, not wishing to lose treasures aboard this Sith monstrosity from which they would not return. They were a collection of misfits from all walks of Mandalorian life, many of them grandparents, many of them old enough to have lived through the despoiling of Mandalore. To a one, they had all jumped at a chance to go into the very face of the old enemy and wreak bloody vengeance. Even though most did not know the true extent or purpose of the assault, each took up the call to fight for Mandalore.

In each case, the mission was the same. Assault forces would lead the way in double ranks, utilizing volley fire and explosives to blast a path. Demolition teams would follow behind, placing mines and charges on targets of opportunity, aiming for power conduits and generators to maximise secondary effect. Two members from each dropship bore the weight of responsibility for the mission objective. Arla had entrusted the task only to a few, to maximize security. She, and a Dathomiri took the mission for her dropship.

The Assault forces were made up of hardened veterans, equipped with heavy weapons, and backed up by battle droids and walkers. The demo teams were all explosive experts, and each carried as much ordnance as they could. Arla had left the other two dropship teams to carry out their own missions independently. She hoped that by attempting to place three different tracking devices aboard the Malsheem, that at least one would be successful. That was their mission. The suicidal sabotage run was the cover for the hidden objective, one that Arla fervently hoped that the Sith would miss.

The third dropship bore a pair of hardened old veterans, one of whom was a biotech expert who carried that team's burden. Team three was led by 'Malice' Rook and 'Solo' Kryze, old campaigners who carried with them a Yuuzhan Vong villip they would place somewhere it was unlikely to be found or destroyed. Wily ancient warriors, Arla trusted them to get the job done and to die well. Selecting the leaders had been the most difficult task, for it was upon them that the entire mission rested. Each command team was responsible for depositing a form of tracking.

Her riduur Archimedes was on the second vessel with a tech expert from Clan Gred. Arla knew that her Sha'kajir Riduur would get the job done, indeed he had demanded a place in her assault force. She could not say him no, though she knew they would likely never see one another again. Many of his team were old comrades, with many battles behind them, seeking vengeance for the despoiling of Mandalore and the genocides. Team two was led capably by Archimedes Rodarch and his companion 'Geek' Gred who had the high-tech tracking device that she would place inside the Malsheem, in a place unlikely to be detected or discovered.

Arla fought with her own Assault team, fighting in the front ranks with her own personal ranged weapons. She had deliberately engineered the mission to be able to lead from the front. The further her forces could penetrate into the Sith world craft, the greater the destruction they could hope to cause. Such was her justification. In reality, she wanted to directly hurt the enemy, and fighting in the front of a suicidal assault against overwhelming odds seemed the easiest way to achieve such a confrontation. Her witch companion had already burned the blood trail glyph into an inner bulkhead, so her primary mission was complete. She had only to fight as long as she could. Simple.

The battle began the instant the dropship blew open, and the Mandalorians engaged the Malsheem's ready and waiting defenders.

Despite overwhelming odds, and the capable and ready defences, and the haphazard and chaotic nature of their arrival, the Mandalorians fought out of their dropships in good order. Solid double ranks of Ghost Stalker and Barve Stopper armed troopers led the way, advancing behind walls of recoilless heavy fire. The Mandalorians attacked with no fear of death. This was what each of them lived for. A good death.

Before her, Arla spied a giant of a man. This one was for her, it seemed. Despite the danger of imminent death, She smiled. Braxus Zambrano, one of the arch criminals responsible for the despoiled state of the home world. Kad smiled upon her this day. She hadn't even needed to go looking. Arla felt no fear, but a heightened exultation for the test to come.

"Whoa, big boy!"



Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Aion Darth Aion Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Lissa Lissa Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Domina Prime Domina Prime


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