Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Signal is Calling: Silver Jedi Concord Dominion of Crispor

"He got Marty..." one of the Model 1 units remarked watching the security feed a few floors above.

"We expected that..." Jason the Model 1 remarked. "He's in now."

"Marty got to him a moment though. You could tell by the expression."

"Doesn't matter. He faked the rest of his emotion." Jason replied, quite adept at understanding Organic emotion at this point. "Tell Glover to be extra cautious during the ambush."

The warning was wirelessly transmitted.

As has been stated, quite a lot had been spent turning the place into a death trap. Spaces in the floor had been prepped. The walls had been prepped. Footage had been taken of the attacks while on the ground. They began to show on hidden projectors all across the walls, mainly images of the slain Wookiees all around Caltin, with a big message in red underneath that said "These people were fools to think they were safe around Jedi. YOU got them killed."

The images on the walls switched up, showing the various Wookiees injured and mutilated by the attack.

Had this message been prepared specifically for Caltin? No. It would have played for any Jedi that got in.

But Caltin, because he had told the Model 1 that using the Wookiees would have really got under his skin in the first exchange, the imagery had been switched out for more sickening images of the attack, due to Holonet access. They also began showing images of his wife, her movements over the past few months, the HK Guarding her. THAT part was totally meant to get to Caltin. And Distract him...

The Second Model 1 burst out of its hiding space, under the floor firing it's shotgun as fast as possible at the lower half of his body, close to his upper thighs.


'Might not seem fair?' Are you even listening to yourself? Have you ever even been to the worlds the Bryn devastated? The Jedi never would have bothered to listen to anything Laertia had to say even if she had never rebelled.

The Droids, well equipped to resist Ionization effects, were barely affected beyond a momentary glitch in their photo receptors from the Device Syn Syn used and immediately began using their onboard advanced Gravity Generators and built in Sonic Disruptors to try and slow him and Sera Inkari Sera Inkari down, the Organic Citizens activating their wrist mounted flamethrowers, which didn't rely on too much tech to try and burn him at the same time, though all their other Weaponry was momentarily affected also.

You made it perfectly clear you were all never going to listen to her or anyone else affected by the Bryn no matter what because the Sith came first. So what's the use of talking it out peacefully? You only bother with us because blood has been shed on 'your' doorsteps and you don't like it. You can't even appreciate the fact that what your Order has suffered in the past few days is barely a billionth of what the Bryn did to our worlds. Our families. You deserve the violence. You deserve to be rebelled against. Your government that you protect deserves to be overthrown . The Sorceress replied mentally as her forces attacked. The Jedi Order never listens unless violence is applied to them. That's why I never joined despite using the Light myself. That is why I am more than happy to oppose another Light User this day. Because I have to live amongst those who were personally ruined by your Order's choices. Call us arrogant all you like. It does not erase the horror your order inflicted when it left the worlds so many of our citizens came from to the mercy of the Bryn hoards.

One Citizen managed to get his Disruptor working momentarily and fired at Syn and Sera also.


The team under command by Trista Consta Trista Consta was in a bad spot to move, because as the team moved up the stairs a trap was triggered remotely by a sensor in the door Trista opened.

Sonic Turrets, hidden in the ceiling above and in the stair cases popped into place from hidden compartments and started firing at the team, while a turret popped into place aiming at the door area Trista held open and started firing heavy, powerful sonic bolts.


Okera Vekra Okera Vekra tossed a grenade and the Mercenary B1's definitely noticed and dived backward as it went off, though one as it dived kept firing at the wall and bouncing shots off it down to the Passage Okera was in, though it was a bit closer to the grenade blast and suffered damage to it's advanced grav Generator and was forced to shut it down. The other one, familiar with the building layout, began to move as quietly as it could through other rooms that would allow it to flank Okera, while the other damaged B1 got back up and continued firing off more surfaces the bolts bouncing off them and creating a dangerous, enclosed web of bouncing bolts...

OOC: Lemme know if I should edit
“Those who say they understand Chess, understand nothing” - Robert Hubner

Okay, so they’re letting me in… this isn’t a trap… nooo not at all.

It was sensible, since if this was as guarded as it was claimed to be, let alone the droids he had just defeated, then making things harder and more dangerous with each step was a prudent idea. So he took his time. Stealth would be a good idea, but the trap he just sprung (throwing knives aimed at his chest) was expertly set up, so the big man just went back to being the “decoy” he was originally planning to be.

That wasn’t the only trap either, several slats on the floor, well, they were not a fun experience to say the least. It was annoying to be sure, but the massive Jedi Master could take it easily enough, he was too stubborn not to. Traps like these are never designed to be completely successful, but have a seed in duality. That duality is that if they are successful then the target falls, but if not then one learns more of their target’s skillset than one is prepared to show just yet. So whoever was behind this had that going for them (Caltin noticed the recording equipment).

The images on the walls of Wookiees that had been slaughtered were not only inconsistent with what had happened at the Silver Rest, but some were months, if not years old. It did an eyebrow, but did not slow the big man down as took his time through the two “empty”(I.E. traps) rooms. The fact is, he was not impressed at the cheap move to get his goat, especially after he was the one to bring it up to them.

Nice try. Your compatriots committed those acts, not mine.

He didn’t bother with those walls as there did not appear to be any traps behind them. It was funny, he knew that this was the right move because Vanagor was being as ridiculously obvious and “UNstealthy” as he could be. So if this didn’t spring those traps than nothing would, so judging by what he was up against so far there was nothing.

Caltin did stop momentarily at the image of Chrysa, his wife, as well as HK but he started up again. The big man was always going to be concerned for her safety, she was his wife after all. He did not concern himself though as the Sorussian was strong in the Force as well, she could more than handle herself, and if she could not… well HK was there with her. Vanagor knew that she was and would be fine, but he was her husband... he would be remiss if he did not dwell... even if he knew better. She was safe and healthy and he knew it. He also knew that she would stay that way, or there would be nothing holding him back from doing literally anything.

Your attempts to get at me are amusing.

That was when he mentally cursed his “Padawan Mistake” and took a shotgun blast to the left quadricep. The “old” Caltin would have a lot to deal with right now as the show was a flesh wound, but the droid was up and firing. Dropping into a “prone” position and rolling behind a pillar just long enough to check his wound. Vanagor was not able to control pain through the Force anymore, not since his trip to the Wellspring of Life that reset his abilities. No, the Force was still in him and still as strong as it was, but it was still different and still something he was learning more about.

While Caltin could not control the pain, his healing factor had grown exponentially and the wound was already on the mend. He had full range of motion and as the Model 1 was closing in on its prey, the massive Jedi Master just laid in wait. Slowly, he let the energy in him build up until finally…


A powerful bolt of lightning appeared out of the walls and slammed hard into the droid’s head and upper body. This was another one of those tactics that were based in duality These metal assassins were abnormally well built so it was more than possible that the electrical charge would do little more than tickle, it was possible that the systems would be overloaded. Either way it gave the big man the moment he would need to stop having to dodge shotgun blasts and jump to his feet, engage his lightsaber and go for a right arm horizontal slash across the droid’s “neck.”

TAG: Matsu Ike Sera Inkari Syn Taiden Keth Laertia Io


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Objective: Ascend the Tower
Allies: Sera Inkari Sera Inkari Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Enemies: Laertia Io Laertia Io

THe jedi master listened to her. The justifications and rhetoric was good in a small way... it showed a conviction but it also assumed heavily that he was like the other jedi. The fatal flaw of it. He was a shadow and moving forward he looked at the sonic weapons as his movement remained. THe force radiating off of him as shots were fired. Reflexes in combat coming to him as the jedi master moved, the sub-atomic levels slowing down as he halted vibrations around himself... the lowest they could go while his body was running hot... feverish to others. Her was using the force to slow the passage of time within the area as he stretched outwards with the force.

Shattered universe... that was what the Jadeite called it as a means to look like you were teleporting and compared to force speed or aaltering perceptions.. with a jedi master it looked more like a flashfreeze. Temp[erature reaching the negatives and creating ice crystals where there wasn't a large heat source if you were not careful. The jedi masters focus went to the shots and he moved to the side going near the wall to dodge... then to the other side for a moment only launching the force to bring section of wall away and towards them. The force didn't need to strike them... what was thrown with the force though was harder to resist.

His voice came out as he moved up. Maintaining compared to some a monotone. "Don't think you have a corner on all the virtue in the galaxy child or that everyone else is ignoring you and responsible or that yours is the first group to come along that's felt dissatisfied. They all have, you know, about different things; and most of them didn't have the opportunity and freedoms that you have." He watched one of the man and finally stopped moving taking in the shot as he fired a disruptor at them. The jedi masters hand focused the force into a barrier to absorb and dissipate in. The heat of his body making the steam rise from crystalized vapor in the air where he froze it to move.

The jedi master had a chance to maybe throw them off kilter but he was here to educate in more ways then just how outclassed they were. "Let's talk poverty. In most parts of the galaxy, that's not a problem, it's a way of life. And rights? They're liable to give you a blank stare because they may not know what you're talking about. The fact is, more people are living better right here than anyone else in the history of this sector. THe silver jedi have worked to improve lives. So don't expect us to roll over and play dead when you say you're dissatisfied. It's not perfect, but it's a great deal better than when they were reaching areas of this space."

Staying there for a moment as he gave Sera the chance to move and her skills with avoiding attacks. "A hundred men and women standing in the streets hoping for one job, selling whatever wares on the street corner. That's one of the things the silver jedi were dissatisfied about, and you don't see that much anymore." HIs senses were expanding outwards as he ascended more ripping through the walls of the tower beyond walking through the traps. "You're stronger, healthier, and you live longer than the last generations that were under sith rule; and I don't think that's altogether bad. You've probably never seen a "Quarantined for Plague" sign on a neighbor's door."

His hand came up to a wall as the sounds of fighting were there... the others like Caltin were handling things... others seemed to have come in from above.... so he would do what came best. "Bloodburn, Brainworm Rot, Gray Rot; probably none of your classmates are crippled with the Karatos Plague. You don't see many mastoid scars anymore. We've done quite a bit of fighting all around the galaxy. Whether you think it was moral or not a lot of people are free to make their own mistakes today because of it. And that may just include you." He left out the especially you part as proof from this. THe attacks the blind hatred.

"I don't know, maybe part of it's the fact that you've always been told you aare right. You've grown up off the work of the jedi and Republic. Press a button - instant entertainment from Sor-Jan Xantha . Type sevenal digits - instant communication thanks to Sasori. INsert a datacard - pull back on a control stick - instant transportation from Gir Quee Gir Quee . Flash a credit chit - instant money from Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau . Program in a problem - push a few buttons - instant droid based solutions. But some problems you can't get quick answers for, no matter how much you want them." THe jedi master waited and thought about Tempest Yore Tempest Yore for a moment.

I took a little girl into my care as a padawan years ago; she was fourteen years old. Her weight just barely healthy pounds. Her foster parents just hadn't bothered to feed her.... but she has become one of the most talented jedi I know." He thought about Sera Inkari Sera Inkari whom had fallen further then many could becoming close to the emperor of the sith and was brought back albeit slowly and carefully. "Now give me a fast answer to that one; one that'll stop that neglect from ever happening again." He cracked a wall opening it up for visable aid to the other teams who were looking for ways into the tower.

"And if you can't settle that one, how about the tens of thousands of civilians who'll die in the field hospitals this year? From your attack. That's nearly six or seven times the number that'll get killed in this battle with you here. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Or is dying in an act of terror from you somehow moral? Show me how to wipe out the corruption that twisted a servant of the lightside. I'll settle for the corruption you have inside yourself. Show me how to get rid of the unlimited capacity for human beings to make themselves believe they're somehow right - and justified - in stealing from somebody, or hurting somebody, and you'll just about put the jedi and rangers here out of business!"

The jedi master moved.. the force assisting as he went against one of the models... hand coming out as it moved in for the attack. His expression not changing before it was close to him... he could practically smell the parts and metal of it. The force enhancing his strikes as he punched and dodged with combat reflexes... precognitive measures and a lack of eyesight to see the horrors that were being played across the screens for the others. He was dissecting with force strikes the model to rip it apart as kinetic energy was compressed and exploding with each strike to shatter metals. "Don't think we're telling you to lose your ideals or your sense of outrage."

"They're the only way things ever get done. And there's a lot more that still needs doing. And one can hope you'll tackle it. You don't have to do anything dramatic like coming up with a better galaxy. You can find enough to keep you busy right here among the people. In the meantime, don't break things up in the name of revenge or bomb civilians to make them see the light. Be careful of taking their rights. Because your people and your families and your rights aren't any better than the ones you kill. And the next time you may be the one to get it. I remember a man who killed millions of people, and called it improvement."

The jedi master moved from the model and one fo the living one fired more upon him... the hand coming up and grabbing the rifle as he squeezed allowing the energy to be absorbed... tutaminis on his hand and altering the energy damage to be lowerr as it came at him. "Don't try to build a new galaxy. Make this one work. It has for tens of millions of years; and by the standards of the universe, that's hardly more than yesterday." He said it before leaning over the one living model... his hand coming away with blue energy rippling along it as he looked down into the lower floors sending them plummeting down.

His voice coming out as he spoke allowing the force to rip a larger hole in the wall and distractions were important as the teams worked to fight throughout the tower. "I was Palpatines Monster child. I killed firstborns while their mamas watched. I turned cities into salt and slag. I even, when I felt like it, ripped the hearts from little girls, and from now till the death of the universe comes, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why." He looked up and around projecting a barrier of force energy while sending two down towards Caltin. "Catch."
Objective: Ascend the Tower
Location: Second Floor of the Tower
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Okera Vekra Okera Vekra Syn Syn
Laertia Io Laertia Io

"Consta, slight issue, got two bones keeping me well pinned. I'm unable to push and sweep but I'll figure something out in a moment"

Bones? Some old maybe? The B1s she might be familiar with kind of look skeleton like...But she had little time for thoughts herself. The weapons detector in her suit's sensor suite immediately began to highlight the sonic guns as they revealed themselves. Instinctively, she began to fire her own cannon before they had fully descended. Her first couple of bolts went off just because they were instinctively aimed shots, but she walked her fire onto the target. A flurry of bright red bolts tore into the sonic cannon covering the doorway, smashing its targeting sensor before turning its barrel into molten slag.

Her ear piece began to fill with cries and warning as the other sonic guns targeted her troops still in the stairway. Like her, their own suits were equipped with weapons detectors that gave them a little advance warning of the threat. The auto-pilot feature on the suits even allowed some of them to briefly evade the first enemy shots even as the rangers fired onto the devices themselves - but there simply wasn't a lot of room to maneuver. The sheer firepower that both sides brought illuminated the stairway as the automated guns and troopers fired at each other. Several seconds later, the guns were destroyed and half a dozen of her soldiers were down. While Akk Dog protected against a wide variety of threats, sonic weapons weren't among the things it was primarily designed to protect against, nor had there been much cover for her soldiers to take cover behind. Her HUD indicated that two of her own were dead, while the other four were suffering from significant injuries. Thankfully, all of the suits provided immediate first aid, which was of some relief to her.

"Brea," ordered Trista, "take two others and stay behind here to treat the others until we can medevac them out of here."

"Yes ma'am."

She toggled her comlink to the channel she shared with Okera Vekra Okera Vekra , "We just tripped some sort of boobytrap that triggered pop-up, automated weapons. Be careful, we're coming to you."

She waved another soldier forward to take point as Brea, one of her more trusted subordinates, fell back to take charge of the wounded. She let a handful of other Hapan soldiers bound past her and form almost a phalanx in front of her before they started to advance forward in a single line. Now aware of the traps within, the troops would be carefully monitoring their weapons detectors and other sensor feed for anything that might look out of place.

Personal Equipment (accompanying hapan soldiers are similarly equipped)

PTSD was an awkward thing to deal with even after a lifetime to recover and eight hundred years of being a traveller, it still lingered in the back of her mind. Much the same way sixty-six was a cursed number, hearing the voices of her brothers shooting back at her was something that she now struggled with.
"Focus on your Vod, keep them and yourself safe. I can survive" Her biggest weakness was how much she cared, how she cared for a hundred identical faces, how she cared enough to make a deal with a Primordial for a Twi'lek. Okera would argue though, that they were a hundred people under her protection, and Aayla... well Aayla should have lived not her. That voice echoed in her mind, that pain and fear she could not let go.
The next grenade to come off her belt was one she let cook-off in her hand, a thick plume of smoke pouring from the opening as she made for the window. Even if those droids had thermals this smoke would cover her movement, and render most optical sensors useless including the age-old MK1 eyeball. Okera didn't need eyes to see. Escaping the web of bolts with skill, however, the second droid rounded the corner and fired off a shot that just missed, that was luck. Swearing in togruti and taking the window exit much faster than she intend to, it was skill that she didn't plummet the three stories and then luck that she was able to get up into the fourth.
Hauling herself up and in.
"Sit rep, bailed on the third, up on the fourth hows it going for-" As the shutter slammed down and radio contact was cut off. Seemed like her luck had burnt out. Again she swore, moved to the first available spot of cover and then waited patiently for what was to come.


Love is our strength, love is our shield and blade

Laertia Io Laertia Io | Trista Consta Trista Consta

Tempest Yore intercepted a call for assistance. Not just any call. This came from her Master, her Father figure since she was just about eight years old. He had never before asked for her help in anything. She figured it must be serious, and immediately set out for his coordinates on Crispor.

The Knight had recently commandeered her ship back from a band of underworld criminals who had destroyed her good name by posing as her while they used her ship which was legitimately purchased, as a cover for their galactic-wide dark dealings. She had been well known around the core worlds as a partier, her ship a meeting place for wild youth, before the genocide of the Chiss woke her up to the true horrors of the galaxy, horrors which she now realizes she was born to combat. The best she can give of herself, is to be a better Jedi, like her biological Father before her, and also her adoptive Father, Syn Syn .

The two as Master and Apprentice ever had a pair of homing beacons between them. This is the signal by which Tempest is able to bring her ship in, as closely as possible under her skilled hand, just short of burning Master Syn's face off in the process.

Her ship sleek as water, reflective as a mirror broke the atmosphere and she immediately scanned the communications port for chatter. Tempest began to wonder just how big is this confrontation, and whether or not her Jedi friends require her to hail backup for them. She personally is not big on dedicating her life to any singular faction, but she willingly moves where the Force leads her.

From the Captain's chair next to her in the cockpit, the Pilot droid sprang to life, his metallic voice chiming away in earnest, "Battle droids in the sector! An army of battle droids! Oh no! We must save Master Syn! Hurry!"

The yacht honed in on the biodome where the action is taking place, navigating through massive plumes of heavy gas which impaired her vision. Tempest felt lead in her decision, "Take her directly into the river," she pointed to the terrain, "there, to breach the biodome."

The yacht skimmed the flowing murky waters of the mining river, and submerged just long enough to rise up within the perimeter of the dome. "Let's hope we don't regret that." Tempest wondered if corrosive chemicals just doused her ship. She passed over the mines and headed for the city. She followed her Master's beackon.

We already got what's been given to you. And the one's who did it to us thought it an improvement. Great job fixing the diseases. Inoculations didn't stop the Bryn'adul's molten bullets. It's always 'corruption' when someone does it to your side, isn't it? Always arrogance when someone thinks 'your' system should be the one that ends. And maybe those tens of thousands in the field hospitals will die, maybe they won't. Maybe if they didn't make the mistake of trusting your side they wouldn't be so dependant. The Sorceress replied.

That was when the gloves came off for Syn Syn .

It was a mass attack. While Syn had been ripping apart the immediate attackers, more had been setting themselves into position, and sprang the attack just as he took down the first Droids and Citizens.

It was more of the Mercenary Droids, they came Firing everything they had on them from multiple angles. They came from three different passages, each using a different weapon, tossing their grenades, activating hidden sonic turrets in the floor and ceiling behind and ahead of them to try and pin him and Sera Inkari Sera Inkari in a conplex web of unceasing fire, the sheer volume of which was almost mesmerizing. It was like that scene after Jesse Ventura dies in Predator and everybody just spends a minute shooting up the forest, except they could see him and they made sure not to get too close...


Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor successfully destroyed the second Model 1, but more about his limits had been discovered.

No sooner had Caltin finished destroying the second one then the difficulty was ramped up.

A Chaplain Nuetralizer Model 1 at last showed, this one armed with a Dauntless Blade. She moved very quickly and quietly in her armorweave dark blue Kimono as she went into a guard with her blade. Her movements were too precise, too perfect.

She darted forward, a lethally fast slash directed towards his hilt, delivered with unnatural strength. Her tactic was to be one of pure, unrelenting aggression, and with the glands in her body emitting an energy field protecting her against Lightsabers, her very genetics granting her immense resistance to the Force, she was intent on pressing those advantages for all that they are worth.


Trista Consta Trista Consta had lost a half dozen, but was still in fighting condition.

The Model 1 and the two Mercenary Droids that crept down the steps while Trista's subordinates went single file to advance aimed to change that.

He was armed with an Energy Sword and a Battle Scout Rifle loaded with Explosive Ammo and he crept as quietly as he could as the team advanced. The Merc Droids were armed with DC-15S Carbines and Advanced from a different passage, waiting for the moment to attack. The Nuetralizers in the security centers above played loud distracting music as loud as they could in that section and shut off the lights, turning on strobe lights instead as a Psychological Attack while he readied himself to take aim.

The two beep signal came and the Mercenary Droids fired the Ion Carbines from behind cover on full auto at the right side of the line to get their attention while the Model 1 fired his rifle square at the head of the one in front as fast as he could a second after the first two Droids started firing, one of the Droids tossing an Ion Grenade in their direction. This was part of the reason this building had been chosen. The tight spaces made it a defender and ambusher's game with ranged weapons, not an attacker's, and the Multiple passages on multiple floors made it very easy to hem in assault attempts.

Waiting until they were committed had been the best time to attack. If there was one thing Model 1's had learned it was the art of a good ambush.


Okera Vekra Okera Vekra had momentarily evaded the two Mercenary Droids but they were far from done with her.

They listened with their Audio sensors, communicating in sign language before sending a burst transmission of 4 beeps, a code that had been worked out beforehand to send forces to a floor above the Transmitter.

Meanwhile, one of them went to a wall where they knew a booby trap had been hidden. A Frag Mine fitted with a pea sized amount of Type 1 Explosive Compound. They fixed it to the ceiling where their audio sensors let them guestimate where Okera was.

Two more Mercenary Droids quietly but quickly made their way to her position, these armed with the DC Ion Carbine used by the Clone Troopers she was so familiar with.

One would kick down the door and immediately start firing at Okera while the other held back. The two she had initially escaped backed away from the Frag Mine, getting behind cover...and transmitted the frequency to blow it. The blast would be incredibly powerful but localized. Hopefully she would be two distracted by the one's shooting at her to escape it in time...
“Always stand up for what you believe in... even if it means standing alone.” - Kim Hanks

The thing about lightsabers, for all of their incredible amalgamated abilities, there are still some elements that they just cannot cut through. Phrik, Beskar, they are effective against the lightsaber, Cortosis straight up shorts the weapon out. Anyone who could weave these materials into cloth? Well you were looking at someone with a gift. Caltin was looking at someone who bore that gift on them to be sure, but he was not sure that “she” was sentient and not simply a “really cool droid.”

“Conservator” at least before it was upgraded would not hold up to repeated slashes like this “woman” was committing to. The weapon she was using was a strong one, and if he was not more than capable of defending himself with a blade, the big man would have to come up with a new plan quickly. Getting back to the lightsaber (as well as “Vanguard”) being heavily upgraded, a huge part of that was the focusing crystals. The Sasori tech with their advanced cutting capabilities made butter out of Beskar, and Porridge of Phrik. Cortosis was still a bit of an issue and that was probably the dominant weave in. His counter to her slash showed that Vanagor could not pierce the Kimono she was wearing, maybe following through and taking out one of her legs would have an effect.

Oooor her wound can regenerate and heal just as fast as any of his would. Alright, they could do this the hard way, he could do that. She was fast, but so was he, only he hadn’t let on all that he could do. Simply sidestepping her attack was easy enough, the would-be killer was rather one dimensional. It was what he did as he let her stumble by him that would prove this woman, or droid, or whatever she was did not have all of the information on him that was originally thought.

As she stumbled by him, having missed her target, she would soon have to tend with a bolt of lightning coming from his non-lightsaber hand aimed at the back of her head.

TAG: Matsu Ike Sera Inkari Syn Taiden Keth Laertia Io


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Finley Dawson

Location: Security Prefect Office, Crispor Capital
Objective: BYOO - Diplomacy
Allies: Taiden Keth Taiden Keth
Opposition: --
Neutral: Laertia Io Laertia Io (For Now)

The discussion with the Security Chief on the handling of the Io terrorists was immediately derailed as one of the little blighters showed up, immediately tearing into Keth with one of those infamous diatribes now immortalized on the holofeeds. For his part, Keth seemed to keep his cool with the typical Echani poise, while the Chief looked annoyed with it all. Finley didn't agree with a single word of the terrorist spokesman, but he knew better than to interrupt as the enemy looped their own noose. Now the locals got a taste of lunacy both the Silver and the NJO had been dealing with for years now.

Keth had held his own well so far, now Finley rose from the background to provide support. Unlike his counterpart, he was dressed in a black business suit, hands stuffed down his pockets, sporting large shades that concealed his eyes and much of his reflection. His jacket neatly covered his shoulder holsters containing his blaster and lightsaber hilt.

Inside, Finley was wracked with a sense of disgust and cold anger for the Io, particularly the one now in his presence, but in both mind and expression, his true feelings were cloaked in an air of calm, lips just barely turning in a smirk as he had just been treated to comedy hour by the automaton.

"Hey, uh, Mr Droid, I think you're due for software patch. Because then you'd see on the galaxy map, there's no more Bryn'adul. Yet I still see the Concord, now bigger than ever. In spite of your best efforts to hinder us."

Silver Temples like the Rest and Ossus had been assaulted and desecrated in the past, but the Silver Jedi were not merely institutions of stone and metal. They were a community. So long as one drew breath, they could rebuild. Just like after Voss. The machines that dominated the Io could not understand how their terror tactics only steeled the resolve of the Jedi.

Io was not the first to test them, and she would not be the last.

"You know what else I don't see? Some territory for the Io. I feel like if there was actual merit to your arguments then the Io would be more popular in the galaxy. Funny how that works. "

Finished with the resident Io, he turned his attention to the Prefect.

"I like to think the people of Crispor are more astute when it comes to matters of astronomy. Your economy is heavily export driven, relying on swift and steady transit through the Mara Corridor as its main trade lane. The Concord controls passage and security along most of that route, and all other secondary routes required to transport your materials abroad. The proximity to the Concord also makes us one of your largest customers by default."

He glanced over the Io for a moment. "Now because of the latest terrorist attack by House Io in the heart of Silver space, that neat arrangement has been thrown into disarray. Increased security checkpoints between Concord Space and neutral zones like your sector have increased exponentially. Overnight, as your local financiers and economists can confirm, trillions have just been lost on the market due to disrupted supply chains. Did you know billions of refugees from the Sith and Bryn'adul wars now reside within our territory? Many also live on Crispor. These supply disruptions are also affecting their ability to receive timely aid. That could mean millions or more starving or dying from medical complications very soon."

"So, sir, as you can see, our current predicaments are quite intimately intertwined. I hope you would see the wisdom in assisting in evicting the lunatics of House Io so that trade and refugee operations may continue as normal. These vermin must not be endured a second longer."

Finley could begin to see and feel the Prefect begin to shift in position, now the official beginning to understand that Crispor had a very personal stake in seeing the Io ousted.

Letting out a soft sigh, he continued to fiddle with the lint and loose string in his pockets. The distraction was the only thing that was keeping him from making a grab for his weapons and just cutting down the droid on the spot.
The Chaplain Nuetralizer curled her nose in distaste as Finley Dawson spoke.

"Maps change, Jedi. You will not be so secure in your Territory when the time is right. Hell, you aren't even so secure as the size suggests if we can still strike you in the heart of it. That just says weakness. The SJC is a Paper Tiger. Overburdened with a refugee crisis they helped create, using your world as a dumping ground due to the sheer influx of them from ravaged space that they refused to do anything about when they had the chance, and putting your own economy at risk."

She let the reality of what the refugee situation really meant sink in.

"They claim they control security along this route, yet we were still able to arrive here, under their noses, and still set up shop. The Refugees only went to them because they were among the few able to take them besides us, and SJC propaganda has done a number on keeping them docile enough to keep relying on those that helped put them in this situation. And they aren't as greatful for it as you might think. Taking so many in almost ruined them financially, and if just one strike from us can do all this, do you really want the Economy of Crispor so tied in to such a vulnerable government that can't even protect the heart of its own territory, where one, one measly temple gets blown to hell as it deserved to be, and suddenly you risk trillions in loss. Sir that is nothing more than a sign of the SJC economically enslaving your world to their fate. They can only make such bluster because they don't actually care about you, it's just that they are a House of Cards and they are saying anything they can to prevent you from realizing it. House Io is growing. House Io could address your troubles far better, and more efficiently, and you wouldn't be hit so hard financially whenever we suffer a set back." The Chaplain emphasized, hoping to ramp up Finley's irritation knowing he wanted to attack her just by his body language.

"They're stumbling over themselves just trying to take an apartment from us. If they're so tough, it should have been over by now. Prefect, perhaps you should see this as an opportunity. To uncouple yourself from the fate of the SJC. We mainly took over the apartment, and I emphasize we have no plans on staying anyway, to point out just how vulnerable the Concord actually is. If they were better at their jobs, the Rest would still be intact. Yet they still expect you to trust in their protection."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Objective: Ascend the Tower
Allies: Sera Inkari Sera Inkari Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Tempest Yore Tempest Yore Trista Consta Trista Consta Okera Vekra Okera Vekra
Enemies: Laertia Io Laertia Io

The jedi master listened as his body reacted to the new feelings.... Tempest was here or coming and he was prepared for a fight. This ascent had served its purpose for them as the different teams were moving around and in positions. THey were fighting and while these droids were tough they were still only machines. The massive attack coming at him was not surprising... his body remaining as it was before... his stride not breaking as his voice came out. "One." His moved at the first shots coming towards them using the force against the wall as he pivoted sweeping it and the side to burst outwards. The rush of wind and air making an opening for tempest as well as Sera.

"Two." The shots were dangerous, debris from the wall being used as a sweeping cover and maelstrom. He was moving with the force in his muscles... each piece and fiber a part of him that expanded outwards and could feel it. The shots that were incoming as her left room for Sera to move in and aid him. "Three." The footstep brought the floor caving in before him. Tearing sections of the tower to contort the line of fire and limit the engagement accessibility. His face remained clear though as the power was there... the force singing within him and outwards when the hallway he was in contorted and funneled more of the droids to him.

"Four." HIs hand came out, palm opened for a moment as energy sparkled between his fingers... energy arcing then crackling. He didn't use lightning... electric judgement functioned the same but compressing it as the arcs coalesced into a ball and then it doubled in size. He launched it and the compressed energy was made for smashing through fortified bunkers... in the hallway it smashed into one and pulverized it. He was allowing the force to guide himself against shots that went through the walls and turrets as combat reflexes functioned to dodge and twist. "Five." He pushed throughout it going forward and the distinctive snap-hiss resounded.

Twin blades of silver light gleaming as the jedi master stood still for a moment. Crouching a little lower as the center of his body was concealed for a moment but his head looked up. Sash covered eyes holes piercing forward with the force as withing a heartbeat he identified what he needed to feel. Foot twisting as he pushed off and went forward with the force. The power was there... the fierceness and momentum that moved with him... a superconducting loop of force energy that pushed his movements and he was using unrelenting power. Juyo was about tapping that which was his core and he struck with the blades more like they were clubs but it was meant to cleave.
Objective: Ascend the Tower
Location: Second Floor of the Tower
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Okera Vekra Okera Vekra Syn Syn
Laertia Io Laertia Io

Direct assault is one of the most difficult operations...that's what they told me, right? No reason to expect it to be easy...

Yet the Concord had prepared them as best as they could. State of the art body armor was part of that.

Suddenly, the lights went off to be replaced with strobes and blaring music. She quietly cursed even as HUD and the suit's droid brain immediately started to move to compensate for it. Audio filtering through her telesonic pickups quickly tuned down the blaring music even as they sought to highlight background sounds. To compensate for the strobe lights, her droid co-pilot immediately switched to infra-red vision, turning her vision to thermal signatures. The strobe lights produced some heat, but it was miniscule compared to that produced by people and moving machines- and physical cover did very little to conceal heat signatures. While the Battle Scout Rifle was didn't immediately trip the weapons detectors found in their suits on the account of its mechanical simplicity, the same could not be said of the mercenary droids, which not only had built-in high tech weapons, but were carrying ion guns with electronic circuitry.

As the phalanx moved from the stairwell, the mercenary droids lit-up on the soldier's sensors first. Ion fire only confirmed their suspicions. As was typical on many Akk Dog suits, the Myntor Shield Generator's secondary set was an ion shield, which provided some outer protection from the immediate attack on their suits. The hapans answered with supercharged cannon fire, which promptly began to disintegrate the cover afforded to their enemies. Slugthrower fire and the ion grenade were met by the ferrazid particle distortion shields, which attempted to push back the projectiles with only some success. The ion grenade exploded, causing blue lightning to splay across the whirling energy field of the myntor shield of the lead trooper, even as the slugthrower rounds from the battle scout rifle smashed into the front. The suit might have successfully defended against either by themselves, but together, they overwhelmed the suit's shielding, smacking the soldier backward. Trista stepped forward to take his position, laying down a heavy spray of blaster fire at the Model 1, even as several of the other hapans tossed Soundblaster Sonic Grenades at both the Model 1 and the mercenary droids

Personal Equipment (accompanying hapan soldiers are similarly equipped)

"Fair warning. This will hurt" Engaged by two more droids with more clone wars tech. She barely had time to process the message from the force before-

She wasn't dead. She was bleeding and had been tossed out of cover in front of the two Mercs. Her blaster was still slung to her but she was in no condition to fight, still coming too from the blast almost directly underneath her. Cluster fuck was an understatement, a very well done trap if she was honest. A tantalising target, intel that was too good to pass up.
"You're alive. Well, not that death will inconvenience you for long" Yeah that's not very helpful. Exposed she did her best to sit up waiting for what came next


Love is our strength, love is our shield and blade

Laertia Io Laertia Io | Trista Consta Trista Consta

Finley Dawson

Location: Security Prefect Office, Crispor Capital
Objective: BYOO - Diplomacy
Allies: Taiden Keth Taiden Keth
Opposition: --
Neutral: Laertia Io Laertia Io

Finley politely allowed the spokesman to fume aloud some more without interruption. Out of habit, he closed his eyes behind his shades as he was meditating, but it wasn't really necessary. Photoreceptors required no lubrication.

"My Io friend, you are saying nothing that the Silver Jedi have not heard for decades. Time and time again, our enemies are quick to forecast our downfall, only to soon be extinguished themselves. This is because you and your type cannot think beyond your own impulses. You currently propagate the suffering of trillions of innocent Concord civilians, billions of refugees within our space, and the millions of people of this planet for an ego trip. You want to so badly prove that the Concord is massacring countless Younglings? You need so desperately to be right that you will see that this galaxy burns in the process. Your way or the Starway. Dealing in absolutes - just like the Sith and the Bryn'adul."

While he was addressing the Io, his words were really meant for the Prefect. The treacherous House of Io was far too gone to be reasoned with, but it was important to lay out to other parties just how deranged the terrorists were.

Now he had shifted his full attention back to the Prefect.

"It should be obvious by now that the Io don't care about Crispor. You got it straight from the horse's mouth, they'll slink back the shadows as soon as they feel like it. They said they need nothing here - which means they are willing to destroy everything your people have built without a second thought. Also, you just heard them openly flaunt your security and exploit your good will as they turned your world into their next playground for mayhem."

Finley could feel the Prefect shifting more in their favor, as the Jedi continued to goad the Io into showing how callous they truly were.

"Sir, I didn't bring up the map discussion earlier to boast, but to illustrate one key point - House Io is tied down by nothing. They have no allegiance or obligation to anything or any person in this galaxy but only to themselves and their twisted cause. They have betrayed the Silver Jedi and their former allies. They build nothing, but only destroy. This transience is what makes them so dangerous, which is why we must remove them from this place now before their machinations can come to fruition. If we give into them now, then all other brutes who eye your vast energy wealth will know they can do as the Io have done here. You would become a captive state."
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The Lightning from Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor did not have the Oomph he had been hoping for.

Chaplains are not just made to kill Jedi, but Sith as well. The lightning struck, but only caused minor malfunctions to her databases that made her stumble forward and cause one eye to be damaged and inoperative, mild burns covering where she had been struck some more before wheeling around, and Using The Tractor Pressor Organ in its body, more than powerful enough to crush a full grown person and focused it's terrible, crushing Force on Caltin's entire rib cage, while letting loose a powerful Sonic Scream that was in Stun mode, a long and continuous one focused at his head, to try to affect and disorient his equilibrium, all the while guarding with her blade and ready to defend in case he managed to evade or power through those attacks...


They fell back against the brutal assault Syn Syn managed in spite of the masses attack, losing a number of personnel, but didn't give up, each fired at him as much as they could, and the Nuetralizers above him detonated the frag mines in a certain passage he crossed into, both the walls and the floor partly exploding, the compression waves from those explosions would hopefully be something, in addition to the storm of fire and shrapnel in such an enclosed space, thag even he might have trouble adapting to. Three more Mercenary Droids, these Armed With Io Series Laser Carbines, began firing furiously at him, one trying to slow him down with their built in gravity Generator in case the explosive traps he had walked into did nothing...


The two Droids looked at Okera Vekra Okera Vekra .

"What do you think? Hostage?" One asked.

"Might be useful..." One of the Mercenary B1's mused. "We'll make our coin with this one..."

The B1's turned to the wounded Soldier, stripping her of her weapon.

"Looks like it's your lucky day, Grunt..." One of them said before knocking her out with the butt of its rifle.

"Get her restrained..."


The Model 1 took a good punching from the blaster fire of Trista Consta Trista Consta , it's armored chassis denting and scorching, getting a few holes in some places, and managed to catch the motion of thrown objects. Grenades.

It managed to shoot out two of the bunch but was forced to run up the steps to evade the full wrath of the last few, and only somewhat managed to get clear of the ensuing blast, but suffered heavy damage to his left chassis, immediately retaliating by wirelessly setting off the frag mines in the walls closest to Trista's team. The two Mercenary Droids suffered however. One Managed to shoot out one thrown grenade but had to break into a run. The Other caught the full blast and was destroyed, bug not before managing to throw another Ion Grenade. The other Mercenary B1 was heavily damaged and it's Carbine was destroyed, but it signalled for a few more reinforcements.

That was when things got bad for Trista.

Not one, but two chaplains came from another passage one firing a pair of Dashade Sonic Disruptor Pistols at the fallen team mate and the other unloading in Tristan's direction with full Auto fire from the Elemental Assault Carbine Type 1 on Incendiary mode.


"Can't think beyond our own impulses?" The Chaplain snorted. "House Io's was to let the Bryn'adul crush your forces at Sev Tok, Instead we showed there, did what you wouldn't, and because we did, the Sev Tok Militia avoided Annihilation. Because it wasn't the Jedi who gave that Militia Anti-Bryn weapons. It wasn't the Jedi or anyone else who devastated the Bryn Defense Lines with a Void 7 Charge. If we had obeyed our impulse to stay out of it, The Lobsters would have destroyed your precious Silver Rest long before we could have set our eye to it."

At this statement, something about the demeanor of the Prefect changed. Subtle facial twiches and eye movement telling the chaplain whatever she had said had touched on something within him, and whatever sway Finley Dawson might have been getting seconds prior began to slip. Fluctuate.

"Our impulse was to let the Avatar of War destroy Tython. Instead, our citizens fought the Maw on the ground and in space, and we even managed to fight our way to its very heart, something even the Mandalorians that also boarded couldn't manage, and set off a nuclear weapon in it's reactor room."

The Prefect's eyes widened very slightly but his expression was otherwise stoic.

The Chaplain softened her tone.

"Is your city on fire, Prefect?" The Chaplain asked. "Has House Io threatened even one energy production facility? He says you would become a captive state to outside threats...yet he also claims that Crispor is currently under SJC protection. Which is it?! Is their protection worth a damn? Or are you actually on your own, while being on the hook economically? He says we build nothing, and only destroy. We are building the means for people like you to say no to people like him. Our House wants every person to be able to say no to the Jedi like we do. To be strong enough to resist them."

She had definitely touched on something, because the Prefect's expression began to harden toward Finley a little.

"He critiques us for not being tied down to anything but our own causes...he's basically describing not just his faction, but every other faction in the Galaxy. If we are transient in conduct, it is only because so many of us have seen the results of being too attached, too tied down to a planet when the enemy came knocking. Such mobility would serve anyone well."

The Perfect finally spoke.

"My staff weren't all born on Crispor. Some came from Sev Tok. They saw exactly what this...thing...describes, Jedi..." he said calmly.

He leaned back in his seat. "Not praise, certainly. But not a condemnation either. More a...observation. It is right about one thing was not the Jedi who solved the Bryn'adul problem..."
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“Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings – stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility.” - Tom Hiddleston

“Sometimes you have to eat a punch to throw one.”

One of his old self-defense instructors drilled this into his (and the class’) head. It was often the most difficult, yet most direct way of formulating a consistent offense, especially if you are probing your opponent. The loss of one eye was just what Caltin was looking for as it could give him a side to work with, especially the more this inorganic tried to protect that side.

Being clutched in the manner that he was, was not on the menu but it came about and though this thing was a strong one, it was clearly designed to face Jedi with a traditional connection to the Force. Caltin did not have a traditional connection to the Force. That’s not to say that the bussing in his ears from “her” Sonic Scream was not having an effect, it was terrible, but he was by no means succumbing to “her” actions.

Using his own enhanced strength, the massive Jedi Master went into his bag of tricks and reached behind her neck. The crushing strain on him was great, but he would persevere as he found a Shatterpoint on “her” body, right behind the base of the neck. The air was escaping his body but it would not be enough to stop him as the big man was going to sever the head from the spine. Brutal and not something he looked forward to, but this was a droid in the end.

That sword had a lightsaber to contend with.

TAG: @Matsu Ike @Sera Inkari @Syn @Taiden Keth @ Laertia Io Finley Dawson


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Objective: Ascend the Tower
Allies: Sera Inkari Sera Inkari Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Tempest Yore Tempest Yore Trista Consta Trista Consta Okera Vekra Okera Vekra
Enemies: Laertia Io Laertia Io

The force alerted him, the reaction from his body before his mind caught up. Instinctive... flawless much like Iella had worked with him to develop in their sparring sessions. The shadow moved dropping to the floor as the explosions went off to avoid them as he pulled at the things chartging to make a shield. Using it to cover him and slam it up and against the explosion. The more death traps here the more it reflected for the forces reporting to the likes of Finley Dawson. If the House Io wasn't here to cause damage why rig a building to explode with the sole purpose of killing people? The jedi master rolled on the floor with his saber blade still active and slashed into the slagged shield he had created emerging from it and looking up where the explosions had come as he lept up and kicked off of a jagged piece of debris. The went highed and highed slashing as he went to the central sections of the tower to leap and using it more as a dodging area with freedom of movement.

Finley Dawson

Location: Security Prefect Office, Crispor Capital
Objective: BYOO - Diplomacy
Allies: Taiden Keth Taiden Keth
Opposition: --
Neutral: Laertia Io Laertia Io

The nice thing about wearing shades is that his eyes were completely obscured as he let them roll a few times. The Io spokesman was certainly full of themselves, to say the least. As detestable as he found the presence of synthetic, their narrative provided useful insight into the motivations of their parent organization. It was inevitable that a falling out between the Jedi and Laertia would happen, but the war with the Bryn and Sith had just been the accelerant.

As he bid his time to speak again, he received a new update from one of the other Jedi Strike Teams in theater. The cyborg not only received this update on his personal communicator, but also directly into his cyber laced brain. Admittedly, a handy perk even if he did prefer being 100% organic. While raiding the Io controlled compound, they had not only come across a small army, but also floors laden with all manner of explosive booby traps.

Finally, there was evidence. It was clear to this point that the spineless Prefect was looking for any way to weasel out of committing to any action. Politicians were all the same. However, now the Prefect could no longer stand idle, unless he wanted to be accused of being complicit in Io's crimes.

"Those same impulses led House Io to repeatedly ally with the Sith Empire - another malevolent force who engaged in planetwide genocide on the regular - as a vehicle to launch your petty vengeance campaigns against the Jedi. Many of the very same ones who would fight at Sev Tok and other theaters against the Bryn'adul and Brotherhood."

He finally removed his shades, revealing the burning red photoceptors beneath.

"Your impulses have carried you far from the front against the Brotherhood as they continue rampage across the galaxy, just to terrorize the citizens of Silver Space as we attempt to rebuild Sev Tok and countless other systems devastated by the Bryn'adul."

One of his photoreceptors began to glow as it projected a full color hologram of the mountains of dead from the Silver Rest. So many of the corpses were those of Younglings, as the Rest had served first and foremost as a sanctuary and school for Force Sensitives. Many hadn't even been looking to be Jedi, but simply looking for a safe place to hide from being forcibly pressed into the service of Darksiders or some brutal warlord who would use them like weapons.

If the Corellian could still physically cry, there may have been moisture welling up in his eyes.

Instead, he could only twist his face into a scowl, his crimson gaze fixed on one of the monsters that had taken so much from him personally.

The hologram shifted, showing a local tower now infested with the Io scum, highlighting various contact points between the Jedi Strike Teams and terrorists on scene.

"Prefect, while you have proven to be 'cautious' in making final judgement, I'm not sure the general populace of your world would look too fondly upon your ambivalence in the face of known terrorists using an army of killer droids to plant IEDs for the express purposes of killing and maiming. Unless, of course, you gave license for the Io to get their hands dirty - which would make you an accomplice."

The Prefect let out a little croak as the blood drained from his face.

There was simply no good explanation to allow anyone to operate like House Io was now. So that either meant the Prefect had been ignorant to all these developments on the ground, or they knowingly allowed it. In either case, it wasn't a good look.

"W-what is the meaning of this," he stammered at the Chaplain. "This is well beyond the terms of any visa or permit provided..."
Location: Inside the tower
Allies: Laertia Io Laertia Io
Enemies: Sera Inkari Sera Inkari Tempest Yore Tempest Yore Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Okera Vekra Okera Vekra Trista Consta Trista Consta
Engaging: Syn Syn

Percival was not normally a marksman. But he had been going through a great many changes lately. A shift in combat style seemed a minor adjustment compared to the rest.

He was lying in wait on an upper floor of the tower, a disruptor rifle in his hands. The weapon was nothing special, but held sentimental value. It had belonged to someone he loved.

Movement through the window caught his attention. A man was ascending the tower, using the Force to propel himself upward amid a hail of debris and gunfire.

Percival raised the rifle and aimed down its sights. Programmed to hate Jedi, he was angry in that chilling way only a droid could be, his circuitry holding no heat. The ice of his fury twisted the blame for the deaths of younglings in the bombing onto the Jedi themselves, who for thousands of years had continued to take children from their families and cluster them together in the sitting targets that were their temples and academies. Everyone knew where the Silver Rest was. It was only a matter of time before someone attacked it.

But the Jedi would never learn.

His target was likely distracted by the other combatants in the vicinity. Counting on it, Percival pulled the trigger.
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Reactions: Syn
The immense resistance of the Chaplain to the Force was considerable.

But shatterpoint was a somewhat different story.

The Chaplain's head did not sever from the shoulders, as Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor might have hoped...

But the neck did break. Her neck twisting awkwardly to one side before hanging uselessly from her shoulder.

If there was any sign of how dangerous a Chaplain was, it was that it did not die.

It still stood...but Caltin's attack HAD broken it's own pressor based assault, and it stumbled backward, belatedly guarding. Clumsily. He hadn't cut her head off, but he HAD severed key nerves, leaving her at a severe disadvantage in her ability to react and move properly.

It realized it needed to retreat. They had been setting up more traps for this huge dude anyhow.

It continued to back off still guarding, deliberately going a little slower to try and bait him into attacking. The flesh on it's neck could be seen shuddering, the repair process already started but it would be hours before the neck would be healed.

It guarded as carefully as it could as it clumsily retreated, judgement sectors of the brain compromised...

OOC: Will reply to Finley Dawson , Okera Vekra Okera Vekra , Trista Consta Trista Consta , separate as I ran out of time right now.

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