Chungus? Chit, he'd no idea what that was either. Either Shai knew a lot of words, or was really good at inventing them. Alora hadn't a clue either, so at least he didn't get to feel alone in his ignorance."Kark yeah, not a bad idea at all. You got my vote, chungus."
Aves too, declined the role. Well he'd guessed right – Kranak was their new leader. Frankly, he seemed the best candidate; he had that sense of organization that was a struggle for Thonn to obtain, and carried himself with wisdom that seemed beyond his years. Thonn wasn't quite sure how to put it, but the personality and conduct of the towering supercommando just seemed fitting for the position of Alor'ad. It was a daunting task – one he was sure Kranak was set for.
Now there was another matter to handle; choosing a squad name.
“What shall we name our squad, then?”... “We could perhaps go with Prudii, Teroch, Adenn, A’den, Kandosii… What do you guys think?”
Thonn didn't trust himself to come up with a good name on the spot, but this was something to go with. He was awful glad Kranak followed up with suggestion, and that last one, Kandosii, had a pretty good sound to it. From the sounds of it, Alora was in agreement too.
Kandosii squad of the Si'kahya. Repeating it in his head just further convinced him, and Thonn happily continued to distract himself with his own thoughts.