Jedi Healer
Honoring the tradition of Jedi Watchmen, the Order is very proud to announce the Silver Watch – a protectorate program for the worlds that come under their influence. It is a role offered to those that are ready to take on the mantle as a protector of an SJO World; it is one that carries a great deal of responsibility.OOC: We are looking for members that have a steady and established history with the SJO for this role, and are active within the faction. If a Watchman goes inactive for an extended period of time, we may reach out to make necessary changes or arrangements.
This is your time to make an SJO planet shine! You must be willing to contribute to this planet’s lore with codex submissions (locations, npcs, ect) and/or threads(faction/campaign, ect)!
Choose from any SJO worlds on the map or those in our space that are unlisted. Kashyyyk is the only world that does not have an official Watchman or Guard, due to the presence of the temple and ranger base.
- Lightside, Neutral, or NFU
- Rank of Senior Knight or Master (FU)
- Senior Officer rank - Military (NFU)
- Must be an Active Member of the SJO (posting somewhat frequently at least to faction topics).
- Be the point of contact for a specific SJO World, working to protect the citizens.
- Work in concert with the local governments to improve the world, mediate disputes, ect.
- Help improve local military by training, establishing bases, and working to protect the citizens of that world.
If you would like to apply, please post the following information in this thread for review by staff.
Planet Requested:
A Quick IC Pitch (How do you plan to develop the world?):