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The Sin of Pride (Siobhan/Firemane)

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal watched the spectacle with wide eyes, then grinned and seized her former Lady and dragged her to Siobhan.
“You can’t do this to me! I am the Mirza of Lakish! I-,” she began.
Sahal smacked her across the face. “You are the Destroyer’s slave now, and slaves keep quiet when not spoken to,” she said. She would fit right in with the Order.

For a moment it looked like at least one of the Companions would make a move to defend their liege…or to strike at Sahal anyway! However, with a loud clanking Eyrecae’s walker appeared, its guns trained on the Companions menacingly.
“Do you require assistance, Countess?” Eyrecae’s voice boomed out of the speaker.

Sahal dragged the slave the final steps to Siobhan and held the enraged woman still despite her struggles.
“I think it’s time to leave, Lady,” she whispered to Siobhan.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Siobhan had decided that she liked Sahal and wanted to 'keep' her. Perhaps also induct her into the Order because it seemed like the girl would fit right in. "No, we're pulling out. I think they've learned their lesson," Siobhan responded via comm to Eyrecae. With Dark Star's massive walkers levelling its heavy guns on the Companions, they'd be silly to try an attack.

Glancing over towards Sahal, Siobhan gave her a nod. "Agreed. I like you. What's your name, girl?" The enraged, recently deposed Mirza kept struggling but Siobhan just gave her a contemptuous look. "You've got a big mouth. Soon you're gonna put it to good use," she said with her lips curved into a cruel smirk. One of the Firemane gunships had landed to provide transport. Presumably Tegaea was there since she'd been watching the battle from the air.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
This writer hurries to note that the use to which the Mirza’s mouth would be put to would be to apologise and offer prayers to the Great Goddess Ashira. Totally kiddie friendly, just like the massacre of thousands of soldiers in this thread.

Though obviously a little anxious about getting on board the metal flying machine, a single glance behind her would let her know her fate once the off-worlders had departed if she remained!
“I am Sahal. Sahal Jai Azal,” she said with a bow. When the Mirza continued to struggle she shook the captive hard. “Stop wriggling, little worm, or I’ll put you on a hook as bait for a Karkas!” she growled. The Mirza resentfully stopped resisting and was pushed aboard.

Tegaea was indeed there. “Good work, Siobhan, you’ve cleared things up nicely. I’ve got some of our diplomats escorting the survivors back to their camp. They’ve been suggested to go home.”

She offered a glance to the shackled noble and the bloodied warrior. “New friends?” she asked in Basic so they could talk without the Qadiri knowing.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Of course, Siobhan only wanted to convert the Mirza to the Goddess. For she was a very religious woman whose life had been profoundly changed by the faith, which had given her an inner peace she had not felt before. It would help teach the deposed ruler humility and compassion.

Anyhow, Sahal introduced herself and bowed, they boarded the gunship and met wifey. "Yeah, that's the former Mirza. She's a stupid, pompous queen. Ranted about how she'd brutally murder us all. I think the Order should pull her off her high horse. And that's Sahal. Punched the queen. She's one of the Companions. I guess you can call them the local version of the Angelii. I feel like keeping her." Totally a normal conversation.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Perhaps the most amusing thing was that for this couple it was a normal conversation! Tegaea gave Sahal a quick look, nodded.
“Alright, but make sure you feed her and clean her and don’t let her run amok,” she said with mock sternness, like this was Galina adopting another dangerous creature. It amused her to see what Siobhan would do with her new pet.

Sahal looked between the two women, seeing they were both given respect by the other warriors. She said nothing, and when prompted she gave the Mirza over to a golden haired off-worlder who dragged her off expertly.

She stood at attention and waited to be informed her fate or role. She didn’t know whether going with these aliens would end in her being enslaved herself or not, but her odds were better than if she had stayed with her former battle sisters.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Siobhan mock sighed. "Yes, wifey. I also promise to teach her the holy commandments of the Great Goddess Ardarvia and convert her to the true faith. She's shown promise!" Totally. Like every good coloniser, Siobhan was eager to proselytise and convert the natives to her religion.

Realising that Sahal was being left out, Siobhan turned to her. "Sahal, this is my wife, Tegaea Alcori. Treat her with the same respect as me. I won't be claiming you as a slave. I saw what you did during that debacle down there. You showed skill and initiative agains great odds, so I would like you to join us. Our army can use good soldiers like you." They could also use someone who was a native and could thus give them an indigenous perspective.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal bowed low to Tegaea. Qadiri attitudes being what they were, she did not seem surprised that the two were married. The women were in charge, and therefore all was right with the world.
“Thank you, Lady Mistress,” she said to Siobhan. One believes Siobhan would like that title a lot. “I pledge myself to your cause and swear obedience and fealty to you.”

She knelt, head down, like she was going to be knighted.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

The look on Sio's face pretty much said 'I could get used to this!' Clearly playing Oriental autocrat was kind of fun. And she would definitely like 'Lady Mistress' a lot.

Wait, was she supposed to knight her? She needed a sword! So she just took some minion's vibrosword and laid the side of the blade on the Qadiri's right shoulder. "I accept your pledge. Serve me with loyalty and valour and your rewards shall be bountiful." Raising the sword gently over the woman's head she placed it on her left shoulder. Petting the girl's head, she made a gesture. "Arise."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal bowed her head lower when the blade touched her shoulder.
“I swear by the Goddess, by the stars and by my ancestors to serve you and your family faithfully from now until my Lady releases me, or until death takes me.”
She rose, smiled at Siobhan, though perhaps with a slight hint of amusement. It was clearly an adventure for her, perhaps she was unsure how her new life would compare.

“Thank you, Lady Mistress,” she said. She could see that term pleased Siobhan so kept using it.
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Yay! A new pet. Now Sahal would be hers. As the Qadiri had noticed, Siobhan liked fancy titles. Along with pomp and circumstance in general because she loved being the centre of attention.

"I know you will serve me well, dear. I believe we will get to know to each other better very soon." Totally not lame innuendo. "We'll take you to Fort Kerrigan, which us our base. You'll be given quarters, instructed in the use of our weapons and I shall help you increase your skill with the Zari." Training and 'training'!

She glanced over to Tegaea, looking a bit thoughtful. "I imagine Lakish needs a new ruler since the idiot who used to run the place is our slave now. She's got an heir?" The question was directed to both. The deposed Mirza still did not have a name!
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“The Nandi of Lakish is named Surana. She is a very proud woman, Lady Mistress. Whilst she will be happy to be Mirza now she has a strong family sense. She will contest your move.” Sahal gave Siobhan a wry smile. “Though with her army wrecked there is little she can do, even if you did not come.”

She pondered for a moment. “I have heard tell that the former Mirza had a niece she kept as a ‘guest’ in her palace as she was too much of a risk. Perhaps she would be grateful if given the chance?”
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Well, Sahal was certainly proving her worth. It was assured that she would be granted the honour of...joining her Mistresses for prayer session. "Well, that sounds intriguing. Fancy finding out whether the rumour is true and playing queenmaker?" Siobhan asked Tegaea rhetorically.

"Lakish is an important fiefdom; we need someone in power who's friendly to us and not an idiot like Surana's mother. I imagine I'll probably also have to...negotiate with Semiramis before someone tells her we're imposing an unequal treaty." It was odd -or perhaps not so odd - that Siobhan and the Shahbânu actually seemed to get on well enough.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“I’m always ready for a bit of intrigue. We should see Semiramis as soon as possible and tell her what occurred. Sahal can come with us and provide an eyewitness account.”
The offworlders had an advantage in that they could travel across the sea in hours rather than days with a message, and if all else failed, they could use the communicator.

For her part Sahal bowed her head. Though she had an independent streak she’d been a slave and soldier long enough not to argue – especially with someone clearly as powerful as Siobhan!
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Siobhan liked courtly intrigue these days. It was very Game of Stars. Plenty of sex, intrigue and assassination. She probably enjoyed being an Oriental despot a bit too much. "Sounds good. I wanted to chat with her anyway. Last I heard, the Saoshyant's health is not the best," Siobhan said as the gunship shot across the sea.

On paper, the Saoshyant was the supreme religious leader of the Qadiri. In practice the temporal rulers were quite willing to ignore the supreme priestess when it suited them, though it was still a powerful position. Jockeying for the top job had already started and it stood to reason that whoever was Mirza of Lakish would have a thing to say about things. Anyhow, after a time skip the mechanical bird of prey had reached Zeheb and was descending down at the landing zone that had been prepared for it near the palace.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sahal heard the Saoshyant’s name and made a V sign with her fingers, a gesture not unlike the sign of the cross on Earth.

Sahal was unwise enough to look out the window and closed her eyes, looking up again quickly. She tried not to show her anxiety, but it was clear that being brought forward centuries worth of tech in an hour was really affecting her.

Finally, she managed to sleep and when she awoke she found herself in Zeheb. Though trying not to show her awe and wonder, she couldn’t truly contain it. She had travelled hundreds of miles in mere hours. It was almost surreal to her.

Siobhan and Tegaea were ushered through to see the Shahbânu. Semiramis was receiving visitors on her throne, but when a messenger brought word of her guests she dismissed all except Bashiyra and General Ardashir.

“Lady Siobhan, Lady Tegaea, please come. I regret not knowing of your approach or I might have organised a more fitting reception!”
She glanced at Sahal curiously.

Sahal, nervous, and unsure what her status was regarding her monarch, knelt and prostrated herself. Better to be safe than beheaded!

One wonders if Siobhan would start asking for proskynesis as Alexander demanded of his Macedonians….
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

It was quite likely that Siobhan would become fond of the practice of proskynesis. Perhaps if she spent more time with Semiramis, the Shahbânu could introduce her to more local customs and get her to act even more like a decadent Oriental despot!

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," Siobhan said warmly, inclining her head slightly. As much as she despised certain practices of the Qadiri, part of her did actually like Semiramis. The fact that she was pretty, had fought her way to the throne and showered Sio with gifts probably helped. "Though I wish the circumstances were better. We've come to report on the battle...and discuss setting things in order in Lakish," she began.

"The Mirza's army was routed by the Xioquo. The Dark Ones used advanced weapons they've never deployed before, such as war engines. Our intervention was able to keep the Lakish troops from being completely annihilated. The Mirza tried to shirk responsibility and ordered me to be seized after she was saved." A little bit economical with the truth, but it was the gist of the thing! "I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to make a grab for your throne if she'd taken Underealm on her own." Well, there was no evidence, but it did not seem unlikely!

She glanced over towards Sahal. "This is Sahal Jai Azal, one of the Companions. She fought bravely, but did not follow the traitor Mirza and turned on her when her madness was revealed."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The Shahbânu listened intently and finally nodded in understanding. She conferred with her Councillors briefly, and then turned to Siobhan.
“What has become of the Mirza?” Semiramis asked. “Did she perish in the battle?”

She gaze fell upon the still kneeling Sahal.
“Rise,she ordered. “Is what the Lady Kerrigan says what you witness?” she asked.
In a frankly impossible position, Sahal nodded. “Yes, Majesty, every word,” she said obediently. “The Dark Ones would have destroyed us were it not for the Lady’s aid.”
“I see.” She looked back to Siobhan. “Please continue, Lady Kerrigan. What was the fate of the Mirza, and what conclusions do you draw from this struggle?”
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

There were various ways to answer the question. Well, it would be simple to lie and say that the Mirza had perished! "My conclusion is that the Xioquo are far more of a threat than we thought. They have potent dark magicks and their war engines, though not as strong as the ones the Eldorai have, are still a threat. We also can't count on them being as fractious as they were in the past. It'll take more preparation, tighter command and control to take the Underealm and extinguish the threat," she said smoothly. Little Siobhan had come such a long way!

"As for the Mirza, she's alive. For her crimes and incompetence, I have taken her as my slave as punishment. She'll learn to better herself under my heel."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
There was silence in the room. Tegaea looked uncomfortable, being as she was the only one here seemingly opposed to actual slavery. Though Siobhan was of course opposed to it, she seemed to have gone native in this sense.
Whilst they had seized the Mirza, Siobhan had not actually mentioned properly enslaving her – as opposed to imprisoning and teaching her a lesson – before now.

Semiramis though smiled a little smugly.
“You know or guess more of our customs than you let on, Lady Siobhan. If her sins were as bad as you say, and I take your word for it, then she has forfeited her right to her titles. Do with her as you wish. Be warned though, her kin will not take kindly to it so you may have to repel their intrigues against you.”

“Speaking of which, there is a need to replace her as Mirza of Lakish. Her daughter Surana is unsuitable. She will be rebellious. Though I recall there was another…a relative.”

She clicked her fingers and an aide came forward to whisper in her ear.

“Mazari, yes. I think she will serve our interest well. Siobhan, I will be dispatching a force to ensure that the traitors are removed from office. If you wish to go along and see that the correct candidate is installed, I would consider it a personal favour. Of course, you need not depart immediately. There is plenty of time. Would you and your wife wish to join me for dinner? I can assure you I have all the very best of everything.”
[member="Sahal Jai Azal"]

Probably noticing that her wife seemed uncomfortable, Siobhan gave her hand a squeeze. As if to perhaps say 'just playing along'. Her own relationship to slavery was...complicated. On the one hand, she despised the practice and wanted to see it abolished throughout Tygara, especially due to her own experiences, Tempest's and Coryth's.

But on the other...she was extremely susceptible to flattery, loved being adored and waited on by servants who'd fulfil her every whim. Though technically she did not want to enslave the Mirza...just mind wipe and reeducate her because that seemed like poetic justice! Whether that was better or worse was another question that might merit a philosophical debate.

"Sahal reported the same to me. Rest assured, I shall accompany the force and ensure there's a smooth transition. After today's tragedy, we don't want more Qadiri blood spilt than necessary." While Siobhan wanted things to be set in order, she didn't want a bloody purge or looting because of the Mirza's incompetence. So by going along she could restrain things a bit...and also serve the Firemane clan's interests. At Semiramis' question, she glanced over to Tegaea, then looked back at the Shahbânu and gave her a smile.

"We'd be delighted to have dinner with you. I know I'm very hungry. I ask that Sahal be given food and drink as well while we three dine. She fought bravely at the battle and has entered my services." Of course, the soldier would not be sitting at the same table as her new bosses and the Shahbânu.

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