Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sins of the Teacher, The Failure of the Student

Connor Harrison

This battle of words was one Connor had missed with foes – it was always down to the one who had the biggest and most destructive arsenal, or highest command of the Force; back and forward like a boring sports game until one opponent stumbled and the other came in for the kill. All too easy. The Taung was one who, like Connor, chose his attacks well, like a game of holo-chess; knowing where to place certain words two steps before the other came to them, and the result it would have.

While Kuryr talked, Connor sat and listened carefully. While it was true regarding the notion of Connor being a different Silver Jedi to most, it was still a situation that favoured his demise. Or, did it? From the side, a thick collar was placed on the table. It looked heavy and rather dangerous with a very primitive design. Nothing less from a slaver.

His eyes moved from the collar back to Kuyryr as the words and threats were moved into a position that would have Connor at a checkmate. He thought for a moment. The price of Chastity escaping was far less than Connor, to the slaver, but nowhere near less important. It was not his place to bargain a life over another, but Connor would do what he could and give what he could to ensure her safety. But how many more prisoners were here? How many more slaves? Did he not owe them the chance to be free, escaping a life that Chastity herself could be condemned to if he failed?

"I am a dreadful menace. One whose will is done." Connor looked to the pirates beside him. "That haunting chill across your neck? I am just a conundrum."

Connor reached out with the Force, a twisting hand moved on his knee, and tugged at each blasters the pirates had. It was gentle, not wanting to pull them from their grasp, but enough to make them turn slightly towards each other.

"None of you can fathom what will come of this, as I will tell you when to jump and I will dictate how high."

He looked back to Kuyry, a steely resolve in his blue eyes, not a flicker of the darkness yet creeping over him. He maintained the grip on the weapons, an obvious stir around him that he ignored as he focused his attention on the Taung.

”All those that came before me stood tall, strong and brave. Now, Captain, you sit here devoid of all dismay. So could it be, just maybe, I’ll let you have your day?"

With a push, he let go of the blasters, still looking at the Taung. The Jedi showed no further aggressive actions.

[member="Kuryr"] | [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]

Connor Harrison

With Kuryr unfortunately taking an indefinate LOA, characters and stories are being "handwaved" for progression.


A pirate fighter fires upon the E'ron Corvette, causing a retaliation and sudden break in any truce Kuryr and Connor formed. As klaxons sound over the hangar, Connor takes action and engages in battle with the pirates and Kuryr himself. Both manage to escape with their lives, but Connor retreats in his E-wing to save the ship from being destroyed by the Silver Sanctum Fleet.

In doing so, he prolongs Chastity's safety but loses her when the ship moves into hypserspace, with Bellatrix keeping her safe for now. Connor returns to the E'ron Corvette, fuming and in pieces, and orders their return to Voss. He says little, and stays in the commanders quarters until they arrive.

Time will tell if the Taung and the Jedi will meet again, and if Chastity can be saved from a fate worse than death in the hands of the slavers...

[member=Kuryr] | [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]​

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