A manipulation over the force brought many things to a Jedi or Sith, but the greatest 'gift' granted to them was cowardice, and expecting that cowardice lived in others to exploit. The child flew through the air like a rag doll screaming. He left his enemies question unanswered, as there were no words on a field of death. The child would thank him later, as much worse could have come to him. Swiftly and with the greatest care and expertise, the Tusken quite bluntly twirled and battered the child out of the way with his back, and his shoulder, completely disintegrating his foes tactic of slowing him down. The child cried more loudly, but the child would be grateful for the wounds he received one day, revere him a hero for saving him. Soon, he would teach this Hutuun the lesson of humility. Whether or not he still had a hold on the child didn't matter, as he was confident he could outrun his foes telekinetic attacks for the moment. Not a moment was lost in his charge of glory.
The momentum gained from his twirl was now being redirected and turned into a forward attack. The first slashes came and were met with his Beskar in a flurry of sparks. His thrusts dealt with sweeping motions, and his slashes redirected with a powerful twirl. As far as he was concerned, no mortal could ever touch a Tusken wielding a Gaderffii in the hands of a renowned warrior. All his life he had been training for this moment, dreaming of these 'legendary' warriors who could accomplish a hundred feats, and kill a thousand men. Soon the Tusken would commit these acts as well. Because truthfully, if he was not lead by his name to kill the cowards of this world, and every world, that child would have meet his blade as effortless as the dozens of soldiers strewn out in the field behind him.
His slashes once dealt with were received by a spear, and thrusts with an axe head or a bludgeon. And that was not all the Tusken had in store for him. After all, he wouldn't be a Mandalorion if he didn't play dirty. He would just need to get a good kick in to provide the space necessary for his next weapon of choice. The Sith cannot, and will not win this day. Not if this Mandalorion could help it. Even if it stole 10,000 lives from the men and women who served this day, they would not repent, they will not back down, and Junction shall neither fall nor any world under Mandalore!