Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Come(Mandalorians/Sith)

Darren Onyx

Onyx filled in some of the commanders that arrived on the attack plan. Moridin and his forces were attacking from the southern walls. Ged was holding back commanding air forces to support the ground assault. Sidic and his men were attacking from the northern walls. It became clear that the way to go was the west and north walls. Onyx commanded several squads to move in from the west while he led another attack force from the north. Now all sides of the city would be under attack.
Verz fired at a marching column of Sith troopers, scattering some and wounding others. He quickly threw a grenade at the dazed Troopers, taking out four. He ducked as they fired back, and hoped that support would arrive soon.
Lifting his lightsaber staff over his head, he howled a cry of victory as he could feel the blood lust surging through his system. Joined the charge towards Junction City, he was surrounded by Sith troops and armor as they rushed towards the city gates. Perhaps for the defenders it was like witnessing the gates of hell open and demon army come pouring forth as they tried desperately to hold the line.

Ignoring the blaster bolts flying around him, Daxton increased used the dark side to increase his speed and reflexes, so that when he hit the base of the wall, he ran straight up the side, using cracks in the once smooth surface as foot and hand holds before clearing the top. The mandalorians panicked, some chose to retreat while others rushed at the sith in a suicidal charge.

Those foolish enough to stay didn't last long and soon Daxton was only one left standing on that side of the wall. Walking over to the gates control locks, he switched them off and opened the gates to allow the main army into the city proper itself.

Pausing to savor the smoke and carnage, today Daxton gave thanks to the gods of battle. Today the Mandalor will fall.
Kaine's armored tank moved towards the city, flanked by half a dozen other tanks like it, some having anti-air weaponry equipped, while others had anti-armor or just the default configuration. Kaine could spy Daxton racing up the side of the city's wall through a pair of electrobinoculars as the wall of Sith infantry and armor approached the city from practically every direction. Artillery from the far back of the line of vehicles and soldiers began to unleash a salvo of explosive shells into the city, targeting key locations behind the walls, and the walls themselves. They avoided firing at sections of the wall that Sith were climbing up and over, as well as avoiding the area around the gate as it opened before the Sith Army, and began to target towards the inner most part of the city, hoping to demolish most of the defenders as they most likely started to fall back from the attack. No doubt the battle in space was going equally in the Empire's favor, and Kaine smiled under his helmet as flashes like hellfire exploded from the city.

Darren Onyx

Onyx had stayed back with Ged to direct air raids on the inner section of the city. It was great crowd control and kept the remaining soldiers on the outside where most of the sith forces were. Onyx laughed for every kill the got, and that was alot. He could taste victory. They were close.
As the gates swung open Moridin simply nodded and then moved forward. He shrugged off blaster and turbo laser fire as though it was nothing using the force to move out of the way of anything that could hit him in the last second. He slowly walked towards the gates, and then stepped through the threshold with a slight smirk upon his face. No weapons were in his hand anymore, and as he took a deep breath he cupped his palms around his mouth. The force filled him, and then his voice ran throughout Junction City like a rampaging tsunami.

“Kill them all!” It was a simple command, and one that every Sith would follow. There would be no one left alive in Junction city, no one that the Sith hadn't brought.
Darth Sidic's men moved in on the northern wall. Soon Junction would fall. The war cries of his allies added to his passion and desire as he carved his way through the Mandalorians surrounding the northern gate. Daxton had successfully opened the gate and the forces of the Sith were flooding the city. The rundown city was becoming worse for wear all the time with the Empire's loyal troops barging their way into the fields of victory. However, there were still several challenges that awaited. They would have to crush more than just the city, for sure there would be isolated pockets of resistance nearby and at least one more strategic point of interest. The battle of the City was going well but it would definitely not be the end.

As his troops poured into the city, killing many of the Mandalorians, Sidic noticed a small tower with a group of Mandalorians huddled inside. Laughing, Sidic used Force Push to smash open the door to the fortified post before cutting his way through heaps of soldiers. He could destroy the whole thing with the Force but it was a useful outpost that the Sith could use if they were ever attacked not to mention the strain it would put him under.

Just as he finished cleaning up the tower he decided to secure a nearby warehouse. Cutting his way inside he came face to face with a large force of Mandalorians. Realising he would not be able to kill them all without great damage to himself, he ordered his squad to flank the area whilst he battled his way inside. It worked but his force was tired and some Mandalorians had escaped (but hadn't fled from the city). Realising that his troops would need rest he ordered them to hold down the position whilst he advanced solo through the city. When will I face a challenge? he wondered as he marched through the city...
Ged was bursting with joy. Their forces were practically destroying the Mandalorians. If this was all the resistance Mandos could put up, it was shocking that these people had a reputation for the most feared warriors out there, or being able to defeat Jedi. To be fair, that was not surprising. Anyone with common sense and a good weapon could beat a weak old Jedi.

Watching the Imperial forces swarm the city gave him a sense of satisfaction. He hoped their little skirmish got back to the Mandalorian leaders. It would probably make them think twice about standing up to the Empire.

Jorn Mair

Jorn was at the city trying with all his power to stop the Sith from taking over the City. the gate was opened by Daxton and he absoulty hated him. he got onto a turret and statred to fire at the troops that were pouring un the city gates. taking then out oneby one. He knew Daxton was going to rush him and that he would be defence less against a lightsaber. He might last a few hits but that was if he was lucky. raging a battle cry he fired more and more. taking them out. he had sent troops ealier to the south to fortify against them. he saw another Sith who was oblivouly a master. he carried himself like he onwed the place. But Jorn wasnt going to let that happen. Jorn turned the turret around to face him and fired a few shots. to eather suprise him or to possably kill him. Jorn readied his mando swords to fight this sith. and he knew it would be a long battle.
Surprisingly as soon as he had opened the main gates, Daxton did not pause to crow over his victory. In fact, the Sith Knight seemed rather distracted. Joining the rush of invaders pushing into the city, he was soon lost from sight in the narrow warrens and tight alleyways of Junction. Seeking out ripples in the dark side, Daxton searched for a much bigger prize than anyone was aware of.

Snapping a powerful heel kick against the jaw of the Mandalorian brave enough to get into his way, Daxton carved a blood path in his search for the elusive prize. The pillar said to take no prisoners, and the Sith Knight aimed to please. No one was to be spared, men, women, children, the old, the infirm. All shall be put to the sword this day. The smart would flee while they still could, the window of escape was rapidly closing and soon any who still remained would be just another corpse to be added to the midden heap.
Verz saw Jorn firing at the Sith master with a heavy E-Web.
"Jorn! Focus on the others! I'll get this huutune!"
He quickly readied his Verpine,and tossed a concussion grenade at Sidic, then when it detonated, he jumped down from the ledge and landed behind some chunk off wall or house. Where it came from, he could care less. He fired two quick Verpine shots at the Sith. He heard a crack as one struck home, but t probably wasn't enough to kill.

Darren Onyx

Onyx had left the ground to link up with a group of bomber in orbit. "This is Onyx. Bomber Squad Delta is in orbit waiting for attack orders. We will help provide cover as best we can"
The sky was ablaze, a sight to behold. The Gate had been opened and Sith and Sith Troopers alike poured in. But soon they would be falling back. If anyone was prepared for a sith attack it was Hutuun'Kyramud, the Coward killer. Fully equiped for a lightsaber battle. He had little defense against the force, but at least from the hand to hand experience, anyone below a Master would have difficulty killing him this day. While his brothers began to run forward into battle, and then kneel to take aim, the Tusken Raider simply walked as he pulled out his Beskar Gaderffii. Tonight, these little Shebs would know of Tatooine.

With a yell he charged through, absorbing blaster fire into his armor, dodging others with a simple lean here and there, or using fallen enemies he was plowing through as meat shields. Bludgion to the skull, spear through the stomach, one by one in a twirl of hard earned natural skill tore through the ranks until he could engage the Sith known as Daxton, of which he knew little if at all anything of. He screamed a Tusken scream, as he charged forward in a heap of pure relatively unused muscle with an unbreakable weapon of the finest metal the Galaxy has ever known: Mandalorian Iron. Sparks will fly when the two weapons connect, either this Sith's skull shall be made concave by the Bludgion, split by the axe-head, or impaled totally with the spear point. As far as Kyr was concerned, this Sith was already dead.
Kaine dismounted from his tank as it strolled into the city proper, along with it a small group of elite Hydra Commandos that flanked Kaine and acted as a perimeter as they began to follow a couple Sith trooper squadrons through the streets and plazas of the once tranquil city, now engulfed in fire and hate. Buildings crumbled as thermal detonators were tossed into open windows or well-placed shells from the distant artillery reduced them to slag and rubble. The Hydra Commandos were equipped with the rare Inquisitor armor variant of the X-1 Stormtrooper brand of armor given to the Sith Military, and whatever shots were thrown at them were absorbed into the personal shield that surrounded them, allowing them to pinpoint where the shots came from, and obliterate the entire position with either a hail of bolts, or with a single shot from the "Manticore" Missile Launcher, throwing shards of permacrete and body parts into the air with a resounding explosion. From what Kaine was seeing, this part of the city wasn't like urban warfare against two forces, it was more like Imperial Deathsquads putting down the limping and wounded animal that was the Mandalorian Infantry. It was pathetic to say the least, and Kaine gave a sneer filled to the brim with contempt as he used the force to guide his actions, putting one of his blaster bolts through the visor of one of the Mandos down the street.
Uttering a battle cry was his first mistake, it had warned the Sith Knight of his presence, allowing him to come up with a particularly nasty counter. As the Mandalorian rushed at him with his weapon, he gestured to the rumble where he had spied a young mandalorian child cowering behind some cover. Wrapping him invisible tentacles of the Dark Side Energy, he flung the child in the way of the approaching weapon, forcing him to either impale the helpless child or cancel his attack.

"So brave of you kine killer. Does the child pose that much of a threat? You want my blood, don't you? All you have to do is strike him down and I will be open."

Dropping in a full attack pose, he struck with both lightsabers in a series of skillful cuts and thrusts, meant to test the skill of his chosen foe. All the while holding the child hostage with force, using him as a meat shield against the Mandalorian's blows.
A manipulation over the force brought many things to a Jedi or Sith, but the greatest 'gift' granted to them was cowardice, and expecting that cowardice lived in others to exploit. The child flew through the air like a rag doll screaming. He left his enemies question unanswered, as there were no words on a field of death. The child would thank him later, as much worse could have come to him. Swiftly and with the greatest care and expertise, the Tusken quite bluntly twirled and battered the child out of the way with his back, and his shoulder, completely disintegrating his foes tactic of slowing him down. The child cried more loudly, but the child would be grateful for the wounds he received one day, revere him a hero for saving him. Soon, he would teach this Hutuun the lesson of humility. Whether or not he still had a hold on the child didn't matter, as he was confident he could outrun his foes telekinetic attacks for the moment. Not a moment was lost in his charge of glory.

The momentum gained from his twirl was now being redirected and turned into a forward attack. The first slashes came and were met with his Beskar in a flurry of sparks. His thrusts dealt with sweeping motions, and his slashes redirected with a powerful twirl. As far as he was concerned, no mortal could ever touch a Tusken wielding a Gaderffii in the hands of a renowned warrior. All his life he had been training for this moment, dreaming of these 'legendary' warriors who could accomplish a hundred feats, and kill a thousand men. Soon the Tusken would commit these acts as well. Because truthfully, if he was not lead by his name to kill the cowards of this world, and every world, that child would have meet his blade as effortless as the dozens of soldiers strewn out in the field behind him.

His slashes once dealt with were received by a spear, and thrusts with an axe head or a bludgeon. And that was not all the Tusken had in store for him. After all, he wouldn't be a Mandalorion if he didn't play dirty. He would just need to get a good kick in to provide the space necessary for his next weapon of choice. The Sith cannot, and will not win this day. Not if this Mandalorion could help it. Even if it stole 10,000 lives from the men and women who served this day, they would not repent, they will not back down, and Junction shall neither fall nor any world under Mandalore!
It greatly amused Daxton that the Mandalore risked it all to save the child, a noble but foolish gesture for unlike his fellow Sith, whose range with mind was limited and rather weak. Daxton had mastered the art of Telekinesis, capable of deploying dozens of tentacles of Force to wield weapons, junk, even little children as if he were holding them in his hands.

It did not matter if the blows were turned away or deflected, because the Sith Knight wasn't really intent on fighting with the Mandalore. The fact was he was merely biding time for his support Z-2 to arrive and when they did. He flipped from under the swing of the Mandalore's blow and over the Z-2 units heads.

"That was fun, tin man. But as much as the dance was interesting, I have bigger fish to fry." Daxton laughed as he waved at his outgunned foe, "Z-2s, Eradicate him."

The squad of Z-2s turned their weapons mounts towards the Mandalore and opened fire with laser cannons and rocket blasts.
Kaine moved through the battlefield, as if urged by some unseen call that had been burning in the back of his mind for the past five minutes. He turned a corner with his elite guard and came upon the scene of a battle between Daxton and some Mandalorian, and by his weapon and armor he seemed to be something special. He watched the battle from afar, wanting to see if his master could defeat him all by himself, but that was proving to be not the case. The Mando had talent, that was for sure, but in the end it wouldn't matter. Kaine watched as Daxton tried to both slow him down and demoralize him by gripping one of the civilian children with the force and hurling him towards the Mando, but the Mando's idiotic morals had instead battered the child away instead of impaling him on his weapon. Unfortunately the child landed a few feet from Kaine, who unholstered his "Imp" Blaster Pistol and shot the child through the head as his body came to a stop, staining the broken permacrete with boiling blood and smoldering brain matter. The lives of the civilians did not concern Kaine, only absolute victory and the destruction of his enemies, but he refrained himself from interfering with Daxton's fight, for it was his honor to slay this Mando upstart.

Jorn Mair

Jorn had changed his sights from sidic and turned to see who he thought was Elias as a Sith fighing one of his brothers. The instant Kaine shot the child Jorn went into a rage. How dare he kill a child who did nothing to him. Not even old enough to lift a blaster at him. Jorn aimed his E-Web turret at the Sith and fired. hitting the street around him. The sith were wearing armor that would stop blaster bolts. But they couldnt stop splash explosions and shrapnel. Jorn was filled with rage. Under his helmet, Jorn's face was scouling and crunched up in absoulute anger. He kept fireing his turret untill he had to reload the turret, but it would take to long to do so. Jorn took out his blaster rifle and proceded to fire at him.
Dodging the early bullets from the E-web, Darth Sidic proceeded to Force Push the concussion grenade from him. With the attacks not letting up, he leapt away from the Verpine shots before he attempted to lick his foe with purple tendrils of lightning.

"It's quite rude to attack out of the blue you know. Did you expect to catch me off guard?" He questioned with an air of confidence about him.

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