Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order - Rebellion of the Sith Worlds Hex (OSJ)


Disney's Princess
Darth Kentarch said:
So uh... Like what happened?
The outcome of the bombardment on Korriban City is still in PM deliberation between the FA's as far I know. I figure that once they get that settled we'll get an announcement about a successful rebellion and see a new major faction added to the map.


Connor Harrison

[member="Nulgath Zardai"] I'll wait before I progress - certainly didn't expect what had happened! Take your time.
The SJO and TSO admins found that Korriban City had been established about six IRL months before the SJO dominion, and that the dominion recognized that the planet was inhabited in a systematic way. Once the issue of the settlement's existence was resolved, we determined that a population of 100,000 was reasonable, and dropped that by 10% for the brief but very heavy bombardment. Korriban City currently has a population of 90,000.

As per the first post of this thread, TSO will not be going Major at this time.
Darth Carnifex said:
I'm pretty sure every self-respecting Sith has orange eyes, [member="Darth Ignus"]

First of all, how dare you. #redirisesmatter

Secondarily, I take three days off to work at an anime convention, and y'all blow up a city. Good job, kids.

Darth Vitium said:
  • Thule is/was being contested by the Commonwealth(for the SJO) and by Darth Carnifex/Vornskr (former Emperor of the holy seven day Sith Empire) and the Sith Order.
  • Korriban was a battleground between Sith and their Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut undead against the SJO. A few duels happened here (Such as Haytham Kaze vs Connor Harrison). SJO just fired an orbital bombardment on the city (Korriban city) and wiped out much of the populace to eradicate the zombies.
  • Ziost is a high-tension political talk between the Sith Order and SJO (Darth Ignus and Coci Heavenshield). Also I'm resurrecting myself there, and Solan Charr is patrolling the city (New Adasta).
  • Malachor & Dromund Kas (while not being a part of the rebellion, as Dromund Kas is outside of the hex) are fairly small on the level of focus that those three planets are experiencing.
Thirdly, how dare you. I've been couping Elom and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

Fourth, thank you all for being such good sports during all this. My dumb jokes aside, you guys were a blast to read. But please, somebody, anybody, try and kill me or something the next time we do this. It's more fun when I've got an opponent to confuse and bewilder with my stupid, stupid schemes.

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