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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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The Sith Order [Roster & Organization]


Sith Mandate
  • Name of the Mandate: The Philosopher Stone
  • Beliefs: The goal of any Sith is to break their chains and be free. The Philosopher stone takes that ideal and twists it on it's head. To be free is to be perfect. To be perfect is to physically alter their imperfect mortal forms.
  • Sith Who Follow This: Firrerreo Firrerreo

The Philosopher Stone has no belief in who is the next Sith'ari or destined leader of the Sith. Instead, they are a gathering of like minded Sith all with the same goal: To create the true Sith'ari. Through rigorous, and mostly unethical, experimentation, they utilize Alchemy to warp the flesh of their subjects and their own to make a being truly capable of manipulating the Force without it's rejection.

There is no god. Instead they will make one.
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Darth Malcharion

Sith Mandate

  • Name of the Mandate: Blood of Emrick
  • Beliefs: The Blood of Emrick are a sect of Sith believing in the Rule of Blood, a philosophy created by the Emrick Dynasty. The Rule of Blood is the belief that the Sith'ari will come from the Emrick Dynasty, and no other. The Blood of Emrick Mandate seeks to ensure this prophecy comes to fruition within the Sith Order.
  • Sith Who Follow This: Darth Malcharion


Sith Mandate
  • Name of the Mandate: The Inquisition
  • Beliefs: United, they seek out potential allies and threats to their cause and gather strength until they can stand against even the most powerful Lords. But until that day they act as protectors of the fragile Triumvirate, hunting down and killing any other organization before they grew too strong and became a threat themselves.
  • Sith Who Follow This: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Dragus Jakar Dragus Jakar | First Father | Alize Alize | Darth Ahriman | Daemon Evain


The Inquisition Rises.

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