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The Sithspawn Pyramid Head

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Okay. So the only way to permanently stop him is to nuke him or utterly destroy his body beyond repair. Fair enough. :p
Well-Known Member
Just saying, you're probably going to have to submit this as a species in the Factory at some point. You need 50 posts before posting in the factory though, so it may or may not be a problem for you. You seem to be a rather simple Sithspawn, but with the nature of your abilities you simply can't "exist" without boundaries. One of those boundaries is agelessness. I've tried making a biologically immortal species (i.e. only dies when killed) and it didn't fly.

Maybe as a Sithspawn they'll look at yours differently.
Ageless and inmortal are two different wouldn't be able to tell his age if you tried. He can be easily killed. its just up to a Sith or darksider to choose wether or not they want him in their service. for now he has no age. he's a construct of flesh and bone, with dark energy flowing through him. if we were to put a age on'd be one years old. if that's what you want I fine with that I just say ageless cause he's not self aware. no emotion but free will..unless the master as him doing something other wise.
Well-Known Member
I'm not criticizing your choice of words, but I think that it is entirely likely Staff would still prefer to see a submission for your species in the factory at some point as soon as you are able to. If you're cool about it they should for the most part have no problem with what you have.


He said "biologically immortal." However, the definition of agelessness is in fact the condition of not being able to determine one's age, or one's body never aging. True, "ageless" does not mean the same thing as "immortal." The problem is that agelessness is closely/commonly associated with immortality.

You may want to clarity just for some folks, the distinction.

Edit: I've gotta agree though, you should probably do a quick sub for safety's sake.
Well-Known Member
Sorry if I cramped your style, I was just trying to keep you out of trouble.

Just start setting up a thread with people in the OOC. If you generate a really good audience there I'm sure you'll be at 50 posts in no time at all, and then you can get your ball rolling.
Its a human with armor. Pyramid Head rapes people just cause I'm using...wait...I was approved of this by Tefka that I could use Pyramid Head and make him a Sithspawn or Force Demon.
As a Sithspawn I could be anything. I could be a wampa a Rancor a human whatever the Sithpawn was created from. making it ultimately legitimacy in not original.


Best to not debate with the Factory Admin... at least not publicly. :p

Sithspawns are various in nature. For instance, in a sense my character Saera is a Sithspawn because it was Sith alchemy and technology that genetically engineered her hybrid form. I made a sub for that, and even did a dev thread for it too. Certainly, you're nothing like a dark foxy-plant, are you? :p
Submissions just make things easier for everyone to understand and reference because it gives us all something solid to defer to when things are in question. It also protects you from claims against you.

Edit: Also saying he "rapes" people... probably not the best way to describe it. xD

  • Posting Out-of-Character (OOC) messages in a role-play thread should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Cross-Over Role-play is not allowed.
  • You may not portray rape, pedophilia, etc. in any form.
  • Show respect to everyone in the role-play.
  • You may not kill another character without that character's permission.


Pyramid Head said:
Pyramid Head rapes people just cause I'm usin
Pyramid Head said:
I was approved of this by Tefka
You asked to use the avatar. I approved it. I said nothing of straight ripping a Silent Hill character.

Abandon all usage of the word rape and all usage of the Silent Hill character and/or name, please. We try to be a bit more original here. You can still use the avatar.

You'll have to resubmit your bio, as this one is denied.
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