Honestly, I -hate- timeskip. Saying that the years roll by every couple months is one thing, but a six year jump is a confusing pain in the rump. And regardless of whether the time skip is optional or not, the majority of writers and the majority of characters that I roleplay with, have all chosen to go with the time skip. Which means that regardless of what I want for my character, I -have- to come up with ways for the timeskip to fit into my character's story....
And it doesn't. Nothing I come up with makes sense. 6 years of time-skip and then the event or the event and then 6 years of timeskip? Either way, the current situation doesn't make any sense.
I had an entire Mandalorian Clan that focused on Naval Warfare and trade and operating military bases. I had them centralized over the North West side of the Mandalorian Territories. And now? The clan's capital planet is gone. A -major- shipyard is gone. And two major base-planets are gone. Mandal Hypernautics had some sizable manufacturing operations established up on those planets, and they are gone.
Why would a major military power that supplies 60% of the Mandalorian Navy ships during times of war (keep in mind, the Mandalorians have no standing navy. Each and every ship is owned by one clan or another or one merc or another and gets pulled into service when the Mand'alor calls.) suddenly lose hold of their base of operations? Even with only 10% of their former numbers (plus whatever droids they had), they should have still been clinging to that corner of space and calling for reinforcements to help secure it.
Then there's the territory that we lost that the Sith and Primeval now own. Did that happen 6 years ago or did it happen 3 months ago? Nobody knows. And either way, it doesn't make sense. The Mandalorians should of stepped up and grabbed their planets back. When a hostile enemy faction steppes up to claim the fringe planets, even after the clans are struggling to rebuild, the clans should of gone to war to reclaim those planets.
And yet, they don't. And I have no control over my characters falling through with the stories that make sense, because the faction leaders don't want to participate in those stories. They've dragged their feet to the point that... the entire situation has just gotten worse and the stories for my characters make even less sense than Tefka's timeskip alone would have forced upon them.
I have a character that leads an 'important clan' within the Mandalorian faction that I can no longer feel comfortable roleplaying because the timeskip and the current status of the Mandalorians just doesn't make sense when I try to put her story, or the story of her clan into perspective.
I've got Larraq, the leader of a Tier 5 company, doing jack-all for 6 years during a timeskip. He should have been cranking out dozens of new designs over those six years... but.... nothing. There is no room for progress or development in a timeskip. It's just 6 years of stagnation that don't make sense.
And no matter how dumb I think the idea is, or how much I hate the current situation, I can't do a damned thing about it and none of the stories I try to come up with to explain away the current status and how it relates to my characters.... nothing works. Nothing fits, nothing feels right, and my characters feel awkward because of it.
I'm trying to be active again and I'm trying to just focus on my little corner and not worry about the big picture, but the big picture keeps pissing me off. Every time I try to sit down and figure out what's been happening with my characters, I get pissed off. Every time I try to figure out what to do with Olivia, I get pissed off. Every time I look at the map and see 3 planets that were important to the clans unowned and the two or three that are now owned by someone else... I get even more pissed off. Because it doesn't make any sense for the Mandalorians, of all people, to just sit by and watch their planets get taken away from them without putting up a fight. Every time I ask for a fight, the Faction Leaders either drag their feet or simply decide not to do it. So yeah... Everything I want to do to fix the story of my characters or just follow through with the story as it makes sense to me... becomes an issue that is beyond my control to correct.
So whatever... you wanted to know how I RP the timeskip? And my answer is that I still haven't figured that out. Six months from now, my faction will be struggling just to remain a major faction and I still wont know what to do with my characters.