Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The six year timeskip -- how did you rp it as?

I wasn't here until late netherworld, so I kind of just assumed that Mark didn't get pulled into it (sad since I like dimensional travel and time portals and stuff... Because jedi riding dinosaurs into battle that's why) and I picked back up with various times before and after netherworld. Timelines are complicated.

Connor Harrison

I had all my characters wake up and go to the refresher to find this....


....and it turned out everything they thought had been through was a dream and carried on. :)

Well, that, or RPing various threads spaced out over 5-6 years, nothing too major.


Disney's Princess
I think I want [member="Connor Harrison"] to write all my biographies now. :D

Me personally. All my other characters just did odd jobs over the years to make money. I never wrote those stories. Just assumed them. Oh. And the nice thing about Netherworld too was that time was rather multidimensional inside the void as well. I think Karen stepped out of the nether portal actually younger than she went in. Which was kinda cool. :p

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