Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sixth Sword's Blade

"Very well." With a sigh Zavzen pushed himself to his feet and walked out the room. "So," he began as he walked over to the length of metal that would become his sword, "How will I be doing this?"

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"Once more you will have to submerge yourself into the force. This whole process is yours to do. The most I can and will do is tell you that. " And with that the red male would move to the doorway again, leaning against it.
Walking back into the forge again, this time carrying the beginning of his blade, Zavzen began to gather the equipment he would need. First, he began to work on the edges of his blade. Slowly, he began to hammer on the edge of the blade working down and then up the length of the blade on both sides multiple times, making sure to count every strike that he made. The only place that wasn't hit was the 15cm that would become the hilt. Bit by bit the edges of the blade began to bend until, an hour later, the edges of the sword were bent down. Flipping the sword over he then did the exact same thing on the other face, even striking the blade with the same number of hits. This time, when he had finished, the edges were straight again but noticeable thinner that the rest of the blade. "Could you get some oil?", he called out to [member="Krest"] before flipping over the sword again. For two hours this continued and by the end the edges of the blade were razor-thin.

Turning, the fair skinned Zabrak threw the blade into the fire. He watched it carefully, slowly rotating the blade with the Force until it became cherry-red. Pulling the blade out, Zavzen picked up a magnet and ran it down the blade. A pleased smirk crossed his face when the magnet didn't stick, he strode over the the container of oil his master had brought in, his blade floating behind him, before dunking the metal, that was slowly taking form, into the oil, standing back to avoid the burst of flames that flew up into the air. Pulling the blade out once the flames died down, Zavzen took the blackened blade over the a workbench before he began to sand it down removing the soot that clung to the blade bit by bit. While he was doing this he looked over to his master and asked, "Could you gather a length of leather please? As thin as possible and 1cm wide if you can." Before returning to his work of sanding the blade.

Half an hour later he was done, the blade once again shiny. Turning on his heel, he walked back over to the kiln were he hovered the blade 8cm above the fire using the force, slowly rotating it. After the blade had taken a golden hue he moved it over to the oil, once again dunking it. Same as last time, when the flames died down he moved it over to the same workbench and began to sand the sword down. Once again he looked at his Master but instead of requesting materials, he offered an explanation, "The first time in the fire was to harden the blade, strengthen it. The second time was to soften it slightly to give it a bit of flexibility. If I hadn't done that it would have been easy to brake due to it never having any give to deal with kinetic forces."

Picking up the shaped bronzium metal he was going to affix to the pommel, he directed it into the kiln until it was placed at the tip of the innermost part of the flame. It was only held there for a short while, enough time to soften it. Once done he scooped out a small area without disrupting the shape of the metal before holding it in the oil to temper.

Once again walking to the kiln, Zavzen now placed only the end of the hilt in the flames until it had softened as well then repeated the process done with the small metal statue and removed a portion of the inside of the hilt before holding it in oil.

Zavzen then held the end of the hilt in the fire again, this time along with the end of the bronzium pommel decoration, when they were glowing he removed them from the fire and began to gently hammer them together, affixing them together before the metal could cool. The metal was also sealed around a Force crystal that had been placed in the areas of the hilt and decoration where some of the inside had been removed.

He repeated the process of placing the bronzium (this time the whole thing) and the end of the hilt in the fire. When they were once again glowing he submerged the glowing metal in the oil. Once done he once again began the long task of slowly removing the soot from the metal.

When he was done Zavzen held a bladed that had no guard, nor wrappings on the hilt and was slightly dull, but looked like a sword, was sharp like one and had a decoration on the pommel. All that was left for him to do was wrap the hilt, affix a guard and polish the sword.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] would find everything he needed with a wave of the Zabraks hand. He would give what was asked for, simply because he knew the boy didn't know his forge as well as he did. But by the end he offered a small grin, nodding once. "It's a fair blade, I wont lie. What abut the other though? Shall you finish your set?"
"Not just yet." Was the answer to the question [member="Krest"] had asked. "I want to finish this first and get some rest before I begin my nest blade." Standing, when had he sat down, he walked over to the kiln and placed another chunk of bronzium into the fire to melt it. When the former solid had become a liquid he drained it out of the fire using the force. He then called his unfinished sword over to him before he started to wrap the metal around the area where the hilt transitioned into blade. When he was done the blade was inserted in a small golden circle that served as the guard. Due to the fact that the metal had formed around blade when it was liquid and contacted when it cooled into a metal, the guard was firmly fixed to the blade.

After waiting sometime for the guard to cool (during which Zavzen started to shine his sword, starting at the tip) he sat down and began on the hilt. Taking the end of the long strip of leather Krest had brought him, he stuck it to the tip of the hilt using a strong resign. After that he began to carefully wrap the leather around the metal, making sure that at no point the leather over lapped as well as that the leather covered every bit of the metal. Once he reached the guard and the end of the hilt, he began to wrap the leather around the hilt again but his time heading towards the tip. Once at the tip he once again wrapped the leather around until it reached the guard. That time he cut the leather and stuck the leather to the piece beneath it, completing the hilt.

It was an hour later that Zavzn moved from his seat, during that time he had been slowly and carefully shining the blade on bot faces and running a file along the edges to sharpen then. Leaning back he looked over his work before nodding in satisfaction. His first blade was done. All that was left for him to do was create the second sword as well as the scabbards.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest interjected at the last of the steps, smiling to him. "There is one thing left for that blade, however. Meditate, and activate it. It will give an aura off. Some are crackling lightning along the blade, others a fire burning at the tip. Not all are the same, but each will give off something based off it's masters aura."
Nodding at what his master said, Zavzen sank into meditation and began to pour his being into the blade. Slowly a white aura began to form around the blade, looking like turbulence forming around the blade, looking like small gusts of wind seemed to flow of it. The "turbulence" began to grow slightly as Zavzen directed more of the Force through the blade, attuning it to himself at a deep level.

A few minutes later Zavzen's eyes popped open and the aura died down immediately. Feeling more tired than he proberly should, the fair skinned Zabrak turned to his fellow Zabrak. "Well, I think I'l start my nest sword tomorrow."

"If you believe you should rest, then you shall. Tomorrow we can start anew, and finish your blade, yes?" The red Zabrak nodded once to the smaller before moving to his way back to the hut. There was not a lot for Krest to do but supervise and answer any of [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] 's questions. So if the boy wanted to sleep. Well, he might as well do the same.
The next day Zavzen awoke fully refreshed. Once in the forge he began making his second sword. Since he had already done it once before he managed to do it in 7 days instead of nine. After those seven days he was holding a 2mm x 10mm x 450mm long piece of metal. However the result of expending so much energy to complete his task as soon as possible was the same, drenched in sweat from the sweltering heat, Zavzen collapsed out of exhaustion when he came out of the Force Trance.

The next day, after shovelling down a meal that [member="Krest"] had prepared, Zavzen returned to the heady atmosphere of the Forge to add the edges to the blade, before hardening and softening the blade. After that he added the Force Crystal, the decoration for the pommel, the guard and the hilt wrappings. When he was done he had a sword shorter than his other one by 300mm (making the blade half the size of the larger one while the hilts were the same).

After that he finished his blade by bonding them to him with the Force. Once again the "turbulence" formed and dissipated in the same manner as it had for his other blade, but black that time.

"Only the scabbards left, I think." Zavzen said as he turned to face his Master, who had just entered the room, "You wouldn't happen to have any advice for that stage? Also, do you have any Brylark Wood or Cosian Wood?"
"I should have both actually, but lemmi go look." Krest would begin to move off, but stopped for a moment, glancing back to [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] . "Also, your blades aren't finished yet. Once you're completely finished, I'll be altering them. For good reason of course. Reflecting blasters would be rather useful to you, no?" The Zabrak would smile before moving off to find some of his Cosian wood he had hanging about. Once he had it, he'd return, and toss the wood to the boy.

"Actually, while you work on the sheaths I'll modify the blades, aye?"
Catching the wood and traded it for his blades and set to work. On the first of the two pieces of he marked a length of 754mm x 14mm x 6mm and on the second he marked out a length of 454mm x 14mm x 6mm. After cutting out the lengths of wood he started to hollow out the insides, leaving a 2mm thick walls on all sides. He then painted the wood black before rapping a length of leather around the sheaths 160mm down from the top that coved 50mm. Once he was done on both sheaths he sat back, waiting for [member="Krest"] to finish with his swords.
Krest would take up the blade, glancing it's length over. It was extremely well balanced, to almost perfection. With a faint smile he would begin his minor part with the process. His vision would zoom all of a sudden, his sight staring over the blade to the smallest details. Atomic, microscopic, he could see it all over the two blades. And he would have one thing he was looking for. The magnetic polarity of the blades. With a slight tug he would suddenly flip it, bringing out what was once in, and it was not something that could be reversed. Already the blade became heavier, but its surface seemed that much more polished. With a satisfied sigh, Krest would lean back in his seat. "There."
After a few minuets of waiting Zavzen decided to go and find Krest. After looking in a couple of rooms he found his master sitting and staring at his blades. Just hen he was about to reveal his presence Krest let out a sigh and lean back saying "Done." Stepping forwards Zavzen stopped equal to his master, staring at his swords that seemed different somehow.

"I take it they're done?" He asked all though he made it sound like a statement. Reaching forwards before Krest could reply, he picked up his swords and placed each one gently in their respective sheaths. Staring at them for a few minuets he eventually moved to attach the longer sword onto his belt, resting the sheathe against his left hip, "Saviour" he said, giving the sword a name. He then moved to do the same with the other sword, tying it above Saviour, "Reaper." He eventually said, giving his last sword its name.

He now turned to his Master and asked, "When do I start learning Master?"

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest opened his mouth to speak and say something, but instead he just closed it, smiling. The blades were done, meaning that the purpose of all of this had been achieved. Krest would offer a slight bow of his head to the names before moving to the doorway. "Your training begins now."

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