Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sleeping Secret

Josh sighed, having walked with her, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" he said. "The Sith, at some point before my time took over this world and turned it into a wasteland" he explained, regrettably. Even though it wasn't during his era, he wished there was something he could have done... But he couldn't. It wasn't his time, it wasn't his opportunity, it wasn't his choice to make...

He let out a sigh.

@[member="Sanna Legra"]
Krest rubbed the back of his head, blinking @[member="Sanna Legra"] as she ran out of the tomb. At least there weren't any of the droids left functioning, so he kinda waited, leaving her to her moment. Once she came back, he tilted his head at the question. "Er.. I'd assume yes? And no? The galaxy went into a dark era a while back due to a plague. So.. I think he was stopped? Least, I've never heard of him." He crossed his arms then, leaning on the wall in the doorway.

What ever was going on with this lady, he didn't have a clue. Apparently she had been frozen for a while, but that wasn't too much of a shock. He knew several clones from the Clone Wars. Some lady in a pod wouldn't be impossible.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
(Would've loved to, but I had a distinct gap occur)

"I suppose both of us deserve it then, Josh." She looked over the other Jedi who woke up.

"Hi there."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Sanna Legra"]
Hearing them explain what happened she just dropped to her knees again. "I....It was supposed to be better when I woke up." She said to herself. "Everything was supposed to be...." She stood and looked back to them all, a more excited if a but terrified of a look. "Any of you? Where do you stand? Sith? Republic? And what happened in the war? Who won? IS Master Yoda still alive" She cursed under her breath before looking back and saying "Who leads the Republic now? Or has the entire galaxy fallen to the...?" She stopped when she was her hair was over her shoulder. Confused she pulled it up and saw for herself before saying "What.....what happened to my...?" She stopped and felt her tail, gasping at how long it was. Then she looked down at her chest and gasped at how it had grown. "I...I don't understand. I'm....I was fifteen when I went into stasis!" she exclaimed.

@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Krest"] @@Joshua DragonsFlame @Alexandra Cinthra
Krest rubbed the back of his head. "Er. I'm CIS, but not the CIS you'd know. Templar to be specific. I'm neither Jedi or Sith. I don't really know who leads the Republic, but I know their not the only major player these days." The Zabrak shook his head slow. A fifteen yearl old waking up with the body of a woman and the death of everyone she's ever known. That is a tragedy if he ever knew one. "I assume you grew while in stasis? Probably only slowed your growth instead of halting it." He crouched down for a moment, looking over the tomb. "Though, do you know why you're in a Sith tomb?"

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @Alexandra Cinthra @Circe Savan @[member="Sanna Legra"]
He shrugs. "I can't tell you what happened to your aging, but... Sith Spit, Master Yoda? That was back in the Old Republic..."

"Alright.... Where do I begin... Uhh... So the Sith won that. Palpatine was a Sith the entire time, turned Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, merged the Republic with the Sith to become the Galactic Empire... Anakin's son Luke defeated them when Anakin repented for his sins, and re-established the Republic and Jedi Orders. It has been MANY... MANY.... MAAAANNNNY millenia since then. I'm Josh DragonsFlame, a member of the New Jedi Order. Jedi Master, member of the Jedi Council. Right now the Republic's Supreme Chancellor is Jack Harkness, and the Grandmaster position is vacant until further notice" he explained. "In this timeline, we just recently defeated the rising Sith Empire, which has been raging against us for decades. They are disbanded, the Sith have split into groups"

He pointed to @[member="Krest"].

"Templar. A force using branch of the CIS. They're allies with the Republic currently"

He eyed Krest. "Sorry for nearly killing you because you didn't want to stay in the group"

He pointed to @[member="Circe Savan"].

"Sith Master. Was a part of the Sith Empire before we caused it to disband. She was the uh... Mistress of the second to last Emperor, Kaine Zambrano. Likely here for the apparent treasure that was here, as was that red guy and...."

He pointed to @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"].

"Uhh... She was a Sith Knight, last I met her. Judging by how much her and Circe seem to hate each other though, I assume they've parted ways... Unless Sith just naturally hate each other which... Isn't really a stretch"

@[member="Sanna Legra"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"I was here for the technology, yes. No, @[member="Krest"], not a Sith tomb as such. More a technological derivative of it, similar to how Rakatan hyperdrives were force-based versions of modern technology. As for hating her - she simply used the datachip. I knew what this all was."

A sigh elicited from her lips. "You also have the Omega Protectorate, a government formed out of a mercenary movement. There's the Fringe, who live in te Unknown regions. The Fel Imperium is, well, a derivative of the Empire, originally spawned when Han Solo's daughter married an Imperial warlord, and the Moross Crusade is an enigmatic, cult-like group located below CIS space."

That about covered it.

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Sanna Legra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Had come out of the ruins with a pile of files and a few datapads, reading them while they talked before looking up when Joshua mentioned her. "Formally a Sith Apprentice actually, now ive defected from that fething Empire first chance i got. Was force to join it so dont worry about me, ill be over here reading." She went back to reading through the files and datapads and taking notes in her own datapad. "By the way, im Alexandra Cinthra. Also its only been a handful of centuries, not 'Many Many Many Millenia'." @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Sanna Legra"] @[member="Krest"]
As they all tried to explain themselves, at the mention of @[member="Circe Savan"] being a Sith, the girl's look became more angered and hateful. They talked and talk but all she could see was the Sith. In her head she could only see her as an enemy, regardless of if she was here when it happened or not. She stood, still looking at Circe before giving at a cat-like roar and jumping on her. She tackled her to the ground and was trying to strangler her.

"You did this!" she screamed. "You destroyed my home! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!"

While they would say it was not her fault she did not care. As of now the Sith were officially her enemy, no matter who or what they were or where they stood. The only reason she did not attack @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] was on the grounds she was a former sith and, in her mind, not of worry. For now it was just this green sith woman she wanted to kill for what she did.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Sanna Legra"]

Alexandra looked up and sighed, walking over to stop Circe from killing the newly revived woman with a datapad still in hand. He hands gripped @[member="Sanna Legra"] shoulders and pulled her back before standing between her and Circe, staring at the woman's eyes. "Calm down, now. No point in getting out of stasis then dying dont you think." She stared at the woman's eyes and crossed her hands over her chest while she waited for a return of words before looking at Circe for a moment and speaking. "I must apologize for her actions Circe, im sure you understand how... odd it is for her." She looked back at Sanna, "Perhaps we can start with a name and what the year was when you went into stasis, no?" @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
On her back, Circe smiled. "You do realize I don't breathe the normal way, right?" With a soft focus, Circe smiled before giving Sanna a a squeeze. A hard squeeze with the power of her plant-based body. Her own arm snaked around the woman's neck and moved to tighten, to make her less and less able to breathe until she passed out.

"I'm... One of... The good ones... The line you know... Between good and evil... Isn't so clear... Don't let yourself... Be deceived into thinking... That's the case..."

Sighing, she waited until the woman was pacified or backed off willingly. "The Sith that were leading the CIS during the war were two in number, and I'm not them. Besides, those helping Dooku and his master - who was actually the Chancellor - were Dark Acolytes. Not actual Sith. Grievous' droid shell is on display at Utapau. Assaj Ventress disappeared. That one Chiss female died. All of them are dead."

She sighed. "Did you ever consider that maybe the reason all Sith orders hated the Jedi so much was because it was intolerant? Do you think I asked to spend the entirety of my life being hunted as a fugitive by the republic and the Jedi? I just want to live my life in peace without threats or the worry of a bounty. If the Jedi Order you knew was unwilling to be tolerant towards people like I, unwilling to let us have a choice in what alignment of the Force they followed, then why should I as a Darksider give them any support and respect? The worst thing I've ever done in the galaxy was to hire a bounty hunter, a former ARC trooper, ironically enough, to kill some Ewok pirates on Endor. The dude killed random Ewoks because he knew I wouldn't be able to tell the difference until it was too late."

Pausing, she sighed, eying the cat-lady over. "I want to be your friend. Hell, I want to be friends with everyone. But when someone is so intolerant in their beliefs, so solidly a believer of Jedi propaganda that's existed for tens of thousands of years, since the Order strayed from its purpose to keep the balance of the Force instead of trying to dominate it, that they believe I deserve death simply on sight - well, I'm sorry. I just can't do that. I hope that the galaxy you'll experience as part of your new life will show you that people like me aren't necessarily evil, nor are Lightsiders always necessarily good. It's a modern world, and tolerance finally exists. I can only hope that you enjoy a life that shows you the truth."

She sighed. "I didn't destroy your planet. Your family died peacefully, naturally. There was one Sith who scorched your planet's surface, but I'll let Josh speak more on that issue. I was not involved, nor have I been on this planet before." Pausing, she chose to wait for Josh to continue.

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Sanna Legra"]
After @Alexandra Cinthra pulled her off the girl only looked more angry at @[member="Circe Savan"] despite her trying to explain. But, as she kept going on about how she didn't want the life of Sith and so on, she began to show a little crack in her emotion. In a way she didn't want what happened to her either. She didn't want to be put into stasis. Leave her family behind. Be force into this time period. But her mother insisted and, in the end, she was forced to in order to be safe. She hated to admit it but this lady was right, making her collapse to her knees and cry again.

"I'm.....I'm all alone...." she said, trying to speak past her tears.

She looked down at her hands, seeing how much bigger they were, and almost felt like she wasn't herself anymore. In a way that was true because of her body growing five years past when her mind did. She almost felt like more of a freak than she had, being the first Torogian human hybrid. The only thing that kept her safe back then were her parents, but they were gone now. But then she balled them into fists, thinking she had to do something to make up for their sacrifice.

Looking up to answer Alexandra she said "My name is Sanna Legra. I was put into stasis back in....oh god...what years was it? I....I remember the Republic was at war with the Sith Empire. And that was when we thought they were gone. Uh....there were Jedi like Master Satele leading the battle."

@Joshua DragonsFlame @Krest

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Sanna Legra"]

"Last time i remember reading about a Sith Empire was... three thousand something BBY, so in simple, your a few millennia past your expiration date miss Legra. But there is no sith Empire any more ironically, they fell, i escaped and Circe here is one of the surviving Sith left, so don't you worry about the sith becoming a danger any time soon. No offense miss Savan, but your leaders were always incompetent and annoying, or but into peoples business when they shouldn't like a persons compound in the middle of no where and what not." She smiled softly as she looked back at Circe before looking to the girl again. "And the Jedi here is Joshua Dragonsflame, illustrious Weapons master of the Jedi order or something like that, he can give good conversation from time to time. And the CIS templar... i dont know him."

@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"]
Krest rubs the back of his head, simply watching. He had little chance to speak with the lot of them ranting on and on, so he stayed quiet until he was mentioned. He just holds up his hands, shrugging in response. "Names Krest. Ex-bodyguard, bladesman, cyborg." He leans back against the wall behind him, shaking his head slow. Such an odd group they made, a Sith, an exile, a Jedi, and a templar. Well, if there was ever a way to welcome someone to a knew galaxy, this was certainly the way to do it.

@Circe Savan @Joshua DragonsFlame @Alexandra Cinthra @Sanna Legra
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
With a soft sigh, Circe stepped over to the half-cat woman and wrapped her arms around her, the illusion of a fuzzy blanket wrapping around the barely clad woman as she gave a soft smile. "Sanna, you're not alone... You have me. And I'm sure you have these others as well. Stay positive - look at this as a new experience rather than a loss of all you knew."

Looking at Alexandra, she sighed. "Doesn't surprise me."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Sanna Legra"]
Krest shook his head slow, glancing around the room. "I assume we're going to leave, but I doubt we're going to be goin to the same destination. So that leaves it up to you @[member="Sanna Legra"] to who you'd prefer to go with. You got the Jedi from the order you were part of, the Sith, the Exile, or myself." He casts an annoyed look @Cicre Savan though. "Reminder, she is technically only fifteen." Sith and their primal urges. @[member="Sanna Legra"] may have the body of a woman, but she's still a child in her mind and heart. "So don't be trying to take advantage of a young heart yeah?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Krest"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Sanna Legra"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Alexandra had gone back to looking over a datapad while she fished for something to eat out of the bag she had with her, let them handle their business, Alexandra was interested in the knowledge held here. But that was interrupted by a light laugh at the Zabrak's joke, of course she had heard about Savan's actions and what not, but personally the jokes were getting alittle irritating to hear so many times in a short period, and shes not even Circe. "Alexandra, not 'the Exile' Thank you." She said to Krest before nodding to the woman that had been the focus of the conversation for them.
Krest shrugs his shoulders. "Never was good at names, apologies Alexandra." Thing was, he wasn't making a joke. More like being protective over an innocent from corruption. His eyes never did leave @[member="Circe Savan"]. He was watching for the pheromones that he knew all to well Falleen could secrete. "However, the point remains. I don't plan on sticking around much longer, so if you want to come see what a Templar is, lemmi know now."

@Circe Savan @Sanna Legra @Joshua DragonsFlame @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Josh had patiently allowed Alexandra to pull the woman off Circe. When she had begun sobbing, he had put a hand on her shoulder. Though he had to stiffle a laugh as Circe made her out to be something she was not. Both Josh and Alexandra knew Circe's true colors... The things she had done, the people she had kidnapped, many having had... Rather different things happen to them, and then turned them into plants... The victimizing of nearly every major faction in the known galaxy... Etc, etc. That and Josh wished she'd just roll over and die after what she'd done to her former fiance, Josh's best friend. Not to mention kidnapping and making his own brother a full blown Sith. Backstabbing schutta.

"You are never alone" he said calmly, after everyone had said their piece. "Although I agree with Krest... Do... Watch out for Circe. I wish I could say she was right, but... Well, if you don't want a big green hue and a virginity loss, I'd probably stay as far away from her as I could if I were you" he said, smirking a bit. "It has been quite some time since your era, my friend, I hate to say. My mission here is complete, so I'll probably be heading back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant rather soon. I know little John needs to be fed, so the sooner I can get on my ship, the better. Since I don't have any company besides him, I'd be glad to take you along if you'd like to meet the current Jedi Council" he said.

"We also have archives, if you'd like to spend some time catching up on what's happened in the galaxy since you left. It might give you some answers to your questions that us future-people can't tell you in person due to memory" he half-joked with a smile.

"Course, you could also go with the Templar. I don't mind. I don't know what they'd offer to you, but free will is still a thing, I promise" he again, half-joked on the last bit.

"Choice is yours, my friend. I'd be happy to answer any questions I can on the way back to Coruscant, but you could also go with Krest, or even Alexandra if you wish" he said. "I'd have listed Circe, if she was a safe person to travel with. Of course, my own brother knows that's not exactly a smart thing to do"

He eyed Circe, who was cuddling up to the newcomer with a sigh. "I... Don't think that's a good idea, plantylocks. If she tries to kill you, you deserve it and I'm not stopping her"

@[member="Circe Savan"]
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
@[member="Sanna Legra"]

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