Asmus Janes
[member="Kurt Meyer"]
There was a spark in the gold flecks in Asmus' emerald eyes. It had been a joke, but with a note of challenge. Asmus considered the request briefly. A slight haze had settled over his mind, but he could map out the main logistical routes through Alliance space easily enough. He'd been recommended for the navigational officer's career path back in the academy, but had pushed forward for the Starfighter Corps. Astronavigation and maths both came quite easily to him but he was an analytical pilot too. Visual range was limited so one had to juggle vectors: velocity, acceleration and direction. In some theatres this all had to be done without a clear frame of reference and one still had to avoid passing by the enemy at a velocity that actually prevented making an attack.
"The fleet will be regrouping at Kinyen. We'll be making for Fondor for repairs. We can drop you at Yag'Dhul and you can take a GADF freighter back to Sullust."
He gave a little shrug. "Probably back tomorrow or the next day. Comms aren't open yet, GADF closes off holonet access and public comms once we engage and until the official report is made public. Should be an hour or two and you can call back. What were you doing again? Just giving her a test flight?"
There was a spark in the gold flecks in Asmus' emerald eyes. It had been a joke, but with a note of challenge. Asmus considered the request briefly. A slight haze had settled over his mind, but he could map out the main logistical routes through Alliance space easily enough. He'd been recommended for the navigational officer's career path back in the academy, but had pushed forward for the Starfighter Corps. Astronavigation and maths both came quite easily to him but he was an analytical pilot too. Visual range was limited so one had to juggle vectors: velocity, acceleration and direction. In some theatres this all had to be done without a clear frame of reference and one still had to avoid passing by the enemy at a velocity that actually prevented making an attack.
"The fleet will be regrouping at Kinyen. We'll be making for Fondor for repairs. We can drop you at Yag'Dhul and you can take a GADF freighter back to Sullust."
He gave a little shrug. "Probably back tomorrow or the next day. Comms aren't open yet, GADF closes off holonet access and public comms once we engage and until the official report is made public. Should be an hour or two and you can call back. What were you doing again? Just giving her a test flight?"