Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sound Of Iron Shot [Rebels and allies vs Primeval and allies]


This is what happens when you tap the glass

"Overlord Overlord this is Flea Bite radio check over."

"Flea Bite this is Overlord radio check green, Roger Over."

"Roger, out."

Coming in out of range of sensors the Red Fleet was prepared for the biggest offensive in the current history of the Rebel Alliance, and spearheading this movement would be SpecForce. Gathered in the in the hanger of the flagship Oddball and dozens of other Alliance Marines dressed in full combat gear stared at a hologram of a map, and this was a map of the Chiloon Rift. The Primordial March, one of the bloodiest campaigns in the last two years took many systems under the fanatic hold of Primeval, one of those places being the Chiloon Rift. Normally pirates and general rabble being cleaned out of any area was a good thing, but not when the people taking their place were allies to sith with genocidal warlord to boot. So today was about crippling the rich resources that went into building the Primeval war machine and to make sure another Primordial March wouldn't happen again without a fight.

"Alright people, we are outside the wire. The plan is simple but dangerous. The primeval have sensors that can pick up a live ship from kilometers away, our job as specforce is to push in and eliminate their sensor relays located on this main asteroid." Oddball then pointed to an image of a massive asteroid with a equally large sensory relay attached to it.

"Once that is done the main forces come in and start raising hell. With the asteroids and debris fields their numbers will mean nothing to our fighters and bombers. Infantry will push forward and start dismantling mining facilities and destroying military institutions. The main force can not do their jobs unless we succeed gentlemen! So it is crucial that we do so!" Oddball said with a stern voice.

"Now since we can't shuttle down there we have only one alternative to infiltration." There was a long pause before Oddball spoke again.

"We drift." He said with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Four strike teams of twelve each with two mechs. We grab on and use our repulser packs to guide ourselves in. The mechs will be powered down and our packs are too small to be picked up on sensors. We'll just be another asteroid or space trash. Once we begin our attack Rogue Squadron will hyper space out from the east to provide light air cover while we do our thing. Fighters will be swarming so they will only be able to do so much. We hit this quick and hard then keep fighting from rock to rock disabling their assets." Oddball looked at his men and gave them all a reassuring nod.

"Any questions?" A long pause radiated through the room and the clone smiled wolfishly.

"Ooh-Rah SpecForce, let's get some." There was a cheer among the men and it was time to saddle up and go.

With the hanger cleared Oddball and the rest of the marines coming along loaded up onto the eight powered down mechs six riders to each machine they switched on their armor as oxygen began to flow through their suits.

"Time to vent in t minus five, four." A cold and professional voice said over the intercom of the hanger.

"Lead me, Follow me, Or get the hell out of my way!" Oddball chanted to his men.


"Lead me, follow me, Or get the hell out of my way!" Oddball yelled again over his mic.


"Lead me! Follow me! Or get the hell out of my way!" He yelled out with conviction and motivation in his voice.


"Rebels never die! SpecForce!" He yelled out to his men to which all responded.

"OOH-RAH!" And then it happened.


The shield of the hanger dropped and the vacuum of space took the SpecForce marines into the void, into the howling dark that they might not return from. It was truly beautiful, space. Asteroids and clouds of plasma that danced in the stars of the Galaxy, and Oddball was smack right in the middle of it. The weightless mechs drifted as each team began to push them towards the asteroid field. Oddball looked back at the fleet and saw what they had brought to the party. One Inevitable class battle cruiser, two Resistance class heavy assault cruisers, five rieekan class defense frigates, two Antilles class corvettes, and their flagship the Mothma class star destroyer. Oddball prayed it would be enough to wreck enough before the primeval's main fleet arrived to annihilate the smaller faction's fleet, the garrison around this area was said to be impressive but not unbeatable, one could only hope Intel wasn't wrong.

As Oddball and his teams drifted through the void and into the asteroid field having to swap oxygen once through the journey, the teams made it to the sensory relay on the massive asteroid and prepared for their assault. Looking down at their target that was a solid five hundred meters beneath them Oddball and his team loaded their weapons, go time.

"NOW!!" Oddball screamed as the mech's activated and began to fire salvos of missiles at the array. If they were successful or not would soon be seen.

[member="Juwiela Melec"]
[member="Thane Drexel"]
[member="Blane Nightfall"]
[member="Preliat Mantis"]
[member="Krasnaya Xue"]
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Setzi Lunelle"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
[member="The Traveler"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

Surprise surprise all in your eyes it's another surprise skirmish! So everyone just have fun and do your thing, spawn a few NPCs whatever really just try to be realistic is my only request :).


Rebel Scum:
1: Dismantle mining facilities without killing civilian workers.

2: Destroy military instillations and sensory array to allow the main fleet to come in and aid in the assault.

Primeval: Defend assets or whatever you guys want really.

Overall objectives: Have fun :)


Prime was awaiting deployment. Prime was on loan from the Techno Union to provide the Primeval researchers and scientists with ideas for potential battle droids. Or to purchase Hydra War Droids from their Techno Union allies. The unit’s body had been repaired since the battle of Geonosis. On top of that, the temporary battle memory was erased. Tactics remained and targeting profiles remained. Eliminate all forms of resistance. Keep the organics from the Techno Union alive. Keep allied forces alive. Eliminate resistance.

Wear resistance as skin.

Sure, Prime was not thinking now. This was because Prime was not deployed. Prime was being shipped under armed guard from the Obsidian Order to meet and be displayed by the Primeval. The Host Lord would be having the ultimate say as to when and how this display was created.

Prime, even in its standby state craved one thing

Dave’s life

The destruction of targets.
Fleet: x1 Cathedral-class Battleship ; x2 Boar-class Assault Cruisers ; x1 Partisan-class Cruiser ; x4 Gulandi-class Escort Frigates ; x2 Mendacity-class Corvettes

Location: Aboard the Cathedral-class.
Objective: Remind the Rebels of Helska.
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: Insurgents, rebels, revolutionaries, and anyone who votes for a third party!

The Chiloon Rift, although small compared to the galaxy itself, was a rather massive area of space. Home to several asteroid fields, nebulae, and countless anomalies; the Rift had become a haven for pirates, mining guilds, smuggler operations, and lately insurgencies as well. A routine patrol lead by a Bleeding Sun Exemplar detected an approaching fleet with its early warning systems.

Prepared for battle, the small fleet took up formation as enemy warships jumped from hyperspace and began to assault the asteroid field.

"Sir! The enemies seem to be deploying... Tiny objects... towards or sensory array."

"That's no assortment of tiny objects, they're people!" An officer exclaimed.

Catalys was standing on the bridge, where any commander should, and observing the situation with his own eyes. In the distance from the viewport was the enemy fleet, clearly they were not Mandalorians judging by the starship designs. Nor were they like Silver Sanctum. Most commanders in this position would hail the enemy fleet, offering them a chance to withdraw before things had to become complicated. Agent Maijora was not one of these commanders.

Turning back to his senior officer, "I want their systems jammed, move long-range weapons into place and hold fast." His orders were swiftly carried out by the crew.

Within moments the Partisan-class Cruiser began targeting the enemy fleet with its electronic warfare systems, attempting to jam their targeting computers and scramble their transmissions in all forms. If successful, most ships would become hindered or at the very least less effective in battle as long as the systems remained online.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
The Primeval had always been a fun bunch.

They were crazy, clearly insane in fact, but they were fun. Ziost, Wayland, a few other times Kiran had worked for them. Most of them were either dead on patriots or just looking to raid and pillage as often as they could. A few were driven, intelligent, and even like able, though the latter were few and far in between. Kiran had first met the Primeval when Laguz Vald had introduced Saeva Incorporated to their employ. That had been some time ago, and since then a certain trust had been formed between the two entities.

The Primeval paid Saeva, and Kiran and his boys slaughtered the Primevals enemies.

It had worked out well in the past, and it would work out well today.

That was why he was sitting in the hangar bay of one of the Primevals ships. A helmet sat beside him, belonging to the armor that he wore. There was a blaster pistol in his hand, slowly being cleaned by a dried cloth with lubricant clinging to it. There was a slight scorching to the air an the blast mark on the wall told a small story of a test, though he would deny it if asked.

The Zeltrons hand was covered with an odd white glove, and his chest was lined with a set of strange devices. He was prepared for battle, or maybe a war. There was a smile on his face as he slowly finished cleaning his weapon, sliding it into place opposite his other baster* and securing it in place. Slowly he stood, scooping up his helmet and wandering over towards the hangar bays exit, watching as the fleets sprang into action.

It would be his turn soon.

Irreverent and its accompanying portion of the Red Fleet drifted in the foggy abyss of a nebulous body, at the edge of the asteroid field and beyond the reaches of nearly any form of truly tangible matter. They had jumped to this horrifyingly lonely location amid the dust and the 'ashes' of what may have been a past star in order to be within quick-jump range of the targeted Primeval holdings but far enough away to avoid the early detection systems that would surely be triggered the moment the Rebel vessels swooped into the Rift. However, considering the properties of the nebula, scanners would be a little fuzzy for the asteroid stations and Rebel invaders either way. It was a situation Krasnaya had never approached before, so this might just be a learning experience for them all.

"All is good, yeah." the admiral uttered, gazing into the field with an unconcerned expression. It was about time she had some action, after all. The Rebels learned as they went, and there was no exception there for Admiral Xue. She was as prone to flaw as them all, and had to admit that sometimes she was simply making it all up as she went. But for a ragtag group like the Alliance, innovation was often the key to success. And sometimes a little audacity was the perfect catalyst. Not that the Rebels had any problems with being audacious.

"So. Keep your eyes judging, yeah, more than your computers." Krasnaya scuffed over to the Watcher at the comms command. "You are my guide, Lieutenant Djemik, yeah. So you make some orders, yeah? If I tell you. You're my eyes."

He felt the emptiness of space. While [member="Oddball"] and his other compatriots were contained in mechs, Preliat was blessed to be gifted with some of the more advanced, and durable armor in the galaxy. He had a 20 minute oxygen supply along with it. And since he wasn't re-entering the atmosphere, he didn't particularly need a mech suit. All he rode into the void, the giant darkness, was a speeder bike. It was colored black, and had the Mythosaur skull painted on it- recently.

What he felt more than the emptiness, was the darkness of space- it was a frightening, awfully large void. Death was more of a possibility than living in space. But Preliat wasn't fearful- he had much to do. He had pledged allegiance to the Rebels, promised him his aid. And now, he was paying his debt.

Salvo-missiles screeched ahead of him, shooting forth from the SpecForc's mechs. He couldn't activate the thrusters on his speeder, not yet. Didn't even want to turn the thing on. Preliat pulled on the handlebar, pulling himself flat, with the tail end of the speeder veering towards the asteroid below him. Preliat braced himself for the impact, activating his thruster just once to slow his descent, and then hopped off. His jetpack on his back screeched to life, two bursts that slowed him enough to land safely on the asteroid. He skid along the surface of the asteroid, coming to an eventual stop by rolling. It was jarring, but his bulky Beskar'kandar armor protected him from being jolted around more than the others around him.

He took the M45 off his chest, watching as the speeder he came in on smacked into the asteroid, splintering apart. He turned to look at [member="Oddball"], or at least, where the rest of the SpecForc operators were above him. He blinked beneath his helmet, and activated his comms. His gravelly, distinct Ordo accent snaked across the SpecForc comm channels.

"Mantis on station. Awaiting further instructions."
Location: Cockpit of the AMF
Objective: Provide Loose Air Support for Spec Forces [member="Oddball"]
Allies: Rebels [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]
Enemies: Primes [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Prime"] and friends


Sitting front and center of the attack squadron that was to provide backup to the SpecForce, Thane drank his flask dry, probably should've refilled it before he left. All wings had reported in and were awaiting the go ahead from command. Admiral Xue was leading the Rebel fleet and it was up to her to assign targets.

"Command, status on Oddball and his team?"

The Saint fighter was the best choice for this type of terrain, asteroids were tricky mothers and only experienced pilots could navigate their dangers. Loaded with the secondary payload, Thane checked over the console to ensure all weapons were locked and loaded.
First engagement

Those words she spoke to herself as she sat in her newly made thunder star, outfitted for war with the rebels symbol painted on the nose.

Stardust had let a breath out, she was quite nervous not really scared just nervous it had been some time since she's been in a big battle

She sat near the end of the squadron as she awaited for orders

Blane had no question during the explanation, he wasn't new to this, he could only feel the adrenalina through his body once the shield of the hangar droped, the sensation from before the battle, it was amazing, if there was something he liked in war this could be that... probably the only thing. "Admiral Xue, if I die, give my journal to Dasy, she will love to chew at it!" He said through the communicator as Oddball gave the order, almost screaming, probably because of the adrenalina, then he spoke to Oddball "Think there will be sith down there? I love mocking sith, makes me feel as if I live for something." Now there was a long way untill this missionw as over, he felt it, but again this was war, this was horror... This was atrocity. Nothing in the world could change this definition, Blane couldn't really feel as if someone would miss him, there isn't really anyone very close to him and the rest of his familly... well who knows if they even thought about him, It might be a curse but also a blessing, in this state, he had nothing to loose and nothing to worry about.

[member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Prime"] [member="Oddball"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Primeval Sensory Array
Objective: Fight
Allies: [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="stardust"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Blane Nightfall"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]

With five missiles from all eight walkers firing at the sensory the rockets propelled forward through the soundless vacuum of space until they hit their mark. Impacting up and down the sensory relay Oddball watched as the explosions rocked the relay, the asteroid shook as the inside of the relay groaned and wavered as metal beams began to collapse on themselves. Forty missiles from eight mechs would do that to a structure after all. So as the structure began to give Oddball and his men began to hit the ground of the asteroid with a thud as the mechs they had brought along shook the ground beneath their feet when contact was made. Coming in on a roll Oddball somersaulted back up to a high kneeling position to watch the tower come down on itself.

"Overlord Overlord this is Flea Bite! Array is down engage I repeat sensory array is down engage all primary targets, providing coordinates." Oddball said on his comm unit to the red fleet.

And as a seasoned radio operator he could see that his signal was being interfered, they were attempting to jam them and while it was still in the beginning stages Oddball had to make a call. Within sight of him were three targets, a mining facility atop a huge asteroid above him, a military outpost less than a kilometer away from them on the very same asteroid, a larger base located more towards the center of the nebula and a communications array on a asteroid bellow to help improve comm signals in this massive mess of an asteroid field rich with metals that would help interrupt signals.

So it came down to calling in a pick up, or giving strike coordinates to one of the three targets. While Oddball wasn't eager to get captured again he knew that this mission was more important than his life, another primordial march could not be allowed to happen and this asteroid field provided the Primeval with ore for their military. So the choice was obvious, they needed to fight.

"Overlord Overlord this *radio garble* Bite, target acquired military base *garble* coordinates grid twenty five *garble* lines six four niner niner seven! *garble* engage enga-" And then the signal cut out for long range comms.

Oddball banged his fist on the side of a mech standing near him, whatever was going to happen they needed to move now. First thing was first was taking care of the outpost that was on this asteroid, clearing house was what needed to happen before moving on to a new target. Didn't want the enemy on both flanks when the real fighting started.

"Mantis! Nightfall! Military outpost alpha is our objective, we are taking it out!" The Fett clone said with a thick accent.

"Double time boys!" Yelling to his men, Oddball, his forty ground troops and eight mechs pushed forward on the asteroid.

As they neared the outpost jumping through near zero G the clone lifted up his blaster rifle as they came into view of enemy fortifications. A few E-web bunkers, some point defense cannons, and what looked to be a tank. Nothing they couldn't handle, but there was always more than met the eye. E web blasters opened fired on him and his men and a specforce marine took a shot to the chest his body floating up into space.

"Man down! Man down! Engage engage!" Oddball said as he ducked behind the cover of a few rocks, peaking up to fire off a few shots here and there.
This was more her element. Fighting in-atmosphere was fun and all, but nothing could ever quite substitute the feeling of zero-gravity that came with sitting in the cockpit with the emptiness of space surrounding her on all sides. Of course, space wasn't quite so empty this time, given the asteroids ahead of them and the fleet backing the ragtag squadron of pilots. Seated in the cockpit of her Yavin-class fighter, the Blind Gambit, Juwiela did one final run through of the systems, nudging the yoke forward so that she could take her position as Rogue Leader. "All wings report in. Eyes up, everybody." Opposition in the air was expected, this time. "Awaiting your orders, Admiral."

Carefully she studied the immediate area, able to witness the battle on another plane altogether via the Force. No enemy fleet had made an appearance just yet, but she wasn't expecting things to stay this quiet for long. The issue here would be air superiority, and with their primary objective being to provide support for those troops on the ground she knew The Primeval would be doing their best to prevent that. But, well, things were boring when nobody was getting shot at. And she was a soldier herself, having fought in a number of engagements beforehand. This was just another tally, and hopefully another success.

And of course, said aforementioned enemy fleet didn't waste any time in showing up, scrambling systems while they were at it. Thankfully she had never really relied on a targeting computer, what with her not actually being able to see any of the readings it relayed. Sometimes being blind really was more of a blessing, given what difficulties a physically sighted pilot would be facing in this scenario. That brought to mind the rest of the squadron, but she knew they would make do. They were Rogues. It was in their job description.

A slight frown found her lips, but she quickly pushed away any and all negative thoughts that accompanied it. This wasn't going to be a repeat of Csilla, or Coruscant for that matter. This time they knew what they were doing, and they would do it right.

[member="Oddball"], [member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="stardust"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Krasnaya Xue"], [member="Kiran Vess"], [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Prime"]

Evan Kenner

The Wrong Side of Heaven
Just another, normal day in the eerie fringes of Primeval space, right? Of course not.

Evan was not really much of a patriot toward this 'Primeval' movement. His only real reason for being a part of this group of strange crusaders was being captured after fleeing Republic space and finding a teacher in the heart of the Host Lord herself. Although she had not trained Evan much as of late, he had a feeling she would prove to be a powerful mentor in teaching Evan how to better utilize the dark side of the Force that had saved his life against the oppressive, hateful Republic he once was a part of.

Though, he did begin to like the faction he had inevitably aligned himself to when he was gifted an elite starfighter. Finally, something to replace that Republic tech I had used. Now he wouldn't be branded as part of the Republic just by flying that old heavy starfighter. Now, he flew a starfighter that might be a bit of a prototype, the A/Y-92 Aquila Starfighter. Evan was impressed with how well the ship flew and how powerful it felt. Slightly less maneuverable than the Interceptors he was used to flying, the Aquila made up for it with stealth tech, which Evan had always wanted to fly.

It appeared now he would get the chance...

Location: One of the many asteroid mining stations, more toward the center of Chiloon Rift
Position: Pacing around, overseeing the miners at work
Objective: Get out there and fend off those pirates!
Allies: Primeval and allies
Enemies: Rebel Alliance and allies

Evan decided one day to go out and explore some of Primeval space with his new starship. The hyperdrive worked just fine, which was great. The young chiss decided to pay a visit to this mysterious area of space that the Primeval gets a lot of their resources from for their war machine. He did not have any authority over any of the miners, but decided to pay a visit and help out. His skill with a hydrospanner came in handy when some of the miners complained about their computers not working right, so Evan had decided to help by fixing those for them.

He spent a few hours fixing things for the miners, because that's just what he does, until word spread among the miners that some kind of pirates were launching an attack on the sensor relays nearby.

Time to put down the hydrospanner, then.

Evan quickly made his way over to his new starship, plopped himself down in the cockpit, and locked himself in. Completing launch sequences, Evan's starfighter blasted off into the void, the colorful nebulae stretching out before him. From here, he could see Cathedral Battleship nearby. The strange look of the vessel gave Evan the chills, but if it did the same to their enemies, it was worth it. Evan tried to hail the ship.

"Cathedral Battleship, this is Evan Kenner of the Primeval. I got word there might be a pirate presence in the this true? How can I be of assistance? I think you'll find I am...handy behind the joystick of a starfighter."

[member="Catalys Maijora"]

Marek Starchaser

Sometimes you needed to shake the dust off. And when you did that, you needed a good reason. One? Technology sharing with an allied party. Sure, there were native Primeval characters that could show up, but if the Hydra War Droid known as Prime was anywhere, that meant one of the higher ups was not too far behind. Keeping an eye on the merchandise.

No one needed any other explination.

And that was Marek. He had come by to ‘check up’ on his cousin and acting CEO of Bright Star, but while he was doing that, he figured he’d spend some time out in the wilds known as Primeval space. The Zeison Sha adept and Alter Weather Master was on a ship with the Primeval command. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but the Force was abuzz with angst and motion.

He was making sure his AI was uploaded to the armor of his. The one that also needed to be dusted off. If he was needed, he’d show.
There was one utterly irrefutable fact about the Chiloon Rift that the rebel scum most likely overlooked in their information report: This was the home to the Primeval's most infamous and ruthless Warlord. The Time Foundry (a top secret facility in the Bubble of the Lost, that the Rebel Information report, positively missed) had been churning for months now after its construction was completed. Just recently in fact, a small convoy of droid piloted starships materialized out of the nebulous mist for the Directory to take control of. Given the open pocket that the Warlords charge into the system created in order to construct and send the Time Foundry into a stable orbit within the strange heart of the Rift, his base of operations was relatively free of some of the interference the nebular matter created for sensors, at least within the path his Dovin Basals created.

Everywhere else though, was more or less in the dark about this coming incursion, as the Rebels were so far fairly careful in avoiding the attention of a fleet far superior in number to them... until of course, they directly began to attack and take control of a sensor relay. Additionally, a nearby fleet under [member="Catalys Maijora"] controlled seemed to indicate they had intercepted something on their sensors through the nebular mass, all leading to the conclusion that this was no ordinary pirate incursion that the Directory was used to exterminating.

"Admiral Thetsh, I presume you have already received the various reports?" Captain Slika spoke to the head of the Directory via hologram.

"Indeed I have, Captain. It was would seem that the scum of this nebula are a little more intellectual today, but not much, given our domineering reputation in this system." The arrogant but cool headed commander was already beginning to set up the offensive.

"Do you think it's in response to the Initiative?"s

"Impossible. The Foundry has only been in operation for a few months, our time. There is no chance any intelligence report could have penetrated so deeply into the Chiloon Rift, without becoming lost themselves. It is extremely unlikely their report will account for our latest batch of ships, and they will be sorely outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanned. We control this system, and the face of Zambrano will remind them exactly why the pirates in this system stay their hands when approaching a Primeval vessel without great hesitance. Whoever these targets are, they aren't anything. They're scum. They can attempt to destroy whatever facilities they think are important to us, but in the long run the massive expanse of the Rift will render their efforts useless. A drop in the bucket of all the available facilities in the system we can apprehend, facilities even we have yet to discover."

"Shall we proceed to mobilize the Warlord?" There was a pause while the Admiral mulled it over, before responding.

"Yes. His skill with the Dovin Basals will be invaluable in interdicting these smaller targets we've been hearing about. Now if you'll excuse me Captain." After that the hologram cut out.

"Proceed to broadcast a message from the Warlord across the system, he'll have something to say to these insurrectionists, and prepare me a shuttle to have me and the Warlord dispatched to his ship." Captain Slika commanded an aid, as he exited the hologram room of the Directory HQ

At a point later in time, not to long from the Captain's conversation, Zambrano found himself immersed within his signature Flagship, The Thorn, and the whole of reality collapsed into a massive expanse of nebulous matter. Oily, thorny tendrils reached out from the heart of Zambrano's perception, sensing the rebels not through conventional technology or biots, but through the force itself. He was innately aware of their presence here, far before the first reports... but his sanity disconnect from reality and true loyalty to his own organization, prevented him from making sense of what these presences meant to him. Now of course, it was clear what they were, as Captain Slika told him it was time to play with them, but first he had to make sure they knew they were just playing a game.

"Friends, friends, friendsss!" A mass broadcast was sent through the nebula, gargbled slightly by the interference, but powerful enough to cut through most of it enough. The enormous black face appeared deep blue on holographic screens, and shimmered slightly with his every movement. Those color shifting orbs stared down the receptor of his voice, and the fresh wounds of Ziost could be seen still healing as scars over his eye socket and face, only adding to his menacing features.

"Welcome to my, ABODES! It has come to my attention, you wished to surprise me with tricks and games, and I must say I am so pleased by this gift, that I eagerly looking forward to meeting all of you personally! Tah, have fun playing my version of hide and seek! Hahaha!" Finally the short message cut out in the midst of his rumbling laughter.

Fleet Compliment:
  1. The Directory finally detects the rebels through various reports, and decides it's time to intervene.
  2. Zambrano's typical fleet is assembled surrounding the Directory HQ for the system, guarded by a number of miscellaneous but similarly sized ships brought in since subjugation.
  3. Zambrano sends a party invitation
  4. Fleet begins to form up, prior to scouring the Rift of enemy rebel ships and personnel.
It wasn't too long before the military installation sent word to Bastion of the sudden attack.

If there was any place within the Primeval's vast territories that could miss a fleet, it was the Rift. Even their own fleets got lost in its vast, uncharted nebulae. If they did turn up, they were lucky; if not they were left to their fate. What truly did happen to those fleets that disappeared is a mystery yet to be solved. Some say they enter dimensions outside our own and occasionally return with no one on board. Others claim that they merely wander aimlessly in the Bubble of the Lost, never to be found again except by daring crews who enter the Bubble themselves.

On Bastion, the Host Lord herself received a call from the installation's commander.

Appearing as a hologram before them, "Your worship, we're under attack! Unknown vessels exited hyperspace and begun an assault on our installation; a response fleet has arrived--thankfully--but I don't know if it's enough." The station's commanding officer plead before the Host Lord for aid, knowing all too well that he failed in his duties to alert them sooner.

Anja listened before speaking, "Outpost TH-TWELVE, correct?" She looked to her aide who answered her silently with a nod. The witch recalled that an interesting package had been delivered there recently by the Techno Union dubbed 'Prime.' Whatever this Prime was had been a curious thought indeed. "Activate Prime, commander." Her tone was cool and without any signs of anxiety towards the situation. She didn't seem upset at all.

"Prime?" Caught off guard, the officer questioned the action to himself audibly before it finally clicked. Turning to a fellow soldier, "quickly! Head down to cargo and activate that droid." The soldier ran off, stumbling as he did so. ( [member="Prime"] )

"This installation mustn't be lost, commander." The hologram cut off after the last word was spoken.

Moments later a signal went out alerting [member="Kadri Ughad"], commander of the nearest task force, of the surprise attack in the Rift.
Fleet: x1 Cathedral-class Battleship ; x2 Boar-class Assault Cruisers ; x1 Partisan-class Cruiser ; x4 Gulandi-class Escort Frigates ; x2 Mendacity-class Corvettes

Location: Aboard the Cathedral-class.
Objective: Remind the Rebels of Helska.
Allies: Primeval

Enemies: Insurgents, rebels, revolutionaries, and anyone who votes for a third party

All things considered, the Primeval were used to war.

They had attacked Mandalorians, the greatest warriors in the galaxy, on their own world and won. They had attacked an order of Jedi whose sole purpose was to eliminate all darkness in the galaxy; and they won. They have aided Sith against the Republic and fought the Rebels at Helska; and won. Even the Sith cared about their territory, after all the imperialists they were sought to dominate the entire galaxy--the Primeval did not. Their worlds could suffer, their fleets could be obliterated, their officers might be held captive and their troops may be slaughtered. Yet they still march forward.

A surprise attack was not going to get the better of them. Certainly the enemy may have better tacticians, perhaps they'll even score a little victory here and there, but ultimately there was nothing to gain. They will not hesitate to eliminate life on an entire world just to put down a rebellion. They do not fear using the young as body shields, with not remorse for their losses. Whatever they can do to defeat their enemy, they will do so. Thus the rebels should count themselves lucky that the Primeval has not yet resorted to such extreme measures in their fights against them.

The Partisan-class Cruiser maintained its systems, and continued to scramble and jam the enemy. By now their long-range weapons were ready and able to hit the enemy. For enemy vessels caught in the Partisan-class' grip, their sensory arrays would pick up many dots on the screen of phantom vessels masking the real ones, and missile systems that required guidance would be unable to properly lock onto any targets. It'd take a lot of luck, or a powerful force user to overcome these odds. Of course in the hands of a starfighter, a force user could target with free-fire; giving them an edge. But what hope does one vessel have against an entire fleet?

"I want all fighters on standby," Catalys sent word to every ship in their fleet. By now most fighters were already being prepped. ( [member="Evan Kenner"] )

Turning to her commanding officer, "Sir, we have weapons in range. Orders?"


The two mendacity-class corvettes fired up their main ion weapons, the streaks of light with a girth larger than those fired by v-150 planet defenders headed towards the Mothma-class. Following that attack the two Boar-class Assault Cruisers fired their own ion cannons, followed by mass-drivers, towards the enemy's Two Resistance-class Cruisers. Lastly the Cathedral-class fired its heavy, dual long-range turbolasers towards the enemy's battle cruiser.

[member="Oddball"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Krasnaya Xue"] | [member="Juwiela Melec"]
Location: Cockpit of AMF Saint Starfighter
Objective: Provide Support to SpecForce
Allies: [member="Oddball"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="stardust"]
Enemies: [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Evan Kenner"] (Potential Target)

Thane saw his HUD light up with moving targets. The Prime fleet had mobilized their fighters, and their defenses began firing on the SpecForces team. They needed backup and the fleet was coming under fire as well. Thane wouldn't be able to wait any longer if his men were to make it out alive. With a flick of the switch, Thane folded back his wings and punched the engines to maximum.

"Evasive maneuvers, all wings. Engage!" He knew he was belaying orders, but a Benefactor had to protect his men.

The speed of his fighter was unmatched by any he knew. He'd use that to his advantage.
[member="Thane Drexel"][member="Catalys Maijora"][member="Anja Aj'Rou"][member="Zambrano the Hutt"][member="Marek Starchaser"][member="Evan Kenner"][member="Juwiela Melec"][member="Oddball"]

Stardust jumped up and activated comm to check in "spirit fire reporting in" she said as she watched the primeval fleet spring into action "all right go time" she grinned and unfolded her wings, she would be slower than most but was still able to dodge and weave, her weapons were those she picked for destruction"yeeehaaa"

She said and punched it following into the battle
Signals blinked and waggled on scopes bridge-wide right after Nightfall's humorous request of Xue should he become deceased, announcing the arrival of an unnatural presence. While it may have been easy to assume anomalies related to the nebula and asteroids field's composition, there was an unmistakable frequency being transmitted--or, rather, bludgeoned against the comms systems of the Red Fleet vessels with the power of a microscopic quasar--to disrupt detection systems. One particular object seemed to radiate so many identities that it cluttered up scope vision of the smaller enemy craft. "Admiral, signals are being scrambled. We have multiple contacts at 78.3 Galactic North, 12 dorsal."

The detection officer was interrupted as soon as he had announced coordinates. "Opening fire! They are opening fire."

"Multiple shots confirmed!"

Xue's head jerked and tossed her cap upon hearing the commotion, and her eyes reflexively squinted as blue on white-blue flashes of boiling ion fire streaking towards the Irreverent's fore, slashing through the shielding and still making impact with about half its initial power. The admiral neglected to retrieve her fallen hat and immediately set to giving orders. Confrontation had occurred faster than she had expected. Mistake Number One. "Damage reports!"

"Physical damage is minimal to none so far assessed. Standard power has been knocked out at Partitions 4 and 5, but analogue systems are being initiated." The Chief Engineer rapidly scanned the reports a second time before shaking his head. "A turbolaser mounting is temporarily out, but otherwise, we're in the clear." That was all thanks to the Mothma-class' more 'antique' engineering and carbon-freeze exterior. The Irreverent was designed to dish out exactly what the Primeval vessel had just served, and Krasnaya would be damned if her weapon's weakness was itself.

"Mardröm and Discord are reporting light plate tearing and some missing gun mountings, but nothing too serious."

Thankfully, there were Night Watchers aboard. With uncanny efficiency, Lieutenant Djemik and his Miraluka comrades began to transpose triangulated calculations they had obtained via a device not dissimilar from a sextant, tapping the coordinates into the bridge's terminals via a switch paddle device like a telegraph key. Of course, the recorded positions would not be entirely accurate for the smaller, nimble corvettes, but the offending Cathedral-class would not be able to evade the Mothma-class' return fire. "Return ion fire!" The four heavy long-range ion cannons adjusted to the Watcher-fed point and opened with their own blinding bursts like an erupting white dwarf star.

"Implacable, also. And command group prow forward." The Rebel flagship began its slow push straight for the Cathedral as the Inevitable-class battlecruiser released its own quadruple ion blast. The two Antilles-class corvettes followed at the star destroyer's stern along with a pair of Rieekan-class frigates at its sides, preparing to unleash hell. "Cruisers, yeah, are to drift behind the starboard asteroid.

"Rogue Leader, yeah, you take the fighter. So all fighters are go, yeah." Commander Melec now had the snubfighter game in her hands.

  • Irreverent - Mothma-class } Limited, localized power shortages | Structural integrity fully intact > Fires x4 heavy long-range ion cannons on Cathedral. Moves towards enemy fleet.
  • Rieekan, Virtue - Rieekan-class } A-OK > Flying starboard and port escort to Irreverent.
  • Long Shot, Shortsighted Summer - Antilles-class } A-OK > Flying rear escort to Irreverent.

  • Implacable - Inevitable-class } Minor shield depletion > Fires x4 heavy long-range ion cannons on Cathedral. Idles.

  • Mardröm, Discord - Resistance-class } Localized systems shutdown | Scattered hull plating damage > Maneuvering behind asteroid to starboard.
  • Calamity, Veracity, Deadly Diplomat - Rieekan-class } A-OK > Maneuvering behind asteroid to starboard.

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="stardust"]

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
"Sharps, yo. Let's do this." She stuck her tongue out and unleashed a cheeky grin, even though she knew her squadron leader could not see her face at these speeds and distances. Actually--now that she thought about it--Juwiela could not see her face anyway. Funny, that. "Signed: Straw Hat."

Streaking behind Rogue Leader's specialty craft in her standard Corvus RAAF interceptor, Rogue Three felt her fingers fidget a little about the trigger key of her yoke. It was starting to feel a lot more enticing lately. Strange, considering the awakening she had had on Csilla. Death was not easy to take, nor was it easy to distribute. And yet she was starting to crave the press of that trigger and the bolts of life-ending light that would emit from the cannons of her craft. Kantankerous Kill it was named. And after the things she had seen; the pilot had seen, mercy was becoming a little more subjective to the spunky Rogue. She felt a little less timid about it and a little more righteous. These guys had blown up her brethren on Helska, after all.

She was an instrument of Freedom. And maybe a little bit of Vengeance. "Rock 'n' roll..." Sannika clicked her tongue and got into the secondary gunman position at Rogue Leader's four o'clock. Time to kick some Primeval butt! Round Two.

[member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="stardust"], [member="Evan Kenner"], [member="Kiran Vess"]

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