Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sound Of Iron Shot [Rebels and allies vs Primeval and allies]

The heavy vessel began to decrease in acceleration until it was practically drifting at constant speed towards the Red Fleet, propulsion seeming to be cut and the vacuum of space only preserving its momentum, movement rate neither increasing or decreasing. However, its sensors jamming systems still seemed to be quite on-line, and Krasnaya was not content to fight a blind battle, even if they chanced to have superior forces.

Which they could not be sure of. "Counting approximately twelve; maybe thirteen firing trajectories. Looks like we've got about a dozen other vessels confirmed. Unknown classes." The detections officer scanned over the triangulated positionings of these 'ghost' ships. "Mass projectiles from two--"

Immediately, they felt it. Carbonite chunks scattered as a few lucky mass driver rounds found their targets, pock-marking the fore casing of the Irreverent. The admiral whirled to observe the two Rieekan-class escorts to her flagship's port and starboard, noting they missed the flurry on most counts--though a large section of carbon-frozen casing shattered with a brutal hit. Her Miraluka comms officers babbled about a pair of missing turbolasers and some crunched flak guns on the Virtue.

"Can we see the scopes?"

"We're just working off solid number work right now. Signal interference is still too heavy to pinpoint smaller ships, ma'am."

"Fighters have been visually detected by Rieekan!"

"Launch all fighters in response, yeah! Open all ion cannons, fleetwide! Target the main command ship!" It was time to put an end to this blindness.

Lieutenant Djemik interrupted the admiral, tapping her shoulder rapidly and pursing his lips underneath his cloth-wrapped face. "We've spotted several projectiles incoming to our ventral. They're not of artificial make. It seems there has been a disturbance in the asteroid field." Just their luck that there would be debris from an asteroid collision at this moment!

Though they did not feel the effects in the bridge, much of the crew experienced an uncanny, sinking sort of feeling at the moment those in the lower decks would be scrambling to assess the abrupt pummeling the star destroyer received. Four of the ventral turbolaser turrets were completely gone, and yet more craters had been smashed into the capital ship's protective outer coating. "So. Time for a hard strike, yeah! Group Two must return to course. Fire EMP measures! Two warheads! Signal fighters to hold defense position." A pair of the powerful Magna-pulse warheads the Mothma-class vessel carried were promptly launched towards the main segment of the Primeval defenders. Much like the enemy's warheads, these were meant to split and discharge their payload a kilometer removed from the targets and emit their EMPs, potentially disabling any starfighters within the pulse's effect range and disabling systems on larger spacecraft. It was time to send their friends to the dark ages.

And one more thing: "Escorts, fire HVCs." And thus Irreverent's tagalong Rieekan-class ships responded with their nasty surprise, spinal-mounted hypervelocity rounds purged from the belly of the small beasts and hurtling towards the offending Cathedral. There was no such thing as overkill.

  • Irreverent - Mothma-class } Scattered plating damage | Limited, localized power shortages > Fires x4 heavy long-range ion cannons on Cathedral. Fires x2 Magna-pulse cluster bombs in general direction of Cathedral and the Boar-classes. Launches fighters. Moves towards enemy fleet.
  • Rieekan, Virtue - Rieekan-class } Rieekan: minor plating bludgeoning / Virtue: Plating fracture and small loss of turrets > Open flak fire on incoming fighters. Fire HVCs on Cathedral. Maintain escort course.
  • Long Shot, Shortsighted Summer - Antilles-class } A-OK > Flying rear escort to Irreverent.

  • Implacable - Inevitable-class } Shields recovered > Fires x4 heavy long-range ion cannons on Cathedral. Launches fighters. Maneuvering behind asteroid to starboard.

  • Mardröm, Discord - Resistance-class } Localized systems recovering | Scattered hull plating damage > Launch fighters Maneuvering from behind asteroid to starboard.
  • Calamity, Veracity, Deadly Diplomat - Rieekan-class } A-OK > Calamity, Veracity: Maneuvering from behind asteroid to ventral. / Deadly Diplomat: Maneuvering from behind asteroid to dorsal.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
Following Oddball, he succesfully landed on the balcony, now it was the funny part, or so he thought, he was always on full alert it was the enemy territory after all, deep down, he felt that anything could happen any time. Watching Oddball kill that guy wasn't areally a pleaseant sight, he would have prefered to be knocked out somehow but he didn't blame it either this was war and it's not wise to hold back.

"let's find that thing quick, our guys out there might get in trouble if we stay here too long" It was obvious though, there was nothing telling what surprises would be around, even taken by surprise nobody should be underestimated. Blane learned this lesson the hard way when he was only 18.

[member="Oddball"] [member="stardust"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
From within the hangar the booms and explosions of the dog-fighting occurring outside the vessel were but muffled booms to those inside the massive vessel but the explosions that followed thereafter were all but unfiltered. Molten clouds of fire were peppered throughout space as life was taken by the Rebel Alliance and the Primeval alike. Inclining his head, he watched, rapt and silent at the display of destruction - then the vessel rocked - receiving fire of its own, causing Nero's head to tilt, although his gaze remained unblinking as he continued to drink in the unchanging scene before him. As a rule of thumb with space battles, the larger the vessel the longer the wait for decimation. Starships on the other hand, once compromised, could potentially offer an array of wounds but more often than not grant death. The whisper of warning at the back of his mind attempted to ward Nero and convince him to move deeper into the ship for safety but the primal, battle-seeking consciousness of his own motivation allowed him to stick to the plan.

An inquisitive glance crossed his face as he folded his metallic arms across his chest. He'd allowed himself to constantly remain in combat situations for years, walking either the edges or treading right into the fray. His circle of fears were so small it was nearly a period and such close proximity had allowed his prowess to remain sharp, unlike those whom shed away and became out of touch - dull - like water dripping, glistening in gelid pools upon worn down cobbles, smoothed and softened after years of tread, nestled in the dank and dark.

Then the hiss of a blast door sounded behind the duo although Nero didn't peel his eyes away from the scene immediately. He stole a final moment of battle, watching the defense of the Primeval with a mild curiosity before finally turning to see whom entered the hangar bay. Nero was sure by now that most of those whom sought to immediately enter the fray had done so by now.

Nero turned and tilted his shaved head whilst his walnut gaze fell upon someone walking towards them. He was taller than himself and [member="Kiran Vess"] by nearly 5 inches, but was also an entirely different species. As he waved, Nero caught a glimpse of tattooed and silver ashen skin under a horned skull before the stranger pulled a mask over his visage. He appeared to be a merc, perhaps mandalorian although he wasn't wearing beskar'gam. Despite the myriad of thumping supplied by the fire being sustained outside the ship there was a silence in the hangar that was broken by the zabrak's footsteps followed by his voice. The Saeva duo had purposely held back from joining for the moment, but granting direction to someone whom asked of it did nothing to impede their plans.

Nero considered his question and then pointed a finger past the violet barrier of the hangar into the space outside. The molten stained maw of spider-webbed explosions filled the lucuna constantly, hiding the stars behind them like an insatiate eclipse, unwilling to move until the time had come to do so.

He looked past his armored hand before speaking, as if to witness it while directing then back to the newcomer. Two simple words were uttered from his vocabulator although the second of the two was emphasized with an almost admiring tone. "Out there."

There was movement at the planet below at the Primeval's Millitary Outpost also, but Nero's attention was taken by the current scene. Further questioning could potentially pull this information out, however.
Shab, that was something to remember... out there in space, 'ade were bashing the living shab out of one another with turbolaser and starfighter, something the young mandalorian could not hope to match if he was to take the void with his Kom'rk, Kadi ai Manda as it was called. The ship could simply not stand a single chance against the nimbler attacking fighters and would surely offer a large enough target for faster turrets like laser and medium ion cannons, both frequent cruiser-mounted weaponry.
He was kind of useless in open space, that was something for sure, but he could still be of some utility with blaster and blade, on his karking feet or flying his old friend... now, that would have been a good way to spend the day, would it not? Still, he needed his ship to check the last details before engagement. Arva laughed in his mind as he was preparing himself and at the same time inspecting the warrior he had just spoken with.
The guy looked human, though behind his grill and headpiece the young mandalorian could only see so much of his visage and it resembled some top notch spy, supersoldierish folks he had seen in some holomovies: the kind of silent, deadly, cleanshaved guy who massacred a whole room in a split second just to end up his movement with absolutely no effort and only a barely messed up jacket.

Yeah, crazy shab he thought, though this particular folks and his colleague did not exactly looked like they were pushovers in fancy dresses: the one he had addressed seemed to drink in the space battle out in the void with some very deep interest, as if the blooms and variously hued fountains of exploding vessels and fighters were in someway charming him.
In fact, Arva could almost see why. He found the swirls of colour, the various hues of cold burning fuel or the slower but trip-like reaction of the wirings' chemical components to create some very surreal atmospheres, unusual combinations of coulour that he found difficult or impossible to see in nature, but, shabuir, what he truly loved was anything else completely.
The thrill of free or rocket-assisted fall, the sensation of rocketing towards the ground and neck-breaking speed, basking in the panic his descent on fiery wings caused on his foes, now that was something he loved allright! When close to battle, his contemplative mood fell completely, replaced by the need to take part in the melee, to dance the deadly dance of survival and supremacy. That was the only case when ge got impatient and, oft times, completely irrational.

Still, the mercenary had answered only in a partial way to the mandalorian's question, so he went on with an amused smile under his mask.

“Well, my metallic friend, I see that. I was wondering if you knew about any boardings or where a trooper like me could make himself usefull.”

Perhaps he should have checked in directly with the command uplink and get assigned somewhere blaster and lead were flying for real instead of simply watching the gravball match unfolding there in the great violet monitor, laquering his horns in idleness. He liked to have a glimpse of his “colleagues”, however, knowledge, remeber? Remember work opportunities, too? That kind of stuff, so he chose to stain some second more there before getting onboard his ship to keep in touch with command, waiting just for the other merc's answer.

“What a unpolite mando am I?! I allmost forgot to introduce myself! Gai's Arva, of clan Dala. To whom you owe allegiance?”
[member="Sage Bane"] was cunning. But Preliat's mind, his mind was untouched. The trick, the illusion, the mirage that the Sith put up- was all for not. Preliat only saw a shimmer, something that clearly was not there before. He knew what it was, something he had faced many times before when fighting the Sith. Preliat's mind heard whispers, whispers around him. They were incoherent, frustratingly so. Someone was trying to talk to him through the force. But they failed- they failed because of a simple strand of DNA that marked him as an Epicanthix from birth. He blinked, and the mirage was gone- whatever the Sith try to do, failed. However, he heard the shot- then felt the impact. The thud bug gun- chitin rifle, by the sound. Preliat had been at war long enough to know the different sounds of various rifles- and he was sure that once upon a time, Dredge had fired one at him. That is until Preliat sliced off Dredge's head.

However, none of that truly helped Preliat as the thud-bug round impacted his upper torso. He was thrown violently backwards, right into the bulkhead of the station. The durasteel walls curved inward at the weight of Preliat and Preliat's armor. The Beskar'kandar armor took the thug-bug round like it was nothing, but Preliat was less than pleased with it. He breathed deeply, blinking rapidly, trying to overcome the disorientation. He only had so much armament, and that thud-bug gun was going to be a threat that he was not going to be happy about facing. He blinked, then rose to his feet in the spaces between seconds. He gripped tightly on his M45 rifle, and returned fire. The fire wasn't designed to kill, at least, not on purpose. It was to make Sage move, make him forsake his position and find anew.

Preliat let loose a torrent of red plasma bolts as he moved around the room, dodging wayward wires that sent out sparks, and light electrical flames that dotted the walls and ceiling.

"It always amuses me the toys that the SIth bring to battle. Such reliance on such hideous and useless weaponry."

Preliat began to move towards a console area, with waist-high computers and other machinery that would hopefully, give him some cover.

"I hope you are more than ready to face me like a real warrior, Dar'jetii."


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Primeval Communication Tower
Objective: Fight
Allies: [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="stardust"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Xalus"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Evan Kenner"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Oddball looked over to Blane and gave him a soft nod to acknowledge he had the left flank. Proceeding down the halls, Oddball and his men kept their weapons at the ready in case another Primeval trooper or engineer decided to round the corner. Near silent footsteps continued down the halls as they pushed onward, by the looks of things the majority of the Prime's personnel on station were downstairs fending off the main assault. This would work to Oddball's advantage as an idea began to form in his head.

Stopping at a junction the SpecForce marines set up covering each direction of the way. Quickly walking up to a map Oddball looked up at it and began to formulate a path to get to the control room. It seemed Lady Luck was on their side today as they were only down the hall and to the right of it. Putting his hand in the air Oddball gave the hand sign to form up on him and proceed.

"On me, on me." Oddball whispered as each trooper fell in behind him.

On point Oddball moved with a purpose as they rounded the corner and came into view of the control room. Giving a hand sign, Oddball and the rest of his men stacked on the door and waited. With one of his men looking to him, the Fett clone gave a nod confirming the breach. Tapping the control panel Oddball pushed in first as the door slid open.

Upon entering they came across three men sitting at chairs their heads completely focused on the keeping comms running. To the left and right of them were two armed guards that were on post for their shift, it was time to relieve them of their watch. With his weapon snapped up Oddball took two shots at the guard on the right hitting him in the head and chest. His other men took out the communication operators and the other guard on the left within a few seconds, dead before they knew what hit them.

"Nightfall, Ramirez, get the door and cover us." Oddball said as he heaved the dead bodies of the comm operators from their seats.

"Rodgers, how long do you think it will take to link up with every ship in the primeval's fleet from here?" Oddball asked his computer specialist.

"About fifteen maybe seventeen minutes." He said in response.

"Do it, we're gonna send them a little message." Oddball said as he could hear primeval response squads mobilizing down the hall.

"Rodgers get us linked now! Everyone else we are holding this position!" The clone said as he cocked back his rifle.
Location: Enemy Outpost (Space)
Objective: Defeat enemy Fighters
Allies: [member="stardust"] (wingman) [member="Oddball"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]
Enemies: [member="Arva"] [member="Nero"]

Thane plummeted beneath an oncoming shred of rubble that shot out from a destroyed chunk of space rock. The Primeval fleet was not all it was cracked up to be. Hearing about its success in battle must've been like that whisper game the children played, the story was obviously distorted by the time it reaches the Rebels. Krasnaya was boarding their ships and Rogue was cleaning house when it came to their fighters.

A few such fighters made their way into Thane's predatory sight, swooping down on their six, AMF spat death in the form of all four laser cannons, shredding the armor and causing an inaudible explosion within the vacuum. Extending the Saints wings, he gained more maneuverability and was quick to duck through the carcasses of the former Primevil ships. Dropping back the wings, speed again became his M.O. Allowing a burst of speed to reach his final target, The Outpost.
Stardust followed behind. [member="Thane Drexel"] awaiting orders from him as she kept a eye on her radar"looks like we've cleared them for now"right on the edge of her senses she could feel a dark force, looking to the outpost she got goosebumps, something was in there causing such a disturbance. Shaking her head she focused on staying behind thane not wanting to get off her objective, follow orders as needed to defeat the primeval
[member="Sage Bane"]
Location: Military outpost
Objective: Dance
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Again, Sage noticed his mental attacks had no effect on his rival, he could feel the way they bumped up against the other man's mind and sailed over it. It gave him a knee-jerk flash of rage, but the Sith Lord had more than enough tricks in his bag to make up for it the man's resistance. His Nang hul hit the warrior full on and slammed him backwards into the bulkhead like a wayward freighter. It gave Sage enough time to gather the swells of the Dark Side around him to boost his reflexes. Using the Force to speed his muscles, he strafed away from his enemy's red plasma beams, most of them anyway. One shot blew him backwards as it hit him in the side of his Vonduun Skerr Kyrric's chest plate, making the creature tighten around his rib cage like a vice. The Illusionist hissed a breath through gritted teeth as he stumbled to regain his footing. However, the crystalline shell of the Vodunn crab armor withstood the damage, its segmented legs flailing in distress.

From the Beskar of his armor the man was obviously Mandalorian. The Mando threw out a few careless taunts about Sage's Vong toys, calling them "hideous" and "useless." Hideous Sage would not disagree with, but to think them useless showed how seriously the man was underestimating Vong technology. As an army of thud bugs buzzed on jagged wings back into Sage's Chitin Carbine, he reached to his gear belt and snatched a pouch of blorash jelly, flinging it sharply at the Mando, and aiming for his opponent's boots. The gelatinous blob sailed towards him, and if Sage's opponent was hit it would bind his feet in a near unbreakable-grip.

Meanwhile another round of thud bugs would assail his opponent. Sage's Chitin Carbine fire was aimed mostly to the side of the warrior. His intent was to give the Mando a choice: Either be hit by the blorash jelly or dodge right into a swarm of the buzzing Nang hul.
Blane nodded and went to check teh left flank, nothing special, once he regrouped with Oddball and the others they finally arrived, it didn't look like it was much of a problem for the small team to take down everyone on the room.
Blane stood at the left side of the door nodding to Ramirez and preparing himself for what was to come. Blane kept holding his AR-47 and took a grenade with his other hand seeming ready to slow down the enemy forces when they come, the corridor should make it easy for them to fight there. "On position." He said to Oddball awaiting orders and trying to hear the enemy movements, how long... 17 mintues he said? That shouldn't be that much... is it? Dasy "growled" agrily, she probably didn't like the Primeval either... That or she was hungry, Blane frowned and spoke to his ysalamari "Shh.."

[member="Oddball"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="stardust"] [member="Prime"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Evan Kenner"]
Location: Aboard The Thorn.
Objective: Show them the Warlord (And not be overwhelmed by the speed of everything!)
Allies: Primeval

Enemies: Rebels, [member="Krasnaya Xue"], @other fleeters?

It would seem the rebels made another crucial mistake in ignoring once again the Warlord. Not matter, they would soon see their folly. No matter what level of destruction they had in mind, the Warlord was at the end of the day, bat-crap crazy and didn't give a kark. From a distance, a convoy of five Cruisers, Corvettes, and Frigates seemed to effortlessly move through the nebula with ease. Clumps of star dust seemed to triangulate in front of the convoy, which was backed by a far larger fleet of similar vessels, but were kept out of the fray, while the Vanguard Ships of the Directory pushed forward into a flanking position of the detected enemy vessels. Their accuracy was mostly in part, due to who was leading the charge: Zambrano the Hutt. His tenacity for bloodshed, turned him into a bloodhound for seeking out living beings even whilst in the depths of space. When his consciousness is expanded upon piloting The Thorn, it is not limited to his perception but his literal senses in the force. It was part of the reason why the Primeval had gotten so good at exterminating Pirate Outposts, because the Warlord could literally sniff them out. The Directory held the gastropod on a tenuous leash, but for now the Warlord knew obedience to a certain degree.

At any rate, the convoy moved effortlessly through the nebula and arrived at a position most disadvantageous to the enemy, the sudden detonation of an unlikely amount of ordnance from the defensive fleet created a worrying amount of debris that would logically require all vessels in the area to put up particle shields, thus limiting their combat ability. For the Warlord however? Dovin Basals came into play, protecting every ship in the small convoy of five from being destroyed by the harrowing amount of debris. In this dance, the Warlord became a coordinated organ crucial to the muscular definition of this hammer... although the fleet seemed less like a hammer... and more like the last nail in the enemies coffin.

Rather than explain what happened with a lot of words, let's simply imagine Zambrano observing a hellstorm of munitions being fired through space in a glorious fireworks, totally oblivious to the tiny machinations of the rebels. The main characteristic of the Warlord being ruthless, was matched only by his characteristic sociopathic apathy for the outcome and consequences of his actions and the actions of others. The worm may as well be asleep for all intents and purposes.

Fleet Compliment:
  • Zambrano's Fleet enters the fray, and is flanking the rebel fleet, asteroids are avoided through the use of a Dovin Basal "bubble" surrounding the fleet.
  • Fleet formation:
    The Thorn is the centerpiece of the formation, the reference point by which all other ships in the convoy are measured by.
  • The Forward takes a position to the rear starboard side of The Thorn by a couple hundred meters, ahead of The Rear by a couple hundred meters. Will eventually overtake The Thorn's position due to closing speed.
  • The Rear takes a position to the rear port side of the The Thorn by a few hundred meters, behind The Forward by a couple hundred meters. Will eventually overtake The Thorn's position due to closing speed.
  • The Bludgeon takes a position a couple hundred meters below The Thorn, intending to use forward facing and top guns on enemy fleet, prior to attempting a ram/broadside straf with an offending ship. Will soon take the lead over The Thorn to become the spearhead of the formation.
  • The Ruin takes a position portside to The Bludgeon by a couple hundred meters, but behind it by several hundred meters. Closest neighboring vessel is The Forward by a few hundred meters. This position is taken in order to take advantage of the ships defended top section in order to maximize the number of weapons that can be used against the enemy.

[*]Munitions fired:

  • The Thorn: Sixty Five Yaret-Kor (forward facing) fired at Reeikan
  • The Forward: x1 long-ranged heavy ion cannon (main gun) fired at Implacable
  • The Rear: x1 long-ranged heavy ion cannon (main gun) fired at Implacable

  • The Forward: x2 proton torpedo tubes (forward facing, line of sight) fired at Implacable

  • The Rear: x2 proton torpedo tubes (forward facing, line of sight) fired at Implacable

  • The Bludgeon: x2 heavy dual turbolasers (forward facing) fired at Virtue

  • The Bludgeon: x2 ion cannons (capital) (x2 forward facing) fired at Virtue

  • The Bludgeon: x4 quadlaser cannons (top) fired at Virtue

  • The Bludgeon: Ram-rod trajectory set at Virtue

  • The Ruin: x2 tri-barrel long-range mass-driver cannons fired at Implacable

  • The Ruin: x1 heavy dual turbolaser cannon fired at Implacable

[*]Miscellaneous other craft surround the area from a distance, but do not engage.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Primeval Communication Tower
Objective: Fight
Allies: [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="stardust"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Xalus"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Evan Kenner"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Pulling his rifle up towards his helmet Oddball aimed down his sights as he could hear the sounds of feet marching towards their position. They were in luck due to their position and were in a spot to bottle neck the enemy from down the hallway. While they had that advantage it didn't mean they were guaranteed to walk away from this, they had to hold strong or the fleet outside would surly be doomed.

"Whatever you are doing to link up make it quick!" Oddball said as he saw the first combatant round the corner.

Pulling the trigger on his AR-47 the gun sent bright blue streaks of death down the hallway and straight into the skull of the alien warrior that decided to show up. As the man or woman fell back and died another warrior grabbed their body and pulled them back around as their teammates began to fire on Oddball's position. A red streak of plasma hit the wall near him causing him to pull back into cover. A good five men started advancing on their position laying down a thick field of fire to keep the marines suppressed.

"Nightfall! Grenade!" Oddball said as sparks flew past his helmet.

Part of being in SpecForce and a former member of the vanguard meant that you got all the cool toys. Stuff that really helped you out in a pinch. So activating the sight on his gun the Augmented Shooting Tool went to work and activated turning on a camera feed that allowed the clone to shoot around corners. Sticking only the gun out Oddball began to rip plasma bolts downrange at the enemy causing two to hit the floor dead.

"Covering!" he said as he continued to throw plasma at the enemy.

"Linked to the first half boss! Just give me a bit more time!" their hacker expert said from the terminal as he continued to put all the ships on a single frequency to transmit a message.
Fighting: [member="Sage Bane"].
Allies: None.
Gear: Wrist flamethrower (70%). Two-Westar 34s. Beskad and Beskar Tomahawk. Crushgaunts. Preliat's armor. M45 rifle. Jetpack.

Preliat's eyes locked forward as he saw the Sith move. He was fast, and Preliat was fast as well. His muscles were at the peak of their capabilities. He was an athlete at one point, a very, very, good one. It was because of his speed and aggression that he got to play Null-Hockey for so long. But he didn't earn that by lying down. And the curious part, came when the jelly grenades (he could recognize them by the sound and shape alone) and the spray of more chitin rounds. Both at his sides. No escape from there. Either he got shot again by the bugs, or caught in the web. So, he did the stupid thing. He vaulted himself over the console, letting the jelly splash harmlessly beside him. The chitin rifle bugs slammed against the wall, chittering and chattering like they usually did. Preliat gave a terrifying roar as he moved towards the Sith. He braced his M45 against his right hip, gripped the pistol grip hard- and fired. And his left wrist raised itself.

It was as if a dragon entered the area in front of the Sith. But this dragon burned hotter, was meaner- and was latching onto the surfaces of which it splashed. Preliat, like all the other Mandalorians, did not rely on the gas version of the wrist flamethrower. Their effectiveness was weakened, and they didn't burn as hot as the liquid did. The liquid spread out in a cone as it expanded, straight for the Sith, while Preliat continued to charge at him. The area of effect was greater with the distance, it was a good nine-meters wide at the terminus. Preliat intended to be the aggressor and control the tempo of the fight. If he could force the Sith into a situation where he could not use the Vong weaponry effectively- then, they could commit each other to an honorable, merciless melee duel. However- he was not going to offer that at the moment. He still had to remind the Sith of why one should never make a Mandalorian with a flamethrower on his wrist angry.

Then again, Preliat was also taking a huge risk by charging at him and attempting to spray him with a flamethrower in such a small area- but then again, he was the one with the flamethrower at the moment- though it wasn't infinite, nor plentiful in the fuel reserves. Then again, he was unsure of how much heat the Sith was actually carrying. The crab armor was good for a lot, but he knew for a fact that wearing it in extreme heat- the crab wouldn't falter, but it wouldn't be happy either. Then again, someone being spewed with napalm probably wouldn't be happy either- much less an animal attached to said person.

"Dredge was wearing such armor when I removed his head from his body. I wonder how you shall fare, Sith."

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
"I have you covered, Sharps." Sannika was busy making faces while her leader was reviewing procedure and giving orders. She could faintly see her reflection in the canopy transparisteel and found the one involving her mouth stretched wide and her teeth clamped shut accompanied by sideways eyes made for the weirdest appearance. It was not out of disrespect for Juwiela. No, she would follow the Miraluka to the end of the universe. But the sporty shorty twi'lek wanted to give the enemy a good view before he died.

Okay, that was a little dark. And those who knew the lighthearted tukian might find it uncharacteristically so. But war changes people, and even Sannika had begun to embrace the apathy of it all. She was here to kill. She had come to terms with that by now. More so, she had decided a little revenge was not a bad thing in the name of freedom. She wondered if her father approved. If he saw her body art--a tattoo for each kill--who knew how he would react? To some, it was a sick practice. But Rogue Three was becoming numb with each battle.

Fairweather Friend weaved about with ease behind the Blind Gambit, each Rogue's signature fighter craft not devoid of battlescars. Sannika would be in her usual wingman position and maintaining a guard dog level of alertness, as she was flying the interceptor and was therefore expected to primarily keep Juwiela's local space clear of Primeval fighters. She noted that the other Rogues had already split off to protect the Marines forces on the asteroids.

The steady pair of flygirls' first target was the Cathedral-class ship--apparently the target of much of the Red Fleet's firepower already. Swarms of fighters abounded, though there would probably be a lot of free-floaters in short order as the Magna-pulse warheads launched by the Mothma-class split a kilck or two ahead and their scattered payload prepared to release its ionic discharges. "Think it'll be a clean sweep, Lead?"

[member="stardust"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Juwiela Melec"]
"Grenade!" That's all he needed to hear when he threw his cardinium grenade at the enemies followed by multiple bullets from his AR-47. He then got behind the wall again once a soldier almost hit his shoulder "Is there any other exit? Cause if not we would need to clear this place anyway." After saying this he took a look trying to see the enemy, he would pull his head back immediately and begin shooting once a again to whoever was unlucky to not get to cover in time. Then he got the idea "Hey, does this place have any defenses? You know maybew e can turn them against the Primeval to help our men outside if there is enough time." he wasn't sure if tehre really were defenses like turets or anything, but it was worth giving the advice.

[member="Oddball"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="stardust"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Prime"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Primeval Communication Tower
Objective: Fight
Allies: [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="stardust"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Xalus"]
Enemies: [member="Prime"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Evan Kenner"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

"Let me worry about that skipper! Just shoot!" Oddball said as the grenade Blane tossed exploded into bright hues of flames burning troopers alive.

Oddball pushed back out of cover and fired at the remaining troopers coming down the hall. Taking down another two he popped back into cover with his back against the wall and placed a new energy cell into his AR-47. Time was ticking down and they were just about ready to get out of there.

"I'm linked Boss! Bring the package!" Rodgers said as he quickly stepped aside grabbing his rifle as he stood.

"Blane! Suppressing fire then prepare to move!!" Oddball pushed out of cover once more holding his rifle in his robotic arm as if it were a pistol letting rounds rip from it down the hall long enough for Blane to start covering him in return.

"Okay let's do this!" Lifting up the data pad in his left arm Oddball pulled a chord from the terminal and linked it to the pad.

"From the rebels with love, queen." he said as he began to upload the Coded Eraser Virus to the Primeval warships.

Historically the virus was uploaded by astromech droids that were smuggled onboard star destroyers during the battle of Kuat, this then caused the imperial star destroyers to fire upon their own ships and on each other. The virus would need to be directly uploaded to the star destroyer as sending it from enemy communication systems and electronic warfare systems would be met with stern resistance. But in this case that wasn't necessary at all. They were uploading the virus directly to their ship's mainframes from a friendly communications tower that didn't need to go through enemy communication filters or channels.

This meant that in probably the next, oh thirty or seconds from now the warships belonging to [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] and [member="Catalys Maijora"] would start firing on friendly targets. Well at least the non organic ones would, long story short this would mean three things for the Rebel Alliance to the Primeval. Game, Set, Match.

Grinning the virus was successfully spread to the entire Chiloon Rift communication network and they were going to have a very fun time cleaning up after SpecForce. So taking the data pad off of his wrist Oddball placed down the pad carrying the virus and moved to Blane.

"Blane if you have another of those grenades now is the time to toss it so we can get the hell out of here!" Oddball yelled as he fired a few rounds down the hall.

Evan Kenner

The Wrong Side of Heaven
Location: Near the center of the Rift
Objective: Kark orders, kill pirates
Allies: Primeval and company
Enemies: Rebel Alliance

"Alright, kark this! If any Primeval fighters wanna come with, let's do it. Let's kill some pirates!"

Still cloaked, Evan kicked the thrusters into action and thrust his Aquila into action. Evan thrust himself quickly into battle near the fighter squadron [member="Thane Drexel"] was with. Four Primeval starfighters followed Evan into action, beginning to dogfight the other Rebel craft.

Evan hit a switch, "Surprise!"

His starfighter popped out of cloaking in time for him to unleash a salvo of concussion missiles to punch through a couple of Rebel craft, before banking to port and placing [member="stardust"] in his fighter's crosshairs.


Evan pulled the trigger, unleashing a wave of heavy laser cannons in her direction.

So sick of waiting, dammit...!
Fleet: x1 Cathedral-class Battleship ; x2 Boar-class Assault Cruisers ; x1 Partisan-class Cruiser ; x4 Gulandi-class Escort Frigates ; x2 Mendacity-class Corvettes

Location: Aboard the Cathedral-class.
Objective: Remind the Rebels of Helska.

The Cathedral-class of all vessels was intended to take a beating. The pocket star destroyer's primary purpose was to land troops on hostile worlds, but more than that it was capable of smashing through blockades to do so. Five HVCs firing at once was a force to be reckoned with, a large vessel with its shields down would be crippled by two shots--if not destroyed.

"Both generators are online, one's at half capacity and charging--"

"Sir! Enemies are firing hypervelocity cannons!"

"Particle shields are up and stabilized, brace for impact."

Bursts of slugs found their way directly towards the monstrous Cathedral-class, its heavy redundant shields managed to soak up much of the forces at work against the first few strikes. Then one strike managed to rip through the exterior armour of the ship's starboard wing, destroying three turbolasers, two flak cannons, and one massdriver. Inside the vessel itself, several corridors shook violently as anti-gravity was destabilized momentarily, and several dozen crew were killed on the gun deck.

"We're reporting casualties, we've lost starboard firepower; our particle barriers are barely holding." An officer announced the results of the impact.

Two squadrons of gu-20 fighters, and one squadron of gu-10 interceptors launched to aid [member="Evan Kenner"] , they being placed under his command. "Use them well, Jedi," was the only message Catalys provided.

The bulk of Catalys' fleet. Pushed themselves into range, The boars fired their fore weaponry at the Mothma-class, the Mendacities fired their ion cannons at the Rieekans in an effort to disable their guns. And the Gulandi-class' unloaded two assault concussion missiles each, aiming for the inevitable and resistance-class starships. The Cathedral-class itself pulled back behind its formation, guarding the Partisan-class well as it continued to attack the enemy warships with electronic warfare.

[member="Oddball"] | [member="Kadri Ughad"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Juwiela Melec"] | [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
"That will be!" Saying that Blane got out of cover shooting with his AR-47 at the enemy seeming not to stop very soon, with such a weapon, the blue "energy" would be flying towards the enemy like crazy, after few seconds of shooting he would get back to cover and reload fast then continue shooting and covering Oddball.

"Aye sir, fireworks coming!" And then he threw another cardinium grenade being thankful for the hospitality, he came prepared though he had only 2 left before getting rid of this one. Wellt his seemed like an easy day, less people died on their side, much to gain, Blane got the chance to play with his grenades... Special forces were fun, well it wasn't funny to kill or to fight, but there was war and people that needed to be saved, so what would Blane do? Live his life as a shady guy never smiling? Nah he would find a way to smile, to not simply waste the life because it's not perfect.

This was going to be a nice chapter in his journal though, people may wonder why does he write that in there? There must be some reason... or anything.

[member="Oddball"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"] [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="stardust"] [member="Prime"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Location: Asteroid Field-near Outpost
Objective: Cover SpecForce
Allies: [member="stardust"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Oddball"] [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Enemies: [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Evan Kenner"]

When the Primeval fighter popped out of an apparent cloak and fired on what he thought was more Rebel fighters, the missiles struck asteroid, since Thane and stardust were alone. Then Thane's HUD blew up as 72 bogeys were spotted on radar. They were trying to flush out the Rogue pilot. Too bad for them.

"Bogeys inbound Star, evasive maneuvers!" Thane pulled hard on the throttle and popped his Saint around a nearby space rock, falling in behind the surprise fighter(Evan) and caught up almost immedietly.

The speed profile of the Saint was too much for the junker this pilot was flying, and the asteroids were an advantage of the single fighter, he was far more agile than any ship the Prime's could throw at him, the initial scans indicated that the Prime's fighters were basic bitches, who probably can't even.

Locking on and popping a homing missile on the tail pipe of the Prime fighter(Evan) it raced around asteroids and rubble to destroy its intended target.

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