Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sovereign people of Yutan Decree

It had been a very busy time for the people of Yutan. A visit from a Diplomatic Delegation from Commenor had triggered rather vicious negotiations between the Queen of Commenor and the representatives of the Yutani government for the soul of the Yutani people. In the following days since the departure of the Commenori Delegation a bill had been written up. Well bill was not exactly the correct word. It was more of a proposition placed directly before each and every citizen of Yutan. The decision on whether of not to be annexed by Commenor had been made and Viktor was on his way to Commenor to personally announce the results of said vote.

A single Diplomatic freighter popped out of hyperspace above Commenor. The pilot hitting the comm to make contact with the Planet.

"Commenor control this is Yutani Diplomatic Vessel 3-0-7-4 requesting clearance to land."

Viktor for his part was seated in the back in a rather nice suit not unlike the one he had worn during the negotiations. In his hands he held a Diplomatic pouch in his hands that contained a hard copy of the proposition and the polling numbers of the vote itself. Much like he had at the table of Yutan Viktor was more than prepared to provide full and blunt transparency. He would be arriving with no guards and no assistants wishing to not only handle to announcement personally but to ensure a single unified voice delivered the message. Unlike what Harvey had done to Kay on Yutan.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
~Yutani Diplomatic Vessel 3-0-7-4, this is Commenor Port Authority, you are clear to land. Patching co-ordinates for the landing pad at the Royal Palace.~

Kay was sent word about [member="Viktor Alexander"] 's coming arrival. She closed her eyes for a moment and just breathed. The memories of the talks on Yutan just a short while ago was still fresh on her mind. Viktor was gunning for her, asking very personal questions in such a fashion that she felt she was in an interrogation. He wanted to know what she was keeping from him, but there was no way that she was going to let him be privvy to such information. If she did there was no doubt in her mind that he would take her down. There was too much at stake for her to lose to the likes of him.

She opened her eyes and had security notified of his arrival. Her assistant Ophelia would be sure to escort him to Kay's office, as was the usual protocol. This was not going to be fun, regardless of which way the vote had gone. She knew that, otherwise why would Viktor come in person?

Kay started to get nervous. [member="Veiere Arenais"] wasn't there to be with her. He was on Yutan still as far as she knew. She got up from her desk and headed over to the side table, preparing herself some Sapir tea. It was her comfort. "Just...try to be polite...Smile...Don't let him get to you. Everything will be fine...Think positive." At times like these she envied her husband for staying out of politics.
"Commenor Control..........Yutani Diplomatic Vessel 3-0-7-4 Acknowledged. Beginning final approach."

The pilot then hit the intercom to inform Viktor.

"Sir we are on final approach to the Royal Palace."

Viktor smiled or was it a frown. It was true the vote had not gone his way. He had been serious when his last words to the Commenori Delegation had been his stance on not wanting anything to do with Commenor. However duty which was some times a very unpleasant experience to have put the matter in the hands of the people. People that had spoken.

His stance being what it was he was genuinely surprised they had chosen him to represent them in the Commenori Senate. One would think they would have wanted some one more willing to work with Lady Kay. Then again the vote had not been a landslide and perhaps that is exactly why they had chosen him.

When the ship touched down Viktor calmly made his way down the ramp. He was a picture of confidence like he was doing what he had been born to do this. He moved right up stopping in front of Ophelia.

"Viktor Alexander from Yutan. I take it you are here for me?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Ophelia gave a polite smile and bow of her head. "Yes, [member="Viktor Alexander"] . I am Ophelia, Lady Kay's assistant. If you would follow me please, I will take you to her office." She had heard what had happened in that meeting on Yutan. Kay had told her all about it, which gave her a lasting impression on the man. Still, there was always more than one side to every story. She wasn't going to judge solely on the one side. Even that of her employer. Ophelia was loyal, but she was older and wiser in life, a person that Kay went to for advice on occasion. So she needed to carry an unbiased opinion.

Viktor was walked through the main doors, guards standing outside as well as in the foyer. It was standard in a Royal Palace, however the guards wore uniform instead of armour and their weapons were holstered. "I trust that your journey was a pleasant one?" Polite banter as they walked through the halls, making a few turns before coming to a set of double doors. Ophelia knocked three times before opening the door and announcing their guest. "Viktor Alexander, my Lady." She stepped away from the door to let him pass through.

Kay's office had an older look than one might expect. She didn't design it, the office decorated by the President before her. She was still standing, her cup of tea cradled in her hands as they walked in. Kay gave him a small smile and bowed her head, though the fact that she didn't trust him was written all over her face.
"Welcome to Commenor, Viktor. I take it that the fair people of Yutan have come to a decision?" She cut right to the chase, wanting to spend as little time with him as possible.
Viktor nodded.

"Miss Ophelia."

He followed her through the man door past the guards that he only gave a passing glance. Even though it was enough to raise questions. When they got into Kay's office Viktor looked around before looking at Kay as she spoke.

"Not happy to see me your Majesty? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. What does surprise me however is you didn't have me escorted under armed guard."

Viktor smiled letting his comments hang in the air before he reached into the Diplomatic poach pulling out a stack over papers.

"Yes a decision has been reached."

He extended the papers to her.

"For your eyes only your Majesty. A vote took place. You are correct. While it was not a landslide the people of Yutan seem to have more faith in you and your intentions than I do."

Viktor paused. He found it amusing how poor of a host the Queen was being. She didn't ask him if he needed anything, didn't offer him a seat. Such poor manners for a Head of State much less a Diplomat.

"However there are conditions. They are of course in writing. You can read them later or we can discuss them now."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay just pursed her lips a little as [member="Viktor Alexander"] made his comment about an armed escort. With the smile on his face, he was already doing what he could to get under her skin. She had to not let him be successful.

She let go of her cup with one hand and took the pile of papers that he offered to her, surprised in some small way both with the decision and the size of the stack. Maybe her reputation was far better than what he had tried to paint it as.

Conditions. Of course there were. And given how Viktor loved to twist her words, there was little doubt that he would also twist the meanings of the conditions as well. "We should discuss them now...." As much as she wanted him to just leave, she needed to hear his interpretations. Kay gestured towards the comfy chairs in the middle of the room. "Have a seat and we can get started. Would you care for some Sapir tea? Commenori brandy? Or water?" She didn't move to sit down until she had heard his answer.
Viktor smiled taking a seat.

"I'll take some water please........thank you."

Viktor paused waiting until Kay took a seat before he began.

"In the best interests of the Yutani people a few clauses were included in the proposal sent to the people. It turns the annexation of Yutan by Commenor into a multi-phase process. Phase one begins today with this meeting.

Yutan will begin providing economic aide and trade to Commenor. Yutan will also be accepting your offer of participation in the writing and ratification of a Senate Charter. However on the other side Yutan will not be providing military aide and Commenor military and Jedi personnel are prohibited in Yutani space and on Yutani soil. If at any time during Phase One the terms are violated Yutan reserves the right to cease Annexation proceedings are reassert its status as a Sovereign world."

Viktor paused taking a sip of water.

"Any questions concerning phase one your Majesty?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay set down her tea and the papers as she got [member="Viktor Alexander"] his water. She couldn't risk getting them wet afterall. Once she gave him his drink, she picked up her items and sat down in one of the other chairs.

She raised a brow at the mention of clauses and phases, her attention on Viktor, rather than the papers. What the first clauses were had already posed problems. "Yes...I have some questions..." Kay started to look through the pages for Phase One. The way that Viktor layed it out, it was as though he had fixed it to be doomed from the start. "And what if the Commenori Military had to go into Yutani to keep hostile forces away? Not that I'm expecting it to happen, but all scenarios must be looked into. I find it hard to believe that the people of Yutan would rather keep their allies at arms length during their time of need, instead of getting help." Their position on Jedi also posed a problem. "Concerning know that my husband is there as well as Jedi from other Orders. Did you set this up to fail from the start? That Temple was created by the Republic. Commenor isn't claiming it as their own. We have our own Temple. I can't stop Jedi from flocking to it as they are not under my jurisdiction. I don't control them." But she had to let [member="Veiere Arenais"] know. Perhaps he could speak with the Yutani government while Kay kept Viktor distracted here. Her husband had a way with words. He was gifted in politics, yet he chose to stay away from it whenever he could.
Viktor had anticipated questions. He gave a polite nod choosing to address the Jedi concerns first.

"A Temple abandoned by the Republic and the Jedi when times got tough. Frankly your Majesty the people of Yutan have no desire to be the subject of yet another Jedi/Sith war or even worse another Jedi civil war."

Viktor paused.

"Your Majesty I had to retroactively approve the presence of your Husband and the other Jedi when your delegation arrived. An unpopular move that you better believe I spent the better part of two days having to explain. You may not have people to answer to your Majesty but I do. I only retroactively approved of their presence to avoid a Diplomatic crisis before the negotiations began. Now you are telling me you have sent your Husband once again to Yutan in direct contradiction to the wishes of the Yutani people. Doing so knowing under no uncertain circumstances that it was against our wishes."

Viktor took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty we have no intentions of holding you accountable for the actions of every Jedi in the Galaxy. The actions of your Husband however who regardless of his desire represents you and your people..........that you are accountable too. The other Jedi we will address on a case by case basis. However I would encourage you to speak to your husband."

Viktor paused.

"You may not like me and I may not trust you. However I would like to think for the benefit of the people we care about and represent that we at the very least owe it to them to at least attempt to get along. Now as far as the presence of military personnel. The people of Yutan have so far done a well enough job looking after our own since being abandoned by the Republic and the Jedi. If it is true by allying ourselves with Commenor will not create additional threat to the safety of the Yutani people I see no reason why we can't continue to do so. As it is these restrictions only military personnel are specific to Phase one of the transition. As it progresses some conditions will be lifted and others imposed."

Viktor took a sip of water.

"It is a work in progress your all hopefully good things are."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"I don't want Yutan nor any of the worlds under my care to fall prey to those wars either. I've done well so far to avoid it entirely."

She sipped her tea as [member="Viktor Alexander"] spoke of what he had to do before they negotiated a short time ago. It was...rather odd that he pulled so many strings for them in order to make this work. Kay shook her head as he was wrong about Veiere. "I didn't send my husband back to Yutan. He hadn't left yet. It's not exactly a small temple to look at..." If she let everyone know how little she spoke to her husband, rumours would start and she didn't want any of the scandals or bad press that it would bring about. "...but I will talk to him."

She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he continued to talk. Now they were starting to see eye to eye a bit instead of being so confrontational. And that allowed her to calm down and not be so defensive. "You're right...I don't like you but only because I don't trust you. But...that doesn't mean that I won't work with you. As far as the Commenori military goes, if they need to pass through Yutani space, requests will be made to the Yutan government. We will not impose."

She watched him for a moment before speaking up again. "What's next?"
Viktor nodded.

"Fair enough."

He paused for a moment.

"Phase two will be triggered by the Ratification of the Senate Charter itself and the inclusion of a Representative of Yutan in the Senate. At which time the restrictions of the presence of Commenori Military personnel will be lightened. Not only will small amount of troops be permitted but it is my personal hope that your Majesty would be open to an Officer exchange program."

Viktor chuckled.

"Though the exchange program is not actually a condition but more of a personal request. I am fourth generation Navy and a big fan of the military. I am also a bigger fan of coordination of tactics and strategy. The duration of Phase two is only intended to last for a year. We just want to ensure the creation of the Senate not only happens but stands the test of time."

Viktor took a sip of water.

"During that year all requests to or from the Yutani government come through me. At the end of that year as long as there have been no violations of the terms of our agreement Phase three would begin."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So she had until the Charter was ratified to try to get her husband out of Yutan. How the heck was she going to do that? [member="Veiere Arenais"] was at the beginning stages of living out his dream and she had to pull him away? He'd blame politics of course and he would be right. But again, he married her, knew the cost of doing so, and Yutan wasn't their world.

Maybe they should finally go on their honeymoon?

"There is no reason for Commenori troops to constantly be stationed there, but if you want to do the exchange so that they could see how eachother operates, I would allow that."

Kay sipped her tea as [member="Viktor Alexander"] chuckled and told her of his upbringing. Great. She was dealing with a military strategist. Oh how her first husband would have loved him. Kay? Not so much. She never really had a strategic mind and although she values people that do, those that are gunning for her prove to be more trouble than they are worth.

"I fully intend to have the Senate created and of course I want it to last. This isn't just something to keep me busy for a short time. I'm in it for the long haul." He doubted her. That much she knew. But at least she was the one at the top of the pyramid.

Kay took another sip of her tea, keen on reading the paperwork out fully when he was finished and out of her office. "What's Phase Three?"
Viktor nodded. Exact details could be coordinated and ironed out later.

"Phase three is a formal declaration of unconditional alliance between Commenor and Yutan. Your end game if I am not mistaken. Signed, sealed, and delivered."

Viktor took a sip of water.

"From our end it would also mean a formal election for Senator to represent Yutan in the Senate."

He smirked at her.

"You will, I am sure, be happy to hear I am just serving in an interim role to oversee the transition. Once the infrastructure is in place the people of Yutan will election who represents them into the future."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Phase three. Not to be implimented until a year after the Charter and Senate had been created? She didn't want to be strongarmed by anyone, let alone have the Senate held hostage by a singular planet.

"My end game is for everyone to work together, even outside of our borders. Less wars will be started that way. The Galaxy could use a breather..."

Kay looked down to her tea as he smirked at her. She did her best to keep her expression neutral, however inside she was hoping that he would get out of her hair. "Regardless of whether you are voted in or not, I'll be working with whomever is chosen. So it doesn't really matter what I feel about it."

She sipped her tea. Questions needed to be asked. Timing was everything though. "What do you think about our neutral stance?" Kay had more personal questions, but for the moment she kept it all focused on Commenor.
Viktor sipped his water.

"That is under the very assumption that our goals are the same. A conversation you seem determined to not have no matter the cost your Majesty. It is easy to pander to the holocameras. Even easier some times to pander to the blissfully ignorant. You have to remember your Majesty I am a child of warfare..........a product of a full century of dark times."

He paused.

"It is not your desire from cooperation that concerns me your Majesty but who you chose to cooperate with and why. You assume to much faith that long standing feuds will just be set aside because you ask them to be."

He sighed.

"I don't care how you came to power on Commenor your Majesty..........not really. That is between you and the people of Commenor. I only care that whatever it is you did to get where you are doesn't extend to my people."

Viktor shrugged.

"What neutral stance? We ran out of time on Yutan before we could really discuss your political affiliations and how they effect us. Perhaps now we could get to them or did you have a specific affiliation you wanted to highlight?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay adverted her gaze slightly as [member="Viktor Alexander"] as he spoke of her pandering to others. Didn't he want peace? Didn't most? What benefit would there be in destroying everyone and everything? The might of the military industrial complex was quite strong. "And what is your end game? To perpetuate war? IT doesn't have to be that way. Longstanding fueds as you call them are not acted upon here and yes, it is because I asked and they have respected my wishes. There is nothing untoward about it and nothing naive either. No harm financially or physically has befallen us."

She had another sip of her tea. "And as I told you, the Commenori way of government is not going to be enforced onto everyone else, so you don't have to worry about someone starting up a monarchy system or changing what Yutan already has." Viktor's words seemed to insinuate that she was taking over the whole region, but she wasn't.

Kay chewed the inside of her cheek as Viktor wanted her to delve into the political choices that she had made again. Perhaps he was trying to gain some sort of proof that she was unfit to lead. But it wasn't as though she had anything to hide in this regard. "I believe that I had said it before. We are allied with governments from all sides, as well as some worlds that choose to have open trade with us. You are not forced into doing anything with them. We just ask for no aggression as they aren't aggressive with us. There are a few of our allies that could crush us with their military might and I'd rather not have us invaded and occupied."
Viktor shook his head.

"I don't need to perpetuate war your Majesty. War is already here and it has been for decades. However instead of ignoring what is right in front of me I intend to win it so that my children and their children may never know the horrors of war."

He paused.

"Yeah about that all sides I recall you mentioning the First Order but not the Galactic Alliance. Do you not consider them a friend to Commenor? Seems a bit one sided does it not. Or is it the fact that the First Order and the Galactic Alliance have been at war with each other for some time now and despite your claim of neutrality you have in fact been forced to choose a side. That being the case I find it odd you would not choose to side with the Alliance. A government so close in philosophy and desire to the Republic you seem to not only still idolize but wish to rebuild."

Viktor took a sip of water.

"So in this neutrality am I to assume that you have allied yourself with the Sith? After all your husband is Jedi. To be truly neutral would be to align yourself with Sith as well."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay pointed out towards one of her windows. "War is out there, Viktor. Not in our territory. Our efforts to keep the peace and keep war out have been working."

She lowered her arm as [member="Viktor Alexander"] touched on the Galactic Alliance. It wasn't something that she hadn't thought of before. "The Galactic Alliance are not our allies yet. But that is something that I am working on to rectify. These things take time. I can't gain allies with a snap of a finger. There is work involved and buildings that need to be built. Don't coincide the balance of our allies as tipping to one side or the other just because we haven't gained them all yet. The Galactic Alliance isn't one without faults. They have commited war crimes as well as others."

Kay finished off her tea and set her cup aside. "There are some Sith that are allied with us, yes. My husband is well aware. The Temple here is for those of all alignments to learn the different aspects of the Force. It is a neutral space for learning."
Viktor chuckled. After a minute he stood moving over and looking out the window. He gazed out of it for a long few minutes.

"For now your Majesty for now. Look back on history your Majesty. Look back at how many times a Core world has burned for no other reason than it is a core world. Sure this not being Coruscant you have time but it would be foolish to thing you have forever."

Viktor glanced back at Kay for a split second before turning to look out the window again.

"Commenor has a nice truly is a beautiful world but there is fighting all around you........on all sides. The Kath Hounds are at your doorstep your Majesty. Do you know how you keep Kath Hounds at bay your Majesty?"

He paused still not turning from the window.

"You put a Krayt Dragon in front of the door. Sure if you are lucky you may never half to use the dragon but it never hurts to have it."

He finally turned but didn't move from the window.

"Not only do you not have your Krayt Dragon but you have shown the Hounds the back entrance. That makes you not only naive but foolish."

He sighed.

"Have you considered how you are going to get the Alliance to the table and more importantly how you are going to get them to agree to your terms?"

He let his question hang in the air for a minute.

"You are already publicly supporting their enemy. Do you even know what started the war. Who fired the first shot. Do you even know what they are fighting over?

So you are going to sit the Alliance down and what? Demand they stop fighting the First Order? Demand they declare peace?"

Viktor chuckled.

"You think I was hostile............I genuinely fear what the Alliance representative will due to you if you show up. An ally of their enemy demanding they make peace with the very government that murders their people. Or does that little non-aggression rule only apply to the people you want it to apply it.

Even if you can get them to agree to a cease fire how do you plan on enforcing it?

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's eyes followed [member="Viktor Alexander"] as he moved to the window. He was right. Peace wouldn't last forever and she knew that. But she hoped it would last for her lifetime. It was more of a wish than anything, yet so far it was holding.

He spoke of Kath Hounds and Krayt Dragons then. At first she thought that he was being literal, but then realized that he wasn't. Did he assume that Commenor had no big ships? "We have war vessels and fleets. We're not defenceless. I'm not that stupid to leave ourselves to be preyed on."

She folded her hands on her lap as he inquired about the Alliance. Viktor just didn't understand how Kay operated. He wasn't open minded enough. His mistrust was blocking him from thinking in a different way. "I will do what I always do. Invite them over and chat. I don't demand that they stop fighting with eachother. I just ask that they not do so on our soil or in our territory. Everyone else has avoided conflict with eachother here. If the Alliance is unable to do so, then it would just show what kind of a government they are. Our non-aggression pact strictly states that we will not go out of our way to attack them. We only protect ourselves from attacks.

I don't believe in pre-emptive strikes. I don't believe in sanctions and blockades. Those are failed strategies."

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