Crisis on Voss....
Her finger curled around the width of her chin -- she had been deep in thought.
"Kelnu..." She called on the Voss resistance leader,
"I'd like to discuss something before we proceed into the next phase." She trailed off with him tailing her; they went off to the side.
"I understand how much this fight means to you. It's been a long time coming. When you called on us, I made you a promise that I would help you gain the leverage you would need to retake your home...I still stand on that promise. But, if you still find any value in my counsel, you'll understand me when I say you should retreat."
"I don't understand yo-"
"It's the smart thing to can fall back, re-assess and proceed differently when the odds are more in your favor. More importantly you'll live to fight another day. The situation we're in now, it isn't worth wasting anymore bodies. Things fluctuate in war...and we've lost the element of surpris--"
Her head whipped around.
"Commander, we're almost done loading the rest of the explosives onto the gunship" She nodded, and proceeded to get the last word.
"Retreat. You'll have the time when the passage explodes to get a head start. This could be the last window you have, remember the long fight..." She went back to corresponding with her captain,
"Let's move that thing into position, and blow it up"
"Will he be alright?"
"He feels betrayed...he wants this bad, they all do. War has a way of turning promises into hopes, and it's hard to come down from that when you've got beef this deep. But, Kelnu is a leader at the end of the day. He won't jeopardize anymore of his own people or risk losing out on gaining any of this back. He'll do what he has to, and so will we."
"As soon as they are in range, blow it."
The Gormak commander was quick to spot it. "A gunship?"
The transport was arranged widthwise to the passage, obstructing their advance.
"I don't see anyone inside, sir."
"Mm. Blast it out of the way -- get one of our walkers," he said, motioning to one of his subordinates.
Grik-Ti was too far away to hear the small ticking noise emanating from the ship.
The ticking had run its course, and after a split second of extremely loud silence...
The ship went up in a plume of flame, with a concussive force that shot out from the center and blew threw rock. With no resistance, their foundation began to crack and jagged lines that carved its way from its core and shot upward with extreme mobility. Before anyone, on either side, could finish their breath the shattered rock caved in on the passage leaving nothing but blockade of solids and smoke.
There was no passing...
Not this way.
But far on the other side, that which would be the re-routed path -- the fighting was welling up to be something fierce. It was numbers very nature's tactics. Jade found herself pacing down its center as those from the 91st, and others lodged themselves between jagged rocks for cover.
"Steady." She moved into her position.
When the fire fight started, she planted herself at the front, blade whirling as she batted back bolt after bolt. Almost in quick succession, those on her side arose from their hiding spot and opened return fire.
She had no clue how long she'd been up there, but bodies on both side had fallen -- she kept a messy count from her peripheral.
Had it been seconds.... minutes...hours?
"Romi -- it's good to see you." he nodded a greeting as a soft, thin smile crossed his lips before it slowly abated. Now was not the time for words of compassion.
"Dagon?" so word had gotten through.
"Yeah-just when I thought we were gonna stop running into each other like this...I'm so glad you're here."
Atlas Drake
Tayrankii |
Jax Thio
Madison Starr |
Peyton Steele |
Katarine Ryiah |
Cotan Sar'andor
Dagon Kaze
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Rhavik Mimbev
Cale Gunderson