Crassis sat back and watched the exchange between the two silently. He waived the serving droid over and got a refresh on his drink as his mind wandered off. As he looked at Fixx and Ali and listened to them talk about people getting hurt and....what was it she said, 'most people've got someone.' Crassis, for a brief moment, felt regret. Crassis had been singularly focused throughout his life. First there was the military academy....then his military assignment. Progression through the ranks had been the focus. Crassis didn't socialize, he didn't do anything that didn't serve a purpose.
Then his injuries forced him from that path and onto this one. Working for intelligence had meant he couldn't afford to have ties. He had made a choice. He could be a family man, a man with friends and with social ties or he could be an intelligence operative. In order to excel, he didn't believe one could do both. Sure some people tried....but they left themselves open to manipulation. Crassis had used those closest to his marks over and over again to undo them. Love, family, friends....these were all weakpoints that could be exploited.
But Crassis wasn't without his regrets.
"Take this as you will." Crassis said raising the glass to his lips and taking a drink.
"But loved ones......friends....ties to people can be exploited. My suggestion, sever all ties that don't benefit the objective." Crassis said, his voice a bit colder than he had intended it to be.
"People who love you will get hurt and be used to hurt you." Crassis said, downing a good portion of his drink and staring longingly into its depths.
"There was a man once...." Crassis said, the alcohol making him reveal a bit more about himself than he usually did.
In vino veritas.
"I don't recall his name, it was one of my first assignments in intelligence." Crassis said pulling his glasses off, his eyes getting a misty, far away look.
"I couldn't get to him, he was a dedicated honest man. We tried to use women, money, dirt....but nothing would get him to turn to our side." Crassis said putting his glasses on and looking at Fixx and Ali, the misty look in his eyes suddenly going cold and hard.
"Then I found out he had a daughter." Crassis said, his voice getting low as he spoke.
"I sent him a single piece of paper and he told us everything we needed to know. Do you know what was on the piece of paper?" Crassis asked, finishing the rest of his drink.
"It was a list of everywhere his daughter had gone that day." Crassis said sitting the empty glass down and he shrugged with a solemn smile on his face.
"That single threat was enough."
"So, a little advice from an old, admittedly bitter man." Crassis said chuckling.
"Don't tie yourself down. Always be in a position where you can sever all ties and vanish." Crassis said, unsure if they'd welcome the advice, but offering it none-the-less.
[member="Ali Hadrix"] - [member="Fixx Kearney"]