Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Stakeral Awakens

Satyana begun to strike at Mastu trying to concentrate her energy towards her blade. Her natural reflexes as she tried her best trying to not stumble over as she was running towards her with her saber. She swung her saber, though with a bit more aggression inside of her strike. She swung at her blades with the intent of trying to take down Mastu, but trying to do what she said in the form. She intended to ensure that she will fully master these forms. She bit her lip as she tried to maintain her coolness in her strikes. It was very difficult, especially when she was attacking. Considering the fact that she was trained at youth to be a strong and aggressive warrior by her tribe. She however learned from her master the Jedi are lighter with their skills.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu stayed with her, moving quickly with her blades quickly to block and defend letting the force flow throughout her body. Enhancing the strength in her muscles to push back at Satyana. "quiet your mind, aggression doesn't make one stronger. It makes you rash, predictable, prone to mistakes." She said it as a teacher needed to when working with all of the techniques. rotating her wrist to bring her blade around so she could slice at her padawans feet with the other going to her shoulder.
She tried her best to keep down her high aggression and bit her lip. She quickly jumped as she tried to evade the blade as her reflexes dictated her to. She once again tried to strike at her with her blade so she can land a precise hit on her. She tried to ensure that her attacks were strong and tried to land a blow on her. The concentration was hard to keep with, especially when she was so ambitionous on trying to master this form. Oh well. She still was very keen on doing so. She took another swing, a bit less aggressive, listening to her master a bit more clearly.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu let her body react, the work she was doing over some of the things and not allowing her brain to lower her reaction time with the force empowering her. Matsu quickly moved using the strikes from her padawans and the movement of it to direct herself as she went with the flow of the blades pushing back and to the side with the arc as she slashed. Turning it into a quicker flank styled technique with an acceleration of speed while shien styled strikes came to disable and disarm more then be kill strikes at her padawans back.
Satyana was not going to give up and was going to keep trying. She will never give up. She must learn this form if she was going to feel like she was going to succeed. She begun to slash again with another strike, rough, yet again of eagerness, wanting to ensure that she learns this form as fast as possible. But as she did so, she felt her master's form come out as her flanked style speed come to overpower her raw strength that she was pouring in. She breathed heavily as she tried to remain calm and concentrated with the strikes and begun to loose her balance. Her master was stronger, and she still had to learn that. Her sloppy form begun to break apart as she felt herself loose her footing and nearly tripped over. "Agh!" she grunted as she begun to trip slowly off balance. She knew that she had to try harder than this if she was going to master Form Six...
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu watched her trip as she was looking over her padawan and the girl was impatient. This wasn't a form you picked up and learned, adopting pieces of each form to make it your own compared to the others. "It is alright." matsu stood there a little deactivating the sabers when she put them back on her belt offering a small look. "Are you alright?" She said it with a look on her face though before she continued speaking. "The form you have chosen is the sixth for a reason padawan. One must understand the basics of all the other forms to apply their techniques into form six. You do not need to master them but you do need to know the fundamentals."
Damn... this form was going to be harder to learn than she thought. She slowly got up as she got up. "I'm fine. Let's keep training." she said as she dusted herself off. "I don't care how many forms there are. Form Six shall be the one I choose, and no matter what you tell me, you're going to teach me that form, and I will not stop training until I reach there. It's my goal, master. You know I want to be a powerful Jedi like you, even more powerful perhaps. And once I master it, the galaxy will be closer to being saved than ever before." Her confidence never wore down. The Stakeral was eager to learn, an aspiring scholar. She was someone who wanted to make her fallen kin proud, and her mother. If anything, she wanted to make a name for not only herself, but her master as well. She wanted to hear Sith cower before her presence as she made her dangerous blows to her enemies. Her adrenaline rushed through into her again as she ignited her saber. "Again." she said wanting to try again against her master.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Well she certainly was determined and Matsu could work with that as she had some ideas how best to teach her. "That is good but do not be so eager to rush ahead. You are talented Satyana, your skills will develop with the experience of your age as you grow older." She didn't want her padawan to try and rush ahead in a way that would make her get frustrated or upset. "You have nothing but time my padawan, calm your mind and let the tension flow from your body." Matsu said it remaining there while she discarded the robes standing in her sarashi and pants for a moment letting all of the tattoos show on her arms and shoulders. Down her back with her neck where the collar of the robes reach stopped. Her pale skin gleaming with the barest hints of sweat.
Satyana heard that and calmed herself down a bit, lowering her saber and looked down as she sheathed her saber and placed it back into her belt. "Right... I shouldn't of gotten too hasty." she said as she dusted off her armour a bit and glanced at her master's tattoos... She tilted her head and wondered about them. "Master? I never knew you had tattoos? Is it an Atrisian thing or something?" she asked looking at her body a bit wondering how she even got them. Maybe they were placed on her or something. She never really knew much about her master's early life or anything like that. Either or, her tattoos look pretty important or something.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu looked at her with a nod of her head. "They are and from other force sects, some of the places i have inflitrated across the galaxy as a jedi investigator." She had worked as a shadow, and investigator going across the galaxy and discovering all that she could about gangs, cults and force sects to bring that information to the jedi order. As it fell in with her goal of learn and observing or seeing all of these groups she was more then happy to do it and that was how she had met Satyana on those. With a small look though she set the outer robe on the grass and sat down putting her sabers at her side while she crossed her legs remaining there for a moment. "You have been doing very well, learning so do not worry. Have patience, have a quiet mind and you will learn everything in due time."
Other force sects? Interesting. She heard it was indeed an Atrisian thing. She looked up at the sky and just always wondered about the more stronger Jedi out there in the other areas of the galaxy. She came close to her master and begun to sit with her to slowly meditate her thoughts. "But master... What if that time comes where I have to save you for the sixth time?" She said glancing over at Mastu referencing their previous misadventures. "Besides, it will make things much easier instead of having to sneak and avoid things. I can just come directly in and the process would be much easier." She softly laughed as she thought about those times.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

"It is four times, that incident on Felucia doesn't... doesn't count." Matsu said it sitting there and made some space so her padawan could sit better. Adjusting it all as she spoke placing her hands on her shoulders to send the force energies through her and make a loop. One hand to the other while she was sending the energy to relax throughout all of her body as she spoke. "And yu shall be able to do much, just don't think about growing up to fast. I rather like spending all of the time with you for your training." The jedi master was moving her hands to relax both of them and allow the force energies of the planet to flow through them both.
Giving a soft smile about that incident in Felucia... Good times indeed. She felt her hands on her shoulders and closed her eyes as she felt her hands on her shoulders. She felt the energy go into her as she closed her eyes. She really felt quite comfortable with this. She heard that shed rather spend time with her and such. She smiled at that. "Of course, master. I want to enjoy every moment with you." She said feeling her hands over her shoulders and let her flow her energy as well as the planets energy. She breathed softly trying to concentrate her thoughts getting rid of her hatred inside from her training today. It felt good feeling her hands on her shoulders. Her shoulders had been aching from that work.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu allowed her thoughts to drift as she continued, Satyana had displayed some aggression and it wasn't the first time but that was to be expected. It took time to get over everything if you had those emotions and many didn't. She usually suppressed it as a young jedi to grow and now she didn't feel it after working with the five priestesses. She gave a small smile and chuckle pressing her thumbs into her shoulders lightly to improve upon all of it before looking around. "We'll just have to spend as much time as you wish to have with me." Turning over as much attention here and there as she could to bleed away the tension along with the pain."
Satyanas tension begun to decrease as she felt Mastus hands on her. The energies within her was indeed filled with that anger and such with of course, due to her imtensivly trying to train form VI. She felt more relaxed from the meditation trying to think of that form, and wanted to ensure that by the time she's a knight, she has good understanding of the form. It would be indeed something she would try to master and would take time. Either or, she didn't really mind it. Her master was intelligent, wise and beautiful. She wouldn't want to make her master disappointed, and therefore, she would listen to her guidance and such.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

She felt her padawan relaxed and focused, her mind calm, collected and clear of distractions before Matsu was going over a few of the other things they had there in her head. The sun starting and preparing to set over the ocean as it cast the different colors. Lights turning on to illuminate the courtyard of the temple for them to still see around. "We'll be able to continue training tomorrow, rest tonight and relax your body so you can continue to train the form and your force abilities tomorrow."
Giving a nod, the Stakeral felt her blood flowing normally, feeling cooler, calmer and her heart beating slow. She opened her eyes as the sun begun to set and glanced at the lights turning on. "I hope to not fail tomorrow, Master. I promise you, that I will master this form." she reassured her master. She really didn't wanted to see her master think of her as a failure. If anything, she wants to ensure that she is indeed someone she can rely and trust. She looked down at her saber and looked at it for a bit. It might look plain, but it's a weapon that she will cherish for a long time. It will become the saber that mastered Form VI.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Matsu looked at her for a moment though. "You'll do well, it takes a lot for me to be disappointed in you Satyana, short of just falling to the darkside because you thought it would be cool as the young kids say or because you have a secret boyfriend, girlfriend, alien consort that is a sith or darksider.. Really I have seen a great deal of it and heard a lot of justifications. Just being here and getting a chance with you will be a way to help you improve. You don't have to master the form right away, have patience, use the force for guidance." Matsu remained there sitting with her attention on all of the temple around them.
Satyana looked down and growled. "Those creatures of the dark side... Who are they?" She asked curiously as she looked back up at her master in wonder and intrege, but a bit of fury. "Why would they do that to such an amazing master??" She sighed and looked down. She couldn't believe what she heard and such. She looked at the temple and then turned around towards her master. She knew she grew and became wiser than what she was originally. She felt proud at herself for this.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

"Because they are young and indulge their passions over trying to learn control. Yes it takes time and it takes a lot to learn control of your emotions. We are jedi, we practice controlling of the emotions but we are also human or alien and that means there is going to be emotions. Learning how to process them, learning how to use and let them show but not being ruled by them is a challenge many fail." She said it sitting there and continuing to watch the sun setting over the ocean before she moved position so she was sitting next to the padawan instead of behind her. One arm extended and holding her across the shoulders.

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