Objective: Temple West
Allies: GA | NJO | [member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Ebony Blackheart"] | [member="Turin Val Kur"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member=Minna] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Gear: Lightsaber |
QQ-151-3 Excon Suit |
QQ-83n | Vibroblade
Fighters - soldiers and Jedi both - had reported heavy contact on the East flank. He could sense the turmoil over in that direction, coming from both Force users and non-Force users. They had an early start, but the fighting was about to begin in the West. White plastic-looking figures could be seen in the distance, moving quickly. One of the New Jedi Order's Jedi stepped forward and ignited her lightsaber blade, prompting the soldiers around them to aim. Most sought what cover they could, others simply had to make do with crouching or laying prone.
Without warning, red blaster bolts flurried from the mass of stormtroopers. The woman's blade whirled to life, batting bolt after bolt aside. She seemed discontent with remaining on the defensive and charged the lines of white. Another Jedi, this one clad in archaic-seeming armor, went after her with a shout. The soldiers, which had already been starting to move to follow, now did so with renewed gusto and a combined roar.
Audren moved with the soldiers, firing only often enough to avoid suspicion. His gun was not a rifle; it simply lacked the power to penetrate armor at distance. A lucky shot might have put a bolt through a helmet's eyepiece, but that was about the only way it would be effective so far away. Like the soldiers, he moved forward in spurts, stopping to take a few shots, then moving on.
As the forces moved closer together, the taint of the Dark Side grew stronger and began to tremble with anticipation. The closer they got, the more shooting Audren was doing; he did it on the run however, shooting in bursts and trusting in the extended powerpacks to not run out too soon. Stormtrooper after stormtrooper fell, it was impossible to tell who's bolt had felled them. It didn't matter anyways, as long as they were stopped. Finally the two groups grew close enough that the deception was dropped and the red blades of the Dark Adepts appeared. The female Jedi was still leading the charge.
The man in old armor was still following the female Jedi, moving at the same pace as the Defense Force soldiers. At the appearance of the red lightsabers however, he suddenly blurred over the woman's head and blocked the first red blade to strike at her, retaliating with a powerful punch that sent the Adept flying back and bowling over a few of his own stormtroopers. He dodged a blaster bolt and whirled around, doing little but securing himself a circle amidst the stormies with the woman. Inexplicably the troopers weren't shooting right away.
Audren meant to take advantage of that.
He'd managed to pass by the initial wave of stormies with nothing more than a graze. The plastic soldiers were trying to drive a wedge into the GADF lines, to separate and destroy. So it was that the Sephi managed to close with the ring of stormtroopers many deep without much notice. Without warning his own blaster roared with fully-automatic shots. Now that he was close, the weapon could deal significant damage. As he was shooting at an angle to the circle, an extensive gap was cut. If nothing else, this would give the two other Jedi a way out.
He'd not been keeping count, but the Padawan was aware that his power pack was running out. To boot, he could sense another one of the Dark Side adepts approaching, targeting him in revenge for the sudden loss of the soldiers. Unbeknownst to her, the frequent stops and restarts during the advance had allowed Audren to grab his lightsaber with his left hand and hold it parallel to the barrel of his SMG. As the Adept swung, the learner simply dropped his carbine from both hands. On the sling, it swung back...and latched to the magnet he'd requested sewn into the back of his armor. A brilliant blue lightsaber blade hissed to life and intercepted the red, pushing it to the Sephi's right and allowing the strike's own force to send it at the ground. Without missing a step, a gloved right hand extended and snagged the pommel of the red lightsaber, then
yanked. The blade burned through a couple fingers before the fail-safe kicked in, but by that time the base of the hilt was already arcing at the woman's chin.
It was a square hit, knocking some teeth loose at the very least and knocking the woman back a step. Continuing with the rotation that had put most of the force into the hit, Audren took a stepping spin around, bringing his own lightsaber up and around as if to strike. The Adept ducked the blue blade, but missed the fact that her hilt had been turned around and ignited in the Padawan's hand as he spun, and that it followed the blue blade in a combination strike. In fact, he'd intended the first strike to be dodged - his lightsaber was just a training blade - and for the second strike to do the true damage. The blade struck true, carving the woman's body in two from left clavicle to right hip.
Now he had a lightsaber that could actually do damage, tainted though it was. He didn't stop to challenge those around him, he simply
moved, dropping into the Force and allowing it to guide his own combat training. Blasters fell to his strikes more often than not, but hands, arms, and occasionally lives were also impacted when need be. Blaster bolts directed his way were largely dodged, whether by 'lucky misses' or simply by seeing the plastic man aiming at him before he fired. Grazes were simply ignored. The soldiers weren't his target, not really. They just tried to stop him. No, the Padawan was headed for the next-closest Dark Adept. It wasn't anger or revenge, it was a simple sort of logic.
End them and the battle ends.
OOC: Estimated 20-30% of circling stormtroopers around Minna and Julius eliminated.