Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Stones of Pho Ph'eah [TSE Dominion of Pho Ph'eah Hex]

From beneath you..... it devours.

Most people who had been beneath the earth on Gravlex Med had moved on from the strangeness of that moment. They had forgotten, or at least put aside, the sense of unease, the words spoken on dying lips of Anx turned feral and rotting. The barest trace through the force of the feeling of tar, thick and viscous and grasping coming up from far below.

From beneath you..... it devours.

After all, the Dark Lord had melted their burrows. Raining fire from above to shatter mountains. Stone had melted and run in rivers of liquid fire. Ash had filled the air. Those that may have survived the bombardment? Well, they would be sealed beneath their mountain homes, locked in the darkness until they turned on each other or starved. So there was nothing more to be concerned about. The threat had been contained, whatever it was.

Until, by chance, a particular stone found its way into the hands of someone who had been there that day. Small enough to fit in the palm of a cupped hand, the black stone seemed innocuous. Sold as a curiosity, newly discovered on Pho Ph'eah. They didn't seem to be worth much, but anything the Ph'eahians could export was a blessing on that strange twilight world. [member="Cle-Var-Ri"] might even have passed it by completely, had it not been for one, small, thing. One thing that made her bring it directly to Carnifex, concern darkening reptilian eyes.

It felt like the tunnels of Gravlex Med had.

From beneath you..... it devours.


Pho Ph'eah was in dark portion of its orbit. Always a world cast in twilight, it was now fully cloaked in shadows but for where the warmth from internal geology pushed nearly to the surface. Since the end of the Dark Times following the Gulag Plague, the native Pho Ph'eahians had centralized in a particular mountain range. A city had sprung up, heated even during the darkest days by the warmth of the planet itself, built into the mountain above a quiet volcano.

The Pho Ph'eahians were a cheerful, gregarious species- personal cleanliness was imperative to them, their belief that a stain on the physical body could stain the soul well known beyond the twilight world.

So when the Sith arrived to find them quiet and reserved, the streets over run with garbage and smudged, haunted faces greeting them, it was as jarring as the peaceful Anx slaughtering their emissaries.

They went to Gravlex Med to slaughter, in retribution for that act. Now, they came to investigate. The Anx, the Pho Ph'eahians, the Stones..... and that unshakeable sensation of bubbling tar.

From beneath you..... it devours.

Find where the stones were coming from. Simple enough orders.


ooc notes:
this will be a semi-DMed thread- I will offer information on what you find where or small scenes that relate to the Stones arc, and you are free to flesh out beyond that or create your own objectives. I recommend pairs or small groups. The first things you will all discover is that the Pho Ph'eahians will not speak to you willingly of where these stones have come from. They are cagey, quiet and evasive. Some seem almost harmlessly crazy. All are filthy. Feel free to pick things up en media res, already planet side and starting off. There are three main location in the city that will be of obvious interest:

The Grand Bazaar - market stalls and goods for sale from across the galaxy. Chances are the stones have gone through here on their way to off world sellers if this is a private affair, orchestrated by a single person or entity.

The Foundry - where metals drawn up from deep beneath the crust are refined. If these stones have been mined from the planet itself, this seems like a good place to start. This is situated above an active fissure of magma, the heat utilized for the refinery directly.

The City Council Chambers - the city is run by an elected council. If this is something recognized officially by the city's government, this is where you will find answers.

Feel free to create your own location. Different location will yield different things. The average Pho Ph'eahian on the street will *not* be in possession of a stone. But some may grow violent if pressured too hard. Feel free to contact me with questions, but most importantly, have fun.
Kalamith Sector
Pho Ph'eah Orbit

Darkness shrouded the wedge-shaped warships of the Sith Empire as they listed lazily in geostationary orbit above the shadowy world. Unlike Gravlex Med they did not come bearing death and destruction, nor were the hordes of hate seething within their bellies. Then had been a time of indignant anger and a voracious hunger for retribution for insults and affronts, but curiosity, not revenge, brought the Sith Empire to Pho Ph'eah.

When his apprentice had brought the stone to him the Dark Lord initially through nothing of it, but his sorcerers had informed him of an ominous darkness exuding from the stone's smooth surface. They had explained that they had felt the same form of insidiousness on Gravlex Med which lent heft to [member="Cle-Var-Ri"]'s own premonitions, and thus the Dark Lord had marshaled an expeditionary force to investigate Pho Ph'eah and finally lay bare the truth hiding behind these connected coincidences.

Carnifex had decided to accompany them as well for whatever this darkness was it had turned peaceful beings into murderers and, from what preliminary reports had concluded, had turned the Pho Ph'eahians into husks of their former selves devoid of their defining traits. Whatever was causing this reversal could be used as a weapon against the Empire's enemies, but it could equally prove disastrous for the citizens of the Empire and would thus constitute destruction.

He vowed to unravel this mystery.

Elensa Jari

Beyond the Foundry, Pho Ph'eah

Here was a world better suited to Sith, a planet of darkness and fire, the atmosphere shrouded in ash and burning sulphur, an assault on the lungs, a whisper of death. Perfection, in truth: a world moulded as a lesson to all life: everything shall burn. Elensa had known the truth of this for some time, and now, it simply felt right to see it all so carefully exemplified. Those that survive this hellish place would be far stronger than those born to softer worlds. No doubt, this was all at the forefront of the Sith plans for this place.

And yet they had another purpose, something more obscure: the origin of stones that had caught the interest of the Dark Lord himself. And the will of the Lord is one we must act upon. The Sith had come accordingly, to learn more. Secrets in the dark must be examined in darkness, and so here we are. A rare opportunity presented itself: to learn something that the Sith did not know, and perhaps to gain from it. Undoubtedly, all of them felt the burgeoning possibilities there.

She stood now in what was the warmest part of the city that the Pho Ph'eahians had created, in what was one of the more hospitable areas of their world: the Foundry. Digging deep into the ground, the natives of the world harvested the precious molten elements, removed their impurities, cooled them, shaped them, and finally sent them off-world, precious metals and those demanded en masse for industrial purposes both. This was where that process took shape. This was where they might find what they sought.

It was a thin lead, for sure: the notion that the stones they sought might be obtained as part of the mining processes, set free from their bondage of metal and rock by the process that might remove impurities. And so they might consider them merely waste, a byproduct of the formation of things much more precious to those responsible for unearthing them. She found that mildly ironic: in some respects, the ignorance of the natives reflected Sith ideology. What you throw away as a mere impurity might, in truth, have been hardened and shaped by time and pressure into something far more precious.

If there were stones to be found and harvested for the benefit of the Sith, the blonde had a feeling they would be found there. And she who controls the harvest reaps the rewards. Were the stones discovered by the Sith, those who accomplished such a feat might gain approbation in the eyes of the Dark Lord, and that singular authority offered considerable opportunity for advancement. As ever, one must merely reach out and grasp it with both hands.

Otherwise, such would fall to another, and they would stand in the darkness of this world, illuminated by the favour of their Master. And the rest of us, in true shadow, diminished because of it. That, she felt, could not be allowed to pass.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Equipment: War Armour, Banshee Saber and Healing Amulet
Location: In orbit on the Emperor ship

She had recently became queen on Serenno, thanks to a some events she had orchestrated. She was trying to catch up with the events, after her coronation, as she take her eye the ball during these events. As she entered the command area of the ship, she gave a bow to the Emperor, as he out ranked her. She then walked to his side, and asked So what do we know of the force, that has turned these people. He could probably tell she been taking elocution lessons, as she was trying to get better at public speaking. She never realised she have to do so many speeches since become queen, though it meant she now had power now. She had met him before, but never so formerly. She had no delusion of his power, but she not think of him as a god, like some.

She stood by his side as she waited to find out what he wanted from her, and to see what she could actually deliver. As the two never always the same thing, though she try disappoint him too much.
Pho Ph'eah
En Route to Foundries

That he found himself on Pho Ph’eah, clear across the galaxy from his usual haunts, was - at face value - an extreme oddity. This planet held little promise in the way of his usual business in weapon and drug trade, or even all that much to offer in terms of potential slave profit. It was a great distance to be traveling so far simply to explore, even with his penchant for wandering. So why was the Sith Knight all the way out here on this hellish planet?

He’d heard of the...feeling.

Between his family’s connections and his own growing obsession with the unknowable, Onley had asked around to those he knew within the Empire’s ranks. Their strange weight, their dark presence - all of unknown origin. And so he’d asked where he might help, where he might go to assist...and this backwater had been named. Granted, nearly all planets were backwaters to him. He was used to the bustling atmosphere of Maena, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa. Anything short of that felt empty to him.

No doubt his presence would be marked as strange. The Empire’s fleet was already above the planet when he’d arrived and quietly headed to the planet’s surface in his one-seater. He had never worked with them prior to this and was still uncertain whether he wanted to - he considered this endeavor a test run. He had never thrown in his hat with a group before, preferring very much to seek his own ends. But the Stones were enough of a draw. He would assist if only to understand them. He was...obsessed...with knowing the unknowable…

The planet’s air was sweltering from its own heat but Onley was used to such, hailing from a primarily volcanic planet himself. He trudged towards the mining operations - it seemed seeking beneath the earth would be the best place to find stones. He was dressed in light armorweave, a saber at his belt and several knives stashed elsewhere on his person. Tall and muscular, he did not cut so bulky a figure as some but still had a physical presence reminiscent of his Sith Lord Father. Tattoos peeked out from between the sleeves and neck of the shirt he wore, not an inch of skin uncovered save for his face and head.

He had not landed far, but it was enough of a walk for him to see at least one another moving towards the same destination.

[member="Darth Caecus"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | @anyone else​


Location: The Grand Bazaar
Objective: Search the marketplace
Allies: [member="Harley"], [member="Drios Rapux"]​

Polished shoes strode long and confident over a walkway. Exotic stalls and signs baring indiscernible characters flowing by the gaze of Vereshin, who made his way through the Bazaar of Pho Ph'eah in search of the forbidden stones. The lights of the stalls glistened in his slick hair and his hand sat snugly around the soft waist of his current other. One eye glanced occasionally towards Harley, to make sure she kept her behavior in check. They wore civilian attire to blend in with the locals and appeared a travelling couple sampling foreign samples on a holiday. While conspicuous by their species, the two of them did not look like Sith at the very least.

"This is a task that requires delicacy, make no sudden outbursts or charges." Vereshin turned his head downward and spoke quietly to Harley. His tone remained icy and serious as he made his point clear. Feeling the curve of the woman's shape beneath his hand, he hugged her closer and slid his other hand into his pocket and found his cigarette case. While he balanced the white cylinder rakishly between his teeth, he snapped his fingers to create a small surge of heat and lit the end. He breathed in deeply while rubbing his other hand up and down across Harley's hips and the side of her chest.

Vereshin glanced over the stalls keenly and took interest in the goods. Leaving Harley's side, he motioned over to one stand and parted his lips in a genuine smile before the vendor. He wore his favourite black coat with the standing collar over a grey scarf and plus fours tucked into socks and lace up shoes. Various crystal and metals lay across the stand, rocks of exotic colors and alien shapes pleased the sorcerer's aesthetic taste. He picked up a black rock with a glossy surface and stroked it beneath his thumb.

"You like, you buy!" The vendor chortled while Vereshin placed the rock back on the cloth. He raised his cigarette to his lips and blew smoke away from the man's face. Feeling his glasses fall down on his nose while he looked over the crystal, he pushed them up discreetly then turned to acknowledge the vendor.

"No thank you." He uttered softly and splayed a palm in a gesture of refusal in case the vendor did not understand basic. As he lifted his head, the presence of another Dark Side user lingered with close distance. Vereshin looked around for the individual and kept his expression stoic, exchanging glances with another young Sith displaying sooty hair and facial markings. He breathed on his cigarette and warmed his hand in his pocket, striding slowly towards the young man who appeared to be the same age.

"Hello there, I am Vereshin." He offered his name without mentioning any word of the Sith. Cocking his head slightly, he gestured Harley over to stand by his side. "This is my associate who will be joining me on this task." Already assuming the other Sith was familiar with the efforts to uncover stones, Vereshin did not spare details for fear of unwelcome ears.
Pho Ph'eah,
The Foundry

In the past several months everything had drastically changed for the Zabrak, all of which revolved back to that fateful day on Dxun when she had been taken from there by Aria. The inner beast that had been forged there, both body and mind warped during the years spent encompassed by the darkness on the Demon Moon. It took time for that beast to be leashed, taught how to chain up that hunger and thirst, bottle it away like a cowed predator just waiting for the next available opportunity to strike.

That's what Gravlex Med had been for Vaylin, a moment for her to unleash and sate her thirst for death. Now that was over and the beast retreated deeper within and slumbered.

The Zabrak had reflected on those events too, even she found it odd that the Anx had been particularly violent in their reaction. And upon researching into them further afterwards, made it certain in her mind that something had been up. It was why she had decided to travel to Pho Ph'eah, taking part in the Empire's efforts to uncover a mystery.

Vaylin was honestly intrigued by it, she wanted to dive into this and unfurl what was hidden from them. She had almost laughed at the thought earlier, wondering what her old self would think of this if she could've seen. Probably never imagined she'd be invested in something that didn't involve death and violence.

As such, the Zabrak found herself in a place known as The Foundry. The location was part of the natives' nearby mining operation, where resources were taken to be smelted and refined into products. It was indeed a thin lead to follow, but it was also a sensible one. There was a high chance the stones had come through the area, discarded as nothing? Or perhaps plucked up by someone who could see what others could not.

She was not alone however, and had in fact joined up with another member of the Empire; another acolyte even, in the form of one Elensa Jari. Vaylin was dressed in her usual armour, but a few layers had been stripped away. The full thing was certainly not suitable for the heat that was a constant presence on the planet. And the Zabrak herself wasn't use to it, only vaguely familiar with it from visiting planets like Maena.

Nonetheless, she pushed her focus away from such a trivial matter and centered her mind on the task at hand.

[member="Darth Caecus"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"]​
Location | Outskirts
Objective | Interrogate the locals
Company | Himself


These were the words that ran through Vexen's mind as his shuttle made its way down to the surface below. His armored boots were planted firmly on the interior of him as he was alone, standing firmly as he awaited his arrival on the planet's surface. Knowledge was a pursuit in which Vexen desired more so than his own hunger, and to be sent in order to investigate the whereabouts of such an enigmatic stone that had even his own superiors desiring to know more of only whetted his need to know more, and a task he was well suited for.

The shuttle would soon make its way down to the outskirts of the city, the ramp lowering as his armored boots slowly thundered down, each step moving deliberately as the fabric that streamed down from his lower back and sides like a faux-cape fluttered behind him. He would make his way off the ramp as the shuttle and her crew waited for Vexen to return from his expedition. His helmeted head would sweep the horizon to the city. It was here he would begin a slow march, seeking any natives that might be found on the outskirts.

The large, hulking, armored figure would soon approach a small hut on the outskirts, the crunch of stone under his feet as he was greeted by a lone, female Pho Ph'eahian. Vexen towered over the smaller alien, as they looked up to him. He would kneel down in front of the creature as his helmet hissed, the faceplate sliding away to reveal his eyes as he spoke in his deep vocoded voice. "Tell me...Do you know where black stones are harvested?". Assuming the Pho Ph'eahian did not have any stronger influence controlling them, they might find that his voice seemed to sound less intimidating, his eyes perhaps appearing more sincere and friendly even as Vexen attempted to put the alien into a hypnotic trance that he was able to do as an Anzati.
Location: The Grand Bazaar
Objective: Search the marketplace
Allies: [member="Vereshin"] | [member="Harley"]

Drios had been mingling with the wide variety of aliens busying themselves in the Bazaar, fiddling with trinkets and treasures, dismissing shopkeepers eager to bleed the credits from his pockets and discreetly scanning the colourful assortment of tables draped in exotic cloths for the stones which he came to this dull planet for.

The very air seemed to wind it's way around his throat, and the black skies seemed alive with storms kicked up by the volcanic ash spewed out by the towering, volatile behemoths that dominated Pho Ph'eah like eerie, deadly skyscrapers. There was something else too - the four-armed aliens who called this backwater world home appeared to be strangely resigned, something which the Epicanthix had not expected for, of course, he had researched the planet and her inhabitants long before his journey here.

Similarly clad to the other Sith just a stone's throw away from himself, Drios dressed himself as to avoid second glances - a black travelling cloak obscured his entire form, and it only exposed his hands and his large boots which created a small yet noticeable rising in dust with every footstep. Absentmindedly, he locked eyes with Vereshin just as the dark aura which surrounded him became apparent, and met him half-way between the two Sith.

The young Sith nodded as his craned his neck downwards to meet the Human's gaze, and quickly made an evaluation; he seemed to have the figure of a sickly, frail young man, plagued by terminal illness and not fit to be wandering the streets without some sort of life support sustaining his weak body. His cheeks were gaunt, and his eyes looked as if he had missed for than a few night's sleep. However Drios had learnt from bad experiences to never underestimate a Sith; if he had survived this long he must have a few tricks up his sleeve. Tricks which Drios would prefer to stay hidden up his sleeve.

"Nice to meet you, Vereshin. Drios Rapux." he offered a brief nod towards his associate, who seemed to be clinging like a young child to Vereshin's skinny hip. "I hope neither are you are as baffled as I am; not even a whiff of what we seek."
Location: The Grand Bazaar, enroute towards the City Council Chambers
OOC Note: In possession of one of the mysterious stones! Oooo

Pho Ph'eah lay next in the cruel, unforgiving path of the Sith. Their thirst knew no bounds, especially that of Darth Carach, but that was another matter entirely. Zylah had taken an interest in the development of the Sith Empire as of late, and with a recently acquired informant on Ord Radama she now had something to act on. Combining that with her own intel gathering, Pho Ph'eah had turned up in her path.

The noble Jedi Knight had hoped to arrive here in advance of the Sith fleet to warn their government of what was coming, but it would appear she was too late. She had barely made her way through the marketplace before Sith began flooding the scene. As if she wasn't short on time already she had found herself distracted. Something about this planet, their people felt... Off. The Dark Side lay as a thick shroud over the place, clouding her mind and keeping the minds of the natives out of her reach. Or so her own mind interpreted it.

The source of her distraction, and also she suspected the cause the Dark Side's presence, was a peculiar, tiny stone. She did not recognise it, nor could she remember ever having been told about such a thing. Yet here it was, in her palm. And it radiated of the Dark Side. She had put it in a pouch, keeping it secret, keeping it safe. Even so the stone was undeniably a burden to her, but one she attempted to push from her mind while simultaneously dimming her presence. Her physical appearance was also something she attempted to mask with her brown, hooded robe. It was a good idea, if not for the fact that it was the same kind of robe Jedi typically wore. Someone might catch onto that. Woopsie.

It had cost her time, and a lot of it. The Sith were on the planet. She wasn't sure what she could do now, but giving up was not really in the cards. She had to make it to the City Council. She had to warn them. Whether the Sith came with weapons or deception, she did not know, but what she did know was that it would not be to the natives benefit.
Location: City Council Chambers
Objective: Investigate

Normally, she wouldn't find herself in the situation she currently was in. Normally, she would be privy to a Sith takeover of a world so as she could avoid this appearance of... well complications. However, apparently the Dark Lord had also deemed what she had come here to investigate critical enough to lead a force to the world. Which, as normal, wouldn't be an issue. Today of all days though, she was here in her guise as Taeli Raaf, respected Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order, not the Lady of Secrets, reclusive Sith Lady.

She hadn't been on Gravlex Med, but she had heard the stories of what the Anx had been like. Apparently, the cause of this corruption, whatever it was, were these small black stones or gems that exuded a hint of the dark side. Taeli suspected that they were a conduit for something else, the first... well stone in a large plan. Deceptively nondescript, and apparently to the natives of this world, something new they could sell. The rumors were that the Pho Ph'eahian had found a source of these stones, and upon her arrival, she had already seen what this corruption had done so far. The city was, for lack of a better term, dingy and its people were even more so. Their joy at seeing a Jedi had been... surprisingly muted. Normally, when she arrived on a world to solve such a problem, they were enthusiastic. That wasn't any more on display than the fact she was still sitting in the waiting room to meet with the City Council, patiently and to all sight serenely, meditating.

Internally though... her thoughts were very similar to [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s thoughts. If the Sith could discover what this was exactly and turn it to their own purposes... they would have a potent weapon to turn against the Silver Jedi and all their enemies.

[member="Darth Caecus"] [member="Zylah Dvale"]
Location: En route to the Mountains (Possible Hidden Settlement)
Objective: Search out the settlement, find information about the Stones

The mountain ranges were well known hunting grounds for Pho Ph'eahains searching for food. Rumours, and they may be just rumours, that a hidden settlement laid deep in the belly of one of the more sky touching mountain ranges. The settlement, if it did exist, was nothing more than a glorified trading outpost for the planet's native species to trade food, secrets, information, and or knowledge of new found hunting grounds. The natives would never speak openly whether this settlement was real or just a trumped up story to tug the heart strings of adventures and explorers.
Rumour or not, Darth Venefica sought to explore the mountains in search of this isolated hunter's paradise.
From her initial fly-over, there appeared no visible landing spots within the mountains themselves, and from what little observations she could collect no easily accessible paths. The terrain was not an ally to most mechanical vehicles, leaving very few options for her to pick and choose from.
Leaving one settlement in search of a mystery, she hurled through the open land via a speeder bike. Not the most lavish of vehicles to choose from, but the small bike would be capable of handling the sharp turns and narrow paths that snaked through the mountains, before possibly succumbing to walking on foot.

Atlas Kane

Location: Just outside the Bazaar, on the way to the Council
Objective: Figure out what the stones' deal is.

Sleep has been coming reluctantly to Atlas in the past days. The events on Gravlex Med had been rummaging around his mind, the surprising defeat, the savagery of the Anx, their irrational behaviour, those dead Anx, seemingly slain and torn apart by their own, and above all, the distinct taste of fear that dominated the Anx in that chamber, the same one he had found this stone in. It had appeared fairly average upon first glance, at least as average as a brilliant gem could be. Atlas had assumed it was some kind of treasure the Anx had kept with him, a gift, perhaps, for someone he had held dear to him, or maybe a trinket for good luck. The stone had some kind of presence in the Dark Side, as Atlas noted when he meditated in his quarters the day of Gravlex Med's destruction. He had requisitioned a talented smith to work it into a necklace he could wear, though he had found no reason to actually don such a decoration at any point, at least not until now. Now he had been deployed to Pho'phea on a search & retrieve mission. There were stones on the planet that he was to retrieve, ones that appeared eerily similar to the one now woven into the necklace.

He walked through the dimly lit streets just outside the Bazaar, on his way to the City Council. If these stones were truly some kind of commodity exported from Pho'phea the officials would know more about them, or at least know of ways to find out more. He was somewhat hunched over as he walked, his robes pulled tightly around him similar to a blanket, exposing nothing but his mask to the outside world. He found it to be freezing. The fever still persisting from earlier this morning didn't aid his situation either. It was a combination of both disease and insomnia that had him nauseous, unfocused, and trying to keep awake. wrapped around his right wrist was the necklace, its stone held firmly in his hand, keeping his robes closed around him as well. To an outside observer, he must've seemed like a bobbing blob of torn, black cloth that was being dragged through the street by an unseen Force, seemingly wandering aimlessly.

He had a purpose however, he would know more about the stones one way or another. The streets were mercifully empty in this part of the city, mostly occupied by various speederbikes or cars, most of which seemed vandalised. So were most of the storefronts, at least the ones that were still open. Most seemed to have gone to the Grand Bazaar today, both Pho'phean and Sith alike, but Atlas simply wished to avoid most sentient-interaction for a while. At least while he was working his way through these times of physical woe. The thought of purchasing a stimcaff crossed his mind when he passed an open bakery. The place was built into a larger housing complex's lowest level, there was no way to go inside or sit, just a countertop. It seemed nice enough, not the cleanest, but nothing on this planet seemed to be.

He approached the Pho'phean resting behind the counter. She seemed preoccupied with something, though Atlas couldn't make out what exactly. He cleared his throat to get her attention, allowing one of his arms to break out of their warm cover to point at one of the specials, a large sized, extra strong stimcaff. The Pho'phean nodded in agreement, reciprocating the Sith's wordless order, though her eyes seemed to linger on him for a moment before she went to prepare the stimcaff. In the meantime Atlas drifted away from the front, taking a moment to "appreciate" his surroundings more closely. He spotted a few graffiti-sprayed walls, some shattered glass, overflowing trash cans, all signs of a dilapidated neighbourhood in a bad part of the galaxy. Though the street he was on was a side-street, outside the direct path of the marketplace, he had still expected at least some cleanliness. Though the angle he had on the main streets gave him the impression they weren't off much better.

Though then something caught his eye. a peculiar figure seemed to be hastily making their way through the streets of the bazaar, in a direction identical to his. he only caught a short glimpse, but it piqued his curiosity. The Pho'phean broke his focus, however, when she shoved the stimcaff in his face, holding the other hand of that side open right underneath it. Atlas extended both arms to pay her and pick up his drink at the same time. After the credits were dropped he also quickly nabbed a straw and made off into the direction of the robed figure he had seen. Now that he was on the move again he extended his senses through the Force, focusing on the area where he presumed the figure was by now. He took sips of the reinvigorating mixture from underneath his mask, allowing its chemicals to aid in his focus. Rounding the corner of the alley he was in onto the main street he found who he was looking for. A good distance in front of him was the brown robed figure. He focused on them through the Force and felt something ... something familiar. It was faint, but he felt it. Something about them emanated the same impression within the Force as the stone he held within his hand. Maybe they knew something about this? He quickened his pace to catch up.

[member="Zylah Dvale"], [member="Taeli Raaf"].
Location: On Way to the Foundry
Allies: [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] |
Enemies: Those Who Devour
Post: 1

​High over Pho'Pheah the grand battlecruiser Hammer of Bastion loomed.

​The devastation of the Anx people on account of these black gemmed stones was well spoken of by those who survived it, and were there to investigate it. While the Lord of Lies wasn't present for the brutal events that unfolded but it was enough to draw his full attention. After speaking with the Dark Lord personally about what unfolded...

​The Shadow Hand descended after hearing the rumors of what happened on Pho'Pheah. These happy, peace faring people were slowly being turned into those reclusive and violent. Until the issue was solved they would feel the crushing fist of the Sith Empire crushing around their throats keeping them in line. The might of the Jen'Lazea - Dark Legion had been brought to bear against the Pho'Pheah. A legion consisting predominantly of its Graug and Hyal'Hask warriors, with other species recently included in the great horde. The horde was seeded with loyalists to Kaine Zambrano installed back on their homeworld of Fornow before they were fully mobilized. Their presence by his side compared to other unfamiliar soliders was welcoming.

As was their master.

Along with his son Venthis Zambrano came the High Warlord Malgrog accompanying the Sith Lord on their descent beneath the surface. The graug were masters of subterranean war having been born and raised in the great tunnel complexes of Gratos, where their species originated from as well as the tunnels of Fornow. They were naturally equipped for fighting in the darkest of tunnels. Scouts were sent ahead of the encroaching Dark Legion to observe the surface portion of the Foundry and report back movements of people, soldiers, all pertinent tactical information.

​If there was a large concentration of beings moving about then the ravenous horde of graut would be sent in to take the brunt if any of the fire to allow the full legion and its many siege beasts to sweep in and bring the hammer down. Darth Prazutis moved clad in his deathly shroud with Daesumnor strapped on and the Black Book hanging from an alchemized chain to his side. He shifted his gaze to his son as they moved. Venthis had endured every trial he put him through, every test and he absorbed knowledge with a voracious hunger that once filled the boy's father. Every lesson taught he learned to perfection. Even now he was being taught in the field. "The Zambrano's are natural born leaders of man and beast. Now tell me we descend on a foundry on this world we know little about. If you are in command of this dark legion what is your first move? How do you approach this operation?"

Location: The Bazaar
Allies: [member="Drios Rapux"]
In Da Dog House: [member="Vereshin"]

She was dressed in black ripped jeans, white t-shirt and and red leather jacket. She was dressed a little differently than her more conservative lover, who she affectionately called puppy. He asked her not to give into any sudden emotional outbursts, or lose her temper. She didn't like his tone he used though, but she let it go as he gave her a hug, and felt her side boob. She then looked around the market, as he let go of her. She liked shopping and this place was cool, you could get anything. She brought a black rock, for two credits, she thought it look nice on her dresser. She then saw her puppy move on, she was just getting interested in buying things, she frowned a little. Then she saw a bird, and it little song made her smile. Then she caught up with her puppy, who had bumped into a fellow sith, and an fellow epincanthix to boot. He spoke to him and called her his ASSOCIATE, her smile face went distinctly frowned, very quickly. She been happy with girlfriend, or better still Harley her name. She then by passed him and went to shake the other man hand, and said "Hi my name is Harley" and she gave her puppy and dirty look.
Location: Near the City Council Chambers
OOC Note: In possession of one of the mysterious stones! Oooo
Nearby: [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Atlas Kane"]

The robed figure continued on her path, making her way out of the marketplace. There was a bad feeling that seemed to stalk her mind, but it was hardly a surprise given the circumstances. Pho Ph'eah was not host to the greatest of company, and in time only more would come and their agenda revealed. Time was running out.

The Jedi Knight hastened her pace. Yet it seemed she was not the only one. She froze and turned immediately. Was she being followed? Ice blue eyes examined the scene behind her, but nothing out of the ordinary. Was it her mind playing a trick on her? Or perhaps it was that stone in her possession, twisting its dark tendrils around her mind? She wouldn't have any of that, and steeled herself from interaction. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a Sith, no wait, two! They seemed to be conducting some kind of search, moving from stand to stand. For now they had taken no notice to her presence but she could not count on that to last. She moved as fast as she could without breaking into a full run, after all, she did not want to draw any unwanted attention to herself. Little did she know that [member="Atlas Kane"] was already hot on her tail.

Rounding a corner, her cheeks having gained some measure of colour from the hastened trip, she finally looked upon the steps of the City Council. Splendid, some progress finally. However she did not feel the great sense of relief wash over her. Still, she could not shake the feeling that she was being followed. She had half a mind to break off into an alley, or some other hiding place and lay a trap, but decided against it. Firstly, that would take too much time and time was precisely the thing she lacked today, and secondly she did not even know she was being followed. Nope, all that was left for her to do was to press on. Who knew that she was about to bump into an old acquaintance?
Near The Foundry,

Venthis was called here by his father. The Empire continued to expand, it's reaches extending. Every conquest ended with a victory, it was an unstoppable train. Next in its path of destruction was Pho'Pheah. Venthis stood alongside Darth Prazutis. His eye's glistened an emerald green. His true-Zambrano features shining, though he would be towered over by his father's stature. Venthis was a hybrid, half Anzat, half Epicanthix. His ability with the darkside was strong, due to his family heritage. He had proven this, a time before. He walked with a set of dark robes, fitted with several dotted pieces of black-stained armour most notably the shoulders and his chest. He had come dressed to conquer.

His father and himself began to strut alongside one another. A question left the mouth of The Lord of Death, his question related to command. How would Venthis go about the situation? The young acolyte's eyes squinted for a moment. "I certainly would not go in blind, I'd like to know what I'm going into." He stated, almost inquisitively. "I'd send a small reasonable sized force firstly. While scouting, it would hopefully trick our opponents to believe that would be the full force we would send. Though, then I would send the true full power of the Dark Legion." He stated, somewhat proudly.

His hand twitched faintly by his side, as a purple mist slowly formed within it before it faded away once again.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"]

The Foundry
[member="Elensa Jari"] [member="Onley Xiangu"] [member="Vaylin"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"]

Something in the air around the Foundry was rank. It went beyond the stench of fire and Sulphur, beyond the refinery and the slurry of minerals sloughed off of the ore. This was the stink of burning flesh. Of hell just beneath the surface. A fine white ash covered the surfaces within a hundred meter radius of the building.

Somewhere in the Foundry, they were burning bodies. But why?

The workers there would not take intrusion lightly.

When/if you enter the foundry, you will be attacked by the metal workers after being warned to leave. Feel free to explore this, but take it into account as you move deeper into the Foundry. There are other ways into the Foundry besides the front doors, but you will have to find them.


The Grand Bazaar
[member="Vereshin"] [member="Harley"] [member="Drios Rapux"]

When queried, the Pho Ph'eanians here in the Bazaar are nervous. Not on all subjects. Only on the one. The matter of the stones. Their eyes grow furtive, and they quickly find ways to send you away. Perhaps informing you to speak to so and so at the south west corner, but no such person exists. Or claiming they must unpack a new shipment and vanishing into their stalls. Anything, to make you go away.

The people here know something.

But whatever it is, they also fear it.

Simple asking has brought you nothing. You can try to snoop, influence, coerce or threaten the information out of them. Different methods may have different outcomes.


City Council Chambers
[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Zylah Dvale"] [member="Atlas Kane"]

They weren't quiet. But with how the other native Pho Ph'eanians ducked their heads and hurried through the square, they didn't have to be. A pair of well dressed (even if the cloth was soiled and unkept) council members argued loudly on the grand steps, not noticing the approach of strangers.

"We cannot continue this course of action, Maxus! What it is doing to our own people-"

"Would you rather they wander about? We don't know how it spreads yet Caus!"

As any of you first approach and they notice you, they will immediately withdraw into the council building, looking nervous and upset. They will avoid speaking to you at all costs.

[member="Zylah Dvale"] and [member="Atlas Kane"] (if you brought it with you)- the stone starts to warm. Not obviously, as if someone had been holding it in the palm of their hands.


[member="Kor Vexen"]

The hut stank. A miasma of unwashed bodies and unchanged bedding- the sour smell of long term illness, either mental or physical, hung in the air around the Pho and her home. She looked up at him with dull eyes, filthy clothes so strange in a species that elevated cleanliness to a spiritual virtue.

"Not stones," she said sullenly, almost petulant. "Just look like stones. They take them. Away. Don't come back."

The way she said them was strange. She wasn't talking about the stones, but something else. Not something. Someone.

If pressed, she becomes agitated and upset. Almost paranoid. But there is more she can tell you.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Venefica"]
Location: Near the Foundry Outskirts
Allies: [member="Venthis Zambrano"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Enemies: Those Who Devour
​Post: 2

​The boy was a fast learner.

​It was by all accounts a good plan. One must seek to know more to learn more before stepping into every engagement. Information and knowledge were power and the Lord of Lies had a great deal of it amassing it over his career. Intelligence analysts had provided him with maps of the surrounding terrain of the foundry and any old information in the Sith archives of the Old Empire were drudged up in files taken after Kaine's abdication. As a matter of fact the scouts the boy mentioned had already been sent out in advance of the seething horde. "You are on the right track. In advance of our arrival a force of graut scouts scoured the region and have been observing for any movement. Knowledge is power my son. Never ​walk into any situation blind you'll almost surely suffer." ​Prazutis replied emphasizing the last part.

​If there was one smell Darth Prazutis knew all too well it was the stench of death in the air. Time spent around his own sequestered force of undeath ensured that. Even more time spent at the sites of many horrific atrocities committed by the Zambrano family reinforced it. The Destroyer mused the workers inside the dark tunnels wouldn't take the intrusion lightly, they would need to be eliminated. But these soldiers the foundry workers faced were no ordinary soldiers. These were masters of subterranean warfare with near perfect eyesight in the dark. These were warriors who lived beneath the surface and on worlds so inhospitable disease, and deadly toxins in the air alone would kill any decent being. The gruff voice of Malgrog rang out in the air "My Lord the scouts have sent word there is no movement on the outskirts of the foundry."

"Our intrusion won't be taken lightly. Blow the doors. Send in the advanced warbands and reinforce them with graunk inform the Centurions to capture anyone of power or position for questioning, kill everyone else who stands in our way. Set the horde on task to making a perimeter surrounding the Foundry nothing in or out that isn't ours. You'll stay on the surface to coordinate efforts here. If we lose connection in the depths send regular reports to the Dark Lord." Darth Prazutis ordered. The massive graug brought a fist up to his chest and bowed. "By your will."

​It was on this note that the Destroyer began moving towards the great structure. Already the seething horde moved like a swarm of locusts motivated to task by their High Warlord. Large warbands of graug gathered closer in proximity to the foundry led by their centurions. A series of great earth shaking stomps rang out into the air as a massive sixty foot glycon stomped onto the nearby ridge strapped with among others a great cannon on its back. A massive thunderous roar rang out from the barrel as a blast hurled right towards the doors. If the blast successfully blew them open the advanced teams and the Sith Lord would make their way inside.

[member="Darth Caecus"]

Location | Outskirts - Pho Ph'eahian Hut
Objective | Interrogate
Company | Female Pho Ph'eahian

The air reeked of filth and corruption, hanging around Vexen like a heavy blanket. If his respirator did not scrub and filter the atmosphere, he may have been bothered by it, but instead his eyes were focused on the female Pho Ph'eahian standing before him. From his kneeling position, his eyes stared directly into hers, continuing to try and place the smaller alien in his hypnotic trance to try and subconsciously pull up their memories and what had occurred to the natives of the planet, or at the very least figure out more information regarding the stones. Based on how she spoke, she seemed to know something more. For now, he would resort to using his powers of hypnosis and persuasion to get the information he needed, rather than possibly corrupt himself by feeding off the alien's memories and experiences forcefully.

Vexen's appearance would continue to become less and less intimidating through the hypnotic trance, perhaps in an attempt to lull the filthy little alien into a false sense of security as he spoke, his voice continuing to fade into an almost subliminal manner. "Tell me more...Who are...They ?" The Pho Ph'eahian may begin to experience a strange but subtle change; harder to stay focused on him kneeling before her, but more attention to what he was saying. His voice would begin to echo throughout the alien's mind, not so much intrusive but more suggestive as it tried to invite the alien to enter her subconscious mind.

"I can help you...Cleanse you...Set you free..." would echo through out the Pho Ph'eahian's mind as he tried to get the alien to speak willingly. As much as he preferred to just consume her soup as his species would call it, there was much that he did not know about what was happening, something that was slowly beginning to infuriate Vexen. He'd rather take the slow and cautious path rather than one that could mentally harm him. There was still much to investigate and he did not mind the arduous path.

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