Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Stones of Pho Ph'eah [TSE Dominion of Pho Ph'eah Hex]

Location: City Council Chambers
Objective: Investigate

Nearby: [member="Atlas Kane"] [member="Zylah Dvale"]

How interesting, she thought as she neared the two arguing natives that passed her by, heading deeper into the structure. One was heading up... one was heading down. Hmm, potentially problematic as the key to this mystery was likely in both directions.


She turned her head to look at the young Jedi standing with the armored Sith. Genuine surprise shot through as the girl mentioned her, now, long lost sister. Had this girl been one of her sister's many students? Corvus had always been happy to teach young Jedi, whoever might want to approach the Grandmaster for a lesson or even just a chat about the Jedi or their studies. Wafting off the girl and the Sith next to her was that same sickly feeling that clung to the world... did they both possess the stones that were causing this?

"Not quite," Taeli said, lowering her hood so the girl could get a better look. "Her older sister, actually."

Her gaze lingered over the Sith for a moment, to all appearances it would be a wary expression.

"If you are here to solve the mystery of what is plaguing these people, we cannot waste time. One is above, one is below."

She would turn and start heading back inside, hoping the girl would follow her and the Sith would go his own way. She would proceed to follow the native that descended, considering what had been said about these beings, that they devour from below. If the girl followed, she would be free to ask any questions she wanted of course while Taeli pondered the best way to get through the door the native Pho'Pheash had disappeared through.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"] [member="Wolvren Malafactor"]
Equipment: War Armour, Banshee Saber and Healing Amulet

She thought to herself Typical, she had the ability to shield her thoughts, otherwise the Emperor, may know she disapproved. She would prefer to capture some, as they are more use even as slave to her than dead. She then lit up lightsaber and joined in, as she was going to be tainted either way, so she may as well. She marched forward, and just shot lightning at the first one she saw. The flash blue stretched from her hand, and stuck the pathetic creature, he just flew air and hit a wall, and crumpled into smoldering mess on floor. She unlike others took no pleasure in this, though she guessed it was a mercy killing. As they where disheveled, and possibly beyond the pale of their former selfs. She moved further down the mine, the creatures that she saw she killed, but she not hunting them like the others. She was interested in what they said, before their death From beneath you it devours. This meant sending them all to kill these creatures, the Emperor hoped to draw it out, had he sent them on suicide mission. She was being cautious, as she did not intend to die down here killing, pathetic creatures. She checked every corner, before she moved round them, sure others got in front of her, and their body count would be higher. Though what ever it was, could get them sooner, and they would atleast weaken it for her. That what pawns where for, to die for strategic positioning.

The Grand Bazaar
[member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vereshin"] [member="Harley"] [member="Drios Rapux"] [member="darth caecus"]

Anora stepped into the Bazaar and paused. Where she had assumed there would be throngs shopping, instead she found as few people as had been in the streets on the way over. She turned her head slowly, taking in the whole of the Bazaar. She noticed an alleyway where sounds of a struggle came from. Stepping forward, she saw three Sith accosting a Pho Phean in what appeared to be a mugging. One was facing away from the others checking on a mobile phone. To say it was a strange sight would have been an understatement. The violence didn't bother her, just the seeming randomness of it. She didn't know they were searching for the same thing as she, and she moved on from them after only a moment, not wanting to get involved.

She moved into the line of stalls on the eastern side of the Bazaar. She got furtive glances, some angry, others scared, but that wasn't an unfamiliar reaction to an Imperial soldier.

She paused in an intersection, turning slowly as she tried to discern where to go. She almost felt a pull in one direction, but as soon as she focused on it, it went away. Her mind locked down to any external forces. She paused looking down that direction, though, tilting her head as she thought for a moment. Deciding to trust her instincts, however inconsistent they seemed to be, she moved down to the right. She saw she was in a section of the Bazaar devoted to hand crafted jewelry. Each stall she passed, she slowed and looked over both the Pho Phean tending it, and the wares. No one met her eyes, and most pretended to be busy or moved behind curtains to the back of their stalls.

Half way down the aisle, she stopped and turned to the stall on her left. This Pho Phean looked pale, and angry. Sweat sheened on his face, and his eyes were bloodshot. Anora approached it slowly, looking at the wares for a moment. It looked like a scrimshaw of some type, the bones of some native animal carved with designs. Then she looked up from the wares to the keepers eyes. They hadn't wavered from her even once.

"Do you speak basic?" She asked, the wares forgotten as she locked her eyes coldly onto his. She squared her shoulders as her fingers brushed the handle of her sidearm.

"Aye...some..." Came the natives response. Anora nodded for a moment, willing the man to speak within her mind, wishing she had even a fraction of the power of the Dark Lord of the Sith. The native broke first, glancing at her hand touching her pistol.

Anora's other hand shot out like a viper, slapping the already angry man so he looked at her again. Color briefly returned to the man's face as the anger deepened.

"Why is it so quiet around here?" She asked, thinking it best to not come to the point of her visit too quickly. "So many stalls, so much space devoted to commerce, and it's the middle of your day here, if I'm not mistaken. Where is everyone?"
Location: The Foundry | Lava Outflow -> Bowels
Objective: Search for clues about the Stones
Companions: [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"]

Vaylin agreed with what was being said, the mix of burning bodies and smelted ores was a positively nauseating combination. Even to someone like Vaylin who had gotten use to particular foul scents over the recent years. It grew more worse, pungent in everyone's noses the moment they had arrived at one of the Outflows. Burning hair and flesh flowed down the length of the tunnel, the strength of it increasing the further in they went.

The path they had available was narrow at best, barely enough to comfortably walk along with feeling a slight slip of the foot would send you falling into the lava. Which the channel of it was so close, it made the heat it emanated almost overbearing. And Vaylin was especially glad she had gotten rid of the more flowing layers of her armor, otherwise she imagined they would've caught fire by now.

Along the way she was reminded of what Onley and Elensa had said. Beyond the foul odour, there atmosphere around them and ahead felt off. Dead in the Force, incapable of being reached beyond. Trying to reach out only resulted in a dull throb, the presence of death was absent and yet it was plain to see before them.

There was a darkness lingering deeper within the Foundry, something that did not fall within the same arms as Sith. What was it? How had it came to be? Why?

Eventually the tunnel opened up, allowing them more freedom in movement. But almost immediately, their attention was drawn to what was going down in the bowels of the facility. Ahead of them was a towering pile, it's height eclipsing even the impressive height of the Pho Ph'eahian's. Onley had been the first to duck behind cover, but Vaylin and Elensa were barely far behind him.

"There's too many of them, it would be impossible to reach the pile without being seen." Vaylin spoke quietly, eyes fixed on what was unfolding before them. Elensa's previous observations came to the Zabrak's mind, having been laying as a dormant note. The Foundry wasn't actually functioning, not along its usual parameters anyway. Where was the mining, the carts pulling raw material to the furnaces? It had all been replaced with a seeming desire to harvest bodies instead. The question of 'why' was on the tip of her tongue, but never left her lips when she saw the state of the bodies.

Shrunken and eviscerated, lacking all the gory mess that the latter usually involved.

She now fully agreed with Onley, they needed to have a closer look at the corpses.

"They dispose of the bodies, don't they? Perhaps we can follow one of the Ph'eahians as they haul one of them to the lava." They were clearly searching and harvesting something from the bodies, waiting until they were completely used up before burning them.

[member="Darth Caecus"]​
They poured forth, a frenzied tidal wave of madness that sought to envelop the Dark Lord and pull him down beneath the waves. Their approach was mitigated by the stalwart shores of the Dark Legion that had accompanied the Dark Lord, the muscled brutes smashing aside the smaller creatures and pulverizing their bodies to mulch beneath trunk-like legs or ripping them to gory pieces with thick-fingered hands. Those that did reach Carnifex found themselves assaulted by his power as a mere gesture of his left hand stopped them dead in their tracks, their faces contorting with strain as they attempted to continue forward but found that their bodies did not respond.

He strode forth, lightsaber in hand, and mercilessly cut down those that had been seized by his power with powerful swipes that left behind smoldering canyons in their chests. Soon the rotting stench of their bodies would join that of those they had killed, nay, sacrificed in the name of whatever insanity had taken hold of their reason. Gore splattered his right leg as another fiend was crushed beneath the powerful foot of a Graug legionnaire, the skull fracturing and caving inwards instantly with a grotesque squelch and pop.

Another lunged for him, but he was repulsed by a well-placed kick to his midsection and sent flying backwards to crash into the side of one of the foundry's many machines before crumbling to the ground in pain. The Dark Lord advanced towards him, lightsaber held down to carve a great river of molten metal through the floor as he passed. The cretin attempted to mount a secondary attempt, but the Dark Lord sliced the offending weapon arm off with a quick flick of his wrist before reaching down with his free hand to grasp the Pho Ph'eahian by his face and violently yanked him upwards. Carnifex stared into the alien's eyes as mystical flames lept from his fingers and enveloped the zealot's head, burning away flesh and muscle until all that remained was a bare, charred skull.

A quick tug removed the cleaned skull from the body it once was connected to, and the Dark Lord only regarded it for a moment or two longer before he crushed it into powder in his powerful grip. "Worthless."

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Wolvren Malafactor"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"] | [member="Vaylin"]
​For a few minutes the anticipation building as the enemy surrounded them was overwhelming. Deep within the darkness dozens of torch lights glowed, picks and other tools were brandished proudly by those who devour as they dared to speak to the Lord of Death about his domain. They knew nothing about what death just like they had no idea of just how one sided the situation was. They were trying to bring down a dragon with pitch forks and farm equipment. They faced down the full might of the Jen'Lazea with untrained chattle that thought they'd have the advantage in the darkness.

​They were wrong.

​These people were infected with the black stones that addled their minds, corrupted their bodies. There would be no cure for them and no respite from their suffering. For their insolence, for their disrespect they would all burn. Darth Prazutis strode forward through the front barrier of graug assault warriors directly addressing the mortal fools surrounding them "Death? You know nothing of it nor of what you wrought fools. You should be on your knees worshipping the ground we walk on. You should beg for our mercy and a swift death." ​The Destroyer said drawing the great runeblade from the sheath at his side and suddenly the souls trapped in his armor were unleashed its palpable aura of fear exploding in a surge of agonizing shrieks and cries of torment. Over the crowds the Destroyer roared "Kill them all! Wipe the stain of life from these wretched mines! Let there be war!"

​It was a delayed reaction at first as the quiet once more sank in but it quickly ended. A horde of bloodthirsty howls erupted loud enough to drown out all of the noise of battle as a storm surged through the halls. The Jen'Lazea was unleashed upon the mad miners that dared charge into battle lines against the subterranean monsters that came to claim them. It was a disturbing sight, a blood soaked slaughter as these monsters killed anything and everything that moved through the halls. In the forefront of the mine was the Lord of Lies himself carving a bloody path of soulless husks a blood soaked path. As a group rounded the corner and came into view in front of him Darth Prazutis thrust his hand forward "Mohtoni!"(BURN!) ​He bellowed in high sith as an explosion of pure dark side energy erupted from his fingertips. A sickening red wave followed by a sonic boom that shattered the stone at his feet surged towards the group. As soon as it made contact it vaporized flesh, blood, muscle and sinew right down to the charred bones and the sounds of horrifying screams that filled the air before death came.

​It would be a glorious slaughter indeed.

​[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Caecus"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Banshee"]
Location: The Grand Bazaar - Seedy back allies.
Objective: Probe underground contacts for information about the stones.

Weak, weak, weak – Wounded prey upon the field.

She shrunk her form and wandered deep into the shadow-cast and seedy corners of Pho Ph’eah’s Grand Bazaar. She did not just withdraw her aura of strength, but layered herself with a false portrayal of apparent weakness, like a beacon to creatures of ill intent. Where there is civilisation – And where there is trade, in particular – There is crime. And on every pile of credits sat a king. She only- A sound.

The weak creature she portrayed quickly knotted together as she heard the pronounced impact of a foot. The light of a window returned its shine in the blade of a knife as it was drawn from its hiding place. Darth Ophidia could sense the intent to kill as it brought a shiver of delight to her spine. She stopped, seemingly frozen, and looked over her shoulder. One, two – come – three.
For the GM: She is about to take this person on a mental trip of self-discovery and see what he's seen, hear what he's heard. Everything I write from here on out is inside the head of a Pho Ph'eahan mugger.

She ran, her pursuer followed. Deeper into the shadows – Once neat and clean, now dirty and despoiled – She faced the tall bare wall of a building, a tenant block. Above her, curtains were drawn shut. Her shoulders curled around her protectively. Four, five – catch – six.

Oh my” The silhouette sauntered close, knife playing between its fingers “You came to the wrong neighbourhood tonight.

Two more sets of footfalls came out from doors on either side of the street, shutting them after.

Please, just let me- Please” She choked a sob “I’ll give you everything, just. Please. No.

Their response was chuckles and a blaster aimed. The Pho Ph’eahan pulled the trigger and a green shot of plasma hit the black-cloaked beggar. It hit, and bounced off an inky black palm. The other Pho Ph’eahan who had recently joined them, found herself howling with pain as a shot of plasma burned away fingers. The shepherd of them, the first potential assailant, lunged forward with his pale knife. All around him, the world twisted as his own body disobeyed. The knife turned on his comrade with the disintegrated fingers, catching her in the sternum. Once, twice, thrice before he could step back and look at his trembling hands. His comrade gurgled.

What the kark?! What the- Oh my force that is just-

The gunner among them howled in pain now as his body began contorting backwards. Arms bent straight and towards the back, as though trying to arch. He just kept bending further, further, further. The screams subsided as his abdomen overextended. Head touched heels and continued. Soon there was crackling of bones and the popping of sinew as a body once upright was forced into a perfect sphere.

Wrong. Oh no, oh feth.

He ran, no longer thinking of the beggar in black. Yet, when he came to the first turn of their twisty mace of emancipation, there she stood. A pale hand extended; eyes burning with hate; a smile, she was smiling. The buildings curled down over him with windows like eyes staring down upon him; judging his every sin.

From beneath you, it devours.

[member="Darth Caecus"]
The Foundry,
Pho Ph'eah.

The corrupted minds of these fools made the killing less empowering for Venthis. It was as if he were killing mindless dolls. He withdrew his lightsaber from his belt, igniting it with the use of micro-telekinesis, his blade emitting from the hilt and with an eccentric spin he would cut down an charging opponent, splitting him in two with his two halves flinging either side of Venthis behind the onslaught. He would glance over to his family members cutting through the workers. Though one of them would leap onto Venthis in this moment of trance, Venthis surging a powerful blast of energy towards the worker causing him to launch of Venthis and land next to him. The young Zambrano would roll over on top of the worker, strangling him before pummeling him with his fists, until all that remained of his skull was a bloody puddle.

The cracking of his skull would ring out as Venthis gathered to his feet re-igniting his hilt. Before leaping forward, swinging the blade through the air into a small group of various weapon-wielding workers. Individually they would all fall, one catching Venthis on his shoulder with their machete causing it to stick out from his shoulder blade, a screech of pain would be released from the mouth of The Forgotten Wraith. He would pull the blade out, before digging it deep into the chest of the one who harmed him. He would fall back, holding onto his shoulder. "I'm hit." He would call out, leaning against the wall. Though with little restraint he would gather back up, and march back forwards with a determined expression, though leaping up onto the rafters above yet again. Grunting out in pain, as he landed.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Caecus"]
[member="Venthis Zambrano"]
Equipment: War Armour, Banshee Saber and Healing Amulet

AS she stalked the area, moving behind lines mopping up she heard someone shout " I am Hit" He was holding his shoulder, she moved towards him and saw one their enemy dead, with knife embedded in his chest. The acolyte was also bleeding from shoulder wound, she thought to herself Stupid Acolyte, she was just going to leave him, then she recognised he was a Zambrano. They where worth the brownie points in saving, so she raced towards him, and grabbed her healing artifact of her neck. She saw him jump up and then land with a grunt, Acolyte, think your darkest thoughts. She pushed the amulet on his wound, and then held him with her other arm. She waited to see what he thought of her amulet, she had since she was newly made knight. She was not going to give it him, but there where many more in the galaxy, you never know he may be after one himself. As she waited for the healing to begin, she asked Why you not wearing armour, to protect you from the enemy? she was wondering after all she made some reasonable armour for acolytes. She smiled and then added I send you a set, as soon as we off this force forsaken planet.
Location: The Grand Bazaar – Inside a Pho Ph’eahian mind.
Objective: Probe underground contacts for information about the stones.

The shadows swallowed all things. Even the glaring windows were swallowed by the all-consuming nothing that now encroached upon the individual. The only thing that did not fade was the pair of burning eyes. No, they only grew in magnitude and intensity as the shadows encroached. Her fingers; her arms and the dark clothes that draped them; everything but those unblinking eyes turned into a mass of slithering scales that scattered out with a chorus of hisses and blended with the shadow.

The very ground turned from shadow-cast brick to black tar; like a living ooze climbing with fingers of sticky mass up the Pho Ph’eahian’s legs, sticking to his back, holding on to his shoulders and each of the four elbows, like a thousand tiny hands seizing his clothes and fur in silent panic.

Pho Ph’eah is a quiet world, its inhabitants sullen and secretive. We know.

In the middle of the tar-like restraints, a hand stroked down his back. The sensation was clear, crisp, like a knife hidden amidst pillows. It was not a comforting touch.

You are afraid. We understand.

The same hand brushed over his cheek, coming out of and disappearing into nothingness. The fingertips were like knives just barely not breaking the skin.

But what you fear is nothing compared to the fear you will feel if you do not cooperate. We demand it.

Her hand seized his forehead, fingers digging into the skin with fingernails of metal, summoning droplets of blood from his scalp. She did not use the instruments to attack his memories yet; she had to see them first.

There is no greater power in this galaxy than the Force, and no greater wielders of the Force than the Sith. We can protect you.

The pain, the restraints, they all suddenly dissolved and left only a sensation of free floating.

If only you serve us.

[member="Darth Caecus"]

Atlas Kane

Location: City Council Chambers
Objective: Get inside

"A wise hypothesis." He replied, nodding his head in agreement. The two officials seemed a little too heated to be easily approachable with questions about something so divisive amongst their people. It would likely be easier to find someone else further inside. He was about to speak again when his eyes fell on the Light Sider again, though she seemed distracted by something, or someone more precisely as her next query revealed. He guessed the name belonged to someone familiar with the person, most likely the intense presence in the Light Side he felt nearby, other than the robed figure.

Almost immediately following the question he spotted the figure it was directed towards a robed figure standing at the top of the stairs, the origin of the intense presence he felt, walking past the two arguing Pho'pheans who had parted ways to move inside the building. The woman corrected the other before her sight fell upon Atlas. He stared back with a slight hint of contempt in his eyes, though it was well disguised by the darkened glass of his mask's visor. What were two followers of the Light Side doing here, on a planet about to be conquered by the Sith? They didn't seem hostile, at least not openly. Perhaps they were spies? He'd have to further pursue their curious presence.

The Light Sider imparted a quick observation of the Councilor's paths before turning back to move inside the building. "Then we should waste no time." His steps were already carrying him past the robed figure on the stairs, towards the building's entrance. With just a hint of surprise, he found that the Light Sider went the same way he intended to go, below, the direction that seemed to be the origin of the most unusual circumstances on both Gravlex Med and Pho'phea. He found the woman studying a heavy door through which the Pho'phean must've went, likely trying to find a quiet solution to enter.

"Subtlety is not always required," he paused, drawing his lightsabre and igniting its broken crimson blade. The blade swung towards the door, where Atlas presumed its hinges were, so that a quick, but forceful, kick might dislodge it and allow them access inside. "Jedi." he added, though he let none of the disdain he had for their kind seep into his voice. A response would hopefully tell him more about the nature of these Light Sided strangers.

[member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Zylah Dvale"].

The Foundry
[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"] [member="Wolvren Malafactor"] [member="Darth Banshee"]

Ain't no party like a Zambrano party, cause at a Zambrano party, everyone dies.

It was, as expected, a massacre.

It was.... oddly..... almost as if they ran toward it, embraced it. Found it more suitable than whatever it was that they were currently seeing. The look in their eyes was not of slavish devotion or the burning of a zealot.

It was relief.

[member="Onley Xiangu"] [member="Vaylin"] [member="Elensa Jari"]

It took only a minute's observation for them to realize that, not only were the workers paying them no attention, but that they seemed almost moving by rote. One shuffling foot step after the next. Perhaps continued exposure to the heat had made them dull. Perhaps the simple fact of what they were doing brought them to a place where they needed to disconnect from the task at hand. Whatever it was, all they had to do was be careful and there would be no trouble in the approach.

When they did, they would find the gruesome remains to be no less strange up close. It was as if nothing but skin, bones and cartilage had been left by whatever the process was that had killed them. Hollow husks, limp and rubbery. A fine sheen of hard, black material crusted, offering a slight gleam in the darkness, over every pore. Brittle and smooth it could be picked off like a scab, though nothing flowed from beneath it. Not now.

Not from these.


The Grand Bazaar
[member="Drios Rapux"] [member="Vereshin"] [member="Harley"]

As Vereshin dug, however, he found more, clamped down beneath fear and festering anger.

Pho Ph'eahians, veins black and eyes alight, dragged from their homes. A contagion, the government had called it. But there was no rhyme or reason to how it struck, who it struck. It did not cleave strictly to households, to families. But oh, how it had spread. New cases were discovered swiftly and dealt with quietly, but everyone knew. And not long after, the stones had started filtering out of the city, sold only to those off world. How they were connected precisely could not be found in the alien's mind. But he had suspicions. They all did. The stones came from the infected. But what were they and how was it possible?

​Unfortunately, he only had a Forcebook account because his brother had bullied him into it three years ago. He never used it and had even forgotten he was logged in, so Harly didn't find much.

[member="Anora Demici"]

He scowled at her, one of his hands clenching slightly. If she was only paying attention to his face, she might miss it. The barest shade of black in his palm.

"Gone. At least, 'nuff of 'em," he answered grudgingly. "Got bettah thing ta do than answer questions for pushy off worlders, neh?"

But the sweat at his temples grew heavier, and his eyes darted around. Suddenly, quick as a snake, he tried to snatch at her hand. His palm black as pitch.

[member="Darth Ophidia"]

His breathing came in short, explosive gasps, eyes wild as they canted about this way and that. But it was her that arrested them, again and again, and he trembled.

But then, as if a switch had been flipped, the trembling ceased. As she neared, she'd realize that, hidden beneath the fur, only visible in the places the fur thinned- around his eyes, the palms of his hands, the corners of his mouth- the veins there ran black. And what she had thought at first were beads of sweat, drawn from the chase, from fear, were in truth beads of thick, black liquid.

"The Sith can't stop this," he whispered, eyes glazing slightly. "The Force is vast and great, but the sith touch and warp only the barest slice. But that slice? Dark, thick- to its liking. All you have done, Sith, is leave open the door. From beneath you, it devours. You can't protect anyone. You invited it."


City Council Chambers

[member="Kor Vexen"]
He left the outskirts unmolested, the black tar in the vial viscous and slow moving. But in his pocket, something changed. Shifting from a liquid to a solid- a momentary flash of inner red light, and then quiet. Except when it clinked as he moved.

A tiny stone. Nothing more.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Atlas Kane"] [member="Zylah Dvale"]

From beneath you, it devours.

The Pho Pheahian they had followed stood near the entrance to the room, eyes a little wide, half dressed in isolation gear.

Isolation gear?

Beyond him, a panel of transparisteel cut off the antechamber from the rest of the lab. A dozen tables, Pho Pheahian's strapped to them, perfectly still though it was clear they were breathing, conscious. Not drugged, simply quiet and waiting.

The same could not be said of the pair in the clear, upright tubes on the far end. They writhed, screaming though the tubes must have been sound proofed, because it was only their faces that gave away the promise of sound. The way their fur stood on end was the first indication- but it was the tiny droplets of black that the attached equipment was sucking out of their very pores that brought it home. A half dozen smaller tubes collected the tar like substance. While one looked much like a relatively healthy Pho Pheahian, the other was emaciated, as though flesh, muscles and organs had been removed and the empty space left behind collapsed. But there was no scent of blood, no sign of harvested organs.

Only the black ooze being taken.

To their left was a series of clear plastic cubbies. Nearly half of them were filled with the inert, perfectly smooth black stones that two of them carried. The ones that had brought the Sith here to begin with. Each nestled in its own box, alone, kept separate from the others by a thin panel. In every case, however, the stones sat right up against the dividers, as if trying to touch the one in the cubby next to it.


There were no answers found, in truth. Only more questions. The Pho Pheahian's did not know what caused the 'contagion' as they had been calling it- they did not even realize fully that it had implications far beyond their own planet. Beyond small minded greed and taking advantage of something that would prove to be far deeper than simply the sale of pretty little stones.

From beneath you, it devours.

Something was causing it. Causing the inner workings of a body to melt into nothing more than black tar that could then be used to spread it. Tar that, sometimes, solidified into a stone. Exposure to air? Some mechanism as yet undefined?

But now the Sith had a population they could study.

Now, there were new steps to be taken.

Study it.... or bury it and hope it went away?

Of course, they had seen how well that had worked on Gravlex Med.

From Beneath You, It Devours.​
Tread carefully.​
To be continued........
Location | City Council Chambers
Objective | Seek answers
Company | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Zylah Dvale"]

The audible thunk of Vexen's armor as he made his way to the city council chambers was all that he heard for the longest time. His brief time spent on the outskirts was not an entire waste of time as he was soon able to come up with his own hypothesis regarding the information he sought. The brief encounter with the tainted Pho Ph'eahian had given him sufficient information, and now he had his own sample to return to the hierarchy of the Sith for examination. "What more knowledge have we yet to find here? Perhaps more questions, or finally an answer?" He spoke aloud to himself, like an actor reciting his lines, almost as if engaged in conversation despite not a soul to be seen.

His march as he entered the city would continue, making his way to the city council chambers. However, there was a faint presence he sensed, one that was not wholly attuned to the Dark Side of the Force. Intriguing. Perhaps they were not alone in the search for knowledge, or maybe there was a different objective they pursued. As he made his way up the steps of the city council chamber, his large, authoritative figure ascending, a faint sound would reach his ears as he paused about halfway up the steps. He would look down as he reached to his belt, producing the vial that he had stored his sample of the tar-like substance he had obtained and found that it now had become one of the stones he was sent to gather more information about.

"Curious...Yet fascinating..." He thought to himself as he raised the small vial up to his eye level, firmly gripped between his thumb and index fingers. Was it reacting to something in its vicinity or was it his presence that gradually changed its form? Was it the power of alchemy? So many more questions to answer and still, all he could come up with were hypothesis. Maybe one of his fellow Sith would provide more information to shed light upon his discovery. One thing Vexen was certain of, however, was that the substance corrupted. What effects might it have on a Sith he wonders? He stows the vial away back to his belt as he continues to make his way to the City Council Chambers, feeling the presence of his cohorts nearby.

[member="Darth Caecus"]
Location: City Council Chambers
OOC Note: In possession of one of the mysterious stones! Oooo
Nearby: [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] |
Not quite. Her older sister, actually.

"Taeli!" it simply blurted out of her. Perhaps ill-advised considering their company, but hopefully miss Raaf wouldn't mind. She recognised her, and it felt as if all the pieces fell into place. She didn't know the Jedi Master well, but she did remember her on Ruusan. Did Taeli remember Ruusan? That planet had got pummelled harder than most. In fact, on that particular day Zylah had faced off against yet another Raaf, only this one a Sith. Zylah had only been a Padawan at the time, and the Dun Möch of her opponent had had her near breaking point... If not for Taeli, who knows how that would have played out?

Zylah was quickly reminded that they were not here to reminisce and relax. There was a reason two Jedi were here in the first place. The mission. And the mission had to come first, for the good of the Pho Ph'eahians. Brought back to reality she gave Taeli a determined nod, while making a note to not take her eyes off the Sith for too long. One could never truly trust or let ones guard down around those types.

One is above. One is below.

Taeli hurried ahead and Zylah pursued, no doubt followed shortly by the Sith. Suppose it was too much to expect him to stand by and guard the gate. However much they might be chasing the same mystery, she was convinced they did not have the same agenda. And so when one of the natives headed up a flight of stairs and the other down, Zylah had to make a choice.

Taeli headed down the stairs. Zylah wanted to follow. Deeply. To ask her all the questions that floated through her mind. Did she know what had happened to her sister? Which order was Taeli affiliated with, and what were they up to? It had been long since Zylah had truly been connected and well-informed with the rest of the Jedi of the galaxy. Somehow, strangely, Zylah felt as if there was a kind of bond here, or rather, the potential for one. This was more than likely simply passed over from the bond she had shared with Taeli's sister.

There was much to be gained by going down, yet, Zylah recognised that she wanted it for purely selfish reasons. If she did it she had to be honest with herself; it was for her own benefit, her own curiosity. Not for the good of Pho'Pheah, which was why she was here. For the good of the mission, she reckoned, it would be better if she went up. That way they had a Jedi covering both options, up, down. No matter where the Sith went, there would be a Jedi there to keep them in check. She would have to trust the Force, trust Taeli, and that she could handle herself if she ended up alone with the Sith.

It wasn't as if they would never meet again, right? Perhaps she could conclude her business upstairs in an instant and rush down to her aid. But perhaps not... If she went upstairs she also had to recognise that the chance of them seeing eachother again this day would decrease, as would the likelihood of her getting answers to those question.

This was one of those moments, to her, when she had to remember who she was, why she became a Jedi. Sure, it had been her childhood, but there had been plenty of opportunities to abandon ship along the way. This was not one of those moments. This was her choice.

With reluctance and a deep sigh, the Jedi Knight left the other Jedi to cover the downstairs region, while she herself hurried up the stairs, towards whatever that might lead to; a conclusion to this mess, or a hasty retreat.
Location: City Council Chambers
Objective: Investigate

Nearby: [member="Zylah Dvale"] [member="Kor Vexen"] [member="Atlas Kane"]

Now that she had a better look at the girl, Taeli did remember her. Her sister had been tormenting the poor then Padawan, trying to break her. Taeli had intervened, both literally and metaphorically, to save the girl from Melori. On the surface, it was just her duty as a Jedi. Underneath though, she had felt it wasn't the proper time to be trying to corrupt Jedi. Melori had been many things, but subtle was not one of them, and employing Dun Moch to corrupt in the middle of a battle was never the wisest choice.

She could feel the burning questions within the girl, but they would have to wait as they went their respective directions. However, she would reach out to the girl's mind, as she had done before, and whisper into it quietly, Meet me on Lorrd, one week, the University there. She pulled away from the girl's mind, confident in the knowledge that she would be able to elude the Sith invasion and meet her there later. While Melori hadn't chosen the right time, Taeli could see an opportunity here in the young Dvale.

With that, she watched the young Sith Knight attack the door with his lightsaber, almost mocking her about subtlety. He might not have conveyed any derision in his words, but she knew it was there all the same. She knew this song and dance quite well. Such fiery and impatient some of this newer generation of Sith were.

"And you're too impatient, Sith," she replied, the expected response of any Jedi when dealing with such. The room beyond was, in lack of a better term, a horror show. The odd black stones tucked away in their own section, several of the natives strapped to the tables... and obviously waiting their turn to be thrown into the tubes that were drawing out whatever this black substance was. It was rotting them from the inside, by the looks of it. Now she might be into the whole experimentation on beings and all that, but this... she didn't like this at all.

Could there be a use as a bioweapon on some unsuspecting population, sure. But, the more she took in the scene in front of her, the more she was sure this was something that would need eradicated.
[member="Darth Caecus"]

The black covered hand struck out, grasping Anora's left hand for an instant, smearing black onto the armored gauntlet she wore. In the same instant, her right hand had the pistol drawn, then whipped across the alien's face. The crack was audible down the lane, sharp and hard. Something broke, and it was neither the gauntlet, nor the pistol.

She stepped around the front and aimed her pistol one handed at the man, eyeing the black goo on her left gauntlet.

"That...was a mistake." She said, enunciating her words clearly. Then the blaster pistol whirred softly as she pulled the trigger, placing a bolt through the alien's head.

Her eyes swept around the stall, then at the others. Her eyebrow quirked, she looked at the black goo again as she turned and slowly walked back towards the spaceport. She wanted to get this goo analyzed, and off of her gauntlet. Through the town, she marched with her hand held up in front of her, as if she were brandishing her black goo smeared hand.
Meet me on Lorrd, one week, the University there.

Thank the Force Taeli reached out to her. It would have been tragic if this had been the end of their interaction. At least now she got the satisfaction of feeling as if she did the right thing, simultaneously as not losing the opportunity to ask all of those questions.

Reaching back within that same mental link established by Taeli, the former Padawan of her sister (the good one) responded: ‘I will meet you there. And until then, may the Force be with you. Cliche perhaps, but when you’ve got a catchphrase you’ve gotta use it!

The native she found upstairs wasn’t in a talkative mood. When presented with the mysterious gem he seemed very uncomfortable. Just as he started talking, a squad of soldiers came in, blasters leveled her way and shouting commands. Her lightsaber ignited, fended off the incoming bolts but it was clear she was not meant to stay.

Pho Ph’eah had fallen. Twirling her lightsaber in one hand, with the other she commanded a chair to go through the window, breaking it open. Then with a Force Push to level what remained of the firing squad, she bought herself valuable seconds before making her escape.

| [member="Taeli Raaf"] |

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