Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Story Begins Anew [Ra]

"No, I meant why didn't we just knock them out in the first place if you could extract memories from someone who's out?" he pointed out, not sure how to bring it up previously, but this seemed like as good a time as any if she was going to bring it back up. But indeed, this would have saved them a lot of trouble. And a lot of suffering on the part of the mooks.

Ra wanted to wipe their minds of the incident. As much as he hated using those abilities, he agreed. Though, when she bent down to do so, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll do it. I've likely got more experience in what exactly we want to do" he brought up. And it was true. Ever since he had done it the wrong way with the Tallia case, he had been extremely careful in the rare time he did so. Within a few minutes, it was done and he would start making his way out from the alleyways. The lot of them would think they were on some kind of bender and had collapsed in an alley. Which would buy them time. He'd needed to carefully craft that alibi, of course, and he didn't like doing it, but it was needed.

"Lead the way."
When Josh stopped her from wiping their minds, she stood up and crossed her arms. Giving him a bit of a dirty look, she turned her nose up in the air but allowed him to complete the process.

"You act like I would I mess that up. Humph."

Granted she had goofed up a time or two before, this time they were on the same page and she would have done essentially the same thing. Shrugging her shoulders slightly, she waited while he dealt with their minds and memories. It didn't really matter in the end but she planned on talking to him about it later.

Once he finished and joined her, he told her to lead the way. Taking the lead here, she hailed a taxi once they got back to the main street. Climbing in and taking the lead, she smiled a little because she had knowledge that Josh currently lacked.

"We should get there before these thugs. Do you want to just walk in the front door or go through the back?"

Deciding since he was probably a better person for planning something, Ra gave him the choice of entry and how to get in.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
He let out a sigh. That wasn't what he had meant at all. The last thing he had wanted was to upset Ra. "Not at all. I just likely have more experience with modifying memories, and it's too delicate a process to take risks. I regret that this isn't the first time I've done this" he elaborated calmly. He understood all too well just how delicate it was, and knew the consequences of even the most minor of mistakes. He never wanted to see that again. It wasn't that he didn't trust Ra, but he knew his own experiences in this kind of thing than he knew of hers, and he didn't want to take the risk.

He felt bad that he had upset her, of course. That had never been his intention. In a delicate scenario like this, he had to do what he had to do. Even if he cherished Ra and respected her abilities, she just needed to trust him on this. At the least, it would give him some peace of mind if he did it himself. He hoped she'd understand.

Once they were in the cab and seated, she asked him what their plan of attack was. "Best we try to find an alternative way in. We just bought ourselves time. It's probably best we make the most of it."
"I've had to do it before too. Before we met several times. Not since we met though. So it's been a couple of years."

Speaking softly, her words were only meant to be heard by him. The droid driver took off and headed in the direction of the address Ra had given it.

"You know, someday the two of us should just sit down and find out what the other can actually do. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses. We can figure out just how best to work together on missions and on the field. In bed, I think we have much to explore."

Giving him a wink, she looked forward to exploring that even more. Nodding when he said they should consider finding an alternate route in, she directed the driver to drop them off down the street from where they were actually heading.

"Should I suit up for this?"

Any armor would help and hers was quite special. It not only protected her but also allowed her to hack into systems easily. Having worked with droids for so long, this was something she almost didn't need her suit for. Another benefit was it made her appear to be a droid and most people didn't give them a second glance.

"Want me to scout around to find another way in when we get there?"

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
That was just it, essentially, wasn't it? For all their time together, there was so much they didn't know. And it was clear in his eyes that his past experiences with messing with memories weren't pretty. They in of themselves had left an impression on his own memory. One bad mistake, even a small one, or even a bad choice to do it at all... Could be disastrous. It had to be small, harmless, and done with the upmost care. Which was why he only trusted himself to do it. He hadn't known Ra's skill with it, and while he didn't say it, her personality had some bearing too. He was fully aware of their philosophical differences. He didn't judge her for it, but when it came to missions, he had to act as necessary to save as many lives as possible. He, a Jedi, would have ensuring the person's life and livability remained intact, to either make good on or mess up of their own choice, as the highest priority. And in his mind, that was what a situation like this needed. Put that on top of his just not knowing about Ra's memory modification capabilities, there was too much uncertainty to risk.

But he still loved her all the same, and respected her capabilities. It was not a disrespect to her by any means. This was a mission, and he had to do what he felt was necessary. But he could agree with her idea that perhaps they should sit down and discuss their capabilities. He smiled. "I agree. I think it'd make our missions together a little easier."

Though he didn't miss that last part as his smile slowly faded into a playful smirk. He should have seen that one coming. He did enjoy their flirtations. "And I think there's plenty to explore when we do..."

Ra directed the driver to take the back route, and then asked if she should suit up. After considering it for a moment, he looked to her once more.

"I'll leave that up to your judgement. You know whether it'd be best more than I would" he answered. While he knew for sure memory modification was his department, the subject of stealth and scouting, and using her suit? All hers. This was something he knew was her area, and he didn't mind leaving the decision up to her on that matter. It showed he trusted her. "If you're looking for an opinion though, I think scouting ahead in the suit might work, fool them into thinking you're a droid and find out what you can. Once we're both in though, I'm not sure if the suit's necessary. The minute they see me, it'll be guns blazing."

Riamah Riamah
It wasn't very often Ra ever got to play dress up anymore so it was barely a moment after he had given his answer that she was already getting into her robotic suit. Hardly anyone gave droids a second glance and that was one of the reasons this suit had been made. The other was because, at the time, she had a bounty on her head and this allowed her to fake her death. That part of her life was over but she kept the suit.

Listening to what he had to say, she nodded. This was an armored suit and would protect her from many things. So normal blaster fire wouldn't affect her. Attempting to give him a peck before placing her helmet on, she lowered it and asked Josh to help finish fastening it to the suit.

"I'll come back to you here when I've finished scouting."

With that, she was gone into the night...leaving him to pay the taxi fare. Knowing which building she was heading for seriously helped in this matter and she watched the back door for a few minutes from the darkness. Noticing only organics leaving and entering, she realized that perhaps the suit wasn't going to help as much as it could have.

Clenching one of her fists, she looked around the building to try and find another way in beside the front and back doors. When the door closed again, she took the opportunity to come out of the shadows. The suit wasn't going to help her climb the walls, but that was what the Force was for. Judging just how much she was going to need to use, she made a few leaps and jumps before landing softly on the roof.

The roof was cluttered with litter and other debris from being on such a populated world. There were no droids or people, thankfully. Walking with as much grace and silence as she could manage, she crept along the edge and searched for another way in.

Coming to a skylight, she looked down into the room and saw she was above the main room of the cantina. Placing a gloved hand on the window, she sent out her senses to try and pick up on any conversation below. Hearing nothing of great importance, she moved on.

After looking through almost all of the windows, she found one that was covered with a lot more gunk and grime. Setting her hand down again, she heard nothing. Feeling around the outer edge of the glass, she felt for any sort of latch to open it with. Finding what she was feeling for, she unlocked it and lifted the window by a fraction.

Warm air met the helmet of her suit and for a moment clouded her sight. Below her, there were people chatting quietly. Adjusting the range of hearing on her suit, she was able to pick up some of the conversations. As her vision cleared though, she noticed three women sitting there. While it appeared they were normal, she noticed that wasn't quite the case.

Anybody that passed by their table, gave them wide berth and looked more at the floor than at the ladies. If one was looking at her, he or she would nod in respect as they passed. Lowing the window, she locked up back up and returned the way she had come. Making sure nobody would see her descent, she watched that back door again, and just after a person went back in, she came down.

Returning to Josh, when she found him, she took her helmet and suit off right away.

"Well, there's some good news and bad. There is hardly any droid in there. So this isn't going to provide as much as it could. However, the good news is, I think I found her."

Stowing away the suit in the bag she brought, she slung it over her shoulder. Double-checking to make sure she had all her weapons attached, she waited to hear what he proposed for the next stage of the mission.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

Well, it didn't take her long to get into her suit, did it? The Jedi couldn't help but laugh a bit at how almost enthusiastic she was about it. It had clearly been some time, and she was clearly relishing the chance. He reminded himself that this was her area of expertise and in future, he should definitely find opportunity to let her do this more in future. It was clearly something that she enjoyed. Which he could empathize with, he enjoyed open combat himself. Maybe not open war combat, but a good slug on the streets was always a joy.

He returned her peck with one of his own before moving to help her into the suit. The sooner they did this, the less likely they would be discovered prematurely. Then she was off… Leaving him to pay the fare to the impatient cabbie. His eyelids lowered at that. Of course. He had been blending in through sitting on the street with his hood up and playing a game of all things on his Holo device when she returned. He put it away as she gave her briefing.

"Hmm... I think the best thing we can do is take out the gate guards stealthily, try to blend in once we're inside for as long as possible. Get as close as possible to Sildeed and if we end up having to blow our cover and fight head on, at least we'll have a possible headstart on her. We'll have to fight them head on eventually. Trying to take down a crime boss while keeping them alive, it pretty much mandates it. We have to make our peace with that. If you have any traps you can set, or anything that might give us an advantage when the fight happens though, plant those. Just make sure it doesn't give us away prematurely. We'll need all the time to prepare that we can. It sounds like it's swarming with guys. We will most likely be surrounded."

With many of their missions together, Ra had been the one to gather the information. Josh was the one to make the plans. Sometimes those went awry and totally not because she had goofed up, she wouldn't admit to that easily. Over their years together, they had learned what each of them was good with but they still had so much to learn about the other. At least, right now, he had realized the scouting part was one of her strengths.

Listening to his plan, she nodded. The killing wasn't an issue for her and Josh should remember what she had been when they met. Even if she had been a poor one, she had still been Sith. Perhaps that was the business side of her. One sometimes needed to be cutthroat and she could be that. That wasn't on the table of conversation though and she pushed that train of thought out of her mind.

She had already checked her weapons and then he suggested traps and she also heard distractions. Though he did not say that. Smiling just slightly, she nodded again. Reaching into her bag, she had a little more in there than just her suit.

"How about some flash grenades? Or uh...smoke bombs? I even have a fart one. Not that it would do much good on this stinky world."

Laughing at her joke a bit, she put that prank back in the bag and held the other two out to him. While this was serious, she couldn't help but show some humor. Motioning to the two bombs, she put her bag on her shoulder and pointed to the top of the building.

"Do you want to get in from above?"

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

Fart bombs? Josh stared at her, seemingly questioning if she was serious. "That's quite something you're into, my dear" the Jedi teased as he chuckled slightly at the absurdity of it. But he didn't say no. She asked if they should try to get in from the top, and he shook his head. "No, that's where they'll most expect an attack. It'll be the most heavily guarded there. Attacking a criminal headquarters, nobody expects you to take the front. They expect you to take the shortcut. Let me handle this one."

He reached over and placed a peck on her cheek, before he promptly disappeared. The White Current had its flaws as far as energy consumption was concerned, but it was the best way to handle this. Within moments, the guards at the gate had been knocked out. Not by strong lightsaber blows, but with an electric shock caused by a disk jammed into their necks. The less energy Josh expended while using the Current, the less energy he would lose from its use. Dragging and hiding them took a bit more exertion, but Josh was physically strong enough to make it work. He soon re-appeared to Ra, and waved causally.

"Hi honey, I'm home" he teased with a cheeky smile. "Once we're in, let's try and dial up the PDA a little. Forward, I know. But it'll make it easier for us to navigate without suspicion. They won't expect a couple to be potential intruders. At least until they realize that their gate guards are missing, then the ID checks will start. By then, hopefully you'll have had time to plant your traps."

He held out an arm to her. "Shall we?"

Giving Josh a mock offended look as she put the stink bomb away, she chuckled a little.

"There are all sorts of bombs that don't actually cause harm, dear."

Listening to his suggestion, she was about to point something out to him. Changing her mind, she lifted an eyebrow as he disappeared from sight just after he planted a kiss on her cheek. Each of them had their own skill sets and his version of stealth was actually far superior to hers. However, it wasn't something he could teach her. Pretending to clean her fingernails while he was gone, when he reappeared, her hands returned to her sides.

Letting out a snort of a laugh at his humor, she quickly grew serious once again. Opening and closing her mouth a few times, she ended up sighing but smiling. Neither one of them was really into openly showing their feelings in public, but once in a while, it was acceptable. Also being on Nar Shadda, this was pretty common and they might fit in better. At least, until they drew out their weapons. Those would make them stand out far greater than almost anything else.

Totally smirking, she took the arm Josh held out and laid her head on his arm.

"So once we get in, I'll excuse myself to use the refresher and start setting things up from there."

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

"Sounds like a plan, my dearest."

Smiling as she accepted his arm, he pulled his hood back up as they walked through the front doors. It would take time for anyone to realize the gate guards were missing, so by the time they did, they'd be well inside by now. As they walked through the halls, they would find themselves in the sleaziest looking place imaginable. And incredibly flashy to boot. It was gaudy as all get out, and filled to the brim with couples -- whether they were actual couples or men with hired companions, Josh wasn't sure and had no intentions of asking. But what was evident was the sheer amount of PDA going on here. While he had made the suggestion before in order to cause people to avert their eyes, it seemed like they weren't the only ones with the idea. Even Josh had to avert his eyes uncomfortably here and there.

But he had made a promise. He kept close, an arm with hers, one hand wrapped with hers, fingers laced together as he stroked his across her palm. Here and there, he snuck a few kisses along the back of her neck. It was the best way to keep the impression while being able to see where they were going. Once they had made their way around a bit, making the sight of them a little more familiar to the crowds, he looked around for the restrooms. That was where he was to drop her off, after all.

One would have thought her glowing yellow eyes might have drawn some attention, however, the people inside were too involved with each other to pay much to another couple walking together. Walking in, she quickly looked to see what she missed seeing while she was traveling the roof.

Several closed doors probably lead to private chambers of some kind or maybe the storerooms she had scouted before. Noticing these details, they might also hold back up security or those droids she had said were totally absent from the establishment.

Stopping near one of them, she pulled Josh in close to show some of the affection and whisper what she was thinking in his ear while she kissed his neck.

"Do you think these are for those that want more privacy or for storage?"

Nibbling on his earlobe, she waited to hear his answer before releasing him again so they could continue their walk. Some of the things and actions she was seeing grossed her out, but some also gave her ideas for the future.

When he kissed the back of her neck, she tilted her head to give him more skin to put his lips on.

"When you are using your stealth, you can't use the Force, right? This means we need to figure out where we're going to meet up after I set the bombs off and take out this lady before we even get started. If these people react the way I expect, those that are patrons are going to run. If they are all security...which I doubt, then we'll be in trouble. The real security will gather around her to keep her safe. I'll use the smoke bomb first, set it off near the kitchen. You know, make it look like a fire coming from there. That should get people moving away from where we want to be. It might also make our target move, so I would suggest you get there and keep an eye on her. Do electronic communications work when you're hiding?"

Reaching into her bag, she took out two devices they could use if he couldn't use the Force while he was in stealth. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down to gently nibble on his ear again and place the device on him. Eventually, they managed to make their way to the bathroom and she excused herself.

Taking a seat in one of the stalls after having to wait a few moments, she pulled her legs up and focused on making herself invisible. Lifting a few items out of her bag, she put them into her pockets. Just for the heck of it, she released the fart bomb and quickly the bathroom.

Making her way in the direction of the kitchen, Ra just hoped he had already made his way to the lady they were here to capture.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

In this crowd, they were just another couple. And that was the point. They blended in perfectly, amongst the hundreds of other cloaked, ornery folks. Ra asked a question amongst her affection and that got a smirk from him. "Depends on the establishment" came his answer. A boring one, but it left enough to the imagination to keep her guessing too. He tried not to look at the other people around them. While he didn't mind showing affection to Ra here, actually seeing it from other people made him uncomfortable.

Their affections continued and he continued to kiss along the back of her neck, reaching down to playfully squeeze her backside. If they were going to blend in, it couldn't hurt to have a little fun with it, right? She asked her question, wanting to scout a bit on his abilities. She hadn't heard of the White Current, then. Then again, how it worked depended on the user. "I can, but it takes a great deal of energy" he whispered back. He nodded his head in agreement to her plan. "Electronics work, yes. Though obviously noise might give me away" he pointed out. "I also only have a vague idea of what Sildeed looks like. So smoking them out via security presence is probably our best plan."

Ra placed an earpiece on him and excused herself. Josh meanwhile had returned back into the Current when nobody was looking and had gone hunting for the figure. By what he knew, they were a Togruta with purple skin. He was not able to get a fix on their features besides that from the footage he had found.

He was able to at least find a sizable security presence surrounding a figure that was speaking to a crowd... He tried to peer in to get a better look. He likely wouldn't have much time before Ra's plan came into effect.

In an establishment with the amount of noise already going on, Ra didn't think the additional sound of an earpiece going on off would alert anybody. So she went ahead and placed it on him and left to get everything else ready for the small assault.

Since she had ditched her robot suit, she didn't have any breather to protect herself from the stench of the fart bomb. Breath control would have to do. After making herself invisible, she took a few breaths and placed a bubble about her head to keep the smell from affecting her. This would also keep her eyes from getting bothered by the smoke once she set those bombs off by the kitchen.

When she had initially scouted from the roof, she had noticed the group of ladies and their location. Having pointed it out to Josh, hopefully, that was where he was heading and they would meet up again soon and have their target in their hands.

Avoiding bumping into anybody, she made her way to the kitchen. Observing the doors for a few minutes, there didn't appear to be any reasonable timing for the workers. Instead of trying to time things by being logical, Ra waited just a moment longer and saw one heading in just when she needed it. Falling into step behind the person, she squeezed past him before the door closed.

Stepping to the side, she was lucky there wasn't a trash can there to run into or anything else for that matter. Looking for a receptacle to place the smoke bomb in, she had to wander a little before she found something perfect for her intentions. It wasn't actually a trash can but a vent close to the other door. Making sure it actually blew air out and wasn't one that sucked it away, she nodded when she felt the cool air coming from it.

Using the Force to quickly take the screws out, she was far enough away from the main traffic aisle, that nobody noticed or heard the vent being removed. Placing the bomb in quickly, it was resealed and hidden by a roving trash can she grabbed for the purpose. There was enough space to allow the smoke to escape and she moved onto another location.

Not taking as much time to find the perfect spot, she did just throw the device into the trash. The first was just about ready to start smoking and she followed another server out to head to where Josh should be waiting. Lifting her hand to her ear to touch her own device, she wasn't going to threaten his focus on the Force by contacting him there.

"Ignition. The smell from the bathroom should have driven some away. The kitchen is just about to go off as well. Headed your way."

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

No good. This one didn’t match the description. The Jedi muttered a small growl, but didn’t let frustration take him too easily. They would just have to keep looking. Ra brought up a group of ladies from her earpiece, and he kept that in mind. He kept walking through, making sure not to bump into anybody. It was a pain that he couldn’t utilize his other Force powers so easily. He could use Phase to make sure he didn’t bump into anyone, but… It was in of itself an extremely powerful and also very taxing power. Combined with the Current, he’d drain his energy far too quickly. That was annoying.

Wait! Was that…?

Togruta, wears a white helmet and white and purple jumpsuit. Goggles… Yes! She was talking to the group of ladies, seemed to be quite boastful by the looks of body language… And them matching Ra’s report meant she’d be there soon.

Ra’s voice sounded from the earpiece, and he quickly moved to the meeting spot. He never kept his eyes off the target if he could help it. They were right there, right in the middle of the gathering of all things!

It was almost too easy.

It was a good thing Ra had scouted the place earlier, at least partially, since it had on the roof. She had a good idea of where the woman was that Josh was looking for. So giving him the location she thought was the correct one, she had gone off and set off the bombs. About the time he arrived, the bombs in the kitchen had started going off.

Smoke trickled out of the vents and other hiding places. Before long, the employees noticed this and sounded the alarm. This was the cue Ra was waiting for. Almost before the women could react, she was behind them. The two guards moved in closer to their ward and started heading away from where the "fire" was coming from.

Since the woman was wanted for questioning and interrogation, Ra assumed he might also want the guards to question as well. Instead of a killing blow, she brought out the flash grenade she had mentioned before. Throwing it on the ground, the thud of its landing was enough to activate it.

The three of them were caught by surprise and Ra knocked one of the guards off her feet quickly. With the fight now started, she could only hope Josh would join in soon.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

The alarms sounded, and people began scrambling as the guards moved to check out the source of the ruckus. This gave Josh the opportunity he needed, it seemed.

“Miss Sildeed. I would appreciate it if you joined me for a conversation.”

The Jedi Master appeared behind Sildeed, speaking into their ear. Sildeed would jump back in surprise, and the women she was talking to would suddenly open fire with blasters. These would be deflected towards the walls not with a lightsaber, but with his hands as he used the Force to dart them back. Made more of an impression that way, he was told. He kept his calm as he continued to approach. But suddenly, the floors would open up around them and more guards would come from them, firing in bulk. Very quickly, Josh had found himself surrounded on all sides, and seemingly overwhelmed.

“It appears you have me outnumbered” he spoke, with a hint of amusement to his voice as he continued to deflect back the bolts. Out came his lightsaber then, and he began to bat them back with higher speed, also allowing him to conserve energy. “Though, I wouldn’t say outgunned…”

Tightening his free hand into a fist, he would bring out a powerful Force Wave that would send the guards flying back. Sildeed too, went down. But as he approached them, he quickly realized that Sildeed’s face had disappeared, replaced with that of a trandoshan. With comedic timing, the tendrils fell off. Fake. The face too, had been faked with a techno mask.

He frowned. “Of course.”

Of course it wasn’t Sildeed. But he didn’t have much time to react before he was trapped by a ray shield.

“Oh, great.”

He would tap his communicator.

"Dear? I'm pinned down. Ray shield."

Talk about poor timing, she started her fight with the guards and Josh came in from the other side. When he sent out his Force wave, she was also caught in it and went tumbling head over heels...almost. Catching herself before more than one turn happened, she slid to a halt and gave him a rather dirty look. The two of them really hadn't been able to plan this out entirely. Growling a bit under her breath, when she regained her feet, she was looking at what appeared to be chaos.

Closing her eyes for just a heartbeat, she resumed her actions. A skill she had learned a great many years ago was one that would knock out a sentient being without harming them. All it would be was like them taking a nap. They would wake up in a couple of hours with, at worst, a headache.

Weaving with her fingers, she focused on the nearest and then went further out. Then he called her to indicate he was pinned down and under a ray shield. Instead of knocking the people out holding him down, she attempted to pull their weapons away. Whether that worked or not, she would them jump in and try to kick them away from Josh.

So far, there was not one death caused by her. Something maybe, he would be pleased about. Wrapping a barrier around them, it should take them several minutes before being broken.

"Can you get us out of here? I guess we have to start over."

In times past, this setback would have irritated Ra. This time, it was just another bump in the road that would be traveled over.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

TAG: Riamah Riamah

No plan ever survived the battlefield, that was rule number one in war. Josh understood this, and so he kept his calm even when things shifted against them. He watched as Ra would race into action to take out the remaining guards, while the fake Sildeed would take cover. Ra asked if he could get them out of there, and he shrugged his shoulders in turn as he closed his eyes. The lights in the area would begin to flicker before the lamps exploded one by one. The Jedi Master had begun manipulating the flames within the lamps that lit the establishment up, surprising the guards and allowing Ra an opportunity to disable them. Once they were taken care of, he would consider what to do for a moment. He couldn’t see a switch around to disable the ray shield… And they were notoriously difficult to take down, even with a lightsaber.

“Meet you” he told her as he activated his lightsaber and cut the floor around him, giving her a very casual wave goodbye as the floor tile he was standing on would fall.

Ideally, this would lead to him falling down to the next floor, then he would meet up with Ra and they could interrogate who still remained. He figured Ra would bring along the fake Sildeed, and he’d recommend it himself if she didn’t say she was going to, but then he realized, just as he was about to do so, that he was still falling.

Also that he was in an elevator shaft. He had been standing on an elevator.

“Oh you have got to be-”

He took a deep breath before he leaped off the tile, digging his lightsaber into the wall to keep himself from falling further. Just then, the hidden elevator floor tiles would begin to fall down then, and the ray shield would disappear. Giving Ra an opportunity to follow him if she could. But this also meant the elevator was coming down on top of him.

“This was definitely not on the day plan.”

With the elevator nearly atop him very quickly, he would kick himself off the wall and wrap himself in a shield of fire. This narrowly managed to melt the floor just enough to get him inside the elevator. He tapped his earpiece.

“I don’t suppose you want to join me? This elevator shaft is going really far down. I have a feeling I know where our friend is hiding.”

They had done their best to stay to a plan and ended up failing. That was okay though. Turning her attention to the struggling fake Sildred, Ra turned her head when she heard her partner say, "meet you", and then saw him drop through the floor.

Attemtping to grab the collar of the disguised woman, she started to follow Josh and stopped herself before entirely going headfirst in the shaft. The alien was laughing like a mad creature and Ra held her out over the gaping hole.

"You're going to die, you know that right?"

"Too late for that now, deary."

The Trandosian had taken a drink of something when she had realized the club was infiltrated. A heartbeat later, Ra figured this out as well but it was too late as the lizard had stated. Now holding nothing but a limp body, Ra growled and threw her to the floor.

Thoughts raced through her mind on what actions she could do from her position. Reaching out with the Force, she attempted to slow the moving elevator down and maybe even stop it totally. Just when she hoped to avoid going down the hold, Josh asked if she would join him on the journey down.

"Nothing left up here to help anyway. I'm on my way."

Then almost as if she were a Padawan just learning a skill, she didn't rashly jump down the shaft to crash into the elevator. Instead, she kept her focus on the car falling and keeping herself alive as she jumped down floor by floor.

"I'm just a few stories above you, Josh. Has your fall been slowed at all? If it hasn't, then you're likely to look like a pancake when you hit the bottom."

Pausing for a few seconds and waiting to hear from Josh, she hung on tightly to the metal support that carried the elevator car up and down.

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

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