That brought a mirthful laugh from her.
"I thought I was being fancy with a jet-bath, but look at you!" They emerged into a reception area with a pair of lifts but Chi lead the way back forward through a large blast door into the converted cargo room.
"So that puts you before the Clone Wars then?" Lining the bulkheads before them were the large prototypers, duplicators, and other fabricators that Chi used to construct the things she needed. Along the ceiling were armatures and bins holding raw material stocks and elements waiting to be used. Workbenches either side of the door were scattered with projects in various staged of completion and holographic diagrams or schematics spread about. If she cared to look, Jonyna would see a complex droid body marked with notations, a pdw-type blaster, and even diagrams for an entire other ship among less-complete works. But it was clear that what Chi was most proud of were the
completed items lining the center isle of the bay, almost dividing it in two.
"I haven't managed to find buyers for everything yet, but truth be told, some of it I'd be sad to see go."
Jonyna Si