Insert Hilarious Title Here
7 Years Ago, Coruscant Undercity.
"You! Stop!"
The preteen sprinting through the alleys of Coruscant didn't bother turning around as the officer screamed for her to halt. She moved nimbly among the dealers and junkies, the officer focusing on her and her stolen goods at the moment. She turned around a corner, temporarily disappearing from the officer's point of view. He grunted in frustration as he also rounded that corner, his hand on his weapon- only to be faced with an empty alley.
The thieving preteen in question smirked as she strode away fro the officer. Those guys were always pretty easy to lose in the alleys. They just didn't know the place like she did. The girl tossed her prize from hand-to-hand as she made her way to her home for the past few years.
She maneuvered through the undercity, making sure to pickpocket some more credits off of some suckers on the way. Hey, a girl needs to survive. She was lucky enough to not run into any more officers on her way, and entered an old collapsed metro tunnel. The planet-wide city had long ago abandoned the tunnels, and they were now taken over by people with nowhere else to go.

"I'm back, and I brought goodies!" She announced as she walked up to the small fire, the dirty faces surrounding it turning to look at her. They brightened as they spotted the bundle of food she had in her hands and a young boy beamed at her as he stepped forward, taking it from her hands.
"Our triumphant hero returns again." He praised, opening the bundle and distributing the food inside to the three other hungry faces, not one a day above twelve. "Good job, Nyx. I don't think we could have gone much longer."
Nyx smiled as she sat down next to the fire, warming her hands and smiling as she saw her fellow street rats tear into the food, even as her own stomach quietly growled. Sometimes, seeing them actually eat was all she needed to keep going.