Greetings ladies and gentlemen of The Republic. I am General Volke James Tiber. I hail from the world Kuat. And since I came of age I have served in the military of this federation of worlds. I plan to use my years of experience to help drive back the Sith and see them put to an end for good. Every single one locked away or as many would want; killed. And no doubt as this conflict continues; such shall happen.
So I say to you good citizens, soldiers and our allies. We must rally further and do all we can to achieve victory. Not give an inch of soil more to these invaders. For ever world we lose is more than just a loss of that world. But a loss of initiative, a loss of production, and a loss of our fighting spirit. A capable threat they've proven, but we've beaten them before. Felling their Empire of evil.
Once again we must rise to the occasion. To not only defeat the Sith, but we must utterly crush them. Remove those that wield the ruinous powers of the Dark Side that seek to bring us under their shadow of command. All so they may never rise again, nor with such force to bring harm to the Galaxy.
So I again affirm my efforts to our cause. The One Sith shall fall.