Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sun Wardens

Yes yes. We're developing a Force order for the Black Sun's. I'll be your Grandmaster for... well... forever. Though we may have a different title for it, I don't know. Anyways, this is still in the works, but if you're an FU and want in, sign up below so we know who we're looking at.

Rank Structure (top to bottom):

Warden Commander

There has been, and always will be, more Ranger's than Wardens. Rangers are the everyday workhorse. They are tasked with taking care of everything from the small time, to special events. They have no limit to their tasks. Wardens are in command of scores of Rangers and their Recruits. They are fewer in number (even though OOCly we may end up with more Wardens than Rangers), and are tasked with overseeing the activities of Rangers and Recruits beneath them. They hold the lower ranks accountable, and answer to the Warden Commander. Recruits number less than the Rangers, and many wash out before they make it. That is the nature of the beast.
Turns out 'forever' means 'a bit over a week.' Not that I'm blaming Kamon or anything, we just weren't active enough for what he wanted.

Here's some news on the order as it stands at the moment.
  • For the time being the Warden Commander will be a npc until we can find someone to fill the roll.
  • Still looking into possible names for the Sun Wardens. (If you have a better one speak up)
  • I have a rough outline for a write-up partially done.
  • I'm thinking of placing a base/temple on Tisht for the order's privacy.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I'm promoting [member="Wendy La Fey"] to the rank of Ranger as she's been with us the longest and has completed several training and faction threads. She's our first promotion to mid-rank FU and I'm very proud of her. I'll make it official IC in our current training thread at the appropriate time.

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