Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Supreme Commander is Dead.

[member="Samka Derith"] I'm sure it's also a coincidence that his son was seen helping him to a shuttle during the Battle of Endor. Or how he met alone with his son on Bespin and then several months later a large Rebel force happens to arrive at the second Death Star's supposed "secret" location and successfully defeated an entire Imperial fleet. Oh yes. Definitely a coincidence.
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]

In theory, most of pain killers I carry could re engineered to cause and intensify pain, rather numbing, and relieving it. I can also keep any one we capture alive throughout the interrogation process.
skin, bone, and arrogance
[member="Aram Kalast"]

Your service to the faction (and creating it) deserve our thanks and appreciation :) so thank you! Good luck with whatever it is you'll do next.

To be perfectly frank, I'm not wild about the method in which you've gone, or the lack of notice or opportunity for FO participation, but that is your choice I suppose. We'll let you know when the memorial service is.

Thanks again for your effort on our behalf. Best wishes!
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
It has been a weird month in terms of participation for myself on the board...things being thrown at me left and right in terms of IC and OOC participation.

There is an IC thread to explain all this and also link information towards the people responsible, it was started during our most recent TIER 3 dominion. I am sorry for not posting this up sooner or indeed alerting anyone but yeah time just started to slip and the need to remove Aram is necessary with the continued need for advancement among current FO members.

If anyone if necessarily needing elements role-played out that need Kalast flashback threads are available by request.

As for my FO activities, consider it that I've had my leave of absence. Once Omega is complete I will be returning to the fold as well as hopefully pushing out some heavy lore elements as originally promised.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Man I do love a little internal power struggle, but I don't think it's what anybody in the faction really wants right now (OOC-wise).

IC'ly of course there's also the fact that Cyrus neither wants nor seeks leadership like that. He's quite content to be able to war as he pleases with a competent group of officers under him.
skin, bone, and arrogance
[member="Ludolf Vaas"] is the chosen successor to the Supreme Commander...ship. Pending some twists and turns along the way.

The First Order doesn't do internal power struggles. I can't stress enough how much we are to be a unified force.

Elensa Jari

[member="Natasi Fortan"] And this is why it's an amazing faction :) And stands to do a hell of a lot better than OS ever did, on that basis alone!

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