Scar-Faced Hag
Makko Vyres
Tenn Kalos
Jalen Kai'el
Cinjay Saito
Apprehension swept through the pack of Padawans, turning to dread in Cora's stomach. Danger sense flared in the Force like an alarm.
She hadn't realized that Makko had fallen away from the pack, but the sudden explosion caused her to skitter to a halt while clambering through the tunnel with Jalen. Her head swiveled, honing in on the blue haired girl shouldering a rocket launcher.
"Did she just-" Cora gasped, wondering if she was sent by the temple to watch over them, or if she were somehow an interloper. Either way, this was unexpected.
As Makko scrambled to the roof, Cora's focus was pulled back to the task at had by Jalen.
"R-right." She asserted, panic rising in her throat as the droids surged closer.
Cora nearly faltered when the tubing gave way to the open air of the warehouse. "You go first, Jalen." She hissed authoritatively, pushing the younger blonde in front of her and towards the first chain that would take them descending toward the floor. "Now!"
The droids were closing in, and no sooner had she pressed Jalen forward did one of them crawl through the tunnel and grasp for her leg.
"H-hey!" Heart pounding in her throat, Cora was almost immobilized by fear at the sight of the droid's partially melted, decrepit face in the darkness of the tube. She yanked her foot away from its clawing hand, unintentionally scooting forward, and suddenly she was falling.
Apprehension swept through the pack of Padawans, turning to dread in Cora's stomach. Danger sense flared in the Force like an alarm.
She hadn't realized that Makko had fallen away from the pack, but the sudden explosion caused her to skitter to a halt while clambering through the tunnel with Jalen. Her head swiveled, honing in on the blue haired girl shouldering a rocket launcher.
"Did she just-" Cora gasped, wondering if she was sent by the temple to watch over them, or if she were somehow an interloper. Either way, this was unexpected.
As Makko scrambled to the roof, Cora's focus was pulled back to the task at had by Jalen.
"R-right." She asserted, panic rising in her throat as the droids surged closer.
Cora nearly faltered when the tubing gave way to the open air of the warehouse. "You go first, Jalen." She hissed authoritatively, pushing the younger blonde in front of her and towards the first chain that would take them descending toward the floor. "Now!"
The droids were closing in, and no sooner had she pressed Jalen forward did one of them crawl through the tunnel and grasp for her leg.
"H-hey!" Heart pounding in her throat, Cora was almost immobilized by fear at the sight of the droid's partially melted, decrepit face in the darkness of the tube. She yanked her foot away from its clawing hand, unintentionally scooting forward, and suddenly she was falling.