Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Templar Order

Additional information can be found on the main Faction write up as linked to in the original post.
If there are questions, comments or concerns, they can be made here, on the main write up, or in the Q&A in the Faction forum and I will endeavor to provide a response in a timely manner.
The Templar Order remains staunch in its decision to ensure that the denizens of the Galaxy can live in peace away from those whom harness the destructive powers of the Force.
To that end they have embraced the scriptures of the Holy Codex.
The Galaxy was crafted by the Anuic, a place of peace and prosperity; though this is said to have been seen as a slight upon the chaotic Lokhan, those beings that created the Force to separate the peoples and ensure that War and Chaos spread.
The Templar Order thus brings the word of the Holy Codex, venerating the Anuic and seeking to return the Galaxy to their original view of peace and prosperity.

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