Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Terminal [OPEN 'hangout thread' - No Fighting!]

Corvetta's drowsy eyes brightened as [member="Kohai Drenn"] gave a rather animated synopsis of her exciting circumstances, laughing along. "You're a mechanic? That's totally spiff, flygirl." The navigator gave a laborious thumbs up. "I'm a mynock, too. Been a freighter all my life.

"Actually, I was born here. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tear it up." She stuck her tongue out in a stupid smile. "You hiring out too?"
Kohai nodded at [member="Corvetta Salvo"] "That's right. Gotta find a nice pilot with a distinct lack of technical skill, get me some actual money this time."

Sitting back down, Kohai sighed deeply, closing her eyes as she inhaled. "This place has a kinda cool smell to it. Like a mix of... gasoline and sweat..."
Corvetta chuckled at Kohai's commentary. "You hang around here long enough you'll smell like that too--or scotch." The pilot cocked her head and brushed back her streaked hair, hoping she had washed all the grease out since docking. "If you're willing to idle for a day, I can spot you some good payers after I try to get some sleep. Don't know how far you're willing to jet, though."

She turned to [member="Carden Lorps"] and simpered. "What brought you up here, sport? You said you were just hangin', but that's not really a pastime that requires all that fancy armor. Not that I'm aware of, at least..."

[member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Rav Naast"]
Kohai shrugged, cracking her shoulder loudly "I'm willing to go wherever, really. Just need to get some work, soon." She sported an uncharacteristic frown, "Gotta start enforcing the fee, as well."
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]

Rav Naast

"What brings me here? Stuff" Rav said, not wanting to tell anyone about his missions until he trusted them. This was an interesting bunch. A pilot, a mechanic, and two bounty hunters, one was not a mando and wore mando armor. "I've never been much for flying, or fixing things. My specialty would lie more along the lines of ending lives" he said calmly.
The freighter pilot sat up and raised her eyebrow incredulously. "You mean... You didn't get paid?" That was one of the worst things that happened to freelancers like them with no leverage. Asking for some form of payment up front was often imperative.

Corvetta shifted nervously when the Mando stated his 'business'. "That's..." She paused, biting her lip while searching for the best words. "...serious stuff there, bud."

[member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Rav Naast"]
Kohai directed a bright smile towards the pilot, affecting a mild shrug. "Eh... I tend to get... overexcited. I've been cheated before, but it's never been the end of the line, the problem is more that I just... forget to remind them occasionally." She trailed off, scratching the back of her head absently.

Upon [member="Corvetta Salvo"] 's reaction to [member="Rav Naast"] 's statement regarding his skill set, Kohai tilted her head lightly to the right, eyeing him up. "So... you kill people?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]

Rav Naast

"Yeah I kill people. But mostly just people I get paid to kill. Trigger happy? No. But let's put it this way, I'd gut you for the right price" Rav said, resting his hand on his sheathed vibroknife. These people acted like they had never seen a mando before. Hopefully they weren't getting nervous. Offering a warm smile, he turned to kohai. "If you are having trouble with not getting paid, I can help you out"
Corvetta pursed her lips and eyed the other starfarers in the atrium, hoping they did not think she was part of this crew. The flygirl abandoned her drink and positioned herself nearer to [member="Kohai Drenn"], feeling like she had a little more support in that direction. "That's really snazzy of you, Rav-o..." she commented sarcastically. This scene was suddenly making her uncomfortable.

[member="Rav Naast"] [member="Carden Lorps"]
He could what?!

Kohai quickly brought her open hands before her, shaking them in the negative in front of her face. She attempted not to look frantic in the process. "Oh, no no! That's perfectly okay! No need to d-do that!" Is he really... I mean.... I guess that's nice of him... sorta... but really?!

[member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Rav Naast"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

Rav Naast

Rav laughed loudly at her panicking. "No I won't kill them. Do you really think I only kill people? I meant that if you showed up with a mando they would think twice about stiffing you" he said. Apparently if you mention that you kill people for a living and don't mention that you do other things, they peg you as a psychopath, he thought. Seeing the other girl moving away, he sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, I won't hurt a lady" he said, chuckling.

Rav Naast

"Being one does." Rav said, obviously referencing his entire lifetime of combat training and ability to use almost any weapon you put in front of him as well as his much larger size than many humans. "You can wear the armor and not be a good fighter, I agree with that" he said, smiling as he looked at carden's armor. Rav eyed Carden, wondering if he was trying to start something. If he was, Rav intended to take it outside. No need to make a mess in such a nice little cantina
Navigated the astral plane with the sort of mannish "grace" the Zabrakian were known for when it came to piloting ships. His ineptitude forced him to land onto a somewhat vibrant space station, the lights that pierced the endless void of space drew his notice. He'd come to a landing in the docking bay where he would fill up on any whimsical commodities he would need for the duration of his journey. Having noticed the sting of fatigue drain his muscles he'd come to the conclusion that he'd need to rest.

He passed a series of bazaars which really didn't offer anything too useful, save the smell of flesh Gnarlack flesh being cooked over an open fire. He'd promptly look around to see if he noticed anyone among the crowd, having not seen anyone through his partial observation he'd find his way towards Corvetta. "Your eyes rival Hoth's in magnificence my dear..." His voice bore a tinge of mockery to it, as if he was making a not so subtle remark to her blood-shot eyes.

"Is this seat taken?" He'd motion his index finger towards the chair that stood adjacently from here which was currently unoccupied.

Corvetta Salvo

Kohai Drenn

Carden Lorps

Rav Naast
Opening his eyes, the young, teenage Sith pure blood would examine his surroundings, finding himself in the cargo bay of [member="Maleus"]' small transport he piloted. The continous roar of the large ship's engine had begun to die, growing more quiet as time passed. It was sudden change had awoken him, his ears being to sensitive to let such a thing go. If they had landed, that meaned they were at a place of importance, hopefully. Leaping to his feet, the red skinned boy would extend his arm, grabbing for the dark cloak he had left atop some crates he had been lying on. Throwing it over his figure, he would conceal his body, the Sith Academy uniform becoming hidden from prying eyes. Lifting his arms, the boy would grasp around his hood with his red skinned hands, pulling forward to drag it's material over his head. This last step would conceal his face completely now, seeing as a black cloth already wrapping around his neck, covering it and the lower half of his face like a scarf. Exitting the cargo bay, Ballen-Ist would begin his walk, heading down the hall way until he ran into the Zabrak himself. Reaching down to his belt, the Sith would grab at the half-lightsaber he had obtained earlier, by splitting it's whole version. Tossing it to him under-handedly, he would turn and exit the ship, not caring for any comments of anger that he might've had. He did not care, and was not afraid of him.
Remaining silent as Maleus' side, the boy could only protest his thoughts within his mind, seeing as he did not wish to converse with anyone at the moment.

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