Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Terminal [OPEN 'hangout thread' - No Fighting!]

Harrip let a small chuckle leave his lips as he prepared to speak, obviously the laugh would be difficult to see as such due to him being a rakghoul. "Ehehe. No, I do not do spice. Never have, never will. To tell the truth I do not have a business as of yet. I am just traveling." He said this with a little disappointment in his voice, not with the woman, but with himself. He had never tried to get a job, not once in his travels had he thought of such. Of course when he thought about it, it didn't appear he would easily get a job, what with his 'condition' and everything. Then trying to pick himself out of those thoughts he asked, "So what planets have you seen? And what sort of aliens and technology have you met?"

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
No notable signs of intimidation would be shown on the boy's expression, or physical figure. He simply turned, looking at [member="Corvetta Salvo"] with his burning eyes. She was lucky, they were all lucky, for he was not about to start a fight. For some reason, today he did not feel like killing. Perhaps it was do to the tiring trip on Korriban. "You will regret your decision." He spoke, watching as the group decided to leave. Turning to watch them exit the pilot's lounge, a grin would spread across his face as he came to the realization of something. He had not paid [member="Kohai Drenn"] any credits for her work.

Much had transpired after Ballen-Ist and [member="Carden Lorps"] exchange, the man having taken the warning as a small amount of respect. The grin he adorned would grow even more, his teeth shining ominously as he listened to the bounty hunter's words.
"Name a planet, bud. I've probably at least done a flyby." She winked, allowing her ego to swell just a bit. "I've seen all sorts of people, but most of them all want the same thing: control.

"That's actually one of the great things about spacing," she mused, staring off in thought. "You don't belong to anyone or anything. Like me, I'm a citizen of Chandrila somehow... But I've never even padded ground there. Home is wherever I want."

[member=Harrip] [member="Kohai Drenn"]
"Sounds quite nice. So where is your home then?" Harrip asked, wondering how she would reply. Certainly it would be interesting to hear about another person's opinion. He wasn't sure where home was for him, it was mostly Taris probably. But Dromund Kaas would always be a place he could remember and would always be in his heart.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
"Simply because I am not the one who will deal with you." Spoke the Sith, as he turned, walking for the exit. The teenager's dirty, burnt and torn cloak would flutter in his momentum, his figure disappearing as he left the floating cruiser lounge.
[member="Carden Lorps"]
That was no surprise, a sith doing dirty work who thought. "Well it's been a pleasure hanging with you for a short time all but I'm heading back to Coruscant on the next ship." Carden said politely while walking towards a passenger shuttle.
With a start, Kohai jolted up from her seat. She had messed up again! That trasher didn't pay her!

Stomping a foot dramatically, Kohai's hands balled into fists. "Fething bolt-tossing, cloak-wearing, smelly kid!"

Collapsing back into her chair, the girl pouted dejectedly, crossing her arms across her chest. That lightsaber had been a rare treat, but it was also so distracting... and then that weird offer... "Phooey..."

[member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Ballen-Ist"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Harrip"]
Looking up at the armor-clad man, Kohai held up a finger, searching for a name. "I met you earlier... Carden, right?" A smile graced her features again.

"Nothing's the matter, just the Sith doing what they do... Ya know how it is..." Boy did she know how it was. This was by no means the first time she had let her excitement blind her to the money. And I was talking with him about it too...
[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Harrip"]
A small XS Light Freighter touched down in the Terminal, the door slid open, as the smuggler Listeri Dalane walked out of the ship, breathing in the crisp air. His footsteps echoed around him, as he walked into the group of people in front of him.
The pilot lounged against the back of the couch, finally feeling more awake. She shrugged in response to the stranger's question. "I guess I really don't have a home right now. Just any ship that takes me, looks like. But someday I hope to buy my own ride and get to trek around wherever I want.

"Where you from?" she asked.This guy seemed rather odd, she thought, realizing that he had yet to reveal his face.

[member=Harrip] [member="Kohai Drenn"]
"Originally Dromund Kaas. But most recently Taris has been my place of residence." He wondered how she would respond to that. Some people had found it most unbelievable for somebody to come from the planet filled with Rakghouls. Some people didn't even believe him and told him to leave them alone if he couldn't tell the truth. It wasn't always easy, the truth was what he spoke and he tried to keep it that way. Even when it was no longer easy to speak it.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Listeri glanced at the bounty hunter, but shrugged and continued walking into the small group, trying to find any faces he recognized.

[member=Carden Lorps] [member=Corvette Salvo] [member=Kohai Drenn] [member=Harrip]
Kohai looked over at the new arrival. That hat! That coat!

She pointed a finger at him from her seat. "You! I know you... you were at the Stargazer..." Kohai assumed a look of mock degust. "You were trying to get me drunk!"

It was true that she recognized [member="Listeri Dalane"] , but there were no hard feelings of any kind. She repressed a laugh at her own brazen accusation.
[member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Harrip"]
"Taris, huh?" She twisted her lip, browsing her mental index of worlds she had visited. "That's a unique place. Never padded there, but I've heard it's a nice place. Nice destination now since--you know--stuff happened."

Corvetta stopped for an instance, remembering that she had promised Kohai to help find a job and a ride. She was rather irritated that Creepy Kid had cheated the engineer out of her money, and maybe it was best that she help her find some income. However, a new arrival joined them just before she could suggest checking on the flights. Looking back and forth between Kohai and the man with the hat, she digested what little information she could from the mechanic's interjection. "You tried to... what, now?"

[member="Harrip"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Listeri Dalane"]
Harrip was a little surprised that she spoke that way about Taris. It still had Rakghouls, or at least that was the last he knew. It had been awhile since he had been home. Though before he went back to Taris he would rather go back to Dromund Kaas before doing that.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]

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