Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Terrible Toys.

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal shuddered at the possibility of those killer toys being sold to kids. "Ugh that's horrible," Hilal whispered. "What kind of person would use a toy to harm kids? Then again, I sadly see the tactical advantages in assassinations and such but still pretty grisly to involve kids."

Akiya implied that they should split up which caused Hilal to smile. "Are you suggesting we should go our separate ways?" She grinned making sure that Akiya was comfortable when she was pressed against Hilal. "Looks like my bravery is rubbing off on you."

She gave Akiya a wink before giggling. "Just stick close okay?" Hilal said approaching what appeared to be the door to the generator. "Cling onto me like you would a security blanket."

As they arrived, Hilal looked over the computer terminal. "It wants the password," Hilal said. "Got any guesses? Just give me one and I'll try it out."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime

Location: Secret Lab
Outfit: Velran’s Gift Dress
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

”Could be that kids aren’t the final targets. Parents pay less attention to what they are purchasing when a child is whining about how much they need a toy…At least that’s what I remember when I used to shop in malls…” Akiya was spitballing everything that she was saying. Nothing about creating killer cybernetic toys made any sense to her. ”Kill the parents through the kids’ toys? I really hope no one thought that up…but somehow it is more comforting than targeting the children themselves…”

Hearing Hilal mention splitting up Akiya’s eyes popped open. Had she really suggested that? Didn’t seem like her. Maybe she was talking crazy in her haste to get out of this lab safely and not let any of the toys out in the process. ”Um…no…not split up…” Akiya stuttered. She didn’t want to be far from Hilal, both for her safety and the feelings that she got when close to the young Mandalorian.

The young geneticist sighed in relief and blushed at the wink as Hilal didn’t seem to think that going in different directions was a good idea. ”I can study as we go,” Akiya stated softly as she very happily clung tightly to Hilal. ”If I have a datapad with their info…” That might involve pulling back from Hilal a bit, but she would be close enough.

Akiya’s front was pressed against Hilal’s back and her chin rested on Hilal’s shoulder again so that she could see what Hilal saw. She gave a bit of a hiss when they reached a password protected door. ”Playhouse?” Akiya shrugged at a guess for what the password could be. It didn’t really make sense to make the connection, but the voice that was taunting them had called this place its playhouse…maybe…
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal smiled leaning her head against Akiya's cheek the moment she rested her chin on her shoulder. "Normally you want to randomize your password," she whispered to Akiya. "Put capitalize randomize and maybe add symbols on it that way it'll be harder for hackers to break into your systems."

As a hacker, Hilal managed to crack in many Holocomputers just because people loved to add passwords like: Bob1234. Easy to guess passwords made a user vulnerable which is why people often see news about hackers gaining access to high level security documents or they end up stealing other people's information. The young Bounty Hunter entered the password and the door swung open.

"Wow......" Hilal whispered. "I didn't know you were good at guessing passwords Akiya. Are you hacker like me? We should totally try to crack inside some programs someday!"

It was a faint hope, but Akiya was a genius when it came to Biology, maybe she's one of those supergenius who is knowledgeable at everything. As they entered, Hilal looked around her pistol close to her while making sure that Akiya clung onto her safely. "I see the generator," Hilal whispered spotting a large machine quietly rumbling. "I'll go and disable it real quick, look around for any datapads maybe we gleam more information about the toys."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime

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