Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Thief and The Maverick


Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Equipment: Jedi Temple, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Millie Millie

<Ah, victory!>

Jax gave a hearty laugh towards BB-12's remark, by the Force how long since he allowed himself to laugh like that? It felt like years but there was a good reason to utter out a laugh. The Silver Jedi won at Sev Tok, they've beaten back the Bryn, they've held the line and now the Bryn are retreating from their bloody campaign. It was all about making sure that they never commit acts of genocide again. It was the first time the Silvers and by extension the galaxy could breathe as sigh of relief it was about damn time that there was some hope in the galaxy after months of constant bad news. Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was right all along and Jax was one of the few who believed her warnings and helped mobilize an effective defense. He wondered what happened to her? Part of Jax wanted to see Ingrid and tell her that she was right but the GA and NIO had plans of their own with Ingrid. She needed to answer for her alleged crimes of allying with the Sith among other things. Though Jax questioned that notion as to why allying with a hated enemy warrants a Kangaroo Trial and execution but it was mostly due to the NIO's insistence.

"Indeed," Jax answered angling his X-Wing towards the landing pad. "It's been a long time since I can finally sit down but BB," Jax flipped a few switches in order to initiate the landing cycle. "Don't get too comfortable we land, take a small break and then we get back to assisting the SJC so no fracking hanging out with Droid prostitutes."

<Jax baby!> BB-12 whirred. <I for one would never get caught up in debauchery come on what do you take me for?>

The hatch opened up and Jax exited his ship while Jedi pilots along with droids began to run past him and BB-12 to refuel his ship. "A gluttonous little chit," Jax answered. "Now don't go too far okay? I'm going to meditate for a bit."

<Whatever!> BB-12 sped away from Jax causing him to roll his eyes in response. "He already has a few calls in place." he muttered.


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