Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Thing That Should Not Be

Brunas Drace

Brunas was quick to call his own saber to hand, igniting it outward in a sickly yellow glow that lit up his face and that of the nearest foe. His skeletal friends set about ambushing one of the others, those that were clad in the acidic flesh of the slime beast singing through the skin of the one they accosted and causing screams of pain to render up through the air.
With it came an unimaginable stench.
His blade caught that of the female who had rushed to his side, her own purple lightsaber jutting through the air. He held it for a moment, a battle of strength, before a well placed use of trakata had him cutting through her blade. The result was one less enemy to contend with, as his saber dashed down through her skull.
One foot raised to kick her aside as she fumbled toward the ground, and then he turned toward the next.
If they had been paying attention, then trakata would not catch them off guard next time... In fact they'd likely be more wary to lock blades with him at all.
Ishani was still struggling with her opponent when the acrid smell of flesh burning hit her nose, a stench no one ever forgot. Yet to her it smelled… wrong. Very wrong. Yes, she had smelled it before, but this was different—more pungent, more visceral.

As she staggered back, trying to put some space between herself and the catsuit-clad witch in front of her, she caught a glimpse of white and yellow out of the corner of her eye. The slain witches were bleeding white, and the yellow appeared to be viscera. Were they some sort of alien species that just looked human? No… this seemed like a disease or corruption. Sithspawn, perhaps?

The Twi’lek witch lunged at her. Ishani parried the blow, but her opponent’s strength far outclassed her own. The witch stretched out her hand and lightning leaped from her fingers toward Ishani.


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