Where an effervescent calm had laid siege to her, a stark indifference plastered on her face, came a tumultuous rage that frothed forth like the foams of space and time from a nebulous stage that had never once been seen by mortal eyes. The Dark Lord was dead. ".." Silence echoed through her mind, and she stepped forwards from her small nook in the throne room. She had been so close to tasting success, and suddenly it had been ripped away from her, and that burned her soul like the fires of chaos. "Fething rats.." She muttered, her hands curling into small fists, her stature suddenly seemingly tiny to her perception of the room around her. She was the smallest object, the being of least concern, and her eyes were alight with anxiety - clouded with confusion - when she parted her lips with a snarl. "How dare you!" Silara screamed, her rage not born out of some foolish loyalty, it was far deeper than that. She had diverted her entire life, the entirety of her ambitions, all of her personal vendettas, thrown away life, limb, and love for the notion of following the Dark Lord, to become closer to the true Sith Lords of the One Sith and with one fell swoop, one moment of madness, she had been robbed of that experience, of that fulfillment. In that single, glaring, infuriating moment she ceased to wear her masks. She dropped the guise of a simpleton, of some fool blinded by morality and nobility, of some cliched evil-doer to follow the path laid before her. Silara stepped forth not as some mannequin, not as some puppet, but as herself, and though she did not care for subtleties in such a situation, she was still cautious of waylaying anyone in the room just yet - lest she be seen as something she was not.
A remaining arc of blue light struck the wall beside her, obliterating its hallowed stone, and a less potent spark split off from the bolt and surged through the side of her face, illuminating her veins with a faint electric blue hue, her eyes glistening with tears. This was pathetic, all of these fools were pathetic. She could see clearly now, determine the pretenders from the rest, and Junra was both the source of her anxiety and also of one of two true beacons of darkness within the chambers now that the Dark Lord was dead. The other was Vornskr, and she could feel the beginnings of another, a man whom she was not familiar with, reaching the same point as Junra and the Epicanthix. She could move towards them, gravitate towards the source of power like a foolish whelp, becoming yet another peon among many, become nothing but a puppet to be controlled by those whom were truly Sith.
'I will have none of that.'
No longer was she bound by fealty to an idol, no longer was she a slave to ideals. No, she would become a Sith. A true Sith. Kark the rest, those fething pretenders, those foolish martyrs and their idiotic followers. Silara could see what was changing, she could feel the presence of absolution hanging in the air around her. It went further than simple observation, beyond a mere sense of foreboding - she was more than adept in the nature of farseeing, and her visions through the force had been building up in the past weeks. On the verge of reaching the pinnacle of prediction through the force, so close and still so incredibly far, the map to the potential future was strewn out naked to her eyes, and with it came her rage. These Sith Lords didn't care about their group, about anything - all they had cared about was amassing wealth, power, knowledge.
All of these was done with absolutely no foresight, no proper planning, and now turmoil would reign - nay, it would crumble their foundation just as they had been on the verge of crushing the Republic, of defeating those fething Mandalorians. "What now? What do you heathens plan to do now that you have cast away your directive?" Silara shouted, her fists held firmly at her sides. Looking towards Vornskr all she could see was a selfish ambition, and towards Junra was something not quite as dark as it seemed. [member="Reverance"] was a cloud of mystery to her, an enigma, but none of them seemed wholly appropriate to take the place of the Dark Lord, as Junra had now failed her expectations in her foolish rage. Now the thin chord that held her, tied her, to the One Sith hung dependent on their answer.
[member="Darth Junra"]