Derisive Umbaran

Not wanting to remain vulnerable to the intelligence and espionage activities of other factions, the Tionese Internal Security Service was formed. The TISS is focused on detecting and preventing sabotage and other clandestine activities from taking place within Tionese space.
Much like the Whiteguard, TISS was founded by a joint project of all planets in the Tion Cluster, spearheaded by the corporate-dominated Tion Hegemony. Also like the Whiteguard, the TISS is coordinated and administrated by the Hegemony, to prevent it from being dominated by the interests of a single planet.
TISS operates independently of other standard planetary intelligence agencies, but is still run largely on the funds contributed by the planets of the Tion Cluster. Likewise, so too is TISS’ personnel made up of volunteers offered by the planets of the Tion Cluster.
TISS employs mostly the human and near human natives of the Tion Cluster. These recruits generally come from the independent intelligence services of many Tion Cluster worlds. The recruits are also generally from the upper classes and with degrees from secondary education institutions. This said, virtually all recruits are human or near-human.
A minority of personnel are made up of distinguished law enforcement personnel or non-Tionese freelance agents that have been hired into the TISS. An even smaller minority consists of alien informants acting outside of the Tion Cluster.
Field agents are required to undergo cybernetic augmentation, brought to you by the Neuro-Saav Corporation. These enhancements are quite extreme, costly, and take some time to get used to (adding a longer training period for all personnel), but ultimately are considered worth the expense. The cybernetics typically received by members of the Tionese White Guard are either the Cardio-Muscular Package, the Hyperaccelerated Nerve Implant, or (in rare circumstances) both.
Other enhancements typically purchased for Field agents include PsiCom interfaces, Hi-Sense Eyes, and other cybernetics that would greatly assist them in their duties. Field agents are also typically armed with blaster weapons, or silenced slugthrowers. On occasion, higher ranking members will carry a disruptor pistol and are the only group legally able to do so within Tion.
As far as armor goes, the field agents are only lightly armored. They do wear a molytex blasterproof vest under their uniforms.
Unlike the Whiteguard, TISS does not operate many independent branch headquarters throughout the Tion Cluster. Instead they share office spaces with their planetary counterparts. Oftentimes those in the employ of planetary intelligence services aren’t even aware they’re working with TISS agents.
Still, TISS must maintain some sort of working headquarters. To this end, they share Lianna’s Fort Xim with the Tionese Whiteguard.