Derisive Umbaran

- Intent: To provide the Tion Cluster with an elite defense force present on all Tionese planets.
- Development Thread: [X]
- Name: The Tionese Whiteguard
- Affiliation: Tion Cluster, Tion Hegemony
- Availability: Uncommon
- Type: Elite Infantry
- Strength: The Whiteguard number somewhere in the hundreds of thousands, though they are spread rather thinly across the Tion Cluster. Typically, one should not expect to see more than one thousand on any given world. In direct combat, one shouldn't expect to see more than twenty-five at once, unless running around one of their home installations. If not on a Tionese world, seeing more than five in one spot would be roughly equivalent to seeing a unicorn.
The Tionese Whiteguard are a large, elite force of men and women with the objectives of defending and increasing the prestige of the Tion Cluster. Having the Silver Jedi encroaching on their territory and other unsavory factions nearby, the Tion Hegemony felt it necessary to pool together the resources of the planets they held sway over.
Founded and directed by the Tion Hegemony, the Tionese Whiteguard is jointly contributed to by the planets that make up the Tion Cluster. From Lianna to Rudrig, even Raxus Secundus contributes, despite being occupied by those simpering Jedi offshoots. Just as well, it is all of the planets that contribute that also send a portion of their defense budgets towards the Tionese White Guard.
Coordination and deployment of the Tionese Whiteguard is mostly left to the Tion Hegemony, who kindly volunteered to administrate the organization on behalf of all of the Tion Cluster.
Many branches of Tionese nobility choose to send some of their less important children to serve in the Whiteguard. Their second sons or otherwise disruptive and foolish offspring who are in need of a good military stint, if you will. However, this is not enough to sustain the entire Tionese Whiteguard.
Normal citizens of the Cluster who find themselves in good shape or of some prestige may also apply for the Tionese Whiteguard. They, however, are vetted much more carefully. These citizens are frequently promised an elevation to noble status if they distinguish themselves, but as of now it hasn’t happened.
Some planets of the Tion Cluster seek to bolster their recruitment quotas by permanently enlisting the services of high-quality mercenaries and bounty hunters. The favored among these unscrupulous hirelings are rogue Echani and Mandalorian mercenaries. By and large, they are cultural outcasts who had issues with concepts like “honor,” “mercy,” and “hey maybe please don’t be a complete jerk all the time.”
These varied backgrounds make for some very interesting conversations among the enlisted. Which, incidentally, is 100% human or near-human.
A fair portion of the Tionese Whiteguard undergo Hegemony-subsidized cybernetic augmentation, brought to you by the Neuro-Saav Corporation. These enhancements are quite extreme, costly, and take some time to get used to (adding a longer training period for all personnel), but ultimately are considered worth the expense. The cybernetics typically received by members of the Tionese Whiteguard are either the Cardio-Muscular Package, the Hyperaccelerated Nerve Implant, or (in exceedingly rare circumstances) both.
The signature model of the Tionese Whiteguard, pictured more clearly here, is modeled after that of the Stormtroopers of ancient yore. It’s remarkably more effective than that armor, naturally, as Tion clearly has no intention of wasting expensive cybernetics on people if they’re just going to die from any old blaster wound.
As far as weaponry goes, Whiteguard typically employ BlasTech weapons and little else. On occasions where it might be deemed necessary, such as repelling a ruthless invasion of Silver Jedi, the Tionese White Guard will utilize BlasTech’s newly added slugthrower catalog. They still have a preference for energy based weapons, of course.
The Tionese Whiteguard maintain a number of recruitment stations across the Tion Cluster, with multiple stations on multiple planets. Each planet, however, only maintains one military base for the Tionese Whiteguard. A notable exception to this is Lianna, which houses both its usual base and the heavily fortified headquarters of the Tionese Whiteguard.
All of these bases are given a four digit identifier and are not named. The headquarters, located in the snow-capped mountainous regions of Lianna, is known as Fort Xim. Whiteguard are often deployed to protect important areas on planets in the Tion Cluster. These areas range from national monuments, capitol buildings, to corporate headquarters.
The Tionese Whiteguard are trained in a variety of infantry disciplines and weapons usage. They are also well versed in several disciplines of unarmed combat, mostly those disciplines practiced by Echani and Mandalorian combatants. More exotic weapon proficiencies and styles of unarmed combat are generally unknown to the Whiteguard.