So! Things we know so far based on what other people have added:
-The ship is upside down.
-There are active fires on at least some parts of the ship.
-The planet we crashed on is uninhabited by "people".
- The planet we crashed on is (in this area at least) a "jungle" type terrain.
-There are hungry, scary things that come out at night.
-*Someone* was killed by blaster fire before/as the ship was crashing. Is it related to the crash itself, or unrelated opportunism? We don't know yet! We'll find out! (anyone who still hasn't joined and wants to be the person who did that for whatever your own reasons are can still hop in!)
-Part of the ship is opened up on one side to the jungle and thusly makes the ship susceptible to something from the outside getting in!
-There is extinguisher foam available to help put out the fires at various points throughout the ship. Each In Case of Emergency box also contains a small, hand held laser cutter.
If I missed anything, let me know. I will periodically update stuff like that here in the ooc thread as new "Yes" features get filled in
I'll be keeping an updated, running list in the first post of this ooc thread so it's all in the same place and easy to look at, at a glance.