Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Training Begins (Private)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"Yes it is and here where there is the amberite more so as the crystals it is part of are living beings. They might not always look like it but you should be careful that is why crystal harvesting is done very carefully in here and most of the largest are left alone. To let the amberite breed but they show jedi where the stronger force crystals are. The ones that resonate and are kyber allowing a jedi to use them in their lightsaber."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Lightsaber! Lightsaber!" , the voice sounded in the Padawan's head. "W...what was t...that about a saber?" , he asked , starting to find some difficulty in sending Force , since he was almost with none. "I want to be a lightsaber! Lightsaber!". "D...did you h..hear that master?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"Yes I did." matsu said it while she was looking over some of the parts and was careful watching her padawan before she walked through the caves more. Seeing some fo the others as they were moving and testing the armor along with other parts of the equipment. "We have the parts if you wish to make a lightsaber here there are crystals around that can be used for a number of options." She continued to walk forward with her hands clapsed behind her back.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

The Padawan looked at a small open spot in a wall, and with a bit of reluctancy, he let the crystal in there. "I don't want to make a lightsaber, but I find it interesting, that something so simple as a crystal...", he stopped to recover a bit, "Can have a mind of its own, and even desires.".
He walked forward with the Master, letting the crystal in the spot he had put it in. "What is exactly a kyber crystal Master?".
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"A kyber crystal is a force crystal at its most base form. Small shards are used by the jedi and set in a lightsaber from there it bonds with the jedi to develop the color of the blade usually something that fits with them but not all the time and at times it works in caves to provide a mental test that the padawan must overcome. Something that fits with their own personality and is usually not repeated by many of the others or people."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"All kyber crystals have mind of their own, and even test Padawans? That's very impressive.", he continued walking with his Master. "So how can I be able to talk to a normal kyber crystal, without it being an amberite one?", he was very curious and excited to learn more about the Jedi, and their abilities.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"The same way I showed you but it will be less clear, the amberite has a mind of its own and kyber isn't the only crystal, there are many other types that can speak it is just a matter of training your ears to listen." She waited there and crouched down showing some of the crystal that were glowing different colors. "Like these and there are millions more in these caves, going throughout the entire moon itself. It is why the ancient jedi made a city here and why this system holds value. All of the worlds, all of the moons have large deposits of crystals."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

The Padawan crouched next to his Master, and took one of the crystals that he had been shown. It was a white looking crystal and he held it in his hand, and with a deep breath, he sent Force trought his palm. "Hello?", he awaited for an answer.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu moved away from the padawan, to give him a chance to learn and commune without distraction so that it would be a better and easier time. Her attention was on more of the details that they were working on before she was joined by the others who were working on the bioarmor. They had developed many things with Sasori as well as with some of the things that they were developing as she looked it over. The gauntlet armor that was brought to her while she was touching it and inserted her hand into the biomas before it was forming around and to her hand and forearm. Shifting shape to develop into a blade that gleamed before shifting into a hammer and then a mace.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Hi", said the crystal. This time, the voice was not just in his head, it echoed troughout the cave. Some people that were working on the bioarmor seemed to notice it, and turned their heads towards the Padawan who was trying to communicate with the crystal. "Hi.. I..'m... Undi..n, a..nd re?", as he sent yet another burst of energy trought his palm, the voice came again, but this time, it seemed weaker, like it was fading. It must've been, since the Padawan was still weak from the other crystal. "I'm crys....tal".
The boy stopped for a second to regain his breath and energy.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

She could feel her padawan and was letting him continue while shaping the armor, the biomass feeling on her skin while she brought it over and small tendrils came out of it to start gathering the crystal and rocks to break it down and absorb it. It wouldn't be much but they could use it to feed the biomass that would be there before she changed it to a hammer that had a small pry side to get itno the rock and pull it away to touch some of the crystals for them to search it.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Undin was feeling better now, and continued sending energy "Do all crystals call themselves crystal?", to which the voice came back "I don't know, I never met another crystal.". For some reason the Padawan was feeling weak again, and decided to stop training for today. He felt something grunting. The boy looked down and realized he hadn't had lunch yet, and figured that was why.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Matsu heard her padawans stomach and she had to agree, there was a time to eat and she pulled out from the belt one of the small cubes of food they had designed using the canteen for a moment before she added the water opening up the wrapper in her hand. The food started puffing up while she ate some fo the food and looking at him. "The MRE"s from Saori are an entire weeks worth of food in small cubes from compression. Just add some water and enough to feed most wookiee's."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

The padawan's stomach grunted harder, with a following "May I have some aswell Master?". It was interesting how a week worth of food could be compressed into something so little as that cube. Very impressive indeed. It seemed that his Master, was not only an inventor but also an innovator, and probably life saver, as some families may not be able to afford a whole week of food, and in this way it offered a more economic and time-saving product.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Matsu looked at him and held her hand there for him while there was some bird as a thick skinless piece of meat before she was speaking. "of course. Remember to pick some up for your belt when you get back, after you are done here. There is soup and sweet cream in their own cans as well and the cans can find some uses afterwards or will break down fairly easily to protect the environment." Matsu was movign around and continued to eat some of the food while she looked around the caves.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

The padawan took the bird and started eating. "This tastes delicious.", he said with his mouth full. "This was a great day of training Master. You are very wise.". He took a good look at the caves, he wanted to remember them forever, incase he didn't come back.
He then felt his smaller lightsaber and that immediately reminded him of Yoda. He decided it would be good to find out some more about the old Grandmaster. "Master, do you know anything of a tiny alien called Yoda?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"I know plenty of master yoda, he is a very old and wise master who passed on a great deal to the order if you know where to look and I worked with several recovery teams to find where to look." As well as did several trials to learn from a force ghost but that was harder to explain and you sort of needed to have been there like her daughters and padawan had been to understand it.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"You see, when I found his lightsaber, I got in a predicament, as in I was arrested by the Coruscant police for breaking into a museum. But I didn't steal it, I found it where Master Yoda had lost it. And when I was in the cell, he... he spoke to me and helped me.", he continued to eat as he imagined what Master Yoda would look like when he was alive. He then had an idea, to find more knowledge about Master Yoda and what he passed on. "What, if my first mission is to find stuff that once belonged to Master Yoda?".
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"THen it would be a very short mission, he owned very little aside from a saber and likely a holocron. The rest maybe a set of robes if he wore them for years might have become force enhanced enough to be durable and not degrade." There wasn't much from a number of jedi, you just had to look and see what might be there... plus wearing some robes was a strange thing unless you knew what to do with them or had managed to get them in a condition where they were clean.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I see. Then, what Jedi missions are there to do?", the boy felt excited to even having the thought of going in a mission. It would be fantastic. Maybe searching ancient tombs? Recovering lost items? Who knew what his Master had in plan for him. But nonetheless, it would be very exciting and probably dangerous.

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