Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Traveling Wanderer

  • Thread starter The Traveling Wanderer
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The Traveling Wanderer

Tegaea Alcori said:
@[member="The Traveling Wanderer"] I think you need another l in your name.

Good luck, but bear in mind that cross overs or close crossovers with other genres aren't encouraged. If you're taking this to original ground, I wish you good fortune. :)
Who would be stupid enough to do that?
The Last Son
You mean, "That many people?"

Sorry man had to pull that one. But anyways, yes that many people. Ether they are so excited to make a character that the miss letters, or they are typing way to fast and over look it.

The Traveling Wanderer

I'm trying to make my character original, so don't expect any Doctor Who references in my roleplays!

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