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Faction The Trial of the Dark Empress [Part II]

A Light Shining in Darkness

Space Station: Peace
Unknown Area of the Galaxy
876 ABY

Jedi from the various orders were given spots in the trial room - each found their seats as required and set out. The gathering was small, less than a dozen, simply for the purpose of containing crowds. After the failure of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's trial - allowing anyone beyond the most necessary would prove disastrous. For now, this would have to do for their trials; especially with such dangerous entities on the stand.​
Wyatt found his own seat in the Grandmaster's chair - or rather, what once was. He didn't do so to imply authority, only that Peace had once again fallen into his hands, and it seemed only appropriate. He adjusted awkwardly in it, before tensing once more - just as Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin was brought out. She had only been unfrozen from carbonite a short time prior - he doubted her faculties were all back to her, but still she was bound in more chains and force inhibiting technology than one could shake a stick at.​
All for the sake of keeping her contained during the trial. Sith were notorious for breaking out, especially when it suited them to do so publicly - so Wyatt spared no expense on containing her.​
He'd stand and speak, the trial being recorded and sent to databases aboard the ship; not live, for the time being, but to a few Jedi Enclaves.​
" Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin - Darth Desmius - you are brought to this court today for crimes against the Galaxy. Warmongering, consuming life essence, and further raising generations of Sith to kill others. Before we begin, I'd like to state something simple -"​
"- You may not recognize the authority of this tribunal. You may not be the genocidal Sith Emperor that Carnifex was, or the all consuming entity that Voracitos is; but your crimes are your burden to bear, and you will be tried. No matter the time from when they occurred."​
"Do you have anything to say to begin?"​

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
You weren't supposed to stay conscious during carbon freeze,, but she'd done it throughout the cold, dark trip here. After months of Drengir pursuit, locked-in syndrome had been downright relaxing.

She kept her back straight and body relaxed despite the chains and the technology that kept her from the Force.

Her eyes flickered silver as she looked around the council chamber, measuring each of them in turn. As Wyatt finished speaking, Ashin refocused on him.

"Yes," she said evenly. "Thirty years ago, at a Jedi convocation on Sigma Station, another multipartisan council sentenced me regarding my time in the Sith Empire and the Lords of the Fringe. I paid my debt to society — a major factor in why none of you have ever seen thrones, crowns, or armies with my name on them. I look forward to defending myself regarding anything I'm alleged to have done since then."

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Valery Noble Valery Noble Romi Jade Romi Jade Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson Gir Quee Gir Quee Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
“That’s true,” Korr said, his features hard and inscrutable.

He had been caught up in this affair, but now he sat in one of the chairs surrounding Ashin, assigned the duty of judging her when he had been fighting by her side not long before.

“But a school dedicated to the dark side? Why? You might not have committed further crimes, but what of your students.”

Although in this regard Korr supposed she was no less guilty than an unscrupulous arms dealer. Still, he wanted to hear her explanation.
Travot sat quietly in his chair and steepled his hands as the other's talked. To say that Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin was legendary (or infamous depending on how you looked at it) was probably an understatement. Some names quickly faded into obscurity, but others rose to the top and stayed there in the annals of history. He guessed that the woman's was among the latter even though she'd probably prefer to be among the former.

He could empathize with that if she was truly reformed. But was she?

He was tempted to immediately start building off of the line of Korr's questioning - indeed, that was the most puzzling part about it to Travot. While practicality had sometimes meant working alongside dark siders temporarily. it was usually something of a last resort - the values espoused by such philosophy inevitably clashed with those of the Jedi. People could not tolerate something that would eventually lead to their own destruction. Did she not feel any sense of responsibility to the guidance and teaching she provided to her students who might lash out at the galaxy? Or did she feel like she had already paid her debt for that and then some years ago in a different manner?

He'd certainly be curious to see her defense, but first he'd wait to see what the others had for their opening statements.

Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion | Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
“But a school dedicated to the dark side? Why? You might not have committed further crimes, but what of your students.”
"You're correct, Master Korr: for the last four years I've been the captain of the Pomojema, an unaffiliated mobile school for Force practitioners, many of whom you'd consider darksiders.

"After they leave, am I accountable for five percent of their actions, or fifty percent, a hundred? Answer that question however you see fit. Regardless, I'm proud of the learning environment I've built and the example I've set. I don't teach maniacs or marauders: I teach the next Traya, Lumiya, Tirdarius, Adekos. It's thankless work."

A small, dry smile set in.

"But you're welcome anyway."
A Light Shining in Darkness
"While none of those mentioned are on trial, it should be noted for the record that Traya was a well documented doomsday cultist intent on destroying the Force, Lumiya was a war monger who killed millions in her war efforts, Tirdarius helped establish and support Carnifex's Sith Empire, and Adekos has been a notable associate of Maliphant, both found to have comitted various murders on Empress Teta some time ago."​
He adjusted in his seat, as he brought his attention back to her.​
"Maniacs and Marauders they are not, but often the most dangerous Sith are those with some semblence of rationale and control. What matters is you forgoed the redemption offered to you by the previous tribunal, and continued to raise generations of Sith who have in turn caused great calamities."​

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
and continued to raise generations of Sith who have in turn caused great calamities."

"As I said, I only created the Pomojema four years ago. I'm not aware of any of my students — or my daughters, if that's what you're referencing — causing great calamities. Or do you intend to find me not just guilty of others' crimes, but guilty of others' potential future crimes?"

Again, a dry little smile.

"No, this trial isn't about my crimes — I'll note that the charges have shifted more than once since my arrest, even in the last five minutes — but about finding me generically guilty to send a message. And in fact, you confessed exactly that to me in private."

Nobody in this room knew that her current body had limited shapeshifting capabilities. In an uncomfortable but well-practiced moment, she shifted and became Wyatt Morga. His face, his expression...his voice.

"I considered that exact thing. Stripping you of the force, taking what memories you have and letting your build yourself up from nothing. Others may propose Force Light to destroy your soul, more still may hope for Force Ghosts to bind your as they did Sidious. More still don't even want a trial, especially after what Carnifex did to the Ashlan Crusade."​
He exhaled heavy.​
"But I want you to understand why I need to do this. Ashin, as a Sith of your caliber, you represent great darkness. Guilt with no justice, crimes never answered - your very existence as you stand is a threat to Galactic peace. Not because of who you are, but because of what you are.", he said with a further deepening frown.​
"With what Darth Solipsis has done to the Galactic Alliance, for what Carnifex has done to the Crusade, and no doubt what others will do soon - I have to prove Jedi can still do what Jedi must. I am sorry that you are the target of that..."​

"Predetermined outcome, symbolic sentence, not because of who I am and what I've done, but because you want to send a message that you're strong. Tell me, Grandmaster. How many of the others here knew that you always intended to find me guilty, that I'm not here on any actual charges, and that I was already sentenced and punished for the vast majority of my crimes?"

Silver inner eyes unveiled but otherwise still physically Wyatt, she made eye contact (or tried to) with Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , Romi Jade Romi Jade , Gir Quee Gir Quee , Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion , Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson , Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , and Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka . Some of them wouldn't care. Some might.
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt remained unmoved as she transitioned and spoke as he did, simply watching her speak her peace. A finger rubbed at his chin as he watched, the Sith's attempt to change the courts attention - to manipulate the truth as Sith often did. It was not a suprise what she was doing, nor did Wyatt seem at all perturbed by it - only focused on the situation.​
"... but I will do what I can to ensure you are fairly treated, that you get a chance at something more. That's the part you notably forgot to mention, Ashin."​
"Does she repeat my words?", he said with a glance to Korr.​
"Yes.", he said with a gentle acknowledgment.​
"Does she speak with context?", he said with a furrow his brow.​
"No. What she references, poorly, is the goal of the Jedi Covenant to reassure the Galaxy of the Jedi after the efforts by other Sith lords to undermine Jedi's reputation, and the trust placed within us. Notably after Solipsis's infiltration of the Senate, Raaf's betrayal of the Jedi Order, and the various other crimes Jedi are often accused of - guilty or not."​
He'd press a few buttons on his own chair, and a full transcript of their discussion on the Jedi's ship would appear. Notably, that the conversation in context was why she was being targeted for capture; rather than a clumsy admittance of a show trial. With that offered to them, Wyatt would return to speaking.​
"The purpose of this trial is first and foremost the assessment of her guilt - whether she truly paid for her crimes, that she has not continued to be a threat to the Galaxy, that she has shown repentance. Second, it is to show that Jedi can work together to accomplish such - without armies or a singular Order. Her guilt is not necessary for the latter, despite what she may think. Her capture and this trial are."​
He brought his looks back upon her.​
"Sith are often skilled at manipulation, preying on the shadows in the mind. Is there more darkness you hope to prey on, or may we return to the trial at hand? I would like to ask you about your contact with the Sith Orders - training members of the Maw, associating and assisting members of the Sith Order. Warlords of the Sith, Sith Eternal, New Sith Order, and the remnants of the Sith Empire."​
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Now the scowl turned toward Ashin and Korr folded his hands into the sleeves of his robe. So long away from other Jedi only to be found fighting side by side with a Sith. And now, mere moments into her trial, she had managed to twist the words of another Jedi to make him doubt. Make him fear.

Ryan's gaze drifted to the floor and he stared at it hard as he contemplated everything he had just heard.

He said no more.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"There is, perhaps, not as much daylight between what you said and what you say you meant as you'd like us to believe."

Ashin squinted at the transcript on display and chuckled. She jangled her chains ostentatiously, looking around for a chair, and shifted back into her own current face.

"I think it's time for me to stop doing your job for you, and time for you to start bringing forward evidence. Trials have evidence, yes?"

OOC/ I'll leave it at that, Ashin's said her piece. If any of you still have direct questions for her, she'll answer.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"In time.", he offered back.​
"First, I'd like my question previously answered; have you had contact with the various Sith Orders and their denominations? In these communications, have you assisted in training them upon the Pomojema? Have you made deals that otherwise benefitted their Orders?"​
Ashin went very still.

"I will answer those questions," she said quietly, gaze locked on Wyatt, "if you finally answer me this, Grandmaster. What are the charges against me right now? And what were the charges when you put me under arrest?"
At this, Ryan looked up, glancing over to Wyatt.

"Ashin," he grimaced, finally turning toward her, "you know as well as I do that this is not a Coruscanti court of law. You were arrested for training Sith and waging unjust wars, but do not be surprised if the charges change based on what we hear. This is not a court where you can point out we charged you with the wrong thing and everything falls apart based on a technicality. Because this is not a court at all."

Did anyone even inform her she had a right to remain silent? Ryan could not recall, which was the basic point.

"This is vigilante justice. Jedi justice. But no one will be beating a confession out of you," he scowled at Wyatt. "And no one is forcing you to continue talking if you do not wish."

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Ashin nodded once.

"That answers my question as well as it can be answered. Thank you, Grandmaster, and I'll take your advice. Time to let others speak, I think. Do as you will."

As there were no available chairs, she took a seat against the wall in a clatter of chains and Force-nullification technologies. Her body still carried the fatigue of the Drengir battle and the carbon-freeze. She settled down to wait, listen, and watch.
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt returned the gaze of Ryan, but didn't share the scowl.​
"As Master Korr said."​
"To repeat what was stated, you are charged with all the crimes you have admitted to - and many you have not. If you have had continued communication with the Sith Orders of the galaxy, if you have assisted them in any capacity with their attacks upon Coruscant, Wayland, and other worlds. If you have not rejected your past as a Sith, and still participate directly or indirectly in the continued crimes of the Sith."​
"So, will you answer the questions, Ashin? The more you assist us in finding the truth, the more reliable this court can be."​

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Ashin shook her head with a sigh. Chains jangled as she got more comfortable against the wall beside the door. Any other reasonably comfortable position would have put her behind and between a pair of the gathered adjudicators, and she intended to avoid that particular unnecessary antagonism.

After all, it wouldn't do to make anyone uncomfortable.
'Cotan Sar'andor' was listening attentively, though he made no move to take the word. To do so would be to violate the understanding by which he was here and 'Cotan' was very much a man of his word. In fact, the man seemed to almost blend into the background, one silent observer among a dozen, unique only in that he was only an honorary Master of the Jedi. A very convenient disguise, all things considered.

These Jedi took their security seriously. Very seriously. For once, Kal could not simply slip in - but Ashin's trial was far too interesting to miss. It was fortunate that he had been able to convince Cotan to let him borrow his identity, albeit with a small laundry list of rules and limitations.

For obvious reasons, the older Je'daii did not want it known that a Padawan was running around in his guise.

Naturally, those restrictions were only the beginning. He could feign a lack of importance well enough, but only so long as he did not seek to affect the proceedings in any way or even extend his Forceful senses beyond the most cursory of examinations. At least he could safely rely on his eyes.
Space Station: Peace
Unknown Area of the Galaxy
876 ABY

Through an aura of coldness, everything up until she'd heard her name called had been muffled...

She was lost in between the trial and her own thoughts, often times feeling as those she could still hear the deep hunger pangs of the Drengir -- the moist maneuvering of the stomach contracting; Immediately, their collective voice followed. Something had allowed them to become tethered...

The space that reality commanded welled up around her, and nearly deafened her when she snapped back into it.

"Can you both bring Ashin's confiscated belongings, and assist the court in finding their history? I understand you are both very capable in Psychometry."

She nodded.

She wasn't a natural psychometrist, but she had skill in the area of recalling and manipulating memories among other things. She'd only ever used psychometry, specifically, when her mental abilities were further expanded by the Crown -- She found a place within the folds of mentalism; those arenas came natural to her.

She helped bring over several items:

She equipped the crown.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga | Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion | Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin

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