Welcome to Star Wars RP.net!
If you want to change your account's profile picture, you will need to first be logged on as that account. This means switching to the subaccount, which can be done by clicking the dropdown menu on the top right of the webpage and clicking on the account's name. After that, go to your account's profile. Then, hover your mouse over the account's avatar and click on "Change". This should prompt a simple window to change your avatar.
If you are still unable to change your avatar, I can do it for you. I will just need a link to the picture and the account you wish to have it on.
Dark Jedi are welcomed at the Sith Empire. Keep in mind that most Sith would teach your character how to be a Sith, not just a dark side practitioner. If you do not wish to have your character taught as a Sith, seeking the guidance of a Dark Jedi Knight or Master, even if they are not in the faction, is one option.
If you have any other questions or concerns, do not be afraid to speak up.