Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The True Path Lost(Flint's Ha- Crew)

[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Tiam Bai"]

Flint ginned a bit. "Well, you certainly did end that situation early." He said as the ship began to come in sight. "As for the clearance, I don't mind you shaking your stick but if we ever have shall we say 'sensitive' cargo make sure to keep a low profile. Don't want anyone to remember us on quieter jobs." He said. Cat should have been able to get his meaning. He could hear Tiam's voice begin to pitch in, a bit groggily and faint.

"Well hey there Tiam. We're almost in the ship, let me get you on a couch." He said, as Kitt lowered the ramp. He carried her for maybe another half-minute before reaching the 'living' area and setting her down on the couch. Orders of pie and coolant packs came, and Flint headed to the conservator, pulling out a coolant pack and tossing it to the mechanic after he looked at her for a second. Making eye contact before tossing something at somebody was always a good idea.

"I'll be fine. Just a cut." He said, hiding a wince. Sure, his wound wasn't puncturing any organs or breaking any wounds, but it was starting to karking hurt now that things were settling down. Or maybe Flint was just a wimp and that's why he was a pilot instead of infantry back in the military. He hoped that wasn't the case.

"I've got the stuff for grape or apple. Any preferences?"

Catherine Romanov

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Tiam Bai"]

Catherine waved him off as he mentioned about the secretive hush-hush stuff. She smirked, saying "No worries about that captain, I'm not thick, my armour is." Grinning at Flint, she wondered if he got the message.

As Tiam began to rouse, she snorted a laugh at Kitt's choice of words. She'd called Tiam "Sunshine" which was ironic considering the fact that their box monkey had been trying to avoid the sun for as long as they were outdoors.

Back in the ship, Catherine strolled back to her bunk, opting to change into something more comfortable. Stripping off her armour, she hastily put on a grey tank top, and brown pants before making her way towards the 'living' area. Flint was asking "Apple or Grape" to which she answered confidently "Apple."
[member="Catherine Romanov"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Flint Michigan"]

Setting down on the couch with a small oomph, Tiam relaxed for a moment and nodded at the Captain. Hopefully he would clean his bloody and battered self up. No need to pass out again....right? Wait, that had been Kitt that had caused her little passing out spell though. No matter, blood was blood. Cool air was rushing in around her skin already, bringing an air of life back to her. Anything had to be better than the Tatooine heat.

"Pie? Security muscle can bake too?" Tiam was mildly impressed. At least they wouldn't be starving. As the fog started to clear from her mind, pale yellow eyes looked concerned. "Our shipment, did they finish? Is it aboard?"

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]

"Yeah, Cap, didn't know you baked too." She shot him a sly look. "And you already know about my preference for apple pies." She winced slightly, gingerly pressing the ice-pack against her elbow. Hiding what she could do in the force while trying to protect everyone with the force was actually very...exhausting. She needed some time to decompress. And possibly brood. And maybe fix some things.

Perfect excuse.

"I'm gonna go check on the, uh, power coupling panels to light support. I mean life support! Excuse me."

Popping into the shared room with Tiam, she grabbed her toolbelt and headed toward the life support systems just off the helm.
[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]

Truth be told the captain didn't really bake. But he'd attempt to figure it out and pretend he could, at least until someone figured out that he couldn't and relieved him. Taking out the unanimously desired apple pie mix and reading some directions he began searching for things and mixing them together. While he hadn't done anything excessively stupid yet the lack of speed in which he did things might indicate that he hadn't done this often.

"Yeah, they dropped it off. 95 tons of Bantha Wool and 5 tons of Tusken Raider Relics. Mostly those stick weapons they have, but there are some clothes and other trinkets. The contract and auto-print should be up on the table." He said and motioned a shoulder over to the datapad's general location as he continued stirrings wet ingredients and Kitt escaped to the depths of her shared quarters.

"Say Tiam, Cat. Y'all have been around the block a bit right? Any idea what this is worth?" He said and pulled out the amulet he'd won off the Gotal in sabacc then tossed it to likely less mobile Tiam. "Gotal seemed to value it quite a bit. Thinking we might be able to get some good credits off it if we can figure out what it is, and what kind of buyer we're looking for."
[member="Flint Michigan"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Catherine Romanov"]

Tiam was sitting up now -- listening about their cargo. She'd have to get up and check on it in a moment. No need to get up too early and pass out like a fool once more. Hopefully they wouldn't keep running into blood. Didn't need her fellow crewmates thinking she was some freakish dolt who couldn't stand the sight of a little blood. Apparently there was an amulet involved. Brow furrowed, thinking this was most likely the reason for the fight. Suddenly, jewelry flew through the air and she caught it, holding up the thing by its chain in the light. A small crystal could be seen inside but otherwise Tiam was drawing a blank. It was old and intricate.

"Dunno. Looks like it came from the Outer Rim to me....or somewhere with less than standard technology levels. Its old....but I think you already knew that"

Tiam pushed off the couch and made her way to Flint, handing it back. "Probably fetch a bit though. Let me check on that shipment..." Grabbing the shipment information off the counter, she slowly disappeared from view.

Catherine Romanov

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Tiam Bai"]

Scrutinising the amulet rather closely, she said "On the surface, the amulet looks nothing remarkable, but I can bet your arse that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to the actual value of the item. It looks rather similar to items made from the outer-rim, and I sure wouldn't be surprised if this clunky piece of jewelry secretly contained a certain charm or spell, judging from the way the Gotal treasured it."

Narrowing her eyes in thought she continued "This wasn't made in recent years, that's for sure. Items this old, especially jewelry usually hid secrets among them." Releasing a puff of air as she finished.
[member="Tiam Bai"] (Sorry) [member="Catherine Romanov"] (Sorry) [member="Kitt Solo"] (Shoulda skipped you a week ago :p)

Old, outer rim in origin. Maybe riddled with hidden secrets. That helped a bit. Meant it was valuable, at least to somebody. They were headed to an ecumenopolis to drop of their wares, could probably find someone to appraise it there.

"Thanks Tiam, Cat." He said as the Pantoran walked off and the mandalorian remained. Flint continued mixing sugar, cinnamon, apple into a filling. If anyone was watching they'd find he was short on sugar and putting in waaay too much cinnamon.

"Cat, mind taking us off and putting us a course for Lianna Metro while I'm getting this done?"

Catherine Romanov

"Lianna Metro?" Catherine pondered over what she knew about the place. "And an ecumenopolis huh? That's good, there should be someone there who would probably know what this is, or where it came from. I don't really like the look of it though. It seems to be giving off a creepy vibe that someones watching or something." The sooner we rid ourselves of this, the better. Shivering, she got up from her seat, and headed towards the bridge. Lianna Metro it is then.

From the bridge she yelled "I like cinnamon too!"

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Kitt Solo"]

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