Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
Of all the many hyperroutes pioneered by Jorus Merrill, this is but one -- a secret route, crossing borders and forsaking hyperlanes. Perhaps it was released as a challenge, perhaps for recruitment purposes, perhaps it was never meant to be released at all.
What's virtually certain is that a treasure, or a threat, lies at the end of the trail.
PM me your solution. Every correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a reward, and the first correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a unique reward, plus a unique tag. This is my first time trying my hand at one of these; if it's broken, I make no apologies.
Start at Contruum, unluckiest of worlds.
1. Hyperjump to waypoint 1, midway to Cholganna.
2. To find waypoint 2, proceed twice the distance from waypoint 1 to Erilnar, going to Erilnar and beyond.
3. To find waypoint 3, change course by ninety degrees to starboard, and proceed until you make planetfall at a point that intersects the line between Oberon and Zenith Prime.
4. To find waypoint 4, travel three-quarters of the way toward a system shared by two governments and a tragedy.
5. You find yourself in flight from overzealous Republic patrols and are forced to make an emergency jump to waypoint 5. Waypoint 5 is an equal distance from waypoint 4, Corellia, and Kwenn
6. Proceed to the fifth closest major faction capital world and take refuge there, at a little bar called 'Waypoint 6.'
7. Turn ninety degrees to starboard, and find waypoint 7 in orbit of a world named for a legendary man of action.
8. Proceed toward a world named for a legendary man of letters; your course will intersect waypoint 8. Waypoint 8 is in a system that lies more or less between the headquarters of Subach-Innes and an occupied world known for its honor.
9. Turn 75 degrees to port and find waypoint 9 by going halfway to the birthplace of a legendary man of action.
10. Your prize can be found by going a distance equal to half the distance between Coruscant and the galaxy' s farthest point from Coruscant. You must cross two factions and enter a third to find the birthplace of yet another legendary man of action. Pack warm.
PM me your solution. Every correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a reward, and the first correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a unique reward, plus a unique tag. This is my first time trying my hand at one of these; if it's broken, I make no apologies.
What's virtually certain is that a treasure, or a threat, lies at the end of the trail.
PM me your solution. Every correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a reward, and the first correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a unique reward, plus a unique tag. This is my first time trying my hand at one of these; if it's broken, I make no apologies.
Start at Contruum, unluckiest of worlds.
1. Hyperjump to waypoint 1, midway to Cholganna.
2. To find waypoint 2, proceed twice the distance from waypoint 1 to Erilnar, going to Erilnar and beyond.
3. To find waypoint 3, change course by ninety degrees to starboard, and proceed until you make planetfall at a point that intersects the line between Oberon and Zenith Prime.
4. To find waypoint 4, travel three-quarters of the way toward a system shared by two governments and a tragedy.
5. You find yourself in flight from overzealous Republic patrols and are forced to make an emergency jump to waypoint 5. Waypoint 5 is an equal distance from waypoint 4, Corellia, and Kwenn
6. Proceed to the fifth closest major faction capital world and take refuge there, at a little bar called 'Waypoint 6.'
7. Turn ninety degrees to starboard, and find waypoint 7 in orbit of a world named for a legendary man of action.
8. Proceed toward a world named for a legendary man of letters; your course will intersect waypoint 8. Waypoint 8 is in a system that lies more or less between the headquarters of Subach-Innes and an occupied world known for its honor.
9. Turn 75 degrees to port and find waypoint 9 by going halfway to the birthplace of a legendary man of action.
10. Your prize can be found by going a distance equal to half the distance between Coruscant and the galaxy' s farthest point from Coruscant. You must cross two factions and enter a third to find the birthplace of yet another legendary man of action. Pack warm.
PM me your solution. Every correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a reward, and the first correct answer for waypoint 10 will receive a unique reward, plus a unique tag. This is my first time trying my hand at one of these; if it's broken, I make no apologies.